コード例 #1
        /* Add Phone API
         *  Associating a line with the phone.
         * ( mandatory tags only used to add a phone)
         * ##Values in the method are hardcoded please modify accordingly to make it work###
        private static void callAddPhone(AXLAPIService axlApiService)
            AddPhoneReq addPhoneReq = new AddPhoneReq();

            addPhoneReq.phone             = new XPhone();
            addPhoneReq.phone.name        = "SEP170000100002";
            addPhoneReq.phone.description = "Adding Phone thru .Net Client";
            addPhoneReq.phone.product     = "Cisco 7960";
            addPhoneReq.phone.@class      = "Phone";

            addPhoneReq.phone.protocol     = "SCCP";
            addPhoneReq.phone.protocolSide = "User";

            XFkType xfktype = new XFkType();

            xfktype.Value = "Default";
            addPhoneReq.phone.devicePoolName = xfktype;

            xfktype       = new XFkType();
            xfktype.Value = "Standard Common Phone Profile";
            addPhoneReq.phone.commonPhoneConfigName = xfktype;

            xfktype       = new XFkType();
            xfktype.Value = "Hub_None";
            addPhoneReq.phone.locationName = xfktype;

            addPhoneReq.phone.useTrustedRelayPoint = "Default";

            addPhoneReq.phone.lines       = new XPhoneLines();
            addPhoneReq.phone.lines.Items = new XPhoneLine[1];
            XPhoneLine line = new XPhoneLine();

            line.index   = "5";
            line.display = "Line1";
            //existing directory number
            line.dirn                    = new XDirn();
            line.dirn.pattern            = "11233";
            xfktype                      = new XFkType();
            xfktype.Value                = "AXL-RP";
            line.dirn.routePartitionName = xfktype;
            addPhoneReq.phone.lines.Items.SetValue(line, 0);

            StandardResponse res2 = axlApiService.addPhone(addPhoneReq);

            Console.WriteLine("end of the addPhoneReq" + res2.@return);
コード例 #2
        /*To modify CSS and update line
         * ##Values in the method are hardcoded please modify accordingly to make it work###
        private static void callUpdatePhoneToModifyCSS(AXLAPIService axlApiService)
            UpdatePhoneReq request = new UpdatePhoneReq();

            request.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType32.name;
            request.Item            = "SEP100000100003";
            XFkType xfkType = new XFkType();

            xfkType.Value = "AXL-CSS0";
            request.callingSearchSpaceName = xfkType;
            request.lines       = new UpdatePhoneReqLines();
            request.lines.Items = new XPhoneLine[1];
            XPhoneLine line = new XPhoneLine();

            line.index   = "2";
            line.display = "Line32";
            //existing directory number
            line.dirn                    = new XDirn();
            line.dirn.pattern            = "10002";
            xfkType                      = new XFkType();
            xfkType.Value                = "AXL-RP";
            line.dirn.routePartitionName = xfkType;
            request.lines.Items.SetValue(line, 0);

            xfkType                     = new XFkType();
            xfkType.Value               = "Standard 7960 SCCP";
            request.phoneTemplateName   = xfkType;
            xfkType                     = new XFkType();
            xfkType.Value               = "Cisco 7960 - Standard SCCP Non-Secure Profile";
            request.securityProfileName = xfkType;
            xfkType                     = new XFkType();
            xfkType.Value               = "Default";
            request.devicePoolName      = xfkType;

            StandardResponse response = axlApiService.updatePhone(request);

            Console.WriteLine("Successfully executed    AXL Update Phone using  UpdatePhoneReq" + response.@return);