コード例 #1
 public override void EnterClassVarList([NotNull] XSharpParser.ClassVarListContext context)
     if (context.DataType != null && currentClass != null)
         var fieldType = BuildDataType(context.DataType);
         foreach (var varContext in context._Var)
             var field = new XCodeMemberField();
             field.Name       = varContext.Id.GetText();
             field.Type       = fieldType;
             field.Attributes = this.classVarModifiers;
             if (varContext.Initializer != null)
                 field.InitExpression = BuildExpression(varContext.Initializer, false);
             FillCodeDomDesignerData(field, varContext.Start.Line, varContext.Start.Column);
コード例 #2
 public override void EnterClassVarList([NotNull] XSharpParser.ClassVarListContext context)
     if (context.DataType != null && currentClass != null)
         var fieldType = BuildDataType(context.DataType);
         foreach (var varContext in context._Var)
             var field = new XCodeMemberField();
             field.Name       = varContext.Id.GetText();
             field.Type       = fieldType;
             field.Attributes = this.classVarModifiers;
             if (varContext.Initializer != null)
                 if (varContext.Initializer is XSharpParser.PrimaryExpressionContext)
                     XSharpParser.PrimaryContext ctx = ((XSharpParser.PrimaryExpressionContext)varContext.Initializer).Expr;
                     if (ctx is XSharpParser.LiteralExpressionContext)
                         XSharpParser.LiteralExpressionContext lit = (XSharpParser.LiteralExpressionContext)ctx;
                         field.InitExpression = BuildLiteralValue(lit.Literal);
                     field.InitExpression = BuildSnippetExpression(varContext.Initializer.GetText());
             FillCodeDomDesignerData(field, varContext.Start.Line, varContext.Start.Column);
コード例 #3
        public override void EnterClassVarList([NotNull] XSharpParser.ClassVarListContext context)
            XSharpParser.ClassVarListContext current = (XSharpParser.ClassVarListContext)context;
            // structure is:

             * classvars			: (Attributes=attributes)? (Modifiers=classvarModifiers)? Vars=classVarList eos
             *                  ;
             * classVarList		: Var+=classvar (COMMA Var+=classvar)* (As=(AS | IS) DataType=datatype)?
             *                  ;
             * classvar			: (Dim=DIM)? Id=identifier (LBRKT ArraySub=arraysub RBRKT)? (ASSIGN_OP Initializer=expression)?
             *                  ;
            // we want to include the stop position of the datatype in the classvar
            // so we set the range to the whole classvarlist
            var parent = context.Parent as XSharpParserRuleContext;
            int count, currentVar;

            count      = current._Var.Count;
            currentVar = 0;
            foreach (var varContext in current._Var)
                var mods = _currentVarStatic ? Modifiers.Static : Modifiers.None;
                // when many variables then the first one is from the start of the line until the
                // end of its name, and the others start with the start of their name
                // the last one finishes at the end of the line
                currentVar += 1;
                var start = parent.Start;       // LOCAL keyword or GLOBAL keyword
                var stop  = current.Stop;       // end of this line (datatype clause)
                if (currentVar > 1)
                    start = varContext.Start;
                if (currentVar < count) // end at this variable name
                    stop = varContext.Stop;
                var    interval = new TextInterval(start.StartIndex, stop.StopIndex);
                string typeName = current.DataType != null?current.DataType.GetText() : "USUAL";

                XTypeMember newClassVar = new XTypeMember(varContext.Id.GetText(),
                                                          Kind.Field, mods, this._currentVarVisibility,
                                                          new TextRange(start.Line, start.Column, stop.Line, stop.Column + stop.Text.Length),
                                                          interval, typeName, _currentVarStatic);
                newClassVar.File    = this._file;
                newClassVar.IsArray = varContext.Dim != null;
                bool bAdd = true;
                // Suppress classvars generated by errors in the source
                if (_errors != null)
                    foreach (var err in _errors)
                        if (err.Span.Start.Line == newClassVar.Range.StartLine - 1)
                            bAdd = false;
                if (bAdd)