public IXamlIlAstNode Transform(XamlIlAstTransformationContext context, IXamlIlAstNode node) { if (node is XamlIlPropertyAssignmentNode pa && pa.Property.Name == "Name" && pa.Property.DeclaringType.FullName == "Avalonia.StyledElement") { if (context.ParentNodes().FirstOrDefault() is XamlIlManipulationGroupNode mg && mg.Children.OfType <AvaloniaNameScopeRegistrationXamlIlNode>().Any()) { return(node); } IXamlIlAstValueNode value = null; for (var c = 0; c < pa.Values.Count; c++) { if (pa.Values[c].Type.GetClrType().Equals(context.Configuration.WellKnownTypes.String)) { value = pa.Values[c]; if (!(value is XamlIlAstTextNode)) { var local = new XamlIlAstCompilerLocalNode(value); // Wrap original in local initialization pa.Values[c] = new XamlIlAstLocalInitializationNodeEmitter(value, value, local); // Use local value = local; } break; } } if (value != null) { return new XamlIlManipulationGroupNode(pa) { Children = { pa, new AvaloniaNameScopeRegistrationXamlIlNode(value, context.GetAvaloniaTypes()) } } } ; } if (!context.ParentNodes().Any() && node is XamlIlValueWithManipulationNode mnode) { mnode.Manipulation = new XamlIlManipulationGroupNode(mnode, new[] { mnode.Manipulation, new HandleRootObjectScopeNode(mnode, context.GetAvaloniaTypes()) }); } return(node); }
public IXamlIlAstNode Transform(XamlIlAstTransformationContext context, IXamlIlAstNode node) { if (node is XamlIlAstClrProperty prop) { var n = prop.Name + "Property"; var field = prop.DeclaringType.Fields .FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == n); if (field != null) { return(new XamlIlAvaloniaProperty(prop, field, context.GetAvaloniaTypes())); } } return(node); }
public static IXamlIlAvaloniaPropertyNode CreateNode(XamlIlAstTransformationContext context, string propertyName, IXamlIlAstTypeReference selectorTypeReference, IXamlIlLineInfo lineInfo) { XamlIlAstNamePropertyReference forgedReference; var parser = new PropertyParser(); var parsedPropertyName = parser.Parse(new CharacterReader(propertyName.AsSpan())); if (parsedPropertyName.owner == null) { forgedReference = new XamlIlAstNamePropertyReference(lineInfo, selectorTypeReference, propertyName, selectorTypeReference); } else { var xmlOwner = parsedPropertyName.ns; if (xmlOwner != null) { xmlOwner += ":"; } xmlOwner += parsedPropertyName.owner; var tref = XamlIlTypeReferenceResolver.ResolveType(context, xmlOwner, false, lineInfo, true); var propertyFieldName = + "Property"; var found = tref.Type.GetAllFields() .FirstOrDefault(f => f.IsStatic && f.IsPublic && f.Name == propertyFieldName); if (found == null) { throw new XamlIlParseException( $"Unable to find {propertyFieldName} field on type {tref.Type.GetFullName()}", lineInfo); } return(new XamlIlAvaloniaPropertyFieldNode(context.GetAvaloniaTypes(), lineInfo, found)); } var clrProperty = ((XamlIlAstClrProperty) new XamlIlPropertyReferenceResolver().Transform(context, forgedReference)); return(new XamlIlAvaloniaPropertyNode(lineInfo, context.Configuration.TypeSystem.GetType("Avalonia.AvaloniaProperty"), clrProperty)); }
public IXamlIlAstNode Transform(XamlIlAstTransformationContext context, IXamlIlAstNode node) { if (node is XamlIlAstObjectNode on) { foreach (var ch in on.Children) { if (ch is XamlIlAstXamlPropertyValueNode pn && pn.Property.GetClrProperty().Getter?.ReturnType.Equals(context.GetAvaloniaTypes().Transitions) == true) { for (var c = 0; c < pn.Values.Count; c++) { pn.Values[c] = new AvaloniaXamlIlTargetTypeMetadataNode(pn.Values[c], on.Type, AvaloniaXamlIlTargetTypeMetadataNode.ScopeTypes.Transitions); } } } } return(node); }
public IXamlIlAstNode Transform(XamlIlAstTransformationContext context, IXamlIlAstNode node) { if (!(node is XamlIlAstObjectNode on && on.Type.GetClrType().FullName == "Avalonia.Styling.Setter")) { return(node); } var parent = context.ParentNodes().OfType <XamlIlAstObjectNode>() .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type.GetClrType().FullName == "Avalonia.Styling.Style"); if (parent == null) { throw new XamlIlParseException( "Avalonia.Styling.Setter is only valid inside Avalonia.Styling.Style", node); } var selectorProperty = parent.Children.OfType <XamlIlAstXamlPropertyValueNode>() .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Property.GetClrProperty().Name == "Selector"); if (selectorProperty == null) { throw new XamlIlParseException( "Can not find parent Style Selector", node); } var selector = selectorProperty.Values.FirstOrDefault() as XamlIlSelectorNode; if (selector?.TargetType == null) { throw new XamlIlParseException( "Can not resolve parent Style Selector type", node); } var property = @on.Children.OfType <XamlIlAstXamlPropertyValueNode>() .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Property.GetClrProperty().Name == "Property"); if (property == null) { throw new XamlIlParseException("Setter without a property is not valid", node); } var propertyName = property.Values.OfType <XamlIlAstTextNode>().FirstOrDefault()?.Text; if (propertyName == null) { throw new XamlIlParseException("Setter.Property must be a string", node); } var avaloniaPropertyNode = XamlIlAvaloniaPropertyHelper.CreateNode(context, propertyName, new XamlIlAstClrTypeReference(selector, selector.TargetType, false), property.Values[0]); property.Values = new List <IXamlIlAstValueNode> { avaloniaPropertyNode }; var valueProperty = on.Children .OfType <XamlIlAstXamlPropertyValueNode>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Property.GetClrProperty().Name == "Value"); if (valueProperty?.Values?.Count == 1 && valueProperty.Values[0] is XamlIlAstTextNode) { var propType = avaloniaPropertyNode.AvaloniaPropertyType; if (!XamlIlTransformHelpers.TryGetCorrectlyTypedValue(context, valueProperty.Values[0], propType, out var converted)) { throw new XamlIlParseException( $"Unable to convert property value to {propType.GetFqn()}", valueProperty.Values[0]); } valueProperty.Property = new SetterValueProperty(valueProperty.Property, on.Type.GetClrType(), propType, context.GetAvaloniaTypes()); } return(node); }