void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string values = string.Empty; string values1 = string.Empty; //criteria = String.Format("AND [EReceiptsDate] >='{0}' AND [EReceiptsDate]<= '{1}' ", string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy 00:00:00}", dtpfrm.Value), string.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy 23:59:59}", dtpTo.Value)); if (cboAgencyTest.EditValue == null || cboAgencyTest.EditValue.ToString() != "") { object[] lol = cboAgencyTest.EditValue.ToString().Split(','); int i = 0; foreach (object obj in lol) { values += string.Format("{0}", obj.ToString().Trim()); if (i + 1 < lol.Count()) { values += ","; } ++i; } //criteria += String.Format(" AND AgencyCode in ({0})", values); } if (cboRevenueEdt.EditValue == null || cboRevenueEdt.EditValue.ToString() != "") { object[] lol = cboRevenueEdt.EditValue.ToString().Split(','); int i = 0; foreach (object obj in lol) { values1 += string.Format("{0}", obj.ToString().Trim()); if (i + 1 < lol.Count()) { values1 += ","; } ++i; } //criteria += String.Format(" AND RevenueCode in ({0})", values1); } try { SplashScreenManager.ShowForm(this, typeof(WaitForm1), true, true, false); using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doReprintMainfest", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@AgencyCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = values.ToString(); _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StartDate", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd 00:00:00}", dtpfrm.Value); _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@enddate", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd 23:59:59}", dtpTo.Value); _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RevenueCode", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = values1.ToString(); _command.CommandTimeout = 0; using (System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet()) { ds.Clear(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(ds, "CollectionReportTable"); //Dts = ds.Tables[0]; connect.Close(); //dtResult = ds; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { if (ds.Tables[1] != null && ds.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)//Unreceipted manifest { //dbCrDebit = ds.Tables[5]; //using (System.Data.DataSet dds = new System.Data.DataSet("DsCollectionReport")) //{ // using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter(query, Logic.ConnectionString)) // { //ada.Fill(dds, "CollectionReportTable"); XRepManifest repManifest = new XRepManifest { DataSource = ds.Tables[1], DataAdapter = adp, DataMember = "CollectionReportTable", RequestParameters = false }; repManifest.xrLabel10.Text = Program.UserID; //OGUN STATE GOVERNMENTre repManifest.logoPath = Logic.logopth; repManifest.xrLabel9.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repManifest.ShowPreviewDialog(); // } //} } else { Common.setMessageBox("No Record Found!!!!!!", "Agency Mainfest", 2); return; } } else { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(String.Format("{0}{1}", ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString(), ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnMessage"].ToString())); return; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(String.Format("{0}{1}", ex.StackTrace, ex.Message)); return; } finally { SplashScreenManager.CloseForm(false); } }
void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XRepManifest repManifest = new XRepManifest(); repManifest.ShowPreviewDialog(); }
void Bttn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sender == btnSelect) { //if (checkedComboBoxEdit1.EditValue.ToString() == null || checkedComboBoxEdit1.EditValue.ToString() == "") //{ // Common.setEmptyField("Printed Batches ", Program.ApplicationName); // checkedComboBoxEdit1.Focus(); return; //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtSearch.Text.ToString())) { Common.setMessageBox("Receipt Number", Program.ApplicationName, 3); return; } else { try { SQL = String.Format("SELECT BatchNumber FROM Receipt.tblCollectionReceipt where EReceipts ='{0}'", txtSearch.Text.Trim());; BatchNumber = (new Logic()).ExecuteScalar(SQL); } catch (Exception ex) { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(String.Format("Search Receipt for Mainfest with EReceipts number...{0}{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchNumber)) { var vquery = String.Format(@"SELECT [ID] , [Provider] , [Channel] , Collection.tblCollectionReport.[PaymentRefNumber] , [DepositSlipNumber] , CONVERT(VARCHAR,CONVERT(DATE,[PaymentDate]),103) AS PaymentDate, [PayerID] , UPPER([PayerName]) AS [PayerName], [Amount] , [PaymentMethod] , [ChequeNumber] , [ChequeValueDate] , [ChequeStatus] , [DateChequeReturned] , [TelephoneNumber] , [ReceiptNo] , [PayerAddress] , [User] , [RevenueCode] , [Description] , [ChequeBankCode] , [ChequeBankName] , [AgencyName] , [AgencyCode] , [BankCode] , [BankName] , [BranchCode] , [BranchName] , [ZoneCode] , [ZoneName] , [Username] , [AmountWords] , Collection.tblCollectionReport.[EReceipts] , Collection.tblCollectionReport.[EReceiptsDate] , [GeneratedBy] , Receipt.tblCollectionReceipt.[UploadStatus] , [PrintedBY] , [ControlNumber] , [BatchNumber] , Collection.tblCollectionReport.[StationCode] ,(SELECT TOP 1 StationName FROM Receipt.tblStation WHERE StationCode=StationCode) AS [StationName],IsPrintedDate AS ReceiptDate FROM Collection.tblCollectionReport INNER JOIN Receipt.tblCollectionReceipt ON Collection.tblCollectionReport.PaymentRefNumber = Receipt.tblCollectionReceipt.PaymentRefNumber WHERE Receipt.tblCollectionReceipt.BatchNumber in ('{0}') ORDER BY Collection.tblCollectionReport.AgencyCode , Collection.tblCollectionReport.RevenueCode, Collection.tblCollectionReport.EReceipts", BatchNumber); try { using (System.Data.DataSet dds = new System.Data.DataSet("DsCollectionReport")) { using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter(vquery, Logic.ConnectionString)) { ada.Fill(dds, "CollectionReportTable"); XRepManifest repManifest = new XRepManifest { DataSource = dds, DataAdapter = ada, DataMember = "CollectionReportTable", RequestParameters = false }; repManifest.xrLabel10.Text = Program.UserID; repManifest.logoPath = Logic.logopth; repManifest.xrLabel12.Text = "MANIFEST OF PRINTED RECEIPTS"; repManifest.xrLabel9.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repManifest.ShowPreviewDialog(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(String.Format("Calling Report with Batch number...., {0}{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace)); return; } } else { Common.setMessageBox("Receipt Number does not Exist !", Program.ApplicationName, 3); } } } }
private void BtnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ManifestID"] == DBNull.Value) { Common.setMessageBox(" Manifest Not created yet !", Program.ApplicationName, 1); return; } else { try { SplashScreenManager.ShowForm(this, typeof(WaitForm1), true, true, false); using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("ApplyManifest", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; //_command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userid", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = // Program.UserID; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@tblCollectionReport_Manifest", SqlDbType.Structured)).Value = ds.Tables[0]; _command.CommandTimeout = 0; System.Data.DataSet response = new System.Data.DataSet(); //adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); //adp.Fill(response); ada = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); ada.Fill(response); connect.Close(); if (response.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { using (System.Data.DataSet dds = new System.Data.DataSet("DsCollectionReport")) { //using (SqlDataAdapter ada = new SqlDataAdapter(query, Logic.ConnectionString)) //{ //ada.Fill(dds, "CollectionReportTable"); XRepManifest repManifest = new XRepManifest { DataSource = response.Tables[1], DataAdapter = ada, DataMember = "CollectionReportTable", RequestParameters = false }; repManifest.xrLabel10.Text = Program.UserID; repManifest.logoPath = Logic.logopth; repManifest.xrLabel9.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); repManifest.ShowPreviewDialog(); //} } } else { } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace.ToString()); return; } finally { SplashScreenManager.CloseForm(false); } } }
private void BttnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SplashScreenManager.ShowForm(this, typeof(WaitForm1), true, true, false); System.Data.DataSet response = new System.Data.DataSet(); using (SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(Logic.ConnectionString)) { connect.Open(); _command = new SqlCommand("doTCOReportManifest", connect) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@start", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00}", DTPDateselect.Value.Date); _command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@enddate", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59}", DTPDateselect.Value.Date); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(_command); adp.Fill(response, "CollectionReportTable"); connect.Close(); if (response.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnCode"].ToString() == "00") { XRepManifest repManifest = new XRepManifest(); XtraRepPayment payment = new XtraRepPayment(); XtraRepPayment Reprint = new XtraRepPayment(); XtraRepReversal Reversal = new XtraRepReversal(); XRepManifest UnReceipt = new XRepManifest(); XtraRepUnreceipted Unreceipted = new XtraRepUnreceipted(); if (response.Tables[1] != null && response.Tables[1].Rows.Count > 0)//Main Manifest { repManifest.DataSource = response.Tables[1]; repManifest.DataAdapter = adp; repManifest.DataMember = "CollectionReportTable"; repManifest.RequestParameters = false; //}; repManifest.xrLabel10.Text = Program.UserID; repManifest.xrLabel9.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); //repManifest.ShowPreviewDialog(); repManifest.CreateDocument(); if (response.Tables[2] != null && response.Tables[2].Rows.Count > 0)//unreceipted receipt Manifest { //UnReceipt.DataSource = response.Tables[2]; //UnReceipt.DataAdapter = adp; //UnReceipt.DataMember = "CollectionReportTable"; //UnReceipt.RequestParameters = false; //UnReceipt.xrLabel10.Text = Program.UserID; //UnReceipt.xrLabel12.Text = "MANIFEST OF UNRECEIPTED "; //UnReceipt.xrLabel9.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", // Program.StateName.ToUpper()); //UnReceipt.CreateDocument(); Unreceipted.DataSource = response.Tables[2]; Unreceipted.DataAdapter = adp; Unreceipted.DataMember = "CollectionReportTable"; Unreceipted.RequestParameters = false; Unreceipted.xrLabel10.Text = Program.UserID; Unreceipted.xrLabel2.Text = "(BANK BRANCH)"; Unreceipted.xrLabel12.Text = "MANIFEST OF UNRECEIPTED PAYMENT"; Unreceipted.xrLabel9.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); //Unreceipted.ShowPreviewDialog(); //return; Unreceipted.CreateDocument(); } if (checkEdit1.Checked) ///payment { if (response.Tables[3] != null && response.Tables[3].Rows.Count > 0) //Payment Change Manifest { var listresult = (from DataRow row in response.Tables[3].Rows select new DataSet.Main { PaymentRefNumber = row["PaymentRefNumber"] as string, PayerName = row["PayerName"] as string, Receipt = row["EReceipts"] as string, ApprovalDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["ApprovalDate"]), OldValue = row["OldRecord"] as string, ApprovalBy = row["ApprovalBy"] as string, NewValue = row["NewRecord"] as string, Description = row["Description"] as string, Type = row["Type"] as string, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Amount"]) }).ToList(); //XtraRepPayment payment = new XtraRepPayment(); payment.xrLabel10.Text = "Amended Receipts"; payment.xrLabel24.Text = Program.UserID; payment.xrLabel2.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); payment.DataSource = listresult; payment.CreateDocument(); } } if (checkEdit2.Checked) //Reprint { if (response.Tables[4] != null && response.Tables[4].Rows.Count > 0) //Reprint Manifest { var listresult = (from DataRow row in response.Tables[4].Rows select new DataSet.Main { PaymentRefNumber = row["PaymentRefNumber"] as string, Receipt = row["EReceipts"] as string, ApprovalDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["ApprovalDate"]), OldValue = row["OldRecord"] as string, ApprovalBy = row["ApprovalBy"] as string, NewValue = row["NewRecord"] as string, Description = row["Description"] as string, Type = row["Type"] as string, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Amount"]) }).ToList(); //XtraRepPayment payment = new XtraRepPayment(); Reprint.xrLabel10.Text = "Reprinted Receipts"; Reprint.xrLabel24.Text = Program.UserID; Reprint.xrLabel2.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); Reprint.DataSource = listresult; Reprint.CreateDocument(); } } if (checkEdit3.Checked) //Reseveral { if (response.Tables[5] != null && response.Tables[5].Rows.Count > 0) //Reversal receipt Manifest { var listresult = (from DataRow row in response.Tables[5].Rows select new DataSet.Reversal { PaymentRefNumber = row["PaymentRefNumber"] as string, Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(row["Amount"]), Receipt = row["EReceipts"] as string, Type = row["Type"] as string, Description = row["Description"] as string, PayerName = row["PayerName"] as string, PaymentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["PaymentDate"]), AgencyName = row["AgencyName"] as string, User = row["User"] as string, Bankname = row["Bankname"] as string, DepositSlipNumber = row["DepositSlipNumber"] as string } ); Reversal.xrLabel10.Text = "Reversal"; Reversal.xrLabel24.Text = Program.UserID; Reversal.xrLabel9.Text = string.Format("{0} STATE GOVERNMENT", Program.StateName.ToUpper()); Reversal.DataSource = listresult; Reversal.CreateDocument(); } } if (response.Tables[2] != null && response.Tables[2].Rows.Count > 0) { repManifest.Pages.AddRange(Unreceipted.Pages); } if (checkEdit1.Checked)///payment { if (response.Tables[3] != null && response.Tables[3].Rows.Count > 0) { repManifest.Pages.AddRange(payment.Pages); } } if (checkEdit2.Checked)//Reprint { if (response.Tables[4] != null && response.Tables[4].Rows.Count > 0) { repManifest.Pages.AddRange(Reprint.Pages); } } if (checkEdit3.Checked) //Reseveral { if (response.Tables[5] != null && response.Tables[5].Rows.Count > 0) //Unreceipted manifest { repManifest.Pages.AddRange(Reversal.Pages); } } // Reset all page numbers in the resulting document. repManifest.PrintingSystem.ContinuousPageNumbering = true; // Show the Print Preview form. repManifest.ShowPreviewDialog(); } else { Common.setMessageBox("No Record Found for selected Period", "TCO Report", 2); return; } } else { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(response.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnMessage"].ToString()); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tripous.Sys.ErrorBox(ex.Message); return; } finally { SplashScreenManager.CloseForm(false); } }