public void ExportToWord(Docx.DocX doc) { // Skip encrypted scenes. var scenes = Scenes.Where(i => !i.IsEncrypted).OrderBy(i => i.SortIndex).ToList(); if (scenes.Count > 0) { // Export chapter name. Xceed.Document.NET.Paragraph chapterHeader = doc.InsertParagraph(); chapterHeader.StyleId = "Heading1"; chapterHeader.Append(Model.Name); doc.InsertParagraph(); doc.InsertParagraph(); doc.InsertParagraph(); for (int i = 0; i < scenes.Count; i++) { SceneViewModel scene = scenes[i]; scene.ExportToWord(doc); if (i < Scenes.Count - 1) { Xceed.Document.NET.Paragraph p = doc.InsertParagraph(); p.StyleId = "SceneBreak"; p.Append("\n*\t\t*\t\t*\n"); } } doc.Paragraphs.Last().InsertPageBreakAfterSelf(); } }
private void CreateSixthParagraph(string developerReference) { Xceed.Document.NET.Paragraph developer = document.InsertParagraph("\t6. Разработчик: "). Font("Times New Roman"). FontSize(12). Bold(); developer.Append(developerReference).Font("Times New Roman").FontSize(12); }
private void CreateFifthParagraph(bool isExam, bool isTest) { Xceed.Document.NET.Paragraph controlForms = document.InsertParagraph("\t5. Форма контроля: "). Font("Times New Roman"). FontSize(12). Bold(); if (isTest && isExam) { controlForms.Append("зачёт/экзамен.").Font("Times New Roman").FontSize(12); } else if (isExam || !isExam && !isTest) { controlForms.Append("экзамен.").Font("Times New Roman").FontSize(12); } else if (isTest) { controlForms.Append("зачёт.").Font("Times New Roman").FontSize(12); } }
private void CreateSecondParagraph(int creditUnits) { Xceed.Document.NET.Paragraph disciplineScope = document.InsertParagraph("\t2. Объем дисциплины: "). Font("Times New Roman"). FontSize(12). Bold(); if (creditUnits != 0) { disciplineScope.Append(ChangeDeclination(creditUnits)). Font("Times New Roman"). FontSize(12); } }
public void ExportToWord(Docx.DocX doc) { // Format title page of the document. Xceed.Document.NET.Paragraph p = doc.InsertParagraph(); p.Append("\n\n" + Model.Name); p.StyleId = "Title"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Subtitle)) { p = doc.InsertParagraph(); p.Append(Model.Subtitle); p.StyleId = "Subtitle"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Author)) { p = doc.InsertParagraph(); p.Append("\n\n" + Model.Author); p.StyleId = "Subtitle"; } p.InsertPageBreakAfterSelf(); // Insert copyright page. if (Model.FlowDocumentId.HasValue) { FlowDocument copyrightFd = new FlowDocument(Model.Connection); = Model.FlowDocumentId.Value; copyrightFd.Load(); FlowDocumentViewModel copyrightVm = new FlowDocumentViewModel(copyrightFd, DialogOwner); foreach (WinDoc.Block block in copyrightVm.Document.Blocks) { if (block is WinDoc.Paragraph) { FlowDocumentExporter.AddParagraph((WinDoc.Paragraph)block, doc); } } p.InsertPageBreakAfterSelf(); } // Insert eBook table of contents. // This doesn't make sense to me. Xceed's documentation says "A key-value dictionary where the key is a TableOfContentSwitches // and the value is the parameter of the switch." // I have no idea what the string values are supposed to be. Empty strings seem to work. Dictionary <Xceed.Document.NET.TableOfContentsSwitches, string> tocParams = new Dictionary <Xceed.Document.NET.TableOfContentsSwitches, string>(); tocParams[Xceed.Document.NET.TableOfContentsSwitches.H] = ""; // TOC entries are clickable hyperlinks. tocParams[Xceed.Document.NET.TableOfContentsSwitches.N] = ""; // Omits page numbers. tocParams[Xceed.Document.NET.TableOfContentsSwitches.Z] = ""; // Hides tab leader and page numbers...? tocParams[Xceed.Document.NET.TableOfContentsSwitches.U] = ""; // Uses the applied paragraph outline level...? Xceed.Document.NET.TableOfContents toc = doc.InsertTableOfContents("Table of Contents", tocParams); doc.Paragraphs.Last().InsertPageBreakAfterSelf(); for (int i = 0; i < Chapters.Count; i++) { ChapterViewModel chapter = Chapters[i]; chapter.ExportToWord(doc); } }
public static void AddInline(Inline inline, Xceed.Document.NET.Paragraph p, Xceed.Document.NET.Formatting inheritFormat = null) { if (inline is Run) { Run run = (Run)inline; Xceed.Document.NET.Formatting f = new Xceed.Document.NET.Formatting(); Color c = (run.Foreground as SolidColorBrush).Color; f.FontColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B); f.FontFamily = new Xceed.Document.NET.Font(run.FontFamily.Source); if (run.FontWeight == FontWeights.Bold) { f.Bold = true; } if (run.FontStyle == FontStyles.Italic) { f.Italic = true; } foreach (var dec in run.TextDecorations) { if (dec.Location == TextDecorationLocation.Underline) { f.UnderlineStyle = Xceed.Document.NET.UnderlineStyle.singleLine; f.UnderlineColor = f.FontColor; } } f.Size = run.FontSize; if (inheritFormat != null) { f = inheritFormat; } p.Append(run.Text, f); } else if (inline is Span) { Span span = (Span)inline; Xceed.Document.NET.Formatting f = new Xceed.Document.NET.Formatting(); Color c = (span.Foreground as SolidColorBrush).Color; f.FontColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B); f.FontFamily = new Xceed.Document.NET.Font(span.FontFamily.Source); if (span.FontWeight == FontWeights.Bold) { f.Bold = true; } if (span.FontStyle == FontStyles.Italic) { f.Italic = true; } foreach (var dec in span.TextDecorations) { if (dec.Location == TextDecorationLocation.Underline) { f.UnderlineStyle = Xceed.Document.NET.UnderlineStyle.singleLine; f.UnderlineColor = f.FontColor; } } f.Size = span.FontSize; if (inheritFormat != null) { f = inheritFormat; } foreach (var spanInline in span.Inlines) { AddInline(spanInline, p, f); } } }