コード例 #1
        public static void XNotifyQueueUI(XboxConsole Console, uint XUserIndex, XNotifyUITypes XNotifyUIType, XNotifyUIPriorities XNotifyUIPriority, string XNotifyMessage)
            if (XUserIndex > 3)
                throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XNotifyQueueUI: Invalid user index specified. It must be less than or equal to 3.");
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(XNotifyUITypes), XNotifyUIType))
                throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XNotifyQueueUI: Invalid notification type specified.");
            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(XNotifyUIPriorities), XNotifyUIPriority))
                throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XNotifyQueueUI: Invalid notification priority specified.");
            var dwType          = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>((uint)XNotifyUIType);
            var dwUserIndex     = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(XUserIndex);
            var dwPriority      = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>((uint)XNotifyUIPriority);
            var pwszStringParam = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(XNotifyMessage, Encoding.BigEndianUnicode);
            var returnVal       = Console.ExecuteRPC <uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 656, dwType, dwUserIndex, dwPriority, pwszStringParam);

            if (returnVal != 0x00000000)
                throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
コード例 #2
        public static uint XexGetModuleHandle(XboxConsole Console, string ModuleName)
            var name      = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(ModuleName, Encoding.ASCII);
            var handle    = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(0, ArgumentType.Out);
            var returnVal = Console.ExecuteRPC <uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, "xboxkrnl.exe", 405, name, handle);

            if (returnVal != 0x00000000)
                throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
コード例 #3
        public static FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE XUserFindUser(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, ulong YourXUID, string GamertagOrXUID)
            var qwUserId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>(YourXUID);
            XDRPCArgumentInfo qwFindId     = null;
            XDRPCArgumentInfo szSenderName = null;

            //if (GamertagOrXUID is ulong)
            //    if (!XUID.IsOnlineXUID((ulong)GamertagOrXUID) && !XUID.IsTeamXUID((ulong)GamertagOrXUID)) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid gamer online/team XUID specified.");
            //    qwFindId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>((ulong)GamertagOrXUID);
            //else if (GamertagOrXUID is string)
                if (GamertagOrXUID.Length > 15)
                    throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid Gamertag specified. It must be less than or equal to 15 characters in length.");
                szSenderName = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(GamertagOrXUID, Encoding.ASCII, ArgumentType.ByRef, 16);
            if (qwFindId == null && szSenderName == null)
                throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid gamertag/XUID specified.");
            if (qwFindId == null)
                qwFindId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>(0);
            if (szSenderName == null)
                szSenderName = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(string.Empty, Encoding.ASCII, ArgumentType.ByRef, 16);
            var cbResults    = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <int>(0x18);
            var pResults     = new XDRPCStructArgumentInfo <FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE>(new FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE(), ArgumentType.Out);
            var pXOverlapped = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(0);
            var returnVal    = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC <uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, Tools.Addresses.g_XUserFindUserAddressDEV, qwUserId, qwFindId, szSenderName, cbResults, pResults, pXOverlapped);

            if (returnVal != 0x00000000)
                throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
コード例 #4
        public static void XamShowFofUI(XboxConsole Console, uint XUserIndex, ulong FriendXUID, string Gamertag)
            if (XUserIndex > 3)
                throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XamShowFofUI: Invalid user index specified. It must be less than or equal to 3.");
            if (!XUID.IsOnlineXUID(FriendXUID) && !XUID.IsTeamXUID(FriendXUID))
                throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XamShowFofUI: Invalid friend online/team XUID specified.");
            if (Gamertag.Length > 15)
                throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XamShowFofUI: Invalid Gamertag specified. It must be less than or equal to 16 characters in length.");
            var dwUserIndex = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>(XUserIndex);
            var xuidFriend  = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <ulong>(FriendXUID);
            var pszGamertag = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(Gamertag, Encoding.ASCII);
            var returnVal   = Console.ExecuteRPC <uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 1572, dwUserIndex, xuidFriend, pszGamertag);

            if (returnVal != 0x00000000)
                throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
コード例 #5
 public void SetClanTagText(string clantag)
     XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, this.Addresses.SetClanTagText);
     XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>(0);
     XDRPCStringArgumentInfo info2 = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(clantag);
     ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbc).ExecuteRPC<uint>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info, info2 });
コード例 #6
 public void setStat(string statName, int value)
     XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, this.Addresses.SetIntPlayerStat);
     XDRPCArgumentInfo<int> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<int>(0);
     XDRPCStringArgumentInfo info2 = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(statName);
     XDRPCArgumentInfo<int> info3 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<int>(value);
     ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) this.xbc).ExecuteRPC<int>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info, info2, info3 });
コード例 #7
 public byte G_MaterialIndex(string material)
     XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, this.Addresses.G_MaterialIndex);
     XDRPCStringArgumentInfo info = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(material);
     return ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbc).ExecuteRPC<byte>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info });
コード例 #8
 public decimal getStat(string statName)
     XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, this.Addresses.GetIntPlayerStat);
     XDRPCArgumentInfo<int> info = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<int>(0);
     XDRPCStringArgumentInfo info2 = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(statName);
     return ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) this.xbc).ExecuteRPC<int>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info, info2 });
コード例 #9
 public static FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE XUserFindUser(XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbc, ulong YourXUID, string GamertagOrXUID)
     var qwUserId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>(YourXUID);
     XDRPCArgumentInfo qwFindId = null;
     XDRPCArgumentInfo szSenderName = null;
     //if (GamertagOrXUID is ulong)
     //    if (!XUID.IsOnlineXUID((ulong)GamertagOrXUID) && !XUID.IsTeamXUID((ulong)GamertagOrXUID)) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid gamer online/team XUID specified.");
     //    qwFindId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>((ulong)GamertagOrXUID);
     //else if (GamertagOrXUID is string)
         if (GamertagOrXUID.Length > 15) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid Gamertag specified. It must be less than or equal to 15 characters in length.");
         szSenderName = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(GamertagOrXUID, Encoding.ASCII, ArgumentType.ByRef, 16);
     if (qwFindId == null && szSenderName == null) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XUserFindUser: Invalid gamertag/XUID specified.");
     if (qwFindId == null) qwFindId = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>(0);
     if (szSenderName == null) szSenderName = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(string.Empty, Encoding.ASCII, ArgumentType.ByRef, 16);
     var cbResults = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<int>(0x18);
     var pResults = new XDRPCStructArgumentInfo<FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE>(new FIND_USER_INFO_RESPONSE(), ArgumentType.Out);
     var pXOverlapped = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>(0);
     var returnVal = ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbc).ExecuteRPC<uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, Tools.Addresses.g_XUserFindUserAddressDEV, qwUserId, qwFindId, szSenderName, cbResults, pResults, pXOverlapped);
     if (returnVal != 0x00000000) throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
     return pResults.Value;
コード例 #10
 public short G_LocalizedStringIndex(string text)
     XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, this.Addresses.G_LocalizedStringIndex);
     XDRPCStringArgumentInfo info = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(text);
     return ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbc).ExecuteRPC<short>(options, new XDRPCArgumentInfo[] { info });
コード例 #11
 public static void XNotifyQueueUI(XboxConsole Console, uint XUserIndex, XNotifyUITypes XNotifyUIType, XNotifyUIPriorities XNotifyUIPriority, string XNotifyMessage)
     if (XUserIndex > 3) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XNotifyQueueUI: Invalid user index specified. It must be less than or equal to 3.");
     if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(XNotifyUITypes), XNotifyUIType)) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XNotifyQueueUI: Invalid notification type specified.");
     if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(XNotifyUIPriorities), XNotifyUIPriority)) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XNotifyQueueUI: Invalid notification priority specified.");
     var dwType = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>((uint)XNotifyUIType);
     var dwUserIndex = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>(XUserIndex);
     var dwPriority = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>((uint)XNotifyUIPriority);
     var pwszStringParam = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(XNotifyMessage, Encoding.BigEndianUnicode);
     var returnVal = Console.ExecuteRPC<uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 656, dwType, dwUserIndex, dwPriority, pwszStringParam);
     if (returnVal != 0x00000000) throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
コード例 #12
 public static uint XexGetModuleHandle(XboxConsole Console, string ModuleName)
     var name = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(ModuleName, Encoding.ASCII);
     var handle = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>(0, ArgumentType.Out);
     var returnVal = Console.ExecuteRPC<uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, "xboxkrnl.exe", 405, name, handle);
     if (returnVal != 0x00000000) throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
     return handle.Value;
コード例 #13
 public static void XamShowFofUI(XboxConsole Console, uint XUserIndex, ulong FriendXUID, string Gamertag)
     if (XUserIndex > 3) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XamShowFofUI: Invalid user index specified. It must be less than or equal to 3.");
     if (!XUID.IsOnlineXUID(FriendXUID) && !XUID.IsTeamXUID(FriendXUID)) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XamShowFofUI: Invalid friend online/team XUID specified.");
     if (Gamertag.Length > 15) throw new Exception("XDKUtilities.XamShowFofUI: Invalid Gamertag specified. It must be less than or equal to 16 characters in length.");
     var dwUserIndex = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>(XUserIndex);
     var xuidFriend = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<ulong>(FriendXUID);
     var pszGamertag = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo(Gamertag, Encoding.ASCII);
     var returnVal = Console.ExecuteRPC<uint>(XDRPCMode.Title, "xam.xex", 1572, dwUserIndex, xuidFriend, pszGamertag);
     if (returnVal != 0x00000000) throw new COMException("Exception from HRESULT: " + string.Format("0x{0:X}", returnVal), (int)returnVal);
コード例 #14
ファイル: rpc.cs プロジェクト: TheMuffinGroup/BobsPoopTools
 public static uint Call(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbCon, uint address, params object[] arg)
     if (((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbCon).SupportsRPC())
         bool flag = false;
         if (xbCon != null)
             XDRPCExecutionOptions options = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, address);
             XDRPCArgumentInfo[] args = new XDRPCArgumentInfo[arg.Length];
             XDRPCArgumentInfo<float>[] infoArray2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<float>[arg.Length];
             for (int i = 0; i < arg.Length; i++)
                 object obj2 = arg[i];
                 if (obj2 is string)
                     args[i] = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo((string) obj2);
                 else if (obj2 is int)
                     args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<int>((int) obj2);
                 else if (obj2 is uint)
                     args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<uint>((uint) obj2);
                 else if (obj2 is float)
                     infoArray2[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<float>((float) obj2);
                     flag = true;
                 else if (obj2 is long)
                     args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<long>((long) obj2);
                 else if (obj2 is byte[])
                     args[i] = new XDRPCArrayArgumentInfo<byte[]>((byte[]) obj2);
                 else if (obj2 is short)
                     args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<short>((short) obj2);
                 else if (obj2 is byte)
                     args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<byte>((byte) obj2);
                 else if (obj2 is char[])
                     args[i] = new XDRPCArrayArgumentInfo<char[]>((char[]) obj2);
                 else if (obj2 is char)
                     args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo<char>((char) obj2);
                     Console.WriteLine("Invalid Arg");
                     return 0;
                 if (flag)
                     return (uint) ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbCon).ExecuteRPC<float>(options, infoArray2);
                 return ((XDevkit.IXboxConsole) xbCon).ExecuteRPC<uint>(options, args);
             catch (Exception)
                 return 0;
         return 0;
     long[] argument = new long[9];
     if (firstRan == 0)
         byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
         xbCon.DebugTarget.GetMemory(0x91c088ae, 4, buffer, out meh);
         xbCon.DebugTarget.InvalidateMemoryCache(true, 0x91c088ae, 4);
         bufferAddress = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0);
         firstRan = 1;
         stringPointer = bufferAddress + 0x5dc;
         floatPointer = bufferAddress + 0xa8c;
         bytePointer = bufferAddress + 0xc80;
         xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress, 100, nulled, out meh);
         xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(stringPointer, 100, nulled, out meh);
     if (bufferAddress == 0)
         byte[] buffer2 = new byte[4];
         xbCon.DebugTarget.GetMemory(0x91c088ae, 4, buffer2, out meh);
         xbCon.DebugTarget.InvalidateMemoryCache(true, 0x91c088ae, 4);
         bufferAddress = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer2, 0);
     stringPointer = bufferAddress + 0x5dc;
     floatPointer = bufferAddress + 0xa8c;
     bytePointer = bufferAddress + 0xc80;
     int num4 = 0;
     int index = 0;
     foreach (object obj3 in arg)
         if (obj3 is byte)
             byte[] buffer3 = (byte[]) obj3;
             argument[index] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer3, 0);
         else if (obj3 is byte[])
             byte[] buffer4 = (byte[]) obj3;
             xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bytePointer, (uint) buffer4.Length, buffer4, out meh);
             argument[index] = bytePointer;
             bytePointer += (uint) (buffer4.Length + 2);
         else if (obj3 is float)
             byte[] buffer5 = BitConverter.GetBytes(float.Parse(Convert.ToString(obj3)));
             xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(floatPointer, (uint) buffer5.Length, buffer5, out meh);
             argument[index] = floatPointer;
             floatPointer += (uint) (buffer5.Length + 2);
         else if (obj3 is float[])
             byte[] dst = new byte[12];
             int num6 = 0;
             for (num6 = 0; num6 <= 2; num6++)
                 byte[] buffer7 = new byte[4];
                 Buffer.BlockCopy((Array) obj3, num6 * 4, buffer7, 0, 4);
                 Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer7, 0, dst, 4 * num6, 4);
             xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(floatPointer, (uint) dst.Length, dst, out meh);
             argument[index] = floatPointer;
             floatPointer += 2;
         else if (obj3 is string)
             byte[] buffer8 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(obj3));
             xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(stringPointer, (uint) buffer8.Length, buffer8, out meh);
             argument[index] = stringPointer;
             string str = Convert.ToString(obj3);
             stringPointer += (uint) (str.Length + 1);
             argument[index] = Convert.ToInt64(obj3);
     byte[] data = getData(argument);
     xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress + 8, (uint) data.Length, data, out meh);
     byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(num4);
     xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress + 4, 4, bytes, out meh);
     byte[] array = BitConverter.GetBytes(address);
     xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress, 4, array, out meh);
     byte[] buffer12 = new byte[4];
     xbCon.DebugTarget.GetMemory(bufferAddress + 0xffc, 4, buffer12, out meh);
     xbCon.DebugTarget.InvalidateMemoryCache(true, bufferAddress + 0xffc, 4);
     return BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer12, 0);
コード例 #15
        public static uint Call(this XDevkit.IXboxConsole xbCon, uint address, params object[] arg)
            if (((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbCon).SupportsRPC())
                bool flag = false;
                if (xbCon != null)
                    XDRPCExecutionOptions       options    = new XDRPCExecutionOptions(XDRPCMode.Title, address);
                    XDRPCArgumentInfo[]         args       = new XDRPCArgumentInfo[arg.Length];
                    XDRPCArgumentInfo <float>[] infoArray2 = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <float> [arg.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < arg.Length; i++)
                        object obj2 = arg[i];
                        if (obj2 is string)
                            args[i] = new XDRPCStringArgumentInfo((string)obj2);
                        else if (obj2 is int)
                            args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <int>((int)obj2);
                        else if (obj2 is uint)
                            args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <uint>((uint)obj2);
                        else if (obj2 is float)
                            infoArray2[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <float>((float)obj2);
                            flag          = true;
                        else if (obj2 is long)
                            args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <long>((long)obj2);
                        else if (obj2 is byte[])
                            args[i] = new XDRPCArrayArgumentInfo <byte[]>((byte[])obj2);
                        else if (obj2 is short)
                            args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <short>((short)obj2);
                        else if (obj2 is byte)
                            args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <byte>((byte)obj2);
                        else if (obj2 is char[])
                            args[i] = new XDRPCArrayArgumentInfo <char[]>((char[])obj2);
                        else if (obj2 is char)
                            args[i] = new XDRPCArgumentInfo <char>((char)obj2);
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Arg");
                        if (flag)
                            return((uint)((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbCon).ExecuteRPC <float>(options, infoArray2));
                        return(((XDevkit.IXboxConsole)xbCon).ExecuteRPC <uint>(options, args));
                    catch (Exception)
            long[] argument = new long[9];
            if (firstRan == 0)
                byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
                xbCon.DebugTarget.GetMemory(0x91c088ae, 4, buffer, out meh);
                xbCon.DebugTarget.InvalidateMemoryCache(true, 0x91c088ae, 4);
                bufferAddress = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0);
                firstRan      = 1;
                stringPointer = bufferAddress + 0x5dc;
                floatPointer  = bufferAddress + 0xa8c;
                bytePointer   = bufferAddress + 0xc80;
                xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress, 100, nulled, out meh);
                xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(stringPointer, 100, nulled, out meh);
            if (bufferAddress == 0)
                byte[] buffer2 = new byte[4];
                xbCon.DebugTarget.GetMemory(0x91c088ae, 4, buffer2, out meh);
                xbCon.DebugTarget.InvalidateMemoryCache(true, 0x91c088ae, 4);
                bufferAddress = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer2, 0);
            stringPointer = bufferAddress + 0x5dc;
            floatPointer  = bufferAddress + 0xa8c;
            bytePointer   = bufferAddress + 0xc80;
            int num4  = 0;
            int index = 0;

            foreach (object obj3 in arg)
                if (obj3 is byte)
                    byte[] buffer3 = (byte[])obj3;
                    argument[index] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer3, 0);
                else if (obj3 is byte[])
                    byte[] buffer4 = (byte[])obj3;
                    xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bytePointer, (uint)buffer4.Length, buffer4, out meh);
                    argument[index] = bytePointer;
                    bytePointer    += (uint)(buffer4.Length + 2);
                else if (obj3 is float)
                    byte[] buffer5 = BitConverter.GetBytes(float.Parse(Convert.ToString(obj3)));
                    xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(floatPointer, (uint)buffer5.Length, buffer5, out meh);
                    argument[index] = floatPointer;
                    floatPointer   += (uint)(buffer5.Length + 2);
                else if (obj3 is float[])
                    byte[] dst  = new byte[12];
                    int    num6 = 0;
                    for (num6 = 0; num6 <= 2; num6++)
                        byte[] buffer7 = new byte[4];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)obj3, num6 * 4, buffer7, 0, 4);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer7, 0, dst, 4 * num6, 4);
                    xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(floatPointer, (uint)dst.Length, dst, out meh);
                    argument[index] = floatPointer;
                    floatPointer   += 2;
                else if (obj3 is string)
                    byte[] buffer8 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(obj3));
                    xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(stringPointer, (uint)buffer8.Length, buffer8, out meh);
                    argument[index] = stringPointer;
                    string str = Convert.ToString(obj3);
                    stringPointer += (uint)(str.Length + 1);
                    argument[index] = Convert.ToInt64(obj3);
            byte[] data = getData(argument);
            xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress + 8, (uint)data.Length, data, out meh);
            byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(num4);
            xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress + 4, 4, bytes, out meh);
            byte[] array = BitConverter.GetBytes(address);
            xbCon.DebugTarget.SetMemory(bufferAddress, 4, array, out meh);
            byte[] buffer12 = new byte[4];
            xbCon.DebugTarget.GetMemory(bufferAddress + 0xffc, 4, buffer12, out meh);
            xbCon.DebugTarget.InvalidateMemoryCache(true, bufferAddress + 0xffc, 4);
            return(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer12, 0));