コード例 #1
        private void InjectInXMLFile(string gamePath, GameDataCont gdC, string xmlPlatform, string platFormFolder)
            //DataPlus defGame = gdC.Applications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsSelected);

            if (gdC.DefaultApp == null)
                throw new Exception("No default game chosen");

            // Lecture du fichier TBGame ou EBGame
            string xmlGame = null;

            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(gamePath, "TBGame.xml")))
                xmlGame = Path.Combine(gamePath, "TBGame.xml");
            else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(gamePath, "EBGame.xml")))
                xmlGame = Path.Combine(gamePath, "EBGame.xml");
            else if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(gamePath, "NBGame.xml")))
                xmlGame = Path.Combine(gamePath, "NBGame.xml");

            if (xmlGame == null)
                throw new Exception("No XML file to inject");

            // Vérification pour voir si le jeu est présent
            using (XML_Games xmlSrc = new XML_Games(xmlGame))
                using (XML_Games xmlPlat = new XML_Games(xmlPlatform))
                    bool?remove = false;
                    if (xmlPlat.Exists(GameTag.ID, gdC.DefaultApp.Id))
                        remove = IHMStatic.AskDxMBox("Game is already present, remove it ? ", "Question", E_DxButtons.No | E_DxButtons.Yes, gdC.DefaultApp.Name);

                        if (remove != true)

                        // ----------------- On enlève si désiré

                    // ----------------- Traitement du jeu.
                    XElement xelGame = xmlSrc.GetGameNode();

                    // ---  Modifications
                    // Changement de la plateforme
                    if (xelGame.Element(Tag.Platform) != null)
                        xelGame.Element(Tag.Platform).Value = gdC.Platform;

                    // App
                    ModifElement(xelGame, Tag.AppPath, gdC.DefaultApp, true);
                    // Manuel
                    ModifElement(xelGame, GameTag.ManPath, gdC.DefaultManual, true);
                    // Musique
                    ModifElement(xelGame, GameTag.MusPath, gdC.DefaultMusic, false);
                    // Video
                    ModifElement(xelGame, GameTag.VidPath, gdC.DefaultVideo, false);
                    // ThemeVideo
                    ModifElement(xelGame, GameTag.ThVidPath, gdC.DefaultThemeVideo, false);

                    // Changement du RootFolder
                    if (xelGame.Element(GameTag.RootFolder) != null)
                        xelGame.Element(GameTag.RootFolder).Value = platFormFolder;

                    // --- Récupération des clones + modification
                    var xelClones = xmlSrc.GetNodes(Tag.AddApp);
                    foreach (XElement clone in xelClones)
                        var file = gdC.Applications.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == clone.Element(CloneTag.Id).Value);
                        if (file != null)
                            ModifElement(clone, Tag.AppPath, file, true);


                    // ----------------- Custom Fields
                    if (Config.UseCustomFields)
                        var xelCFields = xmlSrc.GetNodes(Tag.CustField);

                    // ----------------- Alternate names
                    var xelANs = xmlSrc.GetNodes(Tag.AltName);


             *      elem.Value = DxPath.To_RelativeOrNull(Default.LastLBpath, defGame.DestPath);
             * }
             * // Modification du fichier xml pour l'injection
            void ModifElement <T>(in XElement xelObj, string tag, T elem, bool first) where T : IDataRep
                var target = xelObj.Element(tag);
                var value  = elem == null ? string.Empty : DxPath.To_Relative(Config.HLaunchBoxPath, elem.DestPath);

                // Pour lever le .\
                value = value.StartsWith(@".\") ? value.Substring(2) : value;

                // Vérification
                if (target == null && first)
                    xelObj.AddFirst(new XElement(tag, value));
                else if (target == null && !first)
                    xelObj.Add(new XElement(tag, value));
                    target.Value = value;
コード例 #2
        public object Run(int timeSleep = 10)
                 * log.AddCaller(this);
                 * HeTrace.AddLogger("LaunchBox", log);

                //UpdateStatus += (x, y) => HeTrace.WriteLine(y, this);

                // Redirige les signaux

                // Récupération des infos de la plateforme
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, "Get infos from platform");

                 * Normalement on peut virer
                 * XML_Functions xf = new XML_Functions();
                 * xf.ReadFile(Common.PlatformsFile);
                 * Machine = xf.ScrapPlatform(PlatformName);*/

                Machine = XML_Platforms.GetPlatformPaths(Common.PlatformsFile, PlatformName);

                if (Machine.PlatformFolders.Count < 1)
                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, "Error: this machine has no path");

                // Backup datas
                MachineXMLFile = Path.Combine(PS.Default.LastLBpath, PS.Default.dPlatforms, $"{PlatformName}.xml");
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Backup of '{MachineXMLFile}'");

                // Initialisation des dossiers cible
                // Memo solution la plus simple, fixant des limites et normalement évolutive
                string root = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Machine.FolderPath));
                TGamesP = Path.Combine(Machine.FolderPath);
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Game path: {TGamesP}");

                TCheatsCodesP = Path.Combine(root, "Cheat Codes", PlatformName);
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Cheats path: {TCheatsCodesP}");

                TImagesP = Path.GetDirectoryName(Machine.PlatformFolders.First((x) => x.MediaType.Contains("Box", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FolderPath);
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Images path: {TImagesP}");

                TManualsP = Machine.PlatformFolders.First((x) => x.MediaType == "Manual").FolderPath;
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Manuals  path: {TManualsP}");

                TMusicsP = Machine.PlatformFolders.First((x) => x.MediaType == "Music").FolderPath;
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Musics path: {TMusicsP}");

                TVideosP = Machine.PlatformFolders.First((x) => x.MediaType == "Video").FolderPath;
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Videos path: {TVideosP}");

                int i = 0;
                //MaximumProgressT?.Invoke(this, Games.Count());
                //MaximumProgress?.Invoke(this, 100);
                foreach (FileObj game in Games)
                    UpdateProgressT?.Invoke(this, i);

                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Work on: {game.Nom}");

                    string gameName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(game.Nom);
                    string tmpPath  = Path.Combine(Config.WorkingFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(game.Nom));

                    // Décompresser
                    if (Path.GetExtension(game.Path).Equals(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        ZipDecompression.UnCompressArchive(game.Path, tmpPath, CancelToken);

                    if (CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, "Stopped by user");

                    // todo 7zip

                    // Chargement des données du jeu
                    string xmlFile = Path.Combine(tmpPath, "EBGame.xml");
                    LBGame lbGame  = XML_Games.Scrap_LBGame(xmlFile);
                    List <AdditionalApplication> clones = XML_Games.ListAddApps(xmlFile);

                    //05/04/2021                LBGame lbGame = XML_Games.Scrap_GameLB(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "EBGame.xml"), "LaunchBox_Backup", PS.Default.wCustomFields);

                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Game info xml loaded: {lbGame.Title}");

                    // Modification des chemins dans le jeu
                    Modify_Paths(lbGame, clones);

                    // Modification de la platforme du jeu
                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Altération of platform {lbGame.Platform} => {PlatformName}");
                    lbGame.Platform = PlatformName;

                    // Copier
                    Copy_LBManager(lbGame, tmpPath);

                    /*// Platform modification
                     * if (PS.Default.ChangePlatform)
                     *  XMLBackup.Change_Platform(Path.Combine(destPath, "EBGame.xml"), machine);*/

                    // Retrait du jeu si présence
                    bool?replace = false;
                    if (XML_Custom.TestPresence(MachineXMLFile, "Game", nameof(lbGame.Id).ToUpper(), lbGame.Id))
                        replace = AskDxMBox("Game is Already present", "Question", E_DxButtons.Yes | E_DxButtons.No, lbGame.Title);

                    if (replace == true)
                        XML_Games.Remove_Game(lbGame.Id, MachineXMLFile);

                    // Injection
                    XML_Games.InjectGame(lbGame, MachineXMLFile);
                    XML_Games.InjectAddApps(clones, MachineXMLFile);
                    if (PS.Default.wCustomFields)
                        //var r = XML_Games.ListCustomFields(xmlFile, "CustomField");
                        XML_Games.Trans_CustomF(xmlFile, MachineXMLFile);

                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Injection in xml Launchbox's files");
                    //XMLBackup.Copy_EBGame(gameName, Path.Combine(tmpPath, "EBGame.xml"), MachineXMLFile);

                    // Effacer le dossier temporaire

                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, "Game Finished");
                    UpdateProgress?.Invoke(this, 100);

                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, "Task Finished");
                UpdateProgressT?.Invoke(this, 100);

            catch (Exception exc)
コード例 #3
        public object Run(int timeSleep = 10)
            bool backupDone = false;

            /*// Tracing
             * MeSimpleLog log = new MeSimpleLog(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, Common.Logs, $"{DateTime.Now.ToFileTime()}.log"))
             * {
             *  LogLevel = 1,
             *  FuncPrefix = EPrefix.Horodating,
             * };
             * log.AddCaller(this);
             * HeTrace.AddLogger("LaunchBox", log);*/

            // UpdateStatus += (x, y) => HeTrace.WriteLine(y, this);

            // Redirige les signaux

            int i = 0;

            foreach (FileObj game in Games)
                UpdateProgressT?.Invoke(this, i);

                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Work on: {game.Nom}");

                string gameName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(game.Nom);
                string tmpPath  = Path.Combine(Config.WorkingFolder, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(game.Nom));

                // Décompresser
                if (Path.GetExtension(game.Path).Equals(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    ZipDecompression.UnCompressArchive(game.Path, tmpPath, CancelToken);

                if (CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, "Stopped by user");

                // Chargement des données du jeu
                string xmlFile = Path.Combine(tmpPath, "EBGame.xml");
                LBGame lbGame  = XML_Games.Scrap_LBGame(xmlFile);
                List <AdditionalApplication> clones = XML_Games.ListAddApps(xmlFile);

                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Game info xml loaded: {lbGame.Title}");

                // Vérification de la présence du fichier xml de la plateforme
                string machineXMLFile = Path.Combine(PS.Default.LastLBpath, PS.Default.dPlatforms, $"{lbGame.Platform}.xml");
                if (!File.Exists(machineXMLFile))
                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Creation of xml file: '{machineXMLFile}'");

                // Backup datas
                if (!backupDone)
                    UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Backup of '{machineXMLFile}'");
                    backupDone = true;

                // Initialisation des dossiers

                TGamesP = Path.GetDirectoryName(lbGame.ApplicationPath);
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Game path: {TGamesP}");

                /*TCheatsCodesP = Path.Combine(root, "Cheat Codes", lbGame.Platform);
                 * UpdateStatus?.Invoke($"Target Cheats path: {TCheatsCodesP}");
                 * TImagesP = Path.Combine(root, "Images", lbGame.Platform);
                 * UpdateStatus?.Invoke($"Target Images path: {TImagesP}");*/

                TManualsP = Path.GetDirectoryName(lbGame.ManualPath);
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Manuals  path: {TManualsP}");

                TMusicsP = Path.GetDirectoryName(lbGame.MusicPath);
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Musics path: {TMusicsP}");

                TVideosP = Path.GetDirectoryName(lbGame.VideoPath);
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Target Videos path: {TVideosP}");

                // Modification des chemins dans le jeu

                // Copy des jeux
                Copy_Manager(lbGame, tmpPath);

                // Retrait du jeu si présence
                bool?replace = false;
                if (XML_Custom.TestPresence(machineXMLFile, "Game", nameof(lbGame.Id).ToUpper(), lbGame.Id))
                    replace = AskDxMBox("Game is Already present", "Question", E_DxButtons.Yes | E_DxButtons.No, lbGame.Title);

                if (replace == true)
                    XML_Games.Remove_Game(lbGame.Id, machineXMLFile);

                // Injection
                XML_Games.InjectGame(lbGame, machineXMLFile);
                XML_Games.InjectAddApps(clones, machineXMLFile);
                if (PS.Default.wCustomFields)
                    //var r = XML_Games.ListCustomFields(xmlFile, "CustomField");
                    XML_Games.Trans_CustomF(xmlFile, machineXMLFile);

                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, $"Injection in xml Launchbox's files");
                //XMLBackup.Copy_EBGame(gameName, Path.Combine(tmpPath, "EBGame.xml"), MachineXMLFile);

                // Effacer le dossier temporaire

                UpdateProgress?.Invoke(this, 100);
                UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, "Game Finished");

            UpdateStatus?.Invoke(this, "Task Finished");
            UpdateProgressT?.Invoke(this, 100);
