public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 9: if (_suppliers == null) { _suppliers = new XbimSet <IfcActorSelect>(this); } _suppliers.Add((IfcActorSelect)value.EntityVal); break; case 10: _usageRatio = value.RealVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Adds the load groups to the LoadedBy Property /// </summary> /// <param name="loads"></param> public void SetLoadedBy(params IfcStructuralLoadGroup[] loads) { if (LoadedBy == null) { _loadedBy = new XbimSet <IfcStructuralLoadGroup>(this); } foreach (var load in loads) { _loadedBy.Add(load); } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 2: _hasQuantities.Add((IfcPhysicalQuantity)value.EntityVal); break; case 3: _discrimination = value.StringVal; break; case 4: _quality = value.StringVal; break; case 5: _usage = value.StringVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 4: _Width = value.IntegerVal; break; case 5: _Height = value.IntegerVal; break; case 6: _ColourComponents = value.IntegerVal; break; case 7: _Pixel.Add(value.HexadecimalVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 5: _ApplicableDates.Add((IfcDateTimeSelect)value.EntityVal); break; case 6: _TimeSeriesScheduleType = (IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum), value.EnumVal); break; case 7: _TimeSeries = (IfcTimeSeries)value.EntityVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 4: _layerOn = value.BooleanVal; break; case 5: _layerFrozen = value.BooleanVal; break; case 6: _layerBlocked = value.BooleanVal; break; case 7: _layerStyles.Add((IfcPresentationStyleSelect)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 5: _identifier = (IfcIdentifier)value.StringVal; break; case 6: _creationDate = (IfcDateTimeSelect)value.EntityVal; break; case 7: _creators.Add((IfcPerson)value.EntityVal); break; case 8: _purpose = value.StringVal; break; case 9: _duration = value.RealVal; break; case 10: _totalFloat = value.RealVal; break; case 11: _startTime = (IfcDateTimeSelect)value.EntityVal; break; case 12: _finishTime = (IfcDateTimeSelect)value.EntityVal; break; case 13: _workControlType = (IfcWorkControlTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcWorkControlTypeEnum), value.EnumVal, true); break; case 14: _userDefinedControlType = value.StringVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { if (propIndex == 0) { _cfsFaces.Add((IfcFace)value.EntityVal); } else { this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { if (propIndex == 0) { _sbsmBoundary.Add((IfcShell)value.EntityVal); } else { this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { if (propIndex == 0) { _contents.Add((IfcDraughtingCalloutElement)value.EntityVal); } else { this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _TextureMaps.Add((IfcVertexBasedTextureMap)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
void IPersistIfc.IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _Coordinates.Add(value.RealVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _contents.Add((IfcDraughtingCalloutElement)(value.EntityVal)); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _EdgeList.Add((IfcOrientedEdge)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 6: _yieldStress = value.RealVal; break; case 7: _ultimateStress = value.RealVal; break; case 8: _ultimateStrain = value.RealVal; break; case 9: _hardeningModule = value.RealVal; break; case 10: _proportionalStress = value.RealVal; break; case 11: _plasticStrain = value.RealVal; break; case 12: if (_relaxations == null) { _relaxations = new XbimSet <IfcRelaxation>(this); } _relaxations.Add((IfcRelaxation)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
void IPersistIfc.IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _TextureVertices.Add((IfcTextureVertex)value.EntityVal); break; case 1: _TexturePoints.Add((IfcCartesianPoint)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
void IPersistIfc.IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _lightDistributionCurve = (IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum), value.EnumVal, true); break; case 1: _distributionData.Add((IfcLightDistributionData)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 1: _voids.Add((IfcClosedShell)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _Mode = value.StringVal; break; case 1: _Parameter.Add((IfcSimpleValue)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Initialise the Document Reference list and add passed IfcDocumentReference objects to list /// </summary> /// <param name="clear">if true will clear existing list if existing</param> /// <param name="ifcDocumentReferences">IfcDocumentReference objects as list or ',' separated parameters</param> public XbimSet <IfcDocumentReference> SetDocumentReferences(bool clear, params IfcDocumentReference[] ifcDocumentReferences) { if (_documentReferences == null) { _documentReferences = new XbimSet <IfcDocumentReference>(this); } else if (clear) { _documentReferences.Clear(); } foreach (IfcDocumentReference ifcDocumentReference in ifcDocumentReferences) { _documentReferences.Add(ifcDocumentReference); } return(_documentReferences); }
/// <summary> /// Initialise the Editors List and add passed IfcActorSelect objects to list /// </summary> /// <param name="clear">if true will clear existing list if existing</param> /// <param name="ifcActorSelects">IfcActorSelect objects as list or ',' separated parameters</param> public XbimSet <IfcActorSelect> SetEditors(bool clear, params IfcActorSelect[] ifcActorSelects) { if (_editors == null) { _editors = new XbimSet <IfcActorSelect>(this); } else if (clear) { _editors.Clear(); } foreach (IfcActorSelect ifcActorSelect in ifcActorSelects) { _editors.Add(ifcActorSelect); } return(_editors); }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 4: _relatedObjects.Add((IfcRoot)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 1: _side = (IfcSurfaceSide)Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcSurfaceSide), value.EnumVal, true); break; case 2: _styles.Add((IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
void IPersistIfc.IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _mainPlaneAngle = value.RealVal; break; case 1: _secondaryPlaneAngle.Add(value.RealVal); break; case 2: _luminousIntensity.Add(value.RealVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _TilingPattern = (IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor)value.EntityVal; break; case 1: _Tiles.Add((IfcFillAreaStyleTileShapeSelect)value.EntityVal); break; case 2: _TilingScale = value.RealVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: _item = (IfcRepresentationItem)value.EntityVal; break; case 1: _styles.Add((IfcPresentationStyleAssignment)value.EntityVal); break; case 2: _name = value.StringVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 2: _profiles.Add((IfcProfileDef)value.EntityVal); break; case 3: _label = value.StringVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 5: _InventoryType = (IfcInventoryTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(IfcInventoryTypeEnum), value.EnumVal); break; case 6: _Jurisdiction = (IfcActorSelect)value.EntityVal; break; case 7: _ResponsiblePersons.Add((IfcPerson)value.EntityVal); break; case 8: _LastUpdateDate = (IfcCalendarDate)value.EntityVal; break; case 9: _CurrentValue = (IfcCostValue)value.EntityVal; break; case 10: _OriginalValue = (IfcCostValue)value.EntityVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 6: _overridingProperties.Add((IfcProperty)value.EntityVal); break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); }
public override void IfcParse(int propIndex, IPropertyValue value) { switch (propIndex) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: base.IfcParse(propIndex, value); break; case 4: _relatedElements.Add((IfcProduct)value.EntityVal); break; case 5: _relatingStructure = (IfcSpatialStructureElement)value.EntityVal; break; default: this.HandleUnexpectedAttribute(propIndex, value); break; } }