/// <summary>Bind the shader, 'ic' indicates the shader instance has changed and 'ec' indicates the extension has changed.</summary><param name="state"/><param name="ic"/><param name="ec"/><param name="ext"/> protected override void BeginImpl(Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderSystemBase state, bool ic, bool ec, Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension ext) { // if the device changed, call Warm() if ((state.DeviceUniqueIndex != Tutorial16.gd)) { this.WarmShader(state); ic = true; } // Force updating if the instance has changed this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | ic); this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | ic); this.vbreg_change = (this.vbreg_change | ic); this.vireg_change = (this.vireg_change | ic); // Set the value for attribute 'worldViewProj' this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetWorldViewProjectionMatrix(ref this.vreg[0], ref this.vreg[1], ref this.vreg[2], ref this.vreg[3], ref this.sc0)); // Set the value for global 'colour' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector4(ref this.preg[0], Tutorial16.gid0, ref this.gc0)); if ((this.vreg_change == true)) { Tutorial16.fx.vs_c.SetValue(this.vreg); this.vreg_change = false; ic = true; } if ((this.preg_change == true)) { Tutorial16.fx.ps_c.SetValue(this.preg); this.preg_change = false; ic = true; } if ((ext == Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension.Blending)) { ic = (ic | state.SetBlendMatricesDirect(Tutorial16.fx.vsb_c, ref this.sc1)); } if ((ext == Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension.Instancing)) { this.vireg_change = (this.vireg_change | state.SetViewProjectionMatrix(ref this.vireg[0], ref this.vireg[1], ref this.vireg[2], ref this.vireg[3], ref this.sc2)); if ((this.vireg_change == true)) { Tutorial16.fx.vsi_c.SetValue(this.vireg); this.vireg_change = false; ic = true; } } // Finally, bind the effect if ((ic | ec)) { state.SetEffect(this, ref Tutorial16.fx, ext); } }
/// <summary>Bind the shader, 'ic' indicates the shader instance has changed and 'ec' indicates the extension has changed.</summary><param name="state"/><param name="ic"/><param name="ec"/><param name="ext"/> protected override void BeginImpl(Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderSystemBase state, bool ic, bool ec, Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension ext) { // if the device changed, call Warm() if ((state.DeviceUniqueIndex != Character.gd)) { this.WarmShader(state); ic = true; } // Force updating if the instance has changed this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | ic); this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | ic); this.vbreg_change = (this.vbreg_change | ic); this.vireg_change = (this.vireg_change | ic); // Set the value for attribute 'viewPoint' this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetViewPointVector4(ref this.vreg[12], ref this.sc0)); // Set the value for attribute 'world' this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetWorldMatrix(ref this.vreg[8], ref this.vreg[9], ref this.vreg[10], ref this.vreg[11], ref this.sc1)); // Set the value for attribute 'worldViewProj' this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetWorldViewProjectionMatrix(ref this.vreg[4], ref this.vreg[5], ref this.vreg[6], ref this.vreg[7], ref this.sc2)); // Set the value for global 'ShadowMapProjection' this.vreg_change = (this.vreg_change | state.SetGlobalMatrix4(ref this.vreg[0], ref this.vreg[1], ref this.vreg[2], ref this.vreg[3], Character.gid0, ref this.gc0)); // Set the value for global 'AmbientDiffuseSpecularScale' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector3(ref this.preg[15], Character.gid1, ref this.gc1)); // Set the value for global 'EnvironmentSH' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector4(this.preg, 0, 9, Character.gid2, ref this.gc2)); // Set the value for global 'RgbmImageRenderScale' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector2(ref this.preg[9], Character.gid3, ref this.gc3)); // Set the value for global 'ShadowMapSize' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector2(ref this.preg[10], Character.gid4, ref this.gc4)); // Set the value for global 'SkinLightScatter' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector3(ref this.preg[11], Character.gid5, ref this.gc5)); // Set the value for global 'SunDirection' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector3(ref this.preg[13], Character.gid6, ref this.gc6)); // Set the value for global 'SunRgbIntensity' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector4(ref this.preg[12], Character.gid7, ref this.gc7)); // Set the value for global 'SunSpecularPowerIntensity' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector2(ref this.preg[14], Character.gid8, ref this.gc8)); // Set the value for global 'UseAlbedoOcclusionShadow' this.preg_change = (this.preg_change | state.SetGlobalVector3(ref this.preg[16], Character.gid9, ref this.gc9)); // Assign global textures this.CubeRgbmTexture = state.GetGlobalTextureCube(Character.tid0); this.ShadowTexture = state.GetGlobalTexture2D(Character.tid1); // Assign pixel shader textures and samplers if ((ic | this.ptc)) { state.SetPixelShaderSamplers(this.ptx, this.pts); this.ptc = false; } if ((this.vreg_change == true)) { Character.fx.vs_c.SetValue(this.vreg); this.vreg_change = false; ic = true; } if ((this.preg_change == true)) { Character.fx.ps_c.SetValue(this.preg); this.preg_change = false; ic = true; } if ((ext == Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension.Blending)) { ic = (ic | state.SetBlendMatricesDirect(Character.fx.vsb_c, ref this.sc3)); } if ((ext == Xen.Graphics.ShaderSystem.ShaderExtension.Instancing)) { this.vireg_change = (this.vireg_change | state.SetViewProjectionMatrix(ref this.vireg[0], ref this.vireg[1], ref this.vireg[2], ref this.vireg[3], ref this.sc4)); if ((this.vireg_change == true)) { Character.fx.vsi_c.SetValue(this.vireg); this.vireg_change = false; ic = true; } } // Finally, bind the effect if ((ic | ec)) { state.SetEffect(this, ref Character.fx, ext); } }