コード例 #1
        private void GetXenServerPatches(XmlDocument xdoc)
            if (!_checkForPatches)

            foreach (XmlNode versions in xdoc.GetElementsByTagName(PatchesNode))
                foreach (XmlNode version in versions.ChildNodes)
                    string uuid               = "";
                    string name               = "";
                    string description        = "";
                    string guidance           = "";
                    string guidance_mandatory = "";
                    string patchVersion       = "";
                    string url              = "";
                    string patchUrl         = "";
                    string timestamp        = "";
                    string priority         = "";
                    string installationSize = "";
                    string downloadSize     = "";

                    foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in version.Attributes)
                        if (attrib.Name == "uuid")
                            uuid = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "name-label")
                            name = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "name-description")
                            description = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "after-apply-guidance")
                            guidance = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "guidance-mandatory")
                            guidance_mandatory = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "version")
                            patchVersion = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "url")
                            url = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "patch-url")
                            patchUrl = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "timestamp")
                            timestamp = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "priority")
                            priority = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "installation-size")
                            installationSize = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "download-size")
                            downloadSize = attrib.Value;

                    var conflictingPatches = GetPatchDependencies(version, ConflictingPatchesNode, ConflictingPatchNode);
                    var requiredPatches    = GetPatchDependencies(version, RequiredPatchesNode, RequiredPatchNode);

                    XenServerPatches.Add(new XenServerPatch(uuid, name, description, guidance, guidance_mandatory, patchVersion, url,
                                                            patchUrl, timestamp, priority, installationSize, downloadSize, conflictingPatches, requiredPatches));
コード例 #2
        private void GetXenServerVersions(XmlDocument xdoc)
            if (!_checkForServerVersion && !_checkForPatches)

            foreach (XmlNode versions in xdoc.GetElementsByTagName(XenServerVersionsNode))
                foreach (XmlNode version in versions.ChildNodes)
                    string version_oem     = "";
                    string name            = "";
                    bool   is_latest       = false;
                    bool   is_latest_cr    = false;
                    string url             = "";
                    string timestamp       = "";
                    string buildNumber     = "";
                    string patchUuid       = "";
                    bool   presentAsUpdate = false;
                    string minXcVersion    = "";

                    foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in version.Attributes)
                        if (attrib.Name == "value")
                            version_oem = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "name")
                            name = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "latest")
                            is_latest = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant();
                        else if (attrib.Name == "latestcr")
                            is_latest_cr = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant();
                        else if (attrib.Name == "url")
                            url = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "timestamp")
                            timestamp = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "build-number")
                            buildNumber = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "patch-uuid")
                            patchUuid = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "present-as-update")
                            presentAsUpdate = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant();
                        else if (attrib.Name == "minimum-xc-version")
                            minXcVersion = attrib.Value;

                    List <XenServerPatch> patches        = new List <XenServerPatch>();
                    List <XenServerPatch> minimalPatches = null; //keep it null to indicate that there is no a minimalpatches tag

                    foreach (XmlNode childnode in version.ChildNodes)
                        if (childnode.Name == "minimalpatches")
                            minimalPatches = new List <XenServerPatch>();

                            foreach (XmlNode minimalpatch in childnode.ChildNodes)
                                if (minimalpatch.Name != "patch")

                                XenServerPatch mp = XenServerPatches.Find(p => string.Equals(p.Uuid, minimalpatch.Attributes["uuid"].Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                                if (mp == null)

                        if (childnode.Name == "patch")
                            XenServerPatch patch = XenServerPatches.Find(item => string.Equals(item.Uuid, childnode.Attributes["uuid"].Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                            if (patch == null)

                    XenServerVersions.Add(new XenServerVersion(version_oem, name, is_latest, is_latest_cr, url, patches, minimalPatches, timestamp,
                                                               buildNumber, patchUuid, presentAsUpdate, minXcVersion));
コード例 #3
        private void GetXenServerVersions(XmlDocument xdoc)
            if (!_checkForServerVersion && !_checkForPatches)

            foreach (XmlNode versions in xdoc.GetElementsByTagName(XenServerVersionsNode))
                foreach (XmlNode version in versions.ChildNodes)
                    string version_oem = "";
                    string name        = "";
                    bool   is_latest   = false;
                    string url         = "";
                    string timestamp   = "";
                    string buildNumber = "";

                    foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in version.Attributes)
                        if (attrib.Name == "value")
                            version_oem = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "name")
                            name = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "latest")
                            is_latest = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant();
                        else if (attrib.Name == "url")
                            url = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "timestamp")
                            timestamp = attrib.Value;
                        else if (attrib.Name == "build-number")
                            buildNumber = attrib.Value;

                    List <XenServerPatch> patches = new List <XenServerPatch>();

                    foreach (XmlNode childnode in version.ChildNodes)
                        if (childnode.Name != "patch")
                        XenServerPatch patch = XenServerPatches.Find(item => item.Uuid == childnode.Attributes["uuid"].Value);
                        if (patch == null)

                    XenServerVersions.Add(new XenServerVersion(version_oem, name, is_latest, url, patches, timestamp,