コード例 #1
    /// Main Loop ///

    void Start()
        writeTextHelper = new WriteTextHelper();

        // open the event listening of the arduino port
        sp.ReadTimeout = 1;

        // need to re-assign the path variable or otherwise will encounter ArgumentNullException
        path = "C:/Users/HRK/Desktop/Angle/test.txt";
コード例 #2
    // -----------------------------
    // Main Loop
    // -----------------------------

    // Runs at the start of the application
    void Start()
        // Setting object reference to the instance of object
        networking      = new NetworkingHelper();
        writeTextHelper = new WriteTextHelper();

        // Sends starting message to server to check whether the http functions are working

        // Starts clock for updating current brick coordinate text mesh in virtual environment at a slow 2fps to reduce computation
        InvokeRepeating("UpdateText", 0.5f, 0.5f);

        // initially assign to empty string
        posX = "";
        posY = "";
        posZ = "";
        rotX = "";
        rotY = "";
        rotZ = "";

        // Initializes gesture recognition for single taps
        tapRecognizer = new GestureRecognizer();
        tapRecognizer.TappedEvent += TapRecognizer_TappedEvent;

        odd_tap = true;// Used for identifying odd and even taps, which either creates a new brick or dropps a brick

        // Voice Recognition for resetting brick
        KeywordRecognizer resetRecognizer =
            new KeywordRecognizer(new[] { "Reset" });

        resetRecognizer.OnPhraseRecognized += ResetRecognizer_OnPhraseRecognized;

        // assign the file path the data will be written into
        //path = "Asset/Resources/test.txt"; // relative path
        path = "C:/Users/Danny/Documents/RobotSandbox/test.txt"; // absolute path: so the path could be referred to after the compilation

        // Clear the content of text file before loading data into it
        File.WriteAllText(path, String.Empty);
コード例 #3
    /// Main Loop ///

    void Awake()
        arduinoHelper = arduinoGameObjectCalibration.GetComponent <ArduinoHelper>();

        writeTextHelper = new WriteTextHelper();