コード例 #1
        private static void ApplyProvisioningTemplateToSite(ClientContext context, String siteUrl, String folder, String fileName, Dictionary <String, String> parameters = null, Handlers handlers = Handlers.All)
            // TODO: Move to Open XML

            // Configure the XML file system provider
            XMLTemplateProvider provider =
                new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(context, siteUrl,
                                                  PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplates +
                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) ? "/" + folder : String.Empty));

            // Load the template from the XML stored copy
            ProvisioningTemplate template = provider.GetTemplate(fileName);

            template.Connector = provider.Connector;

            ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation ptai =
                new ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation();

            // We exclude Term Groups because they are not supported in AppOnly
            ptai.HandlersToProcess  = handlers;
            ptai.HandlersToProcess ^= Handlers.TermGroups;

            // Handle any custom parameter
            if (parameters != null)
                foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                    template.Parameters.Add(parameter.Key, parameter.Value);

            // Apply the template to the target site
            context.Site.RootWeb.ApplyProvisioningTemplate(template, ptai);
コード例 #2
        private static void ApplyProvisioningTemplateToSite(ClientContext context, String siteUrl, String folder, String fileName, Dictionary <String, String> parameters = null)
            // Configure the XML file system provider
            XMLTemplateProvider provider =
                new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(context, siteUrl,
                                                  PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplates +
                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) ? "/" + folder : String.Empty));

            // Load the template from the XML stored copy
            ProvisioningTemplate template = provider.GetTemplate(fileName);

            template.Connector = provider.Connector;

            // Handle any custom parameter
            if (parameters != null)
                foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                    template.Parameters.Add(parameter.Key, parameter.Value);

            // Apply the template to the target site
コード例 #3
ファイル: SPHelper.cs プロジェクト: spdavid/SP2018
        public static void CreateFieldsFromProvisioningXML(ClientContext ctx)
            string folderPath            = @"C:\Users\DavidOpdendries\source\SP2018\OfficeDev1\ProvisioningXMLExamples\";
            XMLTemplateProvider provider =
                new XMLFileSystemTemplateProvider(folderPath, "");

            XMLSharePointTemplateProvider spProvider = new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(ctx, "https://folkis2018.sharepoint.com/sites/David/", "Shared%20Documents");

            var provisioningTemplate = spProvider.GetTemplate("template.xml");

コード例 #4
        public static ProvisioningTemplate GetProvisioningTemplate(ClientContext context, String siteUrl, String folder, String fileName)
            // Configure the XML file system provider
            XMLTemplateProvider provider =
                new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(context, siteUrl,
                                                  PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplates +
                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) ? "/" + folder : String.Empty));

            // Load the template from the XML stored copy
            ProvisioningTemplate template = provider.GetTemplate(fileName);

コード例 #5
        private static void ApplyProvisioningTemplateToSite(ClientContext context, String siteUrl, String folder, String fileName)
            // Configure the XML file system provider
            XMLTemplateProvider provider =
                new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(context, siteUrl,
                                                  PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplates +
                                                  (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) ? "/" + folder : String.Empty));

            // Load the template from the XML stored copy
            ProvisioningTemplate template = provider.GetTemplate(fileName);

            template.Connector = provider.Connector;

            // Apply the template to the target site
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will retrieve the PnP provisioning template XML file from a SP Doc Library in the Infrastructure site and load it into a ProvisioningTemplate object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="defaultForeground"></param>
        /// <param name="sitesToApply"></param>
        /// <param name="infrastructureSite"></param>
        /// <param name="userName"></param>
        /// <param name="pwd"></param>
        private static void RetrieveProvisioningTemplateFromSPO(ConsoleColor defaultForeground, List <GlobalNavSiteCollections> sitesToApply, string infrastructureSite, string userName, SecureString pwd)
            ProvisioningTemplate template;

            using (var context = new ClientContext(infrastructureSite))
                context.Credentials    = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, pwd);
                context.RequestTimeout = Timeout.Infinite;
                Web web = context.Web;

                // Get List of Template Files to store it
                List               list  = web.Lists.GetByTitle("ProvisioningTemplates");
                CamlQuery          query = CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery(100);
                ListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(query);
                             includes => includes.Include(i => i.File

                web.EnsureProperty(w => w.Url);

                // New version using SharePoint Connector
                // Configure the SharePoint Connector
                var sharepointConnector = new SharePointConnector(context, web.Url,

                foreach (ListItem item in items)
                    // Get the template file name and server relative URL
                    item.File.EnsureProperties(f => f.Name, f => f.ServerRelativeUrl);

                    XMLSharePointTemplateProvider provider = null;

                    // Otherwise use the .XML template provider for SharePoint
                    provider =
                        new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(context, web.Url,

                    // Get the template
                    template = provider.GetTemplate(item.File.Name);
                    ApplyPnPTemplate(sitesToApply, userName, pwd, template);
コード例 #7
        public void XMLSharePointGetTemplate1Test()
            var _expectedID      = "SPECIALTEAM";
            var _expectedVersion = 1.0;

            var context = TestCommon.CreatePnPClientContext();

            XMLSharePointTemplateProvider provider =
                new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(context,

            var result = provider.GetTemplate("ProvisioningTemplate-2016-05-Sample-02.xml");

            Assert.AreEqual(_expectedID, result.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(_expectedVersion, result.Version);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Lists.Count == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.SiteFields.Count == 4);
コード例 #8
        private void CreateSiteCollection(SiteCollectionProvisioningJob job)
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Site Collection \"{0}\".", job.RelativeUrl);

            // Define the full Site Collection URL
            String siteUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}",
                                           PnPPartnerPackSettings.InfrastructureSiteUrl.Substring(0, PnPPartnerPackSettings.InfrastructureSiteUrl.IndexOf("sharepoint.com/") + 14),

            using (var adminContext = PnPPartnerPackContextProvider.GetAppOnlyTenantLevelClientContext())
                adminContext.RequestTimeout = Timeout.Infinite;

                // Configure the Site Collection properties
                SiteEntity newSite = new SiteEntity();
                newSite.Description          = job.Description;
                newSite.Lcid                 = (uint)job.Language;
                newSite.Title                = job.SiteTitle;
                newSite.Url                  = siteUrl;
                newSite.SiteOwnerLogin       = job.PrimarySiteCollectionAdmin;
                newSite.StorageMaximumLevel  = job.StorageMaximumLevel;
                newSite.StorageWarningLevel  = job.StorageWarningLevel;
                newSite.Template             = PnPPartnerPackSettings.DefaultSiteTemplate;
                newSite.TimeZoneId           = job.TimeZone;
                newSite.UserCodeMaximumLevel = job.UserCodeMaximumLevel;
                newSite.UserCodeWarningLevel = job.UserCodeWarningLevel;

                // Create the Site Collection and wait for its creation (we're asynchronous)
                var tenant = new Tenant(adminContext);
                tenant.CreateSiteCollection(newSite, true, true); // TODO: Do we want to empty Recycle Bin?

                Site site = tenant.GetSiteByUrl(siteUrl);
                Web  web  = site.RootWeb;

                adminContext.Load(site, s => s.Url);
                adminContext.Load(web, w => w.Url);

                // Enable Secondary Site Collection Administrator
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(job.SecondarySiteCollectionAdmin))
                    Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.User secondaryOwner = web.EnsureUser(job.SecondarySiteCollectionAdmin);
                    secondaryOwner.IsSiteAdmin = true;


                Console.WriteLine("Site \"{0}\" created.", site.Url);

                // Check if external sharing has to be enabled
                if (job.ExternalSharingEnabled)
                    EnableExternalSharing(tenant, site);

                    // Enable External Sharing
                    Console.WriteLine("Enabled External Sharing for site \"{0}\".",

            // Move to the context of the created Site Collection
            using (ClientContext clientContext = PnPPartnerPackContextProvider.GetAppOnlyClientContext(siteUrl))
                Site site = clientContext.Site;
                Web  web  = site.RootWeb;

                clientContext.Load(site, s => s.Url);
                clientContext.Load(web, w => w.Url);

                // Check if we need to enable PnP Partner Pack overrides
                if (job.PartnerPackExtensionsEnabled)
                    // Enable Responsive Design

                    Console.WriteLine("Enabled PnP Partner Pack Overrides on site \"{0}\".",

                // Check if the site has to be responsive
                if (job.ResponsiveDesignEnabled)
                    // Enable Responsive Design

                    Console.WriteLine("Enabled Responsive Design Template to site \"{0}\".",

                // Apply the Provisioning Template
                Console.WriteLine("Applying Provisioning Template \"{0}\" to site.",

                // Determine the reference URLs and file names
                String templatesSiteUrl = PnPPartnerPackUtilities.GetSiteCollectionRootUrl(job.ProvisioningTemplateUrl);
                String templateFileName = job.ProvisioningTemplateUrl.Substring(job.ProvisioningTemplateUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                using (ClientContext repositoryContext = PnPPartnerPackContextProvider.GetAppOnlyClientContext(templatesSiteUrl))
                    // Configure the XML file system provider
                    XMLTemplateProvider provider =
                        new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(

                    // Load the template from the XML stored copy
                    ProvisioningTemplate template = provider.GetTemplate(templateFileName);
                    template.Connector = provider.Connector;

                    // We do intentionally remove taxonomies, which are not supported
                    // in the AppOnly Authorization model
                    // For further details, see the PnP Partner Pack documentation
                    ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation ptai =
                        new ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation();

                    // Write provisioning steps on console log
                    ptai.MessagesDelegate += delegate(string message, ProvisioningMessageType messageType) {
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", messageType, messageType);
                    ptai.ProgressDelegate += delegate(string message, int step, int total) {
                        Console.WriteLine("{0:00}/{1:00} - {2}", step, total, message);

                    ptai.HandlersToProcess ^=

                    // Configure template parameters
                    if (job.TemplateParameters != null)
                        foreach (var key in job.TemplateParameters.Keys)
                            if (job.TemplateParameters.ContainsKey(key))
                                template.Parameters[key] = job.TemplateParameters[key];

                    web.ApplyProvisioningTemplate(template, ptai);

                Console.WriteLine("Applyed Provisioning Template \"{0}\" to site.",
        public ProvisioningTemplateInformation[] GetLocalProvisioningTemplates(string siteUrl, TemplateScope scope)
            List <ProvisioningTemplateInformation> result =
                new List <ProvisioningTemplateInformation>();

            // Retrieve the Root Site Collection URL
            siteUrl = PnPPartnerPackUtilities.GetSiteCollectionRootUrl(siteUrl);

            // Connect to the Infrastructural Site Collection
            using (var context = PnPPartnerPackContextProvider.GetAppOnlyClientContext(siteUrl))
                // Get a reference to the target library
                Web web = context.Web;

                    List list = web.Lists.GetByTitle(PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplates);

                    // Get only Provisioning Templates documents with the specified Scope
                    CamlQuery query = new CamlQuery();
                    query.ViewXml =
                                        <FieldRef Name='PnPProvisioningTemplateScope' />
                                        <Value Type='Choice'>" + scope.ToString() + @"</Value>
                                        <FieldRef Name='ContentType' />
                                        <Value Type=''Computed''>PnPProvisioningTemplate</Value>
                            <FieldRef Name='Title' />
                            <FieldRef Name='PnPProvisioningTemplateScope' />
                            <FieldRef Name='PnPProvisioningTemplateSourceUrl' />

                    ListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(query);
                                 includes => includes.Include(i => i.File,
                                                              i => i[PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplateScope],
                                                              i => i[PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplateSourceUrl]));

                    web.EnsureProperty(w => w.Url);

                    foreach (ListItem item in items)
                        // Configure the XML file system provider
                        XMLTemplateProvider provider =
                            new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(context, web.Url,

                        item.File.EnsureProperties(f => f.Name, f => f.ServerRelativeUrl);

                        ProvisioningTemplate template = provider.GetTemplate(item.File.Name);

                        result.Add(new ProvisioningTemplateInformation
                            Scope             = (TemplateScope)Enum.Parse(typeof(TemplateScope), (String)item[PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplateScope], true),
                            TemplateSourceUrl = item[PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplateSourceUrl] != null ? ((FieldUrlValue)item[PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplateSourceUrl]).Url : null,
                            TemplateFileUri   = String.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", web.Url, PnPPartnerPackConstants.PnPProvisioningTemplates, item.File.Name),
                            TemplateImageUrl  = template.ImagePreviewUrl,
                            DisplayName       = template.DisplayName,
                            Description       = template.Description,
                catch (ServerException ex)
                    // In case of any issue, ignore the local templates

コード例 #10
        private void CreateSubSite(SubSiteProvisioningJob job)
            // Determine the reference URLs and relative paths
            String subSiteUrl        = job.RelativeUrl;
            String siteCollectionUrl = PnPPartnerPackUtilities.GetSiteCollectionRootUrl(job.ParentSiteUrl);
            String parentSiteUrl     = job.ParentSiteUrl;

            Console.WriteLine("Creating Site \"{0}\" as child Site of \"{1}\".", subSiteUrl, parentSiteUrl);

            using (ClientContext context = PnPPartnerPackContextProvider.GetAppOnlyClientContext(parentSiteUrl))
                // Get a reference to the parent Web
                Web parentWeb = context.Web;

                // Create the new sub site as a new child Web
                WebCreationInformation newWeb = new WebCreationInformation();
                newWeb.Description = job.Description;
                newWeb.Language    = job.Language;
                newWeb.Title       = job.SiteTitle;
                newWeb.Url         = subSiteUrl;
                newWeb.UseSamePermissionsAsParentSite = job.InheritPermissions;
                newWeb.WebTemplate = PnPPartnerPackSettings.DefaultSiteTemplate;

                Web web = parentWeb.Webs.Add(newWeb);

                Console.WriteLine("Site \"{0}\" created.", subSiteUrl);

                // Apply the Provisioning Template
                Console.WriteLine("Applying Provisioning Template \"{0}\" to site.",

                // Determine the reference URLs and file names
                String templatesSiteUrl = job.ProvisioningTemplateUrl.Substring(0,
                String templateFileName = job.ProvisioningTemplateUrl.Substring(job.ProvisioningTemplateUrl.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                // Configure the XML file system provider
                XMLTemplateProvider provider =
                    new XMLSharePointTemplateProvider(context, templatesSiteUrl,

                // Load the template from the XML stored copy
                ProvisioningTemplate template = provider.GetTemplate(templateFileName);
                template.Connector = provider.Connector;

                // We do intentionally remove taxonomies, which are not supported in the AppOnly Authorization model
                // For further details, see the PnP Partner Pack documentation
                ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation ptai =
                    new ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation();
                ptai.HandlersToProcess ^=

                // Configure template parameters
                foreach (var key in template.Parameters.Keys)
                    if (job.TemplateParameters.ContainsKey(key))
                        template.Parameters[key] = job.TemplateParameters[key];

                // Apply the template to the target site
                web.ApplyProvisioningTemplate(template, ptai);

                Console.WriteLine("Applyed Provisioning Template \"{0}\" to site.",