コード例 #1
        public IActionResult GetControllerInfoDto()

            ControllerInfoDto dto = new ControllerInfoDto();

            dto.FullName            = _sutController.GetType().FullName;
            dto.IsInstrumentationOn = _sutController.IsInstrumentationActivated();

            return(Ok(WrappedResponseDto <ControllerInfoDto> .WithData(dto)));
コード例 #2
        public IActionResult GetTestResults([FromQuery] string ids)
            //java version: List<AdditionalInfo> additionalInfos = noKillSwitch(() -> sutController.getAdditionalInfoList());
            IList <AdditionalInfo> additionalInfos = _sutController.GetAdditionalInfoList();

            //Fake data here
            var dto = new TestResultsDto {
                AdditionalInfoList = Enumerable.Repeat(new AdditionalInfoDto {
                    LastExecutedStatement = "\"TODO: LastExecutedStatement\""
                }, additionalInfos.Count).ToList()

            return(Ok(WrappedResponseDto <TestResultsDto> .WithData(dto)));
コード例 #3
        public IActionResult GetSutInfo()
            string connectionHeader = Request.Headers["Connection"];

            if (connectionHeader == null ||
                !connectionHeader.Equals("keep-alive", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                           WrappedResponseDto <string> .WithError("Requests should always contain a 'Connection: keep-alive'")));


            //TODO: uncomment after implementing VerifySqlConnection method
            // if (!_sutController.VerifySqlConnection ()) {
            //   string msg = "SQL drivers are misconfigured. You must use a 'p6spy' wrapper when you " +
            //     "run the SUT. For example, a database connection URL like 'jdbc:h2:mem:testdb' " +
            //     "should be changed into 'jdbc:p6spy:h2:mem:testdb'. " +
            //     "See documentation on how to configure P6Spy.";

            //   SimpleLogger.Error (msg);

            //   return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, WrappedResponseDto<string>.WithError(msg));
            // }

            SutInfoDto dto = new SutInfoDto();

            dto.IsSutRunning          = _sutController.IsSutRunning();
            dto.BaseUrlOfSUT          = _baseUrlOfSut;
            dto.InfoForAuthentication = _sutController.GetInfoForAuthentication();
            //TODO: uncomment
            //dto.SqlSchemaDto = _sutController.GetSqlDatabaseSchema ();
            dto.DefaultOutputFormat = _sutController.GetPreferredOutputFormat();

            IProblemInfo info = _sutController.GetProblemInfo();

            if (info == null)
                string msg = "Undefined problem type in the EM Controller";


                return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, WrappedResponseDto <string> .WithError(msg)));
            else if (info is RestProblem)
                RestProblem rp = (RestProblem)info;
                dto.RestProblem                 = new RestProblemDto();
                dto.RestProblem.OpenApiUrl      = rp.GetSwaggerJsonUrl();
                dto.RestProblem.EndpointsToSkip = rp.GetEndpointsToSkip();
                string msg = "Unrecognized problem type: " + info.GetType().FullName;


                return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, WrappedResponseDto <string> .WithError(msg)));

            dto.UnitsInfoDto = _sutController.GetUnitsInfoDto();
            if (dto.UnitsInfoDto == null)
                string msg = "Failed to extract units info";


                return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, WrappedResponseDto <string> .WithError(msg)));

            return(Ok(WrappedResponseDto <SutInfoDto> .WithData(dto)));
コード例 #4
        public IActionResult RunSut([FromBody] SutRunDto dto)

            if (dto == null || !dto.Run.HasValue)
                string errorMessage = "Invalid JSON: 'run' field is required";


                return(BadRequest(WrappedResponseDto <string> .WithError(errorMessage)));

            bool sqlHeuristics = dto.CalculateSqlHeuristics != null && dto.CalculateSqlHeuristics.Value;
            bool sqlExecution  = dto.ExtractSqlExecutionInfo != null && dto.ExtractSqlExecutionInfo.Value;

            //TODO: uncomment
            // _sutController.EnableComputeSqlHeuristicsOrExtractExecution (sqlHeuristics, sqlExecution);

            bool doReset = dto.ResetState != null && dto.ResetState.Value;

            lock (_lock)
                if (dto.Run.HasValue && !dto.Run.Value)
                    if (doReset)
                        string errorMessage = "Invalid JSON: cannot reset state and stop service at same time";


                        return(BadRequest(WrappedResponseDto <string> .WithError(errorMessage)));

                    //if on, we want to shut down the server
                    if (_sutController.IsSutRunning())
                        _baseUrlOfSut = null;
                     *  If SUT is not up and running, let's start it
                    if (!_sutController.IsSutRunning())
                        _baseUrlOfSut = _sutController.StartSut();
                        if (_baseUrlOfSut == null)
                            //there has been an internal failure in starting the SUT
                            String msg = "Internal failure: cannot start SUT based on given configuration";


                                              WrappedResponseDto <string> .WithError(msg)));

                        //TODO: uncomment
                        // _sutController.InitSqlHandler ();
                        //TODO as starting should be blocking, need to check
                        //if initialized, and wait if not

                     *  regardless of where it was running or not, need to reset state.
                     *  this is controlled by a boolean, although most likely we ll always
                     *  want to do it
                    if (dto.ResetState.HasValue && dto.ResetState.Value)
                             *  This should not fail... but, as it is user code, it might fail...
                             *  When it does, it is a major issue, as it can leave the system in
                             *  an inconsistent state for the following fitness evaluations.
                             *  So, we always force a newTest, even when reset fails.
                             *  TODO: a current problem is in Proxyprint, in which after REST calls
                             *  it seems there are locks on the DB (this might happen if a transaction
                             *  is started but then not committed). Ideally, in the reset of DBs we should
                             *  force all lock releases, and possibly point any left lock as a potential bug

                     *  Note: here even if we start the SUT, the starting of a "New Search"
                     *  cannot be done here, as in this endpoint we also deal with the reset
                     *  of state. When we reset state for a new test run, we do not want to
                     *  reset all the other data regarding the whole search
