コード例 #1
        public override bool OnSynchronizeDropdowns(
            Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.LanguageService languageService,
            IVsTextView textView,
            int line,
            int col,
            ArrayList dropDownTypes,
            ArrayList dropDownMembers,
            ref int selectedType,
            ref int selectedMember)
            var package         = XSharp.Project.XSharpProjectPackage.Instance;
            var optionsPage     = package.GetIntellisenseOptionsPage();
            var sortItems       = optionsPage.SortNavigationBars;
            var includeFields   = optionsPage.IncludeFieldsInNavigationBars;
            var currentTypeOnly = optionsPage.ShowMembersOfCurrentTypeOnly;

            if (optionsPage.DisableEditorDropdowns)
                selectedType = selectedMember = -1;
            // when the line did not change, we do nothing for performance reasons
            // this speeds up typing  for buffers with lots of entities
            if (line == lastLine)
                // same line, no changes
            lastLine = line;

            Source src     = languageService.GetSource(textView);
            string srcFile = src.GetFilePath();
            XFile file = XSolution.FindFullPath(srcFile);

            if (file == null || file.TypeList == null)
            XElement selectedElement = file.FindMemberAtRow(line);

            if (selectedElement == _lastSelected)
                // Same element, no changes
            // check if we are on the same type. When not then we need to reload the members.
            // Note that the first item in the members combo can also be a type (Classname)
            XElement parentType = null;

            if (selectedElement is XTypeMember)
                parentType = selectedElement.Parent;
            else if (selectedElement is XType)
                parentType = selectedElement as XType;
            bool newType = true;

            if (parentType != null && _lastType != null && parentType.FullName == _lastType.FullName)
                newType = false;
            // when we are on the same type and there are no new methods then we can
            // select the element in the members combo and we do not have to rebuild the members
            // list. We must set the selectedType and selectedMember
            if (!newType && file.ContentHashCode == _lastHashCode && lastIncludeFields == includeFields && lastCurrentTypeOnly == currentTypeOnly)
                // no need to rebuild the list. Just focus to another element
                // locate item in members collection
                selectedMember = -1;
                selectedType   = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < dropDownMembers.Count; i++)
                    var member = (XDropDownMember)dropDownMembers[i];
                    if (member.Element.ComboPrototype == selectedElement.ComboPrototype)
                        selectedMember = i;
                // find the parentType in the types combo
                if (selectedMember != -1 && parentType != null) // should never be null
                    for (int i = 0; i < dropDownTypes.Count; i++)
                        var member = (XDropDownMember)dropDownTypes[i];
                        var type   = member.Element as XType;
                        if (type.FullName == parentType.FullName)
                            selectedType = i;
                // normally we should always find it. But if it fails then we simply build the list below.
                if (selectedMember != -1 && selectedType != -1)
                    // remember for later. No need to remember the type because it has not changed
                    _lastSelected = selectedElement;
            int nSelType = -1;
            int nSelMbr  = -1;
            //int distanceM = int.MaxValue;
            DROPDOWNFONTATTR ft;

            if (file.TypeList.Count > 0)
                nSelType = 0;

            List <XType> xList = file.TypeList.Values.ToList <XType>();

            if (sortItems)
                xList.Sort(delegate(XType elt1, XType elt2)
            XType typeGlobal = null;
            int   nSelect    = 0;

            XElement currentMember = null;
            XType    currentType   = null;

            if (selectedElement is XTypeMember)
                currentMember = selectedElement as XTypeMember;
                currentType   = ((XTypeMember)currentMember).Parent;
            else if (selectedElement is XType)
                currentType   = selectedElement as XType;
                currentMember = null;
            nSelect = 0;
            XDropDownMember elt;

            // C# shows all items PLAIN
            // but when the selection is not really on an item, but for example on a comment
            // between methods, or on the comments between the namespace and the first class
            // then the next method/class is selected and displayed in GRAY
            // C# also includes members (for partial classes) that are defined in other source files
            // these are colored GRAY
            foreach (XType eltType in xList)
                if (eltType.Kind == Kind.Namespace)
                if (XType.IsGlobalType(eltType))
                    typeGlobal = eltType;
                TextSpan sp = this.TextRangeToTextSpan(eltType.Range);
                string name = eltType.Name;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    name = "?";
                elt         = new XDropDownMember(name, sp, eltType.Glyph, ft);
                elt.Element = eltType;
                nSelect     = dropDownTypes.Add(elt);
                if (eltType?.FullName == currentType?.FullName)
                    nSelType = nSelect;

            if (currentType == null)
                currentType = typeGlobal;
            bool hasPartial = false;

            if (currentType != null)    // should not happen since all files have a global type
                nSelMbr = 0;
                var members = new List <XElement>();
                if (currentTypeOnly)
                    if (currentType != typeGlobal && currentType.IsPartial)
                        // retrieve members from other files ?
                        var fullType = file.Project.Lookup(currentType.FullName, true);
                        hasPartial = true;
                    members.AddRange(file.EntityList.Where(member => includeFields || (member.Kind != Kind.Field && member.Kind != Kind.VODefine)));
                    foreach (var ent in file.EntityList)
                        if (ent is XType)
                            var xType = ent as XType;
                            if (xType.IsPartial)
                                // load methods from other files
                                var fullType = file.Project.Lookup(xType.FullName, true);
                                hasPartial = true;
                                foreach (var member in fullType.Members)
                                    if (!members.Contains(member))
                                        if (includeFields || (member.Kind != Kind.Field && member.Kind != Kind.VODefine))
                if (sortItems)
                    members = members.OrderBy(x => x.FullName).ToList();
                // Add member for class declaration. This also makes sure that there at least one
                // element in the members list, which is convenient.
                TextSpan spM = this.TextRangeToTextSpan(currentType.Range);
                if (currentTypeOnly)
                    // Add a 'root' element for the type.
                    if (currentType != typeGlobal)
                        if (currentType.Kind != Kind.Delegate)
                            elt         = new XDropDownMember("(" + currentType.Name + ")", spM, currentType.Glyph, ft);
                            elt.Element = currentType;
                        elt         = new XDropDownMember(currentType.Name, spM, currentType.Glyph, ft);
                        elt.Element = currentType;
                foreach (XElement member in members)
                    bool otherFile;
                    if (includeFields || (member.Kind != Kind.Field && member.Kind != Kind.VODefine))
                        spM       = this.TextRangeToTextSpan(member.Range);
                        otherFile = false;
                        ft        = DROPDOWNFONTATTR.FONTATTR_PLAIN;
                        if (hasPartial)
                            otherFile = member.File != file;

                        string prototype = member.ComboPrototype;
                        if (!currentTypeOnly && member.Parent != null && member.Parent != typeGlobal)
                            if (member.Modifiers.HasFlag(Modifiers.Static))
                                prototype = member.Parent.Name + "." + prototype;
                                prototype = member.Parent.Name + ":" + prototype;

                        if (otherFile)
                            ft         = DROPDOWNFONTATTR.FONTATTR_GRAY;
                            prototype += " (" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(member.File.SourcePath) + ")";
                        elt         = new XDropDownMember(prototype, spM, member.Glyph, ft);
                        nSelect     = dropDownMembers.Add(elt);
                        elt.Element = member;
                        if (member == currentMember)
                            nSelMbr = nSelect;
            // save the info so we can optimize the next call.
            _members            = dropDownMembers;
            _file               = file;
            _lastSelected       = selectedElement;
            _lastType           = currentType;
            _lastHashCode       = file.ContentHashCode;
            selectedType        = nSelType;
            selectedMember      = nSelMbr;
            lastIncludeFields   = includeFields;
            lastCurrentTypeOnly = currentTypeOnly;