public static void EnableServer() { CreateWindow(); Persistence.ServerState = 1; FireServerEnabled(); XLog.Log("Enabled Server"); }
public static void DisableServer() { DestroyWindow(); Persistence.ServerState = 0; FireServerDisabled(); XLog.Log("Disabled Server"); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <returns>json:{"status"}</returns> private void EditorGetString(object obj) { DownloadResult result = obj as DownloadResult; try { string content = ""; HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(result.Url) as HttpWebRequest; request.Method = "GET"; request.ContentType = "text/html;charset=UTF-8"; HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; int statusCode = (int)response.StatusCode; if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { XLog.Log(TAG, "请求成功"); Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")); content = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); response.Close(); } result.StatusCode = statusCode; result.Content = content; Results.Add(result); } catch (Exception exception) { XLog.LogError(TAG, exception.Message); result.StatusCode = -1; Results.Add(result); } }
public PacketIn ProcessPacket(TCPConnection con, byte[] buf, int start, int size) { PacketIn packet = new PacketIn(buf, start, size); switch (packet.ID) { case 72: // TS_AC_AES_KEY_IV var pAES = new AUTH_PACKETS.AES_KEY_IV(packet); m_pAES_KEY = m_cRSA.PrivateDecrypt(pAES.nKey, OpenSSL.Crypto.RSA.Padding.PKCS1); GenerateLoginPacket(m_pAES_KEY, con); break; case 10000: // TS_AC_RESULT var pResult = new AUTH_PACKETS.RESULT(packet.ReadUInt16(), packet.ReadUInt16(), packet.ReadInt32()); if (pResult.nLoginFlag == 1) { PacketOut o = new PacketOut(10021); con.SendTCP(o); } else { m_cAuthConnection.Disconnect(); XLog.Log("Login failed. Result: {0} - Disconnecting...", pResult.nResult); } m_szPassword = string.Empty; break; case 10022: // TS_AC_SERVER_LIST m_iAuthServerList = new AUTH_PACKETS.SERVER_LIST(packet); XLog.Log("Server selection. Please use /select ID to connect to one of the listed servers below."); for (int i = 0; i < m_iAuthServerList.count; i++) { XLog.Log(string.Format("-> Server {0}: {1}", i + 1, m_iAuthServerList.list[i].server_name)); } break; case 10024: // TS_AC_SELECT_SERVER con.Disconnect(); var pSelectServer = new AUTH_PACKETS.SELECT_SERVER(packet, ref m_pAES_KEY); Config.ConfigNet conf = new Config.ConfigNet(); conf.Port = m_iAuthServerList.list[m_nSelectedServerIdx].server_port; conf.ListenIp = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(m_iAuthServerList.list[m_nSelectedServerIdx].server_ip); PacketOut oEncrypt = new PacketOut(2005); oEncrypt.FillString(m_szName, 61); oEncrypt.Write(pSelectServer.encrypted_data, 0, pSelectServer.encrypted_data.Length); oEncrypt.FinalizeLengthAndChecksum(); con.Close(); m_cClientBase.CreateGameServerSession(oEncrypt, conf, m_szName); break; default: break; } return(packet); }
public void CreateServerSelectPacket(int nIndex) { try { PacketOut o = new PacketOut(10023); o.WriteUInt16(m_iAuthServerList.list[nIndex - 1].server_idx); m_nSelectedServerIdx = nIndex - 1; m_cAuthConnection.SendTCP(o); } catch (Exception e) { m_cAuthConnection.Disconnect(); XLog.Log("Can't connect to server: {0}", e.Message); } }
public XClientGameEmulator(Config.ConfigNet conf, TCPManager man, XChat.XClientEmulator pBase, string pAccount, PacketOut pOut) { m_szAccount = pAccount; m_cGameConnection = new TCPConnection(man, null, this, conf); try { m_cGameConnection.Start(); m_cGameConnection.SendTCP(CreateVersionPacket()); m_cGameConnection.SendTCP(pOut); } catch { XLog.Log("Can't connect to Game Server!"); } }
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { if (m.Msg == WM_COPYDATA) { try { Handle_CopyData(ref m); } catch (Exception e) { XLog.Log($"HandleOnCopyData Exception: {e.Message} {e.StackTrace}"); } } base.WndProc(ref m); }
/// <summary> /// Logs your character into the game /// </summary> /// <param name="nIndex">Selected Character Index</param> /// <returns></returns> public void CreateLoginPacket(int nIndex) { try { PacketOut oLogin = new PacketOut(1); oLogin.FillString(m_iGameCharacterList.nList[nIndex - 1].szName, 61); oLogin.WriteByte((byte)m_iGameCharacterList.nList[nIndex - 1].nRace); oLogin.FinalizeLengthAndChecksum(); m_dHandles.Add(0, m_iGameCharacterList.nList[nIndex - 1].szName); m_cGameConnection.SendTCP(oLogin); XLog.AddMessage("", "", -5); // Clear box } catch (Exception e) { XLog.Log("Error while logging in to the server: {0}", e.Message); } }
public XClientAuthEmulator(TCPManager man, Config.ConfigNet conf, string pAccount, string pPassword, XChat.XClientEmulator cBase) { m_szName = pAccount; m_szPassword = pPassword; m_cClientBase = cBase; try { m_cAuthConnection = new TCPConnection(man, null, this, conf); m_cAuthConnection.Start(); m_cAuthConnection.SendTCP(this.CreateVersionPacket()); m_cAuthConnection.SendTCP(this.CreateAESPacket()); } catch { XLog.Log("Can't connect to Authentication Server!"); } }
public void AlipayPayFailed(string json) { XLog.Log(TAG, "alipay failed:" + json); Trade trade = new Trade(); try { trade.FromJson(json); foreach (AlipayListener listener in Listeners) { listener.PayFailed(trade); } } catch (Exception exception) { XLog.LogError(TAG, exception.Message); } }
public void WxShareResult(string json) { XLog.Log(TAG, "share result : " + json + ",last share:" + (LastShareInfo == null?"":LastShareInfo.ToString())); try { JsonNode node = JsonNode.FromJson(json); JsonNode errorCodeNode = node["errorCode"]; int code = errorCodeNode; WxErrorCode errorCode = (WxErrorCode)code; foreach (ShareResultListener listener in Listeners) { listener.Result(errorCode, LastShareInfo); } } catch (Exception exception) { XLog.LogError(TAG, exception.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化 /// </summary> public static void Init(string partnerId, string sellerId, string rsaPrivateKey) { XLog.Log(TAG, "alipay init"); try { #if UNITY_IPHONE _alipayInit(partnerId, sellerId, rsaPrivateKey); #elif UNITY_ANDROID using (AndroidJavaClass cls_UnityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = cls_UnityPlayer.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity")) { AndroidJavaClass cls = new AndroidJavaClass(""); cls.CallStatic("init", activity, partnerId, sellerId, rsaPrivateKey); } } #endif } catch (Exception exception) { XLog.LogError(TAG, exception.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 支付,可以使安卓支付,也可以是iOS支付宝支付 /// </summary> /// <param name="trade"></param> public static void Pay(string subject, string body, string totalFee, string outTradeNo, string notifyUrl) { XLog.Log(TAG, "alipay pay"); try { #if UNITY_IPHONE _alipayPay(subject, body, totalFee, outTradeNo, notifyUrl); #elif UNITY_ANDROID using (AndroidJavaClass cls_UnityPlayer = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer")) { using (AndroidJavaObject activity = cls_UnityPlayer.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity")) { AndroidJavaClass cls = new AndroidJavaClass(""); cls.CallStatic("pay", subject, body, totalFee, outTradeNo, notifyUrl); } } #endif } catch (Exception exception) { XLog.LogError(TAG, exception.Message); } }
private void EditorGetFile(object obj) { DownloadResult result = obj as DownloadResult; try { HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(result.Url) as HttpWebRequest; request.Method = "GET"; HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; int statusCode = (int)response.StatusCode; if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { XLog.Log(TAG, "请求成功"); Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream(); FileStream fs = File.Create(result.Path); byte[] tmp = new byte[1024]; int size = 0; while ((size = stream.Read(tmp, 0, 1024)) > 0) { fs.Write(tmp, 0, size); } stream.Close(); fs.Close(); XLog.Log(TAG, "写文件成功"); } result.StatusCode = statusCode; Results.Add(result); } catch (Exception exception) { XLog.LogError(TAG, exception.Message); result.StatusCode = -1; Results.Add(result); } }
// =============================================================================== // Execute Status Log // ================== protected void Log(String msg) { XLog.Log(msg); }
/// <summary> /// Mostly unused method here, getting called when the socket is disconnected. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">ID</param> /// <param name="connection">Socket/TCPConnection</param> /// <returns>Nothing</returns> public void onDisconnect(int id, TCPConnection connection) { XLog.Log("Disconnected from Game Server"); }
/// <summary> /// Mostly unused method here, getting called when the socket is connected. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">ID</param> /// <param name="connection">Socket/TCPConnection</param> /// <returns>Nothing</returns> public void onConnect(int id, TCPConnection connection) { XLog.Log("Connected to Game Server"); }
/// <summary> /// The function which is used to proceed an incoming packet to the active TCPConnection /// </summary> /// <param name="con">The connection which received the packet</param> /// <param name="buf">byte[] array containing the raw content of the received packet</param> /// <param name="start">Start of the content in buf, usually 0</param> /// <param name="size">Size of the packet (minus start)</param> /// <returns>PacketIn -> Converted raw package to MemoryStream based PacketIn</returns> public PacketIn ProcessPacket(TCPConnection con, byte[] buf, int start, int size) { PacketIn packet = new PacketIn(buf, start, size); switch (packet.ID) { case 0: // ResultMsg var res = new AUTH_PACKETS.RESULT(packet.ReadUInt16(), packet.ReadUInt16(), packet.ReadInt32()); if (res.nRequestPacket == 2005) { if (res.nResult == 0) { con.SendTCP(CreateReportPacket()); con.SendTCP(CreateCharacterListPacket()); } else { con.Disconnect(); XLog.Log("Can't connect to game server. Result: {0} - disconnecting...", res.nResult); } } break; case 2004: // CharacterList m_iGameCharacterList = new GAME_PACKETS.CharacterList(packet); XLog.Log("Character selection. Please use /use ID to select a character."); for (int i = 0; i < m_iGameCharacterList.nCount; i++) { XLog.Log("-> Character {0}: {1}", i + 1, m_iGameCharacterList.nList[i].szName); } break; case 21: // ChatLocal var tmp = packet.ReadInt32(); string szSource = m_dHandles.ContainsKey(tmp) ? m_dHandles[tmp] : "INVALID-HANDLE:" + tmp; int nLen = packet.ReadByte(); int nType = packet.ReadByte(); XLog.AddMessage(szSource, packet.ReadString(nLen), nType); break; case 22: // ChatMsg var pMessage = new GAME_PACKETS.ChatMessage(packet); XLog.AddMessage(pMessage.szName, pMessage.szMessage, pMessage.nType); break; case 3: // Enter: Handle -> Name, small hack so we don't have to read the full packet (which is f*****g large) if (packet.ReadByte() == 0) { int key = packet.ReadInt32(); if (m_dHandles.ContainsKey(key)) { m_dHandles.Remove(key); } packet.Seek(77, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current); string value = packet.ReadString(19); m_dHandles.Add(key, value); } break; case 507: // Property: Own Name -> Handle if (m_dHandles.ContainsKey(0) && m_tPingThread == null) { var szName = m_dHandles[0]; m_dHandles.Remove(0); m_dHandles.Add(packet.ReadInt32(), szName); m_tPingThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(SendPingPacket)); m_tPingThread.IsBackground = true; m_tPingThread.Start(); } break; default: break; } return(packet); }
public void Handle_CopyData(ref Message m) { XLog.Log($"Begin Request: {RequestNumber}"); RequestNumber++; var cdsRequest = (COPYDATASTRUCT)m.GetLParam(typeof(COPYDATASTRUCT)); var request = ""; var requestEncoding = Persistence.RequestEncoding; XLog.Log($"RequestEncoding: {requestEncoding}"); if (requestEncoding == IdexEncoding.Ansi) { request = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(cdsRequest.lpData); } else { request = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(cdsRequest.lpData); } XLog.Log($"ClaimMarkerInRequest: {Persistence.ClaimMarkerInRequest}"); if (Persistence.ClaimMarkerInRequest) { if (XString.StartsWith(request, Marker)) { XLog.Log($"Eliminate Marker: {Marker}"); request = request.Substring(Marker.Length).Trim(); } else { XLog.Log($"Marker is expected but not present. Request is denied."); return; } } XLog.Log($"Parse Request"); string requestServerId = ""; string requestClientId = ""; var requestLines = XString.SplitIntoLines(request); if (requestLines.Length >= 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { string requestLine = requestLines[i]; string left, right; XString.ParseAssoc(requestLine, out left, out right); if (XString.Eq(left, "ServerId") || XString.Eq(left, "sid")) { requestServerId = right; } else if (XString.Eq(left, "ClientId") || XString.Eq(left, "cid")) { requestClientId = right; } } } XLog.Log($"Identify client"); IntPtr clientHandle = IntPtr.Zero; if (requestClientId != "") { XLog.Log($"ClientId: {requestClientId}"); clientHandle = Native.FindWindow(null, requestClientId); } if (clientHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { XLog.Log($"Cannot find client"); return; } XLog.Log($"ClientHandle: {clientHandle}"); var response = ""; foreach (var actionLine in requestLines) { if (XString.StartsWith(actionLine, "o ", "g ", "s ")) { var actionPrefix = actionLine.Substring(0, 2).Trim(); var actionBody = actionLine.Substring(2).Trim(); if (XString.Eq(actionPrefix, "o")) { XLog.Log($"Execute action: {actionPrefix} {actionBody}"); response += actionBody; } else if (XString.Eq(actionPrefix, "g")) { if (Persistence.SupportGetOps) { XLog.Log($"Execute action: {actionPrefix} {actionBody}"); var result = Ide.TryGetOp(actionBody); response += result; } } else if (XString.Eq(actionPrefix, "s")) { if (Persistence.SupportSetOps) { XLog.Log($"Execute action: {actionPrefix} {actionBody}"); string left, right; XString.ParseAssoc(actionBody, out left, out right); Ide.TrySetOp(left, right); } } } else if (XString.StartsWith(actionLine, "Document.")) { string rest = actionLine.Substring(9); int openBracket = rest.IndexOf('('); string functionName = rest.Substring(0, openBracket); rest = rest.Substring(openBracket + 1); int closingBracket = rest.IndexOf(')'); rest = rest.Substring(0, closingBracket); var args = rest.Split(','); if (XString.Eq(functionName , "SetSelectedRange")) { int startIndex = int.Parse(args[0]); int endIndex = int.Parse(args[1]); Ide.Document_SetSelectedRange(startIndex, endIndex); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedRange")) { int startIndex = 0; int endIndex = 0; Ide.Document_GetSelectedRange(out startIndex, out endIndex); response += startIndex + "," + endIndex; } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedText")) { string text = Ide.Document_GetSelectedText(); response += text; } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "ReplaceSelectedText")) { Ide.Document_ReplaceSelectedText(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "DeleteSelectedText")) { Ide.Document_DeleteSelectedText(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetLineIndexByChar" )) { int charIndex = int.Parse(args[0]); int lineIndex = Ide.Document_GetLineIndexByChar(charIndex); response += lineIndex.ToString(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetLine" )) { int lineIndex = int.Parse(args[0]); string lineContent = Ide.Document_GetLine(lineIndex); response += lineContent.ToString(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "SelectLine" )) { int lineIndex = int.Parse(args[0]); Ide.Document_SelectLine(lineIndex); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetLineLength" )) { int charIndex = int.Parse(args[0]); int charCount = Ide.Document_GetLineLength(charIndex); response += charCount.ToString(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetCharIndexByLine" )) { int lineIndex = int.Parse(args[0]); int charIndex = Ide.Document_GetCharIndexByLine(lineIndex); response += charIndex.ToString(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetTextLength" )) { int charCount = Ide.Document_GetTextLength(); response += charCount.ToString(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetText" )) { string chars = Ide.Document_GetText(); response += chars; } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "ScrollToEnd" )) { Ide.Document_ScrollToEnd(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetCaretLineIndex" )) { response += Ide.Document_GetCaretLineIndex(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetCaretColumnIndex" )) { response += Ide.Document_GetCaretColumnIndex(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedStartLineIndex" )) { response += Ide.Document_GetSelectedStartLineIndex(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedEndLineIndex" )) { response += Ide.Document_GetSelectedEndLineIndex(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedRangeCount" )) { response += Ide.Document_GetSelectedRangeCount(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedStartCharIndex" )) { response += Ide.Document_GetSelectedStartCharIndex(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedEndCharIndex" )) { response += Ide.Document_GetSelectedEndCharIndex(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetOpenDocuments" )) { response += Ide.Document_GetOpenDocuments(); } } else if (XString.StartsWith(actionLine, "SolutionExplorer.")) { string functionName = null; string[] args = null; ParseActionLine(actionLine, "SolutionExplorer.", out functionName, out args); if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedItems" )) { response += Ide.SolutionExplorer_GetSelectedItems(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetSelectedItemCount" )) { response += Ide.SolutionExplorer_GetSelectedItemCount(); } } else if (XString.StartsWith(actionLine, "Base.")) { string functionName = null; string[] args = null; ParseActionLine(actionLine, "Base.", out functionName, out args); if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetServerId" )) { response += Ide.Base_GetServerId(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "SetServerId" )) { string serverId = args[0]; Ide.Base_SetServerId(serverId); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "GetServerHandle" )) { response += Ide.Base_GetServerHandle(); } } else if (XString.StartsWith(actionLine, "Output.")) { string functionName = null; string[] args = null; ParseActionLine(actionLine, "Output.", out functionName, out args); if (XString.Eq(functionName , "WriteCR" )) { response += Ide.Output_WriteCR(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "WriteLF" )) { response += Ide.Output_WriteLF(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "WriteCRLF" )) { response += Ide.Output_WriteCRLF(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "WriteHT" )) { response += Ide.Output_WriteHT(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "WriteSP" )) { response += Ide.Output_WriteSP(); } else if (XString.Eq(functionName , "Write" )) { string text = args[0].Trim('"'); response += Ide.Output_Write(text); } } } XLog.Log($"IncludeMarkerInResponse: {Persistence.IncludeMarkerInResponse}"); if (Persistence.IncludeMarkerInResponse) { response += Marker + "\r\n"; } var responseEncoding = Persistence.ResponseEncoding; XLog.Log($"ResponseEncoding: {responseEncoding}"); var sizeInBytes = (response.Length + 1) * 2; var responsePointer = IntPtr.Zero; try { if (responseEncoding == IdexEncoding.Ansi) { responsePointer = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(response); } else { responsePointer = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(response); } var cds = new COPYDATASTRUCT(); cds.cbData = sizeInBytes; cds.lpData = responsePointer; Native.SendMessage(clientHandle, WM_COPYDATA, IntPtr.Zero, ref cds); int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (errorCode != 0) { XLog.Log($"SendMessage Code: {errorCode}"); } } finally { XLog.Log($"Free native objects"); if (responseEncoding == IdexEncoding.Ansi) { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemAnsi(responsePointer); } else { Marshal.ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(responsePointer); } } XLog.Log($"End Request"); }
public static void Log(string msg) { XLog.Log(TAG, msg); }
/// <summary> /// Mostly unused method here, getting called when the socket is disconnected. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">ID</param> /// <param name="connection">Socket/TCPConnection</param> /// <returns>Nothing</returns> public void onDisconnect(int id, TCPConnection connection) { XLog.Log("Disconnected from Authentication server."); }
/// <summary> /// Mostly unused method here, getting called when the socket is connected. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">ID</param> /// <param name="connection">Socket/TCPConnection</param> /// <returns>Nothing</returns> public void onConnect(int id, TCPConnection connection) { XLog.Log("Connected to Authentication server."); }