コード例 #1
        public static XMVector XMPlaneTransform(XMVector plane, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            XMVector v_normal = XMVector3.Rotate(plane, rotation);
            XMVector vD       = XMVector.SplatW(plane) - XMVector3.Dot(v_normal, translation);

            return(new XMVector(v_normal.X, v_normal.Y, v_normal.Z, vD.W));
コード例 #2
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingOrientedBox box)
            if (!box.Intersects(this))

            XMVector boxCenter  = this.center;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            // Subtract off the AABB center to remove a subtract below
            XMVector o_center = box.Center - boxCenter;

            XMVector o_extents     = box.Extents;
            XMVector o_orientation = box.Orientation;

            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(o_orientation), "Reviewed");

            XMVector inside = XMVector.TrueInt;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingOrientedBox.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector3.Rotate(o_extents * CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], o_orientation) + o_center;
                XMVector d = c.Abs();
                inside = XMVector.AndInt(inside, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, boxExtents));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(inside, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
コード例 #3
        public BoundingBox Transform(float scale, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(rotation), "Reviewed");

            // Load center and extents.
            XMVector boxCenter  = this.center;
            XMVector boxExtents = this.extents;

            XMVector vectorScale = XMVector.Replicate(scale);

            // Compute and transform the corners and find new min/max bounds.
            XMVector corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[0], boxCenter);

            corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

            XMVector min, max;

            min = max = corner;

            for (int i = 1; i < BoundingBox.CornerCount; i++)
                corner = XMVector.MultiplyAdd(boxExtents, CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxCenter);
                corner = XMVector3.Rotate(corner * vectorScale, rotation) + translation;

                min = XMVector.Min(min, corner);
                max = XMVector.Max(max, corner);

            // Store center and extents.
            return(new BoundingBox((min + max) * 0.5f, (max - min) * 0.5f));
コード例 #4
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingOrientedBox box)
            if (!box.Intersects(this))

            XMVector v_center = this.center;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);
            XMVector radiusSq = v_radius * v_radius;

            XMVector boxCenter      = box.Center;
            XMVector boxExtents     = box.Extents;
            XMVector boxOrientation = box.Orientation;

            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(boxOrientation), "Reviewed");

            XMVector insideAll = XMVector.TrueInt;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingOrientedBox.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector3.Rotate(boxExtents * CollisionGlobalConstants.BoxOffsets[i], boxOrientation) + boxCenter;
                XMVector d = XMVector3.LengthSquare(XMVector.Subtract(v_center, c));
                insideAll = XMVector.AndInt(insideAll, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, radiusSq));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(insideAll, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
コード例 #5
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingFrustum fr)
            if (!fr.Intersects(this))

            XMVector v_center = this.center;
            XMVector v_radius = XMVector.Replicate(this.radius);
            XMVector radiusSq = v_radius * v_radius;

            XMVector v_origin      = fr.Origin;
            XMVector v_orientation = fr.Orientation;

            Debug.Assert(Internal.XMQuaternionIsUnit(v_orientation), "Reviewed");

            // Build the corners of the frustum.
            XMVector v_rightTop    = new XMVector(fr.RightSlope, fr.TopSlope, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector v_rightBottom = new XMVector(fr.RightSlope, fr.BottomSlope, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector v_leftTop     = new XMVector(fr.LeftSlope, fr.TopSlope, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector v_leftBottom  = new XMVector(fr.LeftSlope, fr.BottomSlope, 1.0f, 0.0f);
            XMVector v_near        = XMVector.Replicate(fr.Near);
            XMVector v_far         = XMVector.Replicate(fr.Far);

            XMVector[] corners = new XMVector[BoundingFrustum.CornerCount];
            corners[0] = v_rightTop * v_near;
            corners[1] = v_rightBottom * v_near;
            corners[2] = v_leftTop * v_near;
            corners[3] = v_leftBottom * v_near;
            corners[4] = v_rightTop * v_far;
            corners[5] = v_rightBottom * v_far;
            corners[6] = v_leftTop * v_far;
            corners[7] = v_leftBottom * v_far;

            XMVector insideAll = XMVector.TrueInt;

            for (int i = 0; i < BoundingFrustum.CornerCount; i++)
                XMVector c = XMVector3.Rotate(corners[i], v_orientation) + v_origin;
                XMVector d = XMVector3.LengthSquare(XMVector.Subtract(v_center, c));
                insideAll = XMVector.AndInt(insideAll, XMVector.LessOrEqual(d, radiusSq));

            return(XMVector3.EqualInt(insideAll, XMVector.TrueInt) ? ContainmentType.Contains : ContainmentType.Intersects);
コード例 #6
        public BoundingSphere Transform(float scale, XMVector rotation, XMVector translation)
            // Load the center of the sphere.
            XMVector v_center = this.center;

            // Transform the center of the sphere.
            v_center = XMVector3.Rotate(v_center * XMVector.Replicate(scale), rotation) + translation;

            BoundingSphere result;

            // Store the center sphere.
            result.center = v_center;

            // Scale the radius of the pshere.
            result.radius = this.radius * scale;
