public void CreateReplacementFileRecreatesWhenDenyWriteACLPresent() { const string Target = @"Target"; FileId originalId; using (FileStream original = File.Create(GetFullPath(Target))) { originalId = FileUtilities.ReadFileUsnByHandle(original.SafeFileHandle).Value.FileId; } AddDenyWriteACL(GetFullPath(Target)); using (FileStream fs = FileUtilities.CreateReplacementFile(GetFullPath(Target), FileShare.Read | FileShare.Delete)) { XAssert.IsNotNull(fs); XAssert.AreNotEqual(originalId, FileUtilities.ReadFileUsnByHandle(fs.SafeFileHandle).Value.FileId, "File was truncated rather than replaced"); XAssert.AreEqual(0, fs.Length); fs.WriteByte(1); } }
public async Task CopyCompletionCallback() { const string Src = "src"; const string Target = "target"; File.WriteAllText(GetFullPath(Src), "Source"); Usn closeUsn = default(Usn); var completionHandlerCalled = false; await FileUtilities.CopyFileAsync( GetFullPath(Src), GetFullPath(Target), onCompletion : (source, dest) => { completionHandlerCalled = true; if (!OperatingSystemHelper.IsUnixOS) { Usn?maybeCloseUsn = FileUtilities.TryWriteUsnCloseRecordByHandle(dest); XAssert.IsNotNull(maybeCloseUsn); closeUsn = maybeCloseUsn.Value; } }); XAssert.IsTrue(completionHandlerCalled); XAssert.IsTrue(File.Exists(GetFullPath(Target))); XAssert.AreEqual("Source", File.ReadAllText(GetFullPath(Target))); if (!OperatingSystemHelper.IsUnixOS) { XAssert.AreNotEqual(0, closeUsn, "Completion callback skipped"); using (FileStream dest = File.OpenRead(GetFullPath(Target))) { Usn usn = FileUtilities.ReadFileUsnByHandle(dest.SafeFileHandle).Value.Usn; XAssert.AreEqual(closeUsn, usn, "CLOSE usn should have been written during the callback."); } } }
public void MoveTempDeletionCanReplaceRunningExecutable() { // Make a copy of DummyWaiter.exe to use as the test subject for deleting a running executable. // Keep the copy in the same directory as the original since it will need runtime dlls string dummyWaiterLocation = DummyWaiter.GetDummyWaiterExeLocation(); string exeCopy = dummyWaiterLocation + ".copy.exe"; File.Copy(dummyWaiterLocation, exeCopy); using (var waiter = DummyWaiter.RunAndWait(exeCopy)) { BuildXLException caughtException = null; try { FileUtilities.DeleteFile(exeCopy); } catch (BuildXLException ex) { caughtException = ex; } XAssert.IsNotNull(caughtException, "Expected deletion without a tempCleaner to fail"); XAssert.IsTrue(File.Exists(exeCopy)); caughtException = null; try { FileUtilities.DeleteFile(exeCopy, tempDirectoryCleaner: MoveDeleteCleaner); } catch (BuildXLException ex) { caughtException = ex; } XAssert.IsNull(caughtException, "Expected deletion with a MoveDeleteCleaner to succeed"); XAssert.IsFalse(File.Exists(exeCopy)); } }
public void PreventResize() { var list = new ConcurrentArrayList <TestValue>(1, false); list[0] = new TestValue(0); XAssert.IsNotNull(list[0]); XAssert.AreEqual(0, list[0].Value); Exception expectedException = null; try { list[1] = new TestValue(1); } catch (Exception e) { expectedException = e; } XAssert.IsNotNull(expectedException as ArgumentException); XAssert.AreEqual("index", ((ArgumentException)expectedException).ParamName); }
public void TestMultipleReuses() { SetupHelloWorld(); SetUpConfig(); EngineState firstEngineState = RunEngine("First build"); FreshSetUp("bar"); EngineState secondEngineState = RunEngine("Second build", engineState: firstEngineState); XAssert.IsTrue(!EngineState.IsUsable(firstEngineState)); XAssert.IsNotNull(secondEngineState); XAssert.IsTrue(!secondEngineState.IsDisposed); XAssert.AreNotSame(firstEngineState, secondEngineState); FreshSetUp("baz"); EngineState thirdEngineState = RunEngine("Third build", engineState: secondEngineState); XAssert.IsTrue(!EngineState.IsUsable(secondEngineState)); XAssert.IsNotNull(EngineState.IsUsable(thirdEngineState)); XAssert.IsTrue(!thirdEngineState.IsDisposed); XAssert.AreNotSame(secondEngineState, thirdEngineState); }
public async Task TestGcPrefix() { string cacheConfig = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcPrefix), true); BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache; XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!"); PipDefinition[] pips = { new PipDefinition("Pip1", pipSize: 3), new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4), new PipDefinition("Pip3", pipSize: 5) }; // First, lets filter the GC to only do one of the files. CacheEntries files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Build", pips); cache.DeleteSession("Build"); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { files.AgeAll(); string targetFile = files.FingerprintFiles.Keys.First(); // Get the shard directory of the weak fingerprint string prefix = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFile))); XAssert.AreEqual(3, prefix.Length); m_output.WriteLine("GC Prefix: [{0}]", prefix); var stats = cache.CollectUnreferencedFingerprints(m_output, prefixFilter: prefix.Substring(0, i)); XAssert.IsFalse(File.Exists(targetFile), "Should have moved this one to pending"); BasicFilesystemCache.UndoPendingDelete(targetFile); files.AssertExists(); } AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync()); }
public void RetryEmptyDirectoryDelete() { // Create an empty directory string dir = Path.Combine(TemporaryDirectory, "dir"); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); SafeFileHandle childHandle = null; FileUtilities.TryCreateOrOpenFile( dir, FileDesiredAccess.GenericRead, FileShare.Read, FileMode.Open, FileFlagsAndAttributes.FileFlagBackupSemantics, out childHandle); using (childHandle) { Exception exception = null; try { // Fails because of handle open to /dir FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(dir, deleteRootDirectory: true); } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } XAssert.IsNotNull(exception); XAssert.IsTrue(FileUtilities.Exists(dir)); } AssertVerboseEventLogged(NativeLogEventId.RetryOnFailureException, Helpers.DefaultNumberOfAttempts); FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(dir, deleteRootDirectory: true); XAssert.IsFalse(FileUtilities.Exists(dir)); }
public virtual async Task ReadOnlyRemoteIsNotUpdatedWhenDisconnected() { string testCacheId = "Disconnected"; ICache testCache = await InitializeCacheAsync(NewCache(testCacheId, false)).SuccessAsync(); VerticalCacheAggregator vertCache = testCache as VerticalCacheAggregator; XAssert.IsNotNull(vertCache); PoisonAllRemoteSessions(testCache); DisconnectRemoteCache(testCache); ICacheSession session = (await testCache.CreateSessionAsync()).Success(); FullCacheRecord cacheRecord = await FakeBuild.DoPipAsync(session, "TestPip"); await VerticalAggregatorBaseTests.ValidateItemsInCacheAsync( vertCache.LocalCache, cacheRecord.StrongFingerprint.WeakFingerprint, new List <CasHash>(cacheRecord.CasEntries), CacheDeterminism.None, cacheRecord.StrongFingerprint.CasElement, vertCache.LocalCache.CacheId, 1); var remoteSession = await vertCache.RemoteCache.CreateReadOnlySessionAsync().SuccessAsync(); int fingerprintsReturned = 0; foreach (var fingerprint in remoteSession.EnumerateStrongFingerprints(cacheRecord.StrongFingerprint.WeakFingerprint)) { fingerprintsReturned++; } XAssert.AreEqual(0, fingerprintsReturned, "No fingerprints should have been found in the remote cache."); AssertSuccess(await testCache.ShutdownAsync()); }
public async Task TestCasOnlyShardFile() { string baseCacheDir = null; m_shardFileSource = (cacheDir) => { baseCacheDir = cacheDir; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(BasicFilesystemCache.WFP_TOKEN); sb.AppendLine(BasicFilesystemCache.END_TOKEN); sb.AppendLine(BasicFilesystemCache.CAS_TOKEN); sb.AppendLine(cacheDir + "CasDir"); sb.AppendLine(BasicFilesystemCache.END_TOKEN); return(sb.ToString()); }; string cacheConfig = NewCache("TestCasOnlyShardFile", false); BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache; XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for tests!"); string casPath = Path.Combine(baseCacheDir + "CasDir", BasicFilesystemCache.CAS_HASH_TOKEN); foreach (string oneShardDir in cache.CasRoots) { XAssert.AreEqual(casPath, oneShardDir, "Cas Directory not as expected"); } string wfpPath = Path.Combine(baseCacheDir, BasicFilesystemCache.WFP_TOKEN); foreach (string oneShardDir in cache.FingerprintRoots) { XAssert.AreEqual(wfpPath, oneShardDir, "Fingerprint directory not as expected"); } }
private void WithVolumeHandle(Action <SafeFileHandle> action) { VolumeMap map = JournalUtils.TryCreateMapOfAllLocalVolumes(new LoggingContext("Dummy", "Dummy")); XAssert.IsNotNull(map, "Failed to create a volume map"); using (VolumeAccessor volumeAccessor = map.CreateVolumeAccessor()) { SafeFileHandle directoryHandle; var directoryOpenResult = FileUtilities.TryOpenDirectory( TemporaryDirectory, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete, out directoryHandle); using (directoryHandle) { XAssert.IsTrue(directoryOpenResult.Succeeded, "Failed to open the temporary directory to query its volume membership"); SafeFileHandle volumeHandle = volumeAccessor.TryGetVolumeHandle(directoryHandle); XAssert.IsNotNull(volumeHandle, "Failed to open a volume handle"); action(volumeHandle); } } }
public async Task Deterministic() { const string TestName = nameof(Deterministic); string testCacheId = MakeCacheId(TestName); ICache cache = await CreateCacheAsync(testCacheId); ICacheSession session = await cache.CreateSessionAsync().SuccessAsync(); PipDefinition[] pips = { new PipDefinition("PipA"), new PipDefinition("PipB") }; FullCacheRecord[] records = (await pips.BuildAsync(session)).ToArray(); XAssert.AreEqual(2, records.Length); // Now, we should be able to redo those adds but swap the CasEntries in the records // and get them replaced for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // Make sure we have our own strong fingerprint (no cheating by the cache for this one) var strong = records[i].StrongFingerprint; strong = new StrongFingerprint(strong.WeakFingerprint, strong.CasElement, strong.HashElement, "testing"); // Validate that the GetCacheEntry produces what we expect var entries = await session.GetCacheEntryAsync(strong).SuccessAsync(); XAssert.AreEqual(records[i].CasEntries, entries); // Validate that the other record I am going to do is different var other = records[1 - i].CasEntries; XAssert.AreNotEqual(entries, other, "Other entries must be different!"); var newRecord = await session.AddOrGetAsync(strong.WeakFingerprint, strong.CasElement, strong.HashElement, other).SuccessAsync(); XAssert.IsNotNull(newRecord.Record, "Should have returned prior version"); XAssert.AreEqual(records[i], newRecord.Record); var fail = await session.AddOrGetAsync(strong.WeakFingerprint, strong.CasElement, strong.HashElement, new CasEntries(other, CacheDeterminism.SinglePhaseNonDeterministic)); XAssert.IsFalse(fail.Succeeded, "Should not have succeeded in replacing normal with SinglePhaseNonDeterministic"); XAssert.AreEqual(typeof(SinglePhaseMixingFailure), fail.Failure.GetType(), fail.Failure.Describe()); // Should not matter if the CasEntries are the same or not fail = await session.AddOrGetAsync(strong.WeakFingerprint, strong.CasElement, strong.HashElement, new CasEntries(entries, CacheDeterminism.SinglePhaseNonDeterministic)); XAssert.IsFalse(fail.Succeeded, "Should not have succeeded in replacing normal with SinglePhaseNonDeterministic"); XAssert.AreEqual(typeof(SinglePhaseMixingFailure), fail.Failure.GetType(), fail.Failure.Describe()); } // Now for tool deterministic rules PipDefinition[] toolPips = { new PipDefinition("ToolPipA", determinism: CacheDeterminism.Tool), new PipDefinition("ToolPipB", determinism: CacheDeterminism.Tool) }; records = (await toolPips.BuildAsync(session)).ToArray(); XAssert.AreEqual(2, records.Length); // Now, we should not be able to change tool deterministic results as that is // a major error (not just a failure to add with prior record returned) for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // Make sure we have our own strong fingerprint (no cheating by the cache for this one) var strong = records[i].StrongFingerprint; strong = new StrongFingerprint(strong.WeakFingerprint, strong.CasElement, strong.HashElement, "testing"); // Validate that the GetCacheEntry produces what we expect var entries = await session.GetCacheEntryAsync(strong).SuccessAsync(); XAssert.AreEqual(records[i].CasEntries, entries); // Validate that the other record I am going to do is different var other = records[1 - i].CasEntries; XAssert.AreNotEqual(entries, other, "Other entries must be different!"); // Setting our own should be just fine (same content with tool determinism) var newRecord = await session.AddOrGetAsync(strong.WeakFingerprint, strong.CasElement, strong.HashElement, entries).SuccessAsync(); XAssert.IsNull(newRecord.Record); // A non-tool deteriminism update should have returned the prior version newRecord = await session.AddOrGetAsync(strong.WeakFingerprint, strong.CasElement, strong.HashElement, new CasEntries(other, CacheDeterminism.None)).SuccessAsync(); XAssert.AreEqual(records[i], newRecord.Record); // Giving a tool deterministic different answer should fail var fail = await session.AddOrGetAsync(strong.WeakFingerprint, strong.CasElement, strong.HashElement, other); XAssert.IsFalse(fail.Succeeded, "Should have failed when trying to give conflicting tool deterministic entries"); XAssert.AreEqual(typeof(NotDeterministicFailure), fail.Failure.GetType(), fail.Failure.Describe()); } await session.CloseAsync().SuccessAsync(); await ShutdownCacheAsync(cache, testCacheId); }
public async Task CheckProcessTreeTimoutOnNestedChildProcessTimeoutWhenRootProcessExitedAsync() { var processInfo = CreateProcessInfoWithSandboxConnection(Operation.Echo("hi")); processInfo.NestedProcessTerminationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); // Set the last enqueue time to now s_connection.MinReportQueueEnqueueTime = Sandbox.GetMachAbsoluteTime(); using (var process = CreateAndStartSandboxedProcess(processInfo)) { var time = s_connection.MinReportQueueEnqueueTime; var childProcessPath = "/dummy/exe2"; var childProcessPid = process.ProcessId + 1; // first post some reports indicating that // - a child process was spawned // - the main process exited // (not posting that the child process exited) var postTask1 = GetContinuouslyPostAccessReportsTask(process, new List <ReportInstruction> { new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpProcessStart, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = childProcessPid, Path = childProcessPath, Allowed = true }, new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpProcessExit, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = process.ProcessId, Path = "/dummy/exe", Allowed = true }, new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpKAuthCreateDir, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(600).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = childProcessPid, Path = childProcessPath, Allowed = true }, }); // SandboxedProcessMac should decide to kill the process because its child survived; // when it does that, it will call this callback. When that happens, we must post // OpProcessTreeCompleted because SandboxedProcessMac will keep waiting for it. s_connection.ProcessTerminated += (pipId, pid) => { postTask1.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); ContinuouslyPostAccessReports(process, new List <ReportInstruction> { new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpProcessTreeCompleted, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(900).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = process.ProcessId, Path = "/dummy/exe", Allowed = true } }); }; var result = await process.GetResultAsync(); await postTask1; // await here as well just to make AsyncFixer happy XAssert.IsTrue(result.Killed, "Expected process to have been killed"); XAssert.IsFalse(result.TimedOut, "Didn't expect process to have timed out"); XAssert.IsNotNull(result.SurvivingChildProcesses, "Expected surviving child processes"); XAssert.IsTrue(result.SurvivingChildProcesses.Any(p => p.Path == childProcessPath), $"Expected surviving child processes to contain {childProcessPath}; " + $"instead it contains: {string.Join(", ", result.SurvivingChildProcesses.Select(p => p.Path))}"); } }
public async Task DeterminismNotUpgraded(int fromDeterminism, int toDeterminism, bool differentCasEntries) { string testName = I($"DeterminismNotUpgraded{fromDeterminism}x{toDeterminism}{(differentCasEntries ? "Diff" : "Same")}"); string testCacheId = MakeCacheId(testName); ICache cache = await CreateCacheAsync(testCacheId); string testSessionId = "Session1-" + testCacheId; ICacheSession session = await CreateSessionAsync(cache, testSessionId); // We need at least 2 to make "differentCasEntries" work PipDefinition[] pips = { new PipDefinition("PipA", determinism: s_determinism[fromDeterminism]), new PipDefinition("PipB", determinism: s_determinism[fromDeterminism]) }; var records = (await pips.BuildAsync(session)).ToArray(); await CloseSessionAsync(session, testSessionId); testSessionId = "Session2-" + testCacheId; session = await CreateSessionAsync(cache, testSessionId); // What we will do here is AddOrGet() a record with the determinism bit changed. for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++) { var record = records[i]; // This gets the CasEntries we want CasEntries newEntries = records[(i + (differentCasEntries ? 1 : 0)) % records.Length].CasEntries; // Validate that the entry for the record is what we expect var entries = (await session.GetCacheEntryAsync(record.StrongFingerprint)).Success(); XAssert.AreEqual(s_determinism[fromDeterminism].EffectiveGuid, entries.Determinism.EffectiveGuid); // Now pin the CasElement and all of the CasEntries (await session.PinToCasAsync(record.StrongFingerprint.CasElement, CancellationToken.None)).Success(); (await session.PinToCasAsync(newEntries, CancellationToken.None)).Success(); // Now make a new record var newRecord = (await session.AddOrGetAsync( record.StrongFingerprint.WeakFingerprint, record.StrongFingerprint.CasElement, record.StrongFingerprint.HashElement, new CasEntries(newEntries, s_determinism[toDeterminism]))).Success(); // The new record should be null since the contents were the same. if (differentCasEntries) { XAssert.IsNotNull(newRecord.Record); XAssert.AreEqual(record, newRecord.Record); } else { XAssert.IsNull(newRecord.Record); } // Now, we will try to get the same record from the cache to validate // the setting of the bit entries = (await session.GetCacheEntryAsync(record.StrongFingerprint)).Success(); XAssert.AreEqual(record.CasEntries, entries); XAssert.AreEqual(s_determinism[fromDeterminism].EffectiveGuid, entries.Determinism.EffectiveGuid); } await CloseSessionAsync(session, testSessionId); await ShutdownCacheAsync(cache, testCacheId); }
public async Task DisconnectMostRemoteAfterBuildReturnsMostRemoteCacheDeterminism() { string cacheId = "MutlipleCacheRemote"; ICache testCache = await InitializeCacheAsync(NewCache(cacheId, true, false, true)).SuccessAsync(); VerticalCacheAggregator lowerVert = testCache as VerticalCacheAggregator; XAssert.IsNotNull(lowerVert); CallbackCacheWrapper callbackCache = lowerVert.RemoteCache as CallbackCacheWrapper; XAssert.IsNotNull(callbackCache); VerticalCacheAggregator upperVert = callbackCache.WrappedCache as VerticalCacheAggregator; XAssert.IsNotNull(upperVert); ICacheSession session = await testCache.CreateSessionAsync().SuccessAsync(); FullCacheRecord cacheRecord = await FakeBuild.DoPipAsync(session, "Test Pip"); VerticalAggregatorDisconnectTests.DisconnectCache(upperVert.RemoteCache); // Now query each cache, and verify only the remote content is in each. var remoteDeterminism = CacheDeterminism.ViaCache(upperVert.RemoteCache.CacheGuid, CacheDeterminism.NeverExpires); foreach (var currentCache in new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>[] { new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>(testCache, remoteDeterminism, lowerVert.LocalCache.CacheId, 2), new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>(lowerVert.LocalCache, remoteDeterminism, lowerVert.LocalCache.CacheId, 1), new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>(upperVert.LocalCache, remoteDeterminism, upperVert.LocalCache.CacheId, 1), new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>(upperVert.RemoteCache, remoteDeterminism, upperVert.RemoteCache.CacheId, 1), }) { await ValidateItemsInCacheAsync( currentCache.Item1, cacheRecord.StrongFingerprint.WeakFingerprint, new List <CasHash>(cacheRecord.CasEntries), currentCache.Item2, cacheRecord.StrongFingerprint.CasElement, currentCache.Item3, currentCache.Item4); } // And make sure it flips back on re-connect. remoteDeterminism = CacheDeterminism.ViaCache(upperVert.RemoteCache.CacheGuid, CacheDeterminism.NeverExpires); VerticalAggregatorDisconnectTests.ConnectCache(upperVert.RemoteCache); foreach (var currentCache in new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>[] { new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>(testCache, CacheDeterminism.ViaCache(upperVert.RemoteCache.CacheGuid, CacheDeterminism.NeverExpires), lowerVert.LocalCache.CacheId, 3), new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>(lowerVert.LocalCache, CacheDeterminism.ViaCache(upperVert.RemoteCache.CacheGuid, CacheDeterminism.NeverExpires), lowerVert.LocalCache.CacheId, 1), new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>(upperVert.LocalCache, CacheDeterminism.ViaCache(upperVert.RemoteCache.CacheGuid, CacheDeterminism.NeverExpires), upperVert.LocalCache.CacheId, 1), new Tuple <ICache, CacheDeterminism, string, int>(upperVert.RemoteCache, remoteDeterminism, upperVert.RemoteCache.CacheId, 1), }) { await ValidateItemsInCacheAsync( currentCache.Item1, cacheRecord.StrongFingerprint.WeakFingerprint, new List <CasHash>(cacheRecord.CasEntries), currentCache.Item2, cacheRecord.StrongFingerprint.CasElement, currentCache.Item3, currentCache.Item4); } await testCache.ShutdownAsync().SuccessAsync(); }
public async Task TestGcMulti() { // To keep test time down, we do all of the "safely skipped during GC" tests in one go // This is actually safe as I then validate that it recovers later. Under normal conditions // this rarely happens but we want to make sure that the GC can handle the concurrent access // characteristics and this hits those other code paths. string cacheConfig = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcMulti), true); BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache; XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!"); foreach (var build in DoBuilds(cache, 4).OutOfOrderTasks()) { await build; } // Now delete the sessions one at a time and age at each step for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { new CacheEntries(cache).AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); cache.DeleteSession("Build" + i); } // At this point we should have deleted a few items at each level // The last session should still have been alive at the last GC // so we should now have both pending and non-pending in both the // fingerprints and CAS CacheEntries files = new CacheEntries(cache); XAssert.IsTrue(files.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Any(IsPendingDelete)); XAssert.IsTrue(files.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete)); XAssert.IsTrue(files.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsPendingDelete)); XAssert.IsTrue(files.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete)); // Age them all files.AgeAll(); // Now, we need to open some files of each time and run a GC to see that it works. using (var notPendingFingerprint = files.FingerprintFiles.First(kv => IsNotPendingDelete(kv.Key)).Value.OpenRead()) { using (var pendingFingerprint = files.FingerprintFiles.First(kv => IsPendingDelete(kv.Key)).Value.OpenRead()) { using (var notPendingCas = files.CasFiles.First(kv => IsNotPendingDelete(kv.Key)).Value.OpenRead()) { using (var pendingCas = files.CasFiles.First(kv => IsPendingDelete(kv.Key)).Value.OpenRead()) { // This should allow the GC to continue but some things will not be collected // to do failed deletes and failed renames to pending var stats = FullGc(cache); XAssert.AreEqual(1, stats["CAS_Skipped"], "Should have skipped a CAS entry"); XAssert.AreEqual(2, stats["Fingerprint_Skipped"], "Should have skipped 2 Fingerprints"); } } } } // Now with the files not blocked from delete/rename, run the GC again (no fresh aging) var statsRemaining = FullGc(cache); XAssert.AreEqual(1, statsRemaining["Fingerprint_Collected"], "Collected the one fingerprint that was held open"); XAssert.AreEqual(1, statsRemaining["Fingerprint_Pending"], "Moved to pending the one fingerprint that was held open"); XAssert.AreEqual(1, statsRemaining["CAS_Collected"], "Collected the one CAS item that was held open"); XAssert.AreEqual(4, statsRemaining["CAS_Pending"], "Moved to pending the one CAS item that was held open and the 3 CAS items that were referenced by the fingerprint that was held"); // Check that the partition counts match as needed XAssert.AreEqual((TestType is TestBasicFilesystemSharded) ? TestBasicFilesystemSharded.SHARD_COUNT : 1, statsRemaining["Fingerprint_Partitions"]); XAssert.AreEqual((TestType is TestBasicFilesystemSharded) ? TestBasicFilesystemSharded.SHARD_COUNT : 1, statsRemaining["CAS_Partitions"]); AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync()); }
public async Task TestGcBasic() { string cacheConfig = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcBasic), true); BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache; XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!"); // Verify that we don't have prior content in the cache XAssert.AreEqual(0, new CacheEntries(cache).Count, "Test cache did not start out empty!"); PipDefinition[] pipsSession1 = { new PipDefinition("Pip1", pipSize: 3), new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4), new PipDefinition("Pip3", pipSize: 5) }; CacheEntries session1Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session1", pipsSession1); // Nothing should change on this GC since the files and are all referenced FullGc(cache); session1Files.AssertExists(); session1Files.AgeAll(); // Everything is rooted so nothing should happen here FullGc(cache); XAssert.IsFalse(new CacheEntries(cache).AreDifferences(session1Files), "We changed the cache when we should not have!"); // Now, if we delete the session, we should collect things. cache.DeleteSession("Session1"); FullGc(cache); // All of the fingerprints should be changed to pending but nothing should be deleted CacheEntries session1gcFpPending = new CacheEntries(cache); XAssert.AreEqual(session1Files.Count, session1gcFpPending.Count, "Nothing should have been added or deleted!"); XAssert.IsFalse(session1gcFpPending.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All fingerprints should be pending delete"); XAssert.IsFalse(session1gcFpPending.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsPendingDelete), "All cas should not be pending delete"); // Nothing to happen here as the pending files are too new FullGc(cache); // Nothing changed... XAssert.IsFalse(new CacheEntries(cache).AreDifferences(session1gcFpPending), "We changed the cache when we should not have!"); // Now age the pending delete such that they are collected session1gcFpPending.AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); CacheEntries session1gcCas1 = new CacheEntries(cache); XAssert.AreEqual(0, session1gcCas1.FingerprintFiles.Count, "Should have collected all fingerprints"); // And, we should have moved to pending all CAS items (since there is no pending) XAssert.IsFalse(session1gcCas1.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All cas should be pending delete"); FullGc(cache); // Should do nothing as they are not old enough pending XAssert.IsFalse(new CacheEntries(cache).AreDifferences(session1gcCas1), "We changed the cache when we should not have!"); // After getting all to be old, this should finally GC it all session1gcCas1.AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); XAssert.AreEqual(0, new CacheEntries(cache).Count, "Should have collected everything."); AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync()); }
public async Task TestGcConcurrency() { // This is just minimal concurrency testing such that it does not completely mess up // Most of the work in making the GC safe was in the design and hand testing as this // is about having a GC run while multiple mutators run (and multiple GCs run) string cacheConfig = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcConcurrency), true); BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache; XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!"); PipDefinition[] pips = { new PipDefinition("Pip1", pipSize: 3), new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4), new PipDefinition("Pip3", pipSize: 5), new PipDefinition("Pip4", pipSize: 4), new PipDefinition("Pip5", pipSize: 3) }; CacheEntries files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Build", pips); // First have the GC do nothing (all items still rooted but old enough to collect) files.AgeAll(); ParallelConcurrentFullGc(cache, "Noop"); files.AssertExists(); // Now delete the session and make sure we collect correctly cache.DeleteSession("Build"); // This may take a few tries to get all of the items GC'ed // Since we assume that the GC will always work, any error returned // by the GC will trigger a fault and failure of the test. // However, the GC is designed to, if anything is in question at // all, to just skip deleting (or marking as pending delete) // any item that is busy or otherwise engaged. This does mean that // multiple concurrent GC can, in rare cases, cause a file // (specifically a strong fingerprint) to not get collected for // a given pass due to the file being in use by another GC. // This is perfectly correct and will cause that item to be // collected later. However, later may require another // aging of the files since the file age may have been // reset during the failed attempt to mark it pending. // (Which is a good thing since failing to mark pending is // a potential sign that something is using it and thus // it is not yet ready to be changed) // Anyway, the number of passes and the exact state of the GC // is not directly knowable due to these races but they sure should // not be greater than 100 int pass = 0; while (files.Count > 0) { files.AgeAll(); pass++; ParallelConcurrentFullGc(cache, "Pass #" + pass); // Make sure some progress happened // That means some items had to be marked pending or // got collected each time through the process. // This will make sure we are always making some // progress with the GC and thus will terminate. files.AssertMissingSome(); files = new CacheEntries(cache); } AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync()); }
private static void AssertEqual(HistoricTableSizes expected, HistoricTableSizes actual) { XAssert.IsNotNull(expected); XAssert.IsNotNull(actual); XAssert.ArrayEqual(expected.ToArray(), actual.ToArray()); }
private void AssertAlmostEqualToDefaultConfigurationObject(IConfiguration conf, params string[] exceptions) { XAssert.IsNotNull(conf); AssertAlmostEqual(conf, m_defaultConf, exceptions); }
/// <summary> /// Verify that graph is successfully constructed. /// </summary> private void VerifyGraphSuccessfullyConstructed(PipGraph graph) { XAssert.IsNotNull(graph, "Failed in constructing graph"); }
public void SerializeSandboxedProcessInfo(bool useNullFileStorage, bool useRootJail) { var pt = new PathTable(); var fam = new FileAccessManifest(pt, CreateDirectoryTranslator()) { FailUnexpectedFileAccesses = false, IgnoreCodeCoverage = false, ReportFileAccesses = false, ReportUnexpectedFileAccesses = false, MonitorChildProcesses = false }; var vac = new ValidationDataCreator(fam, pt); vac.AddScope(A("C", "Users", "AppData"), FileAccessPolicy.AllowAll); vac.AddPath(A("C", "Source", "source.txt"), FileAccessPolicy.AllowReadAlways); vac.AddPath(A("C", "Out", "out.txt"), FileAccessPolicy.AllowAll); SandboxedProcessStandardFiles standardFiles = null; ISandboxedProcessFileStorage fileStorage; if (useNullFileStorage) { fileStorage = null; } else { standardFiles = new SandboxedProcessStandardFiles(A("C", "pip", "pip.out"), A("C", "pip", "pip.err")); fileStorage = new StandardFileStorage(standardFiles); } var envVars = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["Var1"] = "Val1", ["Var2"] = "Val2", }; IBuildParameters buildParameters = BuildParameters.GetFactory().PopulateFromDictionary(envVars); var sidebandLogFile = A("C", "engine-cache", "sideband-logs", "log-1"); var loggerRootDirs = new[] { A("C", "out", "dir1"), A("C", "out", "dir2") }; var sharedOpaqueOutputLogger = new SidebandWriter(DefaultSidebandMetadata, sidebandLogFile, loggerRootDirs); SandboxedProcessInfo info = new SandboxedProcessInfo( pt, fileStorage, A("C", "tool", "tool.exe"), fam, true, null, LoggingContext, sidebandWriter: sharedOpaqueOutputLogger) { Arguments = @"/arg1:val1 /arg2:val2", WorkingDirectory = A("C", "Source"), RootJailInfo = useRootJail ? (RootJailInfo?)new RootJailInfo(A("C", "RootJail"), 123, 234) : null, EnvironmentVariables = buildParameters, Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15), PipSemiStableHash = 0x12345678, PipDescription = nameof(SerializeSandboxedProcessInfo), TimeoutDumpDirectory = A("C", "Timeout"), SandboxKind = global::BuildXL.Utilities.Configuration.SandboxKind.Default, AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames = new[] { "conhost.exe", "mspdbsrv.exe" }, NestedProcessTerminationTimeout = SandboxedProcessInfo.DefaultNestedProcessTerminationTimeout, StandardInputSourceInfo = StandardInputInfo.CreateForData("Data"), StandardObserverDescriptor = new SandboxObserverDescriptor() { WarningRegex = new ExpandedRegexDescriptor("*warn", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled) }, }; // Serialize and deserialize. SandboxedProcessInfo readInfo = null; using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { info.Serialize(stream); stream.Position = 0; readInfo = SandboxedProcessInfo.Deserialize( stream, new global::BuildXL.Utilities.Instrumentation.Common.LoggingContext("Test"), null); } using (readInfo.SidebandWriter) { // Verify. XAssert.AreEqual(info.FileName, readInfo.FileName); XAssert.AreEqual(info.Arguments, readInfo.Arguments); XAssert.AreEqual(info.WorkingDirectory, readInfo.WorkingDirectory); XAssert.AreEqual(info.RootJailInfo?.RootJail, readInfo.RootJailInfo?.RootJail); XAssert.AreEqual(info.RootJailInfo?.UserId, readInfo.RootJailInfo?.UserId); XAssert.AreEqual(info.RootJailInfo?.GroupId, readInfo.RootJailInfo?.GroupId); var readEnvVars = readInfo.EnvironmentVariables.ToDictionary(); XAssert.AreEqual(envVars.Count, readEnvVars.Count); foreach (var kvp in envVars) { XAssert.AreEqual(kvp.Value, readEnvVars[kvp.Key]); } XAssert.AreEqual(info.Timeout, readInfo.Timeout); XAssert.AreEqual(info.PipSemiStableHash, readInfo.PipSemiStableHash); XAssert.AreEqual(info.PipDescription, readInfo.PipDescription); XAssert.AreEqual(info.TimeoutDumpDirectory, readInfo.TimeoutDumpDirectory); XAssert.AreEqual(info.SandboxKind, readInfo.SandboxKind); XAssert.AreEqual(info.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames.Length, readInfo.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames.Length); for (int i = 0; i < info.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames.Length; ++i) { XAssert.AreEqual(info.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames[i], readInfo.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames[i]); } XAssert.AreEqual(info.NestedProcessTerminationTimeout, readInfo.NestedProcessTerminationTimeout); XAssert.AreEqual(info.StandardInputSourceInfo, readInfo.StandardInputSourceInfo); if (useNullFileStorage) { XAssert.IsNull(readInfo.SandboxedProcessStandardFiles); XAssert.IsNull(readInfo.FileStorage); } else { XAssert.IsNotNull(readInfo.SandboxedProcessStandardFiles); XAssert.AreEqual(standardFiles.StandardOutput, readInfo.SandboxedProcessStandardFiles.StandardOutput); XAssert.AreEqual(standardFiles.StandardError, readInfo.SandboxedProcessStandardFiles.StandardError); XAssert.AreEqual(standardFiles.StandardOutput, readInfo.FileStorage.GetFileName(SandboxedProcessFile.StandardOutput)); XAssert.AreEqual(standardFiles.StandardError, readInfo.FileStorage.GetFileName(SandboxedProcessFile.StandardError)); } XAssert.IsFalse(readInfo.ContainerConfiguration.IsIsolationEnabled); XAssert.AreEqual(sidebandLogFile, readInfo.SidebandWriter.SidebandLogFile); XAssert.ArrayEqual(loggerRootDirs, readInfo.SidebandWriter.RootDirectories.ToArray()); if (!OperatingSystemHelper.IsUnixOS) { // this validator examines serialized FAM bytes using the same Windows-only native parser used by Detours ValidationDataCreator.TestManifestRetrieval(vac.DataItems, readInfo.FileAccessManifest, false); } } }
private async Task VerifyReporting(AccessType access, Action <FileAccessManifest> populateManifest, params ExpectedReportEntry[] expectedExplicitReports) { // We need a process which will generate the expected accesses. var testProcess = CreateTestProcess(access, expectedExplicitReports); var pathTable = Context.PathTable; var info = ToProcessInfo(testProcess, "FileAccessExplicitReportingTest"); info.FileAccessManifest.ReportFileAccesses = false; info.FileAccessManifest.ReportUnexpectedFileAccesses = true; info.FileAccessManifest.FailUnexpectedFileAccesses = false; populateManifest(info.FileAccessManifest); using (ISandboxedProcess process = await StartProcessAsync(info)) { SandboxedProcessResult result = await process.GetResultAsync(); XAssert.AreEqual(0, result.ExitCode, "\r\ncmd: {0} \r\nStandard out: '{1}' \r\nStandard err: '{2}'.", info.Arguments, await result.StandardOutput.ReadValueAsync(), await result.StandardError.ReadValueAsync()); XAssert.IsNotNull(result.ExplicitlyReportedFileAccesses); Dictionary <AbsolutePath, ExpectedReportEntry> pathsToExpectations = expectedExplicitReports.ToDictionary( e => e.File.Path, e => e); var verifiedPaths = new HashSet <AbsolutePath>(); foreach (var actualReport in result.ExplicitlyReportedFileAccesses) { string actualReportedPathString = actualReport.GetPath(pathTable); XAssert.AreEqual( FileAccessStatus.Allowed, actualReport.Status, "Incorrect status for path " + actualReportedPathString); if (!TryVerifySingleReport(pathTable, actualReport, access, pathsToExpectations, out var actualReportPath)) { if ((actualReport.RequestedAccess & RequestedAccess.Enumerate) != 0) { // To account for 'explicitly reported' enumerations globally, we need to be lenient about unexpected enumerations. // Alternatively instead opt-in to enumeration reports under certain scopes. } else { AbsolutePath actualReportedPath = AbsolutePath.Create(pathTable, actualReportedPathString); XAssert.Fail("No expectations for an explicitly reported path {0}", actualReportedPath.ToString(pathTable)); } } else { verifiedPaths.Add(actualReportPath); } } foreach (var actualReport in result.AllUnexpectedFileAccesses) { XAssert.AreEqual(FileAccessStatus.Denied, actualReport.Status); if (TryVerifySingleReport(pathTable, actualReport, access, pathsToExpectations, out var actualReportPath)) { verifiedPaths.Add(actualReportPath); } // Note that we allow extra unexpected file accesses for the purposes of these tests. } var expectedPathsSet = new HashSet <AbsolutePath>(pathsToExpectations.Keys); var disagreeingPaths = new HashSet <AbsolutePath>(verifiedPaths); disagreeingPaths.SymmetricExceptWith(expectedPathsSet); if (disagreeingPaths.Any()) { var disagreeingReports = "Disagreeing reports:" + string.Join(string.Empty, disagreeingPaths .Select(p => (tag: expectedPathsSet.Contains(p) ? "Missing" : "Unexpected", path: p)) .Select(t => $"{Environment.NewLine} {t.tag} report for path {t.path.ToString(pathTable)}")); var expectedReports = "Expected reports:" + string.Join(string.Empty, pathsToExpectations.Keys .Select(p => $"{Environment.NewLine} {p.ToString(pathTable)}")); var verifiedReports = "Verified reports:" + string.Join(string.Empty, verifiedPaths .Select(p => $"{Environment.NewLine} {p.ToString(pathTable)}")); XAssert.Fail(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, disagreeingReports, expectedReports, verifiedReports)); } } }
protected override Task CorruptCasEntry(ICache cache, CasHash hash) { XAssert.IsNotNull(cache as MemCache, "Invalid cache passed to TestInMemory CorruptCasEntry test method"); return(CorruptEntry(cache, hash)); }
public async Task TestGcMultiSession() { string cacheConfig = TestType.NewCache(nameof(TestGcMultiSession), true); BasicFilesystemCache cache = (await InitializeCacheAsync(cacheConfig).SuccessAsync()) as BasicFilesystemCache; XAssert.IsNotNull(cache, "Failed to create cache for GC tests!"); // Verify that we don't have prior content in the cache XAssert.AreEqual(0, new CacheEntries(cache).Count, "Test cache did not start out empty!"); // Also used for session 3 PipDefinition[] pipsSession1 = { new PipDefinition("Pip1", pipSize: 3), new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4), new PipDefinition("Pip3", pipSize: 5) }; // This should just bring back from the "pending" one pip with 4 outputs // Also used for session 4 PipDefinition[] pipsSession2 = { new PipDefinition("Pip2", pipSize: 4) }; CacheEntries session1Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session1", pipsSession1); CacheEntries session2Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session2", pipsSession2); // The second session should not have changed anything as the pip already existed XAssert.IsFalse(session2Files.AreDifferences(session1Files), "We changed the cache when we should not have!"); // Nothing should change on this GC since the files are all referenced session1Files.AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); session1Files.AssertExists(); // Nothing should change because of session 2 deleting since the fingerprint still exists in session1 cache.DeleteSession("Session2"); FullGc(cache); session1Files.AssertExists(); // Deleteing session 1 should cause all fingerprints to become pending delete cache.DeleteSession("Session1"); FullGc(cache); CacheEntries session1GcFpPending = new CacheEntries(cache); XAssert.IsFalse(session1GcFpPending.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All fingerprints should be pending delete"); XAssert.IsFalse(session1GcFpPending.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsPendingDelete), "All cas should not be pending delete"); // Rebuilding the pips from session1a should restore the pending delete to non-pending delete (in fact, restore to session1Files) CacheEntries session3Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session3", pipsSession1); XAssert.IsFalse(session3Files.AreDifferences(session1Files), "Should be back to the same after rebuilding - no pending"); cache.DeleteSession("Session3"); session3Files.AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); CacheEntries session3GcFpPending = new CacheEntries(cache); XAssert.IsFalse(session3GcFpPending.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All fingerprints should be pending delete"); XAssert.IsFalse(session3GcFpPending.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsPendingDelete), "All cas should not be pending delete"); // Build the session2 single pip (as session 4) to recover the pending CacheEntries session4Files = await BuildPipsAndGetCacheEntries(cache, "Session4", pipsSession2); XAssert.AreEqual(session1Files.Count, session4Files.Count, "Should not have made any extra files"); XAssert.AreEqual(1, session4Files.FingerprintFiles.Keys.Count(IsNotPendingDelete), "Should have 1 non-pending delete fingerprint"); // This should collect all but the one fingerprint from session 4 and mark pending all of the cas entries // except the 5 cas entries from session 4. (4 cas outputs plus the cas input list in the fingerprint) session4Files.AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); CacheEntries session4Gc = new CacheEntries(cache); XAssert.AreEqual(1, session4Gc.FingerprintFiles.Count, "Should only have one fingerprint file left"); XAssert.AreEqual(session1Files.CasFiles.Count, session4Gc.CasFiles.Count); XAssert.AreEqual(5, session4Gc.CasFiles.Keys.Count(IsNotPendingDelete), "Only Pip2 cas should be non-pending"); cache.DeleteSession("Session4"); // Pip2 fingerprint to pending session4Gc.AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); // Pip2 fingerprint from pending to delete - cas entries to pending new CacheEntries(cache).AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); CacheEntries session4GcCasPending = new CacheEntries(cache); XAssert.AreEqual(0, session4GcCasPending.FingerprintFiles.Count, "All fingerprints should be gone"); XAssert.IsFalse(session4GcCasPending.CasFiles.Keys.Any(IsNotPendingDelete), "All cas should be pending delete"); // Pip2 cas entries from pending to delete session4GcCasPending.AgeAll(); FullGc(cache); XAssert.AreEqual(0, new CacheEntries(cache).Count, "All should be collected now"); AssertSuccess(await cache.ShutdownAsync()); }
public void ChildProcessCanBreakawayWhenConfigured(bool letInfiniteWaiterSurvive) { // Skip this test if running on .NET Framework with vstest // Reason: when this is the case and code coverage is turned on, launching breakaway // processes here causes the code coverage monitoring process to hang. if (!OperatingSystemHelper.IsDotNetCore && IsRunningInVsTestTestHost()) { return; } // We use InfiniteWaiter (a process that waits forever) as a long-living process that we can actually check it can // escape the job object var fam = new FileAccessManifest( Context.PathTable, childProcessesToBreakawayFromSandbox: letInfiniteWaiterSurvive ? new[] { InfiniteWaiterToolName } : null) { FailUnexpectedFileAccesses = false }; // We instruct the regular test process to spawn InfiniteWaiter as a child var info = ToProcessInfo( ToProcess( Operation.SpawnExe( Context.PathTable, CreateFileArtifactWithName(InfiniteWaiterToolName, TestDeploymentDir))), fileAccessManifest: fam); // Let's shorten the default time to wait for nested processes, since we are spawning // a process that never ends and we don't want this test to wait for that long info.NestedProcessTerminationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); var result = RunProcess(info).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (result.ExitCode != 0) { XAssert.Fail( $"Process exited with exit code {result.ExitCode}." + $"\n\n=== stdout ===\n\n ${result.StandardOutput.ReadValueAsync().Result}" + $"\n\n=== stderr ===\n\n ${result.StandardError.ReadValueAsync().Result}"); } if (!letInfiniteWaiterSurvive) { // If we didn't let infinite waiter escape, we should have killed it when the job object was finalized XAssert.IsTrue(result.Killed); XAssert.IsNotNull(result.SurvivingChildProcesses); XAssert.Contains( result.SurvivingChildProcesses.Select(p => p?.Path).Where(p => p != null).Select(p => System.IO.Path.GetFileName(p).ToUpperInvariant()), InfiniteWaiterToolName.ToUpperInvariant()); } else { // If we did let it escape, then nothing should have been killed (nor tried to survive and later killed, from the job object point of view) XAssert.IsFalse(result.Killed); if (result.SurvivingChildProcesses != null && result.SurvivingChildProcesses.Any()) { var survivors = string.Join( ", ", result.SurvivingChildProcesses.Select(p => p?.Path != null ? System.IO.Path.GetFileName(p.Path) : "<unknown>")); XAssert.Fail($"Unexpected {result.SurvivingChildProcesses.Count()} surviving child processes: {survivors}"); } // Let's retrieve the child process and confirm it survived var infiniteWaiterInfo = RetrieveChildProcessesCreatedBySpawnExe(result).Single(); // The fact that this does not throw confirms survival var dummyWaiter = Process.GetProcessById(; try { // Just being protective, let's make sure we are talking about the same process XAssert.AreEqual(infiniteWaiterInfo.processName, dummyWaiter.ProcessName); } finally { // Now let's kill the surviving process, since we don't want it to linger around unnecessarily dummyWaiter.Kill(); } } }
public async Task CheckProcessTreeTimoutOnNestedChildProcessTimeoutWhenRootProcessExitedAsync() { var processInfo = CreateProcessInfoWithSandboxConnection(Operation.Echo("hi")); processInfo.NestedProcessTerminationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); // Set the last enqueue time to now s_connection.MinReportQueueEnqueueTime = Sandbox.GetMachAbsoluteTime(); var process = CreateAndStartSandboxedProcess(processInfo); var taskCancelationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var time = Sandbox.GetMachAbsoluteTime(); var childProcessPath = "/dummy/exe2"; var instructions = new List <ReportInstruction>() { new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpProcessStart, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = 1235, Path = childProcessPath, Allowed = true }, new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpProcessExit, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = process.ProcessId, Path = "/dummy/exe", Allowed = true }, new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpKAuthCreateDir, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = 1235, Path = childProcessPath, Allowed = true }, new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpProcessExit, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = 1235, Path = childProcessPath, Allowed = true }, new ReportInstruction() { Process = process, Operation = FileOperation.OpProcessTreeCompleted, Stats = new Sandbox.AccessReportStatistics() { EnqueueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(9).Ticks * 100), DequeueTime = time + ((ulong)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10).Ticks * 100), }, Pid = process.ProcessId, Path = "/dummy/exe", Allowed = true }, }; ContinouslyPostAccessReports(process, taskCancelationSource.Token, instructions); var result = await process.GetResultAsync(); taskCancelationSource.Cancel(); XAssert.IsTrue(result.Killed, "Expected process to have been killed"); XAssert.IsFalse(result.TimedOut, "Didn't expect process to have timed out"); XAssert.IsNotNull(result.SurvivingChildProcesses, "Expected surviving child processes"); XAssert.IsTrue(result.SurvivingChildProcesses.Any(p => p.Path == childProcessPath), $"Expected surviving child processes to contain {childProcessPath}; " + $"instead it contains: {string.Join(", ", result.SurvivingChildProcesses.Select(p => p.Path))}"); }
public void TestEngineStateFileContentTableReuse() { SetupHelloWorld(); SetUpConfig(); EngineState lastEngineState = RunEngine("First build"); var firstFCT = lastEngineState.FileContentTable; XAssert.IsNotNull(firstFCT); FileIdAndVolumeId inFileIdentity = GetIdentity(GetFullPath(InputFilename)); FileIdAndVolumeId outFileIdentity = GetIdentity(GetFullPath(OutputFilename)); Usn inFileUsn = Usn.Zero; Usn outFileUsn = Usn.Zero; ISet <FileIdAndVolumeId> ids = new HashSet <FileIdAndVolumeId>(); XAssert.IsTrue(FileContentTableAccessorFactory.TryCreate(out var accesor, out string error)); firstFCT.VisitKnownFiles(accesor, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete, (fileIdAndVolumeId, fileHandle, path, knownUsn, knownHash) => { if (fileIdAndVolumeId == inFileIdentity) { inFileUsn = knownUsn; } else if (fileIdAndVolumeId == outFileIdentity) { outFileUsn = knownUsn; } ids.Add(fileIdAndVolumeId); return(true); }); XAssert.AreNotEqual(Usn.Zero, inFileUsn); XAssert.AreNotEqual(Usn.Zero, outFileUsn); // Run engine again FreshSetUp("change some stuff"); lastEngineState = RunEngine("Second build", engineState: lastEngineState); var secondFCT = lastEngineState.FileContentTable; XAssert.AreNotSame(firstFCT, secondFCT); // The FCT gets updated at the end of the run outFileIdentity = GetIdentity(GetFullPath(OutputFilename)); // Output file changed bool visitedInput = false; bool visitedOutput = false; secondFCT.VisitKnownFiles(accesor, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete, (fileIdAndVolumeId, fileHandle, path, knownUsn, knownHash) => { if (fileIdAndVolumeId == inFileIdentity) { XAssert.IsTrue(ids.Contains(fileIdAndVolumeId)); XAssert.IsTrue(inFileUsn < knownUsn); // We modified the file inFileUsn = knownUsn; visitedInput = true; } else if (fileIdAndVolumeId == outFileIdentity) { XAssert.IsFalse(ids.Contains(fileIdAndVolumeId)); XAssert.IsTrue(outFileUsn < knownUsn); // New output file outFileUsn = knownUsn; visitedOutput = true; } else { XAssert.IsTrue(ids.Contains(fileIdAndVolumeId)); // Other entries are still there } return(true); }); XAssert.IsTrue(visitedInput); XAssert.IsTrue(visitedOutput); XAssert.IsTrue(inFileUsn < outFileUsn); XAssert.AreEqual(firstFCT.Count + 1, secondFCT.Count); // There's a new entry because the new output file has a different fileId }
public async Task LoadOrCreateHandlesNonExistentTable() { FileContentTable table = await LoadOrCreateTable(); XAssert.IsNotNull(table); }
public void SerializeSandboxedProcessInfo() { var pt = new PathTable(); var fam = new FileAccessManifest(pt, CreateDirectoryTranslator()) { FailUnexpectedFileAccesses = false, IgnoreCodeCoverage = false, ReportFileAccesses = false, ReportUnexpectedFileAccesses = false, MonitorChildProcesses = false }; var vac = new ValidationDataCreator(fam, pt); vac.AddScope(A("C", "Users", "AppData"), FileAccessPolicy.AllowAll); vac.AddPath(A("C", "Source", "source.txt"), FileAccessPolicy.AllowReadAlways); vac.AddPath(A("C", "Out", "out.txt"), FileAccessPolicy.AllowAll); var standardFiles = new SandboxedProcessStandardFiles(A("C", "pip", "pip.out"), A("C", "pip", "pip.err")); var envVars = new Dictionary <string, string>() { ["Var1"] = "Val1", ["Var2"] = "Val2", }; IBuildParameters buildParameters = BuildParameters.GetFactory().PopulateFromDictionary(envVars); SandboxedProcessInfo info = new SandboxedProcessInfo( pt, new StandardFileStorage(standardFiles), A("C", "tool", "tool.exe"), fam, true, null) { Arguments = @"/arg1:val1 /arg2:val2", WorkingDirectory = A("C", "Source"), EnvironmentVariables = buildParameters, Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15), PipSemiStableHash = 0x12345678, PipDescription = nameof(SerializeSandboxedProcessInfo), ProcessIdListener = null, TimeoutDumpDirectory = A("C", "Timeout"), SandboxKind = global::BuildXL.Utilities.Configuration.SandboxKind.Default, AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames = new[] { "conhost.exe", "mspdbsrv.exe" }, NestedProcessTerminationTimeout = SandboxedProcessInfo.DefaultNestedProcessTerminationTimeout, StandardInputSourceInfo = StandardInputInfo.CreateForData("Data"), StandardObserverDescriptor = new SandboxObserverDescriptor() { WarningRegex = new ExpandedRegexDescriptor("*warn", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled) }, }; // Serialize and deserialize. SandboxedProcessInfo readInfo = null; using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { info.Serialize(stream); stream.Position = 0; readInfo = SandboxedProcessInfo.Deserialize( stream, new global::BuildXL.Utilities.Instrumentation.Common.LoggingContext("Test"), null); } // Verify. XAssert.AreEqual(info.FileName, readInfo.FileName); XAssert.AreEqual(info.Arguments, readInfo.Arguments); XAssert.AreEqual(info.WorkingDirectory, readInfo.WorkingDirectory); var readEnvVars = readInfo.EnvironmentVariables.ToDictionary(); XAssert.AreEqual(envVars.Count, readEnvVars.Count); foreach (var kvp in envVars) { XAssert.AreEqual(kvp.Value, readEnvVars[kvp.Key]); } XAssert.AreEqual(info.Timeout, readInfo.Timeout); XAssert.AreEqual(info.PipSemiStableHash, readInfo.PipSemiStableHash); XAssert.AreEqual(info.PipDescription, readInfo.PipDescription); XAssert.AreEqual(info.ProcessIdListener, readInfo.ProcessIdListener); XAssert.AreEqual(info.TimeoutDumpDirectory, readInfo.TimeoutDumpDirectory); XAssert.AreEqual(info.SandboxKind, readInfo.SandboxKind); XAssert.AreEqual(info.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames.Length, readInfo.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames.Length); for (int i = 0; i < info.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames.Length; ++i) { XAssert.AreEqual(info.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames[i], readInfo.AllowedSurvivingChildProcessNames[i]); } XAssert.AreEqual(info.NestedProcessTerminationTimeout, readInfo.NestedProcessTerminationTimeout); XAssert.AreEqual(info.StandardInputSourceInfo, readInfo.StandardInputSourceInfo); XAssert.IsNotNull(readInfo.SandboxedProcessStandardFiles); XAssert.AreEqual(standardFiles.StandardOutput, readInfo.SandboxedProcessStandardFiles.StandardOutput); XAssert.AreEqual(standardFiles.StandardError, readInfo.SandboxedProcessStandardFiles.StandardError); XAssert.AreEqual(standardFiles.StandardOutput, readInfo.FileStorage.GetFileName(SandboxedProcessFile.StandardOutput)); XAssert.AreEqual(standardFiles.StandardError, readInfo.FileStorage.GetFileName(SandboxedProcessFile.StandardError)); XAssert.IsFalse(readInfo.ContainerConfiguration.IsIsolationEnabled); ValidationDataCreator.TestManifestRetrieval(vac.DataItems, readInfo.FileAccessManifest, false); }