コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: bjaminn/cswm
        private ulong GetPixelByName(string name)
            var    screen = Xlib.XDefaultScreen(this.display);
            XColor color  = new XColor();

            if (0 == Xlib.XParseColor(this.display, Xlib.XDefaultColormap(this.display, screen), name, ref color))
                Log.Error($"Invalid Color {name}");

            if (0 == Xlib.XAllocColor(this.display, Xlib.XDefaultColormap(this.display, screen), ref color))
                Log.Error($"Failed to allocate color {name}");

コード例 #2
        public RCode CreateWindowPane(VectorI2d vWindowPos, VectorI2d vWindowSize, bool bFullScreen)
            display    = Xlib.XOpenDisplay(null);
            screen     = Xlib.XDefaultScreen(display);
            root       = Xlib.XRootWindow(display, screen);
            mainWindow = Xlib.XCreateSimpleWindow(
                display, root,
                vWindowPos.x, vWindowPos.y,
                (uint)vWindowSize.x, (uint)vWindowSize.y, 1,
                Xlib.XBlackPixel(display, screen), Xlib.XWhitePixel(display, screen));

            EventMask eventMask =
                // Keyboard
                EventMask.KeyPressMask | EventMask.KeyReleaseMask |
                // Mouse
                EventMask.PointerMotionMask | EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask |
                // Window
                EventMask.FocusChangeMask | EventMask.EnterWindowMask | EventMask.LeaveWindowMask;

            Xlib.XSelectInput(display, mainWindow, eventMask);
            Xlib.XMapWindow(display, mainWindow);

            // Disable windows re-sizing
            XSizeHints sizeHints = new XSizeHints()
                flags      = XSizeHintsFlags.PMaxSize | XSizeHintsFlags.PMinSize,
                min_width  = vWindowSize.x,
                max_width  = vWindowSize.x,
                min_height = vWindowSize.y,
                max_height = vWindowSize.y

            XlibExt.XSetWMNormalHints(display, mainWindow, ref sizeHints);

            // Setup delete message when the user closes the window
            deleteWindowMessage = XlibExt.XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false);
            XlibExt.XSetWMProtocols(display, mainWindow, new Atom[] { deleteWindowMessage }, 1);

コード例 #3
        public Program(SimpleLogger.LogLevel level)
            Log = new SimpleLogger(level);
            Log.Info("Started class");
            /* areas to update */
            IntPtr updates, current_update;
            /* our virtual framebuffer image we draw into */
            IntPtr buffer;
            /* a font */
            IntPtr font;
            /* our color range */
            IntPtr range;
            /* our mouse x, y coordinates */
            int mouse_x = 0, mouse_y = 0;

            /* connect to X */
            disp = Xlib.XOpenDisplay(null);
            /* get default visual , colormap etc. you could ask imlib2 for what it */
            /* thinks is the best, but this example is intended to be simple */
            vis   = Xlib.XDefaultVisual(disp, Xlib.XDefaultScreen(disp));
            depth = Xlib.XDefaultDepth(disp, Xlib.XDefaultScreen(disp));
            cm    = Xlib.XDefaultColormap(disp, Xlib.XDefaultScreen(disp));
            /* create a window 640x480 */
            win = Xlib.XCreateSimpleWindow(disp, Xlib.XDefaultRootWindow(disp),
                                           0, 0, 640, 480, 0, 0, 0);

            OnError = ErrorHandler;
            /* tell X what events we are interested in */
            Xlib.XSelectInput(disp, win,
                              EventMask.ButtonPressMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask |
                              EventMask.KeyPressMask |
                              EventMask.PointerMotionMask | EventMask.ExposureMask);
            /* show the window */
            Xlib.XMapWindow(disp, win);

            /* set our cache to 2 Mb so it doesn't have to go hit the disk as long as */
            /* the images we use use less than 2Mb of RAM (that is uncompressed) */
            Imlib.imlib_set_cache_size(2048 * 1024);
            /* set the font cache to 512Kb - again to avoid re-loading */
            Imlib.imlib_set_font_cache_size(512 * 1024);
            /* add the ./ttfonts dir to our font path - you'll want a notepad.ttf */
            /* in that dir for the text to display */
            /* set the maximum number of colors to allocate for 8bpp and less to 128 */
            /* dither for depths < 24bpp */
            /* set the display , visual, colormap and drawable we are using */
            /* infinite event loop */

            Atom WM_DELETE_WINDOW = Xlib.XInternAtom(disp, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false);

            XSetWMProtocols(disp, win, out WM_DELETE_WINDOW, 1);

            IntPtr ev   = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(24 * sizeof(long));
            var    home = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME");

            var done = false;

            while (!done)
                /* image variable */
                IntPtr image;
                /* width and height values */
                int w, h, text_w, text_h;

                /* init our updates to empty */
                updates = Imlib.imlib_updates_init();
                /* while there are events form X - handle them */
                    Xlib.XNextEvent(disp, ev);
                    var xevent = Marshal.PtrToStructure <X11.XAnyEvent>(ev);
                    switch (xevent.type)
                    case (int)Event.ClientMessage:
                        // TODO Should check here for other client message types -
                        // however as the only protocol registered above is WM_DELETE_WINDOW
                        // it is safe for this small example.
                        done = true;
                        Console.WriteLine("Client Message");

                    case (int)Event.Expose:
                        /* window rectangle was exposed - add it to the list of */
                        /* rectangles we need to re-render */
                        var expose_event = Marshal.PtrToStructure <X11.XExposeEvent>(ev);

                        updates = Imlib.imlib_update_append_rect(updates,
                                                                 expose_event.x, expose_event.y,
                                                                 expose_event.width, expose_event.height);

                    case (int)Event.KeyPress:
                        /* if we click anywhere in the window, exit */
                        var key_event = Marshal.PtrToStructure <X11.XKeyEvent>(ev);

                        X11.KeySym key = Xlib.XKeycodeToKeysym(disp, (KeyCode)key_event.keycode, 0);

                        if (key == KeySym.XK_Escape)
                            Console.WriteLine($"{key} / {KeySym.XK_Escape}");
                            done = true;

                    case (int)Event.MotionNotify:
                        /* if the mouse moves - note it */
                        /* add a rectangle update for the new mouse position */
                        var motion_event = Marshal.PtrToStructure <X11.XMotionEvent>(ev);

                        image = Imlib.imlib_load_image($"{home}/.local/share/data/images/Arrow.png");
                        w = Imlib.imlib_image_get_width();
                        h = Imlib.imlib_image_get_height();
                        /* the old position - so we wipe over where it used to be */
                        updates = Imlib.imlib_update_append_rect(updates,
                                                                 mouse_x - (w / 2), mouse_y - (h / 2),
                                                                 w, h);
                        font = Imlib.imlib_load_font("Ubuntu-M/30");
                        if (font != IntPtr.Zero)
                            string text = String.Format($"Mouse is at {mouse_x}, {mouse_y}");
                            Imlib.imlib_get_text_size(text, out text_w, out text_h);
                            updates = Imlib.imlib_update_append_rect(updates,
                                                                     320 - (text_w / 2), 240 - (text_h / 2),
                                                                     text_w, text_h);

                        mouse_x = motion_event.x;
                        mouse_y = motion_event.y;
                        /* the new one */
                        updates = Imlib.imlib_update_append_rect(updates,
                                                                 mouse_x - (w / 2), mouse_y - (h / 2),
                                                                 w, h);
                        font = Imlib.imlib_load_font("Ubuntu-M/30");
                        if (font != IntPtr.Zero)
                            string text = String.Format($"Mouse is at {mouse_x}, {mouse_y}");
                            Imlib.imlib_get_text_size(text, out text_w, out text_h);
                            updates = Imlib.imlib_update_append_rect(updates,
                                                                     320 - (text_w / 2), 240 - (text_h / 2),
                                                                     text_w, text_h);

                        /* any other events - do nothing */
                }while (Xlib.XPending(disp) != 0);

                /* no more events for now ? ok - idle time so lets draw stuff */

                /* take all the little rectangles to redraw and merge them into */
                /* something sane for rendering */
                updates = Imlib.imlib_updates_merge_for_rendering(updates, 640, 480);
                for (current_update = updates;
                     current_update != IntPtr.Zero;
                     current_update = Imlib.imlib_updates_get_next(current_update))
                    int up_x, up_y, up_w, up_h;

                    /* find out where the first update is */
                                                        out up_x, out up_y, out up_w, out up_h);

                    /* create our buffer image for rendering this update */
                    buffer = Imlib.imlib_create_image(up_w, up_h);

                    /* we can blend stuff now */

                    /* fill the window background */
                    /* load the background image - you'll need to have some images */
                    /* in ./images lying around for this to actually work */
                    // image = Imlib.imlib_load_image("./data/images/bg.png");
                    image = Imlib.imlib_load_image($"{home}/.local/share/catlock/themes/badabing.locked.jpg");
                    /* we're working with this image now */
                    /* get its size */
                    w = Imlib.imlib_image_get_width();
                    h = Imlib.imlib_image_get_height();
                    /* now we want to work with the buffer */
                    /* if the iimage loaded */
                    if (image != IntPtr.Zero)
                        /* blend image onto the buffer and scale it to 640x480 */
                        Imlib.imlib_blend_image_onto_image(image, 0,
                                                           0, 0, w, h,
                                                           -up_x, -up_y, 640, 480);
                        /* working with the loaded image */
                        /* free it */

                    /* draw an icon centered around the mouse position */
                    image = Imlib.imlib_load_image($"{home}/.local/share/data/images/Arrow.png");
                    w = Imlib.imlib_image_get_width();
                    h = Imlib.imlib_image_get_height();
                    if (image != IntPtr.Zero)
                        Imlib.imlib_blend_image_onto_image(image, 0,
                                                           0, 0, w, h,
                                                           mouse_x - (w / 2) - up_x, mouse_y - (h / 2) - up_y, w, h);

                    /* draw a gradient on top of things at the top left of the window */
                    /* create a range */
                    range = Imlib.imlib_create_color_range();
                    /* add white opaque as the first color */
                    Imlib.imlib_context_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255);
                    /* add an orange color, semi-transparent 10 units from the first */
                    Imlib.imlib_context_set_color(255, 200, 10, 100);
                    /* add black, fully transparent at the end 20 units away */
                    Imlib.imlib_context_set_color(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    /* draw the range */
                    Imlib.imlib_image_fill_color_range_rectangle(-up_x, -up_y, 128, 128, -45.0);
                    /* free it */

                    /* draw text - centered with the current mouse x, y */
                    font = Imlib.imlib_load_font("Ubuntu-M/30");
                    if (font != IntPtr.Zero)
                        /* set the current font */
                        /* set the image */
                        /* set the color (black) */
                        Imlib.imlib_context_set_color(0, 0, 0, 255);
                        /* print text to display in the buffer */
                        string text = String.Format($"Mouse is at {mouse_x}, {mouse_y}");
                        /* query the size it will be */
                        Imlib.imlib_get_text_size(text, out text_w, out text_h);
                        /* draw it */
                        Imlib.imlib_text_draw(320 - (text_w / 2) - up_x, 240 - (text_h / 2) - up_y, text);
                        /* free the font */

                    /* don't blend the image onto the drawable - slower */
                    /* set the buffer image as our current image */
                    /* render the image at 0, 0 */
                    Imlib.imlib_render_image_on_drawable(up_x, up_y);
                    /* don't need that temporary buffer image anymore */
                /* if we had updates - free them */
                if (updates != IntPtr.Zero)
                /* loop again waiting for events */

            // Xlib.XFreeGC(disp, gc);
            Xlib.XDestroyWindow(disp, win);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Display.cs プロジェクト: ForNeVeR/pnet
        // Constructor.
        private Display(IntPtr dpy, String displayName, Application app)
            // Copy parameters in from the create process.
            this.dpy         = dpy;
            this.displayName = displayName;
            this.app         = app;

            // Create objects for each of the display screens.
            int nscreens = (int)(Xlib.XScreenCount(dpy));

            screens = new Screen [nscreens];
            for (int scr = 0; scr < nscreens; ++scr)
                screens[scr] = new Screen
                                   (this, scr, Xlib.XScreenOfDisplay(dpy, scr));

            // Get the index of the default screen.
            defaultScreen = (int)(Xlib.XDefaultScreen(dpy));

            // Create an array to hold the standard cursors.
            cursors = new XCursor [(int)(CursorType.XC_num_glyphs)];

            // Reset the time of the last known event.
            knownEventTime = XTime.CurrentTime;

            // Construct the window handle map if not already present.
            if (handleMap == null)
                handleMap = new HandleMap();

            // Initialize the standard window manager atoms that we use.
            wmProtocols = Xlib.XInternAtom
                              (dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", XBool.False);
            wmDeleteWindow = Xlib.XInternAtom
                                 (dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", XBool.False);
            wmTakeFocus = Xlib.XInternAtom
                              (dpy, "WM_TAKE_FOCUS", XBool.False);
            wmMwmHints = Xlib.XInternAtom
                             (dpy, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", XBool.False);
            wmContextHelp = Xlib.XInternAtom
                                (dpy, "_NET_WM_CONTEXT_HELP", XBool.False);
            wmState = Xlib.XInternAtom
                          (dpy, "WM_STATE", XBool.False);
            wmNetState = Xlib.XInternAtom
                             (dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE", XBool.False);
            wmPing = Xlib.XInternAtom
                         (dpy, "_NET_WM_PING", XBool.False);
            internalBeginInvoke = Xlib.XInternAtom
                                      (dpy, "INTERNAL_BEGIN_INVOKE", XBool.False);

            // Which buttons should we use for "Select" and "Menu"?
            byte[] buttons = new byte [5];
            if (Xlib.XGetPointerMapping(dpy, buttons, 5) == 3)
                menuButton = ButtonName.Button3;
                menuButton = ButtonName.Button2;
            selectButton = ButtonName.Button1;

            // Construct the font map.
            fonts = new Hashtable();

            // Load the builtin bitmaps.
            bitmaps = new BuiltinBitmaps(this);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: bjaminn/cswm
        private void UpdateWindowTitle(Window titlebar)
            var client = WindowIndexByTitle[titlebar].child;
            var name   = String.Empty;

            if (Xlib.XFetchName(this.display, client, ref name) != Status.Failure)
                Xlib.XDrawString(this.display, titlebar, Xlib.XDefaultGC(this.display, Xlib.XDefaultScreen(this.display)), 2, 13,
                                 name, name.Length);