コード例 #1
        public void InsertXMapBaseLayers(LayerCollection layers, XMapMetaInfo meta, string profile)
            var baseLayer = new TiledLayer("Background")
                TiledProvider = new ExtendedXMapTiledProvider(meta.Url, meta.User, meta.Password)
                    ContextKey = "in case of context key",
                    CustomProfile = profile + "-bg",
                Copyright = meta.CopyrightText,
                Caption = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Background),
                IsBaseMapLayer = true,
                Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Background.png"),

            var labelLayer = new UntiledLayer("Labels")
                UntiledProvider = new XMapTiledProvider(
                    meta.Url, XMapMode.Town)
                    User = meta.User, Password = meta.Password, ContextKey = "in case of context key",
                    CustomProfile = profile + "-fg",
                Copyright = meta.CopyrightText,
                MaxRequestSize = meta.MaxRequestSize,
                Caption = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Labels),
                Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Labels.png"),

コード例 #2
        public static void InsertDataManagerLayer(this Map map, XMapMetaInfo xMapMetaInfo, string layerName, string layerId, string layerCaption, int minZoom = 0, bool markerIsBalloon = false)
            var layer = new XMapLayer(layerName, xMapMetaInfo.Url, xMapMetaInfo.User, xMapMetaInfo.Password)
                Caption = layerCaption,
                MaxRequestSize = new System.Windows.Size(2048, 2048),
                MinLevel = minZoom,
                Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/POI.png"),
                CustomXMapLayers = new xserver.Layer[] {
                    new xserver.SMOLayer
                        name = layerId + "." + layerId,
                        // Request REFERENCEPOINT based object information to provide tool tips on the icons.
                        objectInfos = xserver.ObjectInfoType.REFERENCEPOINT,
                        visible = true
                Profile = "ajax-av",
                CustomCallerContextProperties = new[] { new CallerContextProperty
                    key = "ProfileXMLSnippet", value = "/profiles/datamanager/xmap/" + layerId
                } },
                MarkerIsBalloon = markerIsBalloon,
                GetToolTipFromLayerObject = o => o.descr.Split('#')[1].Trim('|').Replace("|", "\n")

コード例 #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Setting all relevant information for a PTV xServer, consisting of an URL and, in case of an on-premise xServer installation,
            /// an customer-provided xToken. The internally available user-password-pair is not used due to its visibility during sending
            /// requests to the xServer.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="url">URL of the xServer installation.</param>
            /// <param name="xToken">Value provided to the customer, which grants access only to the xServer API, and no further
            /// rights in the context of the internal user management.</param>
            /// <returns>False if the settings denied access due to a wrong URL address or authentication data, otherwise true.</returns>
            public static bool Set(string url, string xToken)
                    #region doc:CheckConnection
                    var newXMapMetaInfo = new XMapMetaInfo(url);
                    newXMapMetaInfo.SetCredentials("xtok", xToken);
                    newXMapMetaInfo.CheckCredentials("xtok", xToken); // causes an exception if something goes wrong

                    XMapMetaInfo = newXMapMetaInfo;
                    IsOk         = true;
                    ErrorMessage = string.Empty;

                    // Save settings for the next session
                    Properties.Settings.Default.XUrl   = url;
                    Properties.Settings.Default.XToken = xToken;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    IsOk         = false;
                    ErrorMessage = exception.Message;

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper class that returns a region for an xServer meta info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">The meta info class</param>
        /// <returns>The region</returns>
        public static Region GetRegion(this XMapMetaInfo info)
            var regex   = new Regex(@"xmap-([a-z]+-[hnt](?:-test|-integration)?)\.cloud\.ptvgroup\.com", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            var match   = regex.Match(info.Url);
            var cluster = (match.Success) ? match.Groups[1].ToString() : String.Empty;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cluster))

            if (cluster.Contains("eu-n") || cluster.Contains("eu-t"))
            else if (cluster.Contains("na-n") || cluster.Contains("na-t"))
            else if (cluster.Contains("au-n") || cluster.Contains("au-t"))
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a road editor layer into the map. At the very base, "Truck Attributes" is road editor content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The new road editor layer will be inserted into this map instance, used as an extension.</param>
        /// <param name="xMapMetaInfo">Meta information, containing the xMap Server URL and authentication information, needed for layer access.</param>
        /// <param name="layerName">The name used in the map control to identify the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="xmapName">The xMap Server layer name</param>
        /// <param name="xmapProfile">The xMap Server profile to use. See remarks below.</param>
        /// <param name="layerCaption">The layer caption, used e.g. in the quick settings of the map control.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Due to a restriction of xMap Server, road editor rendering is dependent on the street layer and requires
        /// the street layer to be visible. If the street layer is invisible, the road editor content will be invisible
        /// also. By default, the provider used by XMapLayer turns the street layer off, so it must explicitly be enabled
        /// through XMapLayer.CustomXMapLayers. As a side effect, enabling the street layer makes its contents visible in
        /// the map. To hide this content, to display only the road editor content, a special rendering profile will
        /// usually be used. For this reason this method provides an additional profile parameter where the rendering
        /// profile can be specified.
        /// The demo server incorporated into this sample was deployed with the necessary profiles to display Truck
        /// Attributes correctly. The xMap Server profile along with its rendering profile can be viewed / downloaded
        /// using the following management console links:
        /// xMap profile:
        /// https://xroute-eu-n-test.cloud.ptvgroup.com/xroute/rrxmap/pages/viewConfFileFormatted.jsp?name=xmap-truckattributes.properties
        /// Corresponding rendering profile:
        /// https://xroute-eu-n-test.cloud.ptvgroup.com/xroute//rrxmap/pages/viewConfFileFormatted.jsp?name=truckattributes.ini
        /// </remarks>
        public static void InsertRoadEditorLayer(this Map map, XMapMetaInfo xMapMetaInfo, string layerName, string xmapName, string xmapProfile, string layerCaption)
            var roadEditorLayer = new XMapLayer(layerName, xMapMetaInfo.Url, xMapMetaInfo.User, xMapMetaInfo.Password)
                Caption          = layerCaption,
                Profile          = xmapProfile,
                MaxRequestSize   = new System.Windows.Size(2048, 2048),
                MinLevel         = 14,
                Icon             = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/RoadEditor.png"),
                CustomXMapLayers = new Layer[] {
                    new RoadEditorLayer {
                        // Road Editor element. Request REFERENCEPOINT based object
                        // information to provide tool tips on the signs.
                        name = xmapName,
                        // Request REFERENCEPOINT based object information to
                        // provide tool tips on the signs.
                        objectInfos = ObjectInfoType.REFERENCEPOINT,
                        visible     = true
                    new StaticPoiLayer {
                        // see remarks above about street layer element
                        name        = "street",
                        visible     = true,
                        category    = -1,
                        detailLevel = 0

コード例 #6
        public void InsertXMapBaseLayers(LayerCollection layers, XMapMetaInfo meta, string profile)
            var baseLayer = new TiledLayer("Background")
                TiledProvider = new ExtendedXMapTiledProvider(meta.Url, meta.User, meta.Password)
                    ContextKey    = "in case of context key",
                    CustomProfile = profile + "-bg"
                Copyright      = meta.CopyrightText,
                Caption        = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Background),
                IsBaseMapLayer = true,
                Icon           = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Background.png")

            var labelLayer = new UntiledLayer("Labels")
                UntiledProvider = new XMapTiledProvider(
                    meta.Url, XMapMode.Town)
                    User          = meta.User, Password = meta.Password, ContextKey = "in case of context key",
                    CustomProfile = profile + "-fg"
                Copyright      = meta.CopyrightText,
                MaxRequestSize = meta.MaxRequestSize,
                Caption        = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Labels),
                Icon           = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Labels.png")

コード例 #7
        private void InitMapLayers()
            Map.SetMapLocation(new System.Windows.Point(8.4044, 49.01405), 14);


            var meta = new XMapMetaInfo("https://api-test.cloud.ptvgroup.com/xmap/ws/XMap");

            meta.SetCredentials("xtok", token);
            XMapLayerFactory.InsertXMapBaseLayers(Map.Layers, meta);
            Map.XMapStyle = "gravelpit";

            xynLayer = new XynLayer(meta, "xyn", "XYN Segments")
                UntiledProvider = new XMapTiledProvider(meta.Url, XMapMode.Custom)
                    User     = meta.User,
                    Password = meta.Password,


            Map.MouseDown += Map_MouseDown;
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the meta info from xServer
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private XMapMetaInfo GetMetaInfo()
            // the tools class XMapMetaInfo contains the information required to intialize the xServer layers
            // When instantiated with the url, it tries to read the attribution text and the maximum request size from the xMap configuration
            // var meta = new XMapMetaInfo(""); // custom xmap with reverse proxy

            var meta = new XMapMetaInfo("https://xmap-eu-n-test.cloud.ptvgroup.com/xmap/ws/XMap"); // xServer internet
            meta.SetCredentials("xtok", "561677741926322"); // set the basic authentication properties, e.g. xtok/token for xserver internet

            return meta;
コード例 #9
        public XynLayer(XMapMetaInfo meta, string layerName, string layerCaption)
            : base(layerName)
            // note: the class XMapTiledProvider implements both the interface for tiled and non-tiled layers!
            UntiledProvider = new XMapTiledProvider(meta.Url, XMapMode.Custom)
                User     = meta.User,
                Password = meta.Password,

            Caption  = layerCaption;
            MinLevel = 4;
            Icon     = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/RoadEditor.png");
コード例 #10
        private void InitMapLayers()
            const string cluster = "eu-n-test";

            Map.SetMapLocation(new Point(9.182778, 48.775556), 12);

            var xmapMetaInfo = new XMapMetaInfo("https://xmap-" + cluster + ".cloud.ptvgroup.com/xmap/ws/XMap");

            xmapMetaInfo.SetCredentials("xtok", "Insert your xToken here");
            InsertXMapBaseLayers(Map.Layers, xmapMetaInfo, "gravelpit");

            Map.InsertTrafficInfoLayer(xmapMetaInfo, "Traffic", "traffic.ptv-traffic", "Traffic information");
            Map.InsertRoadEditorLayer(xmapMetaInfo, "TruckAttributes", "truckattributes", "truckattributes", "Truck attributes");
            Map.InsertPoiLayer(xmapMetaInfo, "Poi", "default.points-of-interest", "Points of interest");
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the xMapServer base layers, i.e. the background layers for areas like forests, rivers, population areas, et al,
        /// and their corresponding labels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layers">The LayerCollection instance, used as an extension. </param>
        /// <param name="meta">Meta information for xMapServer, further details can be seen in the <see cref="XMapMetaInfo"/> description. </param>
        public static void InsertXMapBaseLayers(this LayerCollection layers, XMapMetaInfo meta)
            var baseLayer = new TiledLayer(BackgroundLayerName)
                TiledProvider  = new XMapTiledProvider(meta.Url, meta.User, meta.Password, XMapMode.Background),
                Copyright      = meta.CopyrightText,
                Caption        = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Background),
                IsBaseMapLayer = true,
                Icon           = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Background.png")

            if (BaseLayerSuccessor != null && layers[BaseLayerSuccessor] != null)
                layers.Insert(layers.IndexOf(layers[BaseLayerSuccessor]), baseLayer);
                // add tile layer
                BaseLayerSuccessor = null;

            // don't add overlay layer for Decarta-powered maps (basemap is completely rendered on tiles)
            if (XServerUrl.IsDecartaBackend(meta.Url))

            var labelLayer = new UntiledLayer(LabelsLayerName)
                UntiledProvider = new XMapTiledProvider(meta.Url, meta.User, meta.Password, XMapMode.Town),
                MaxRequestSize  = meta.MaxRequestSize,
                Caption         = MapLocalizer.GetString(MapStringId.Labels),
                Icon            = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/Labels.png")

            if (LabelLayerPredecessor != null && layers[LabelLayerPredecessor] != null && layers.IndexOf(layers[LabelLayerPredecessor]) < layers.Count)
                layers.Insert(layers.IndexOf(layers[LabelLayerPredecessor]) + 1, labelLayer);
                // add label layer
                LabelLayerPredecessor = null;
コード例 #12
        public void Initialize(Map map)

            string adjustedUrl = AdjustedUrl();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adjustedUrl))

            var xmapMetaInfo = new XMapMetaInfo(adjustedUrl);

            if (XMapCredentials?.Contains(":") ?? false)
                var userPassword = XMapCredentials.Split(':');
                xmapMetaInfo.SetCredentials(userPassword[0], userPassword[1]);
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a POI layer into the map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The new POI layer will be inserted into this map instance, used as an extension.</param>
        /// <param name="xMapMetaInfo">Meta information, containing the xMap Server URL and authentication information, needed for layer access.</param>
        /// <param name="layerName">The name used in the map control to identify the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="xmapName">The xMap Server layer name. See remarks below.</param>
        /// <param name="layerCaption">The layer caption, for example used in the quick settings of the map control.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The POI layer does not require a special profile. xmapName has to be provided in the form 
        /// &lt;configuration&gt;.&lt;layername&gt;[.&lt;profile&gt;][;&lt;SQL Filter&gt;] as specified by xMap Server. Please 
        /// refer to the xMap Server documentation for details.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void InsertPoiLayer(this Map map, XMapMetaInfo xMapMetaInfo, string layerName, string xmapName, string layerCaption)
            var layer = new XMapLayer(layerName, xMapMetaInfo.Url, xMapMetaInfo.User, xMapMetaInfo.Password)
                Caption = layerCaption,
                MaxRequestSize = new System.Windows.Size(2048, 2048),
                MinLevel = 14,
                Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/POI.png"),
                CustomXMapLayers = new xserver.Layer[] {
                    new xserver.SMOLayer
                        name = xmapName,
                        // Request REFERENCEPOINT based object information to provide tool tips on the icons.
                        objectInfos = xserver.ObjectInfoType.REFERENCEPOINT,
                        visible = true

コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a Traffic Information layer into the map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The new Traffic Information layer will be inserted into this map instance, used as an extension.</param>
        /// <param name="xMapMetaInfo">Meta information, containing the xMap Server URL and authentication information, needed for layer access.</param>
        /// <param name="layerName">The name used in the map control to identify the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="xmapName">The xMap Server layer name. See remarks below.</param>
        /// <param name="layerCaption">The layer caption, used e.g. in the quick settings of the map control.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The Traffic Information layer does not require a special profile. Note that the layer requests
        /// object information of type xserver.ObjectInfoType.FULLGEOMETRY to enable tool tips along the
        /// lines displayed.
        /// xmapName has to be provided in the form &lt;configuration&gt;.&lt;layername&gt;[.&lt;profile&gt;][;&lt;SQL Filter&gt;] as
        /// specified by xMap Server. Please refer to the xMap Server documentation for details.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void InsertTrafficInfoLayer(this Map map, XMapMetaInfo xMapMetaInfo, string layerName, string xmapName, string layerCaption)
            var layer = new XMapLayer(layerName, xMapMetaInfo.Url, xMapMetaInfo.User, xMapMetaInfo.Password)
                Caption          = layerCaption,
                MaxRequestSize   = new System.Windows.Size(2048, 2048),
                MinLevel         = 10,
                CustomXMapLayers = new Layer[] {
                    new SMOLayer
                        name = xmapName,
                        // request object information of type FULLGEOMETRY
                        // to enable tool tips along the lines displayed.
                        objectInfos = ObjectInfoType.FULLGEOMETRY,
                        visible     = true

コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a POI layer into the map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The new POI layer will be inserted into this map instance, used as an extension.</param>
        /// <param name="xMapMetaInfo">Meta information, containing the xMap Server URL and authentication information, needed for layer access.</param>
        /// <param name="layerName">The name used in the map control to identify the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="xmapName">The xMap Server layer name. See remarks below.</param>
        /// <param name="layerCaption">The layer caption, for example used in the quick settings of the map control.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The POI layer does not require a special profile. xmapName has to be provided in the form
        /// &lt;configuration&gt;.&lt;layername&gt;[.&lt;profile&gt;][;&lt;SQL Filter&gt;] as specified by xMap Server. Please
        /// refer to the xMap Server documentation for details.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void InsertPoiLayer(this Map map, XMapMetaInfo xMapMetaInfo, string layerName, string xmapName, string layerCaption)
            var layer = new XMapLayer(layerName, xMapMetaInfo.Url, xMapMetaInfo.User, xMapMetaInfo.Password)
                Caption          = layerCaption,
                MaxRequestSize   = new System.Windows.Size(2048, 2048),
                MinLevel         = 14,
                Icon             = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/POI.png"),
                CustomXMapLayers = new Layer[] {
                    new SMOLayer
                        name = xmapName,
                        // Request REFERENCEPOINT based object information to provide tool tips on the icons.
                        objectInfos = ObjectInfoType.REFERENCEPOINT,
                        visible     = true

コード例 #16
 public void InsertXMapBaseLayers(LayerCollection layers, XMapMetaInfo meta)
     InsertXMapBaseLayers(layers, meta.Url, meta.CopyrightText, meta.MaxRequestSize, meta.User, meta.Password);
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a road editor layer into the map. At the very base, "Truck Attributes" is road editor content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The new road editor layer will be inserted into this map instance, used as an extension.</param>
        /// <param name="xMapMetaInfo">Meta information, containing the xMap Server URL and authentication information, needed for layer access.</param>
        /// <param name="layerName">The name used in the map control to identify the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="xmapName">The xMap Server layer name</param>
        /// <param name="xmapProfile">The xMap Server profile to use. See remarks below.</param>
        /// <param name="layerCaption">The layer caption, used e.g. in the quick settings of the map control.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Due to a restriction of xMap Server, road editor rendering is dependent on the street layer and requires
        /// the street layer to be visible. If the street layer is invisible, the road editor content will be invisible 
        /// also. By default, the provider used by XMapLayer turns the street layer off, so it must explicitly be enabled 
        /// through XMapLayer.CustomXMapLayers. As a side effect, enabling the street layer makes its contents visible in 
        /// the map. To hide this content, to display only the road editor content, a special rendering profile will 
        /// usually be used. For this reason this method provides an additional profile parameter where the rendering 
        /// profile can be specified.
        /// The demo server incorporated into this sample was deployed with the necessary profiles to display Truck 
        /// Attributes correctly. The xMap Server profile along with its rendering profile can be viewed / downloaded 
        /// using the following management console links:
        /// xMap profile: 
        /// https://xroute-eu-n-test.cloud.ptvgroup.com/xroute/rrxmap/pages/viewConfFileFormatted.jsp?name=xmap-truckattributes.properties
        /// Corresponding rendering profile:
        /// https://xroute-eu-n-test.cloud.ptvgroup.com/xroute//rrxmap/pages/viewConfFileFormatted.jsp?name=truckattributes.ini
        /// </remarks>
        public static void InsertRoadEditorLayer(this Map map, XMapMetaInfo xMapMetaInfo, string layerName, string xmapName, string xmapProfile, string layerCaption)
            var roadEditorLayer = new XMapLayer(layerName, xMapMetaInfo.Url, xMapMetaInfo.User, xMapMetaInfo.Password)
                Caption = layerCaption,
                Profile = xmapProfile,
                MaxRequestSize = new System.Windows.Size(2048, 2048),
                MinLevel = 14,
                Icon = ResourceHelper.LoadBitmapFromResource("Ptv.XServer.Controls.Map;component/Resources/RoadEditor.png"),
                CustomXMapLayers = new xserver.Layer[] {
                    new xserver.RoadEditorLayer {
                        // Road Editor element. Request REFERENCEPOINT based object
                        // information to provide tool tips on the signs.
                        name = xmapName,
                        // Request REFERENCEPOINT based object information to
                        // provide tool tips on the signs.
                        visible = true
                    new xserver.StaticPoiLayer {
                        // see remarks above about street layer element
                        name = "street",
                        visible = true,
                        category = -1,
                        detailLevel = 0

コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a Traffic Information layer into the map.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The new Traffic Information layer will be inserted into this map instance, used as an extension.</param>
        /// <param name="xMapMetaInfo">Meta information, containing the xMap Server URL and authentication information, needed for layer access.</param>
        /// <param name="layerName">The name used in the map control to identify the layer.</param>
        /// <param name="xmapName">The xMap Server layer name. See remarks below.</param>
        /// <param name="layerCaption">The layer caption, used e.g. in the quick settings of the map control.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The Traffic Information layer does not require a special profile. Note that the layer requests 
        /// object information of type xserver.ObjectInfoType.FULLGEOMETRY to enable tool tips along the 
        /// lines displayed.
        /// xmapName has to be provided in the form &lt;configuration&gt;.&lt;layername&gt;[.&lt;profile&gt;][;&lt;SQL Filter&gt;] as 
        /// specified by xMap Server. Please refer to the xMap Server documentation for details.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void InsertTrafficInfoLayer(this Map map, XMapMetaInfo xMapMetaInfo, string layerName, string xmapName, string layerCaption)
            var layer = new XMapLayer(layerName, xMapMetaInfo.Url, xMapMetaInfo.User, xMapMetaInfo.Password)
                Caption = layerCaption,
                MaxRequestSize = new System.Windows.Size(2048, 2048),
                MinLevel = 10,
                CustomXMapLayers = new xserver.Layer[] {
                    new xserver.SMOLayer
                        name = xmapName,
                        // request object information of type FULLGEOMETRY
                        // to enable tool tips along the lines displayed.
                        visible = true

コード例 #19
        private void InitMapLayers()
            string cluster = GetCluster();

            switch (cluster)
                case "eu-n-test":
                    Map.SetMapLocation(new System.Windows.Point(9.182778, 48.775556), 12);
                case "au-n-test":
                    Map.SetMapLocation(new System.Windows.Point(138.6, -34.92), 12);
                case "na-n-test":
                    Map.SetMapLocation(new System.Windows.Point(-71.415, 41.830833), 12);


            var xmapMetaInfo = new XMapMetaInfo("https://xmap-" + cluster + ".cloud.ptvgroup.com/xmap/ws/XMap");
            xmapMetaInfo.SetCredentials("xtok", "561677741926322");
            InsertXMapBaseLayers(Map.Layers, xmapMetaInfo, GetProfile());


            Map.InsertTrafficInfoLayer(xmapMetaInfo, "Traffic", "traffic.ptv-traffic", "Traffic information");
            Map.InsertRoadEditorLayer(xmapMetaInfo, "TruckAttributes", "truckattributes", "truckattributes", "Truck attributes");
            Map.InsertPoiLayer(xmapMetaInfo, "Poi", "default.points-of-interest", "Points of interest");

            if (cluster == "eu-n-test")
                Map.InsertDataManagerLayer(xmapMetaInfo, "POS", "t_f07ef3f0_ce7a_4913_90ea_b072ec07e6ff", "Points Of Sales", 10, true);