コード例 #1
ファイル: RightOfWayWall.cs プロジェクト: lfdelta/Nid3D
    // to be called by the GameController
    public void Initialize(PlayerID pid, WorldNodeScript fnode)
        player         = pid;
        playerLeftNode = fnode;

        leftNode = playerLeftNode;
コード例 #2
    // converts a world position to a t value (typically in [0,1]) along the current node segment
    protected static float WorldtoLine(Vector3 loc, WorldNodeScript start)
        WorldNodeScript end = start.nextNode;
        Vector3         r0  = loc - start.transform.position;
        Vector3         r1  = loc - end.transform.position;

        // calculate r vectors in terms of the oblique bisector-segment basis; t is the component along segmentHat
        // this formula is derived using [e1, e2]<a,b> = <x,z> for oblique basis vectors e1, e2; cartesian vector r = <x,z>
        // for e1 = segmentHat, we are interested in t'
        Vector3 l0 = start.segmentHat;
        Vector3 b0 = start.bisectorHat;
        float   t0 = (r0.x * b0.z - r0.z * b0.x) / (l0.x * b0.z - l0.z * b0.x);

        Vector3 l1 = -start.segmentHat;
        Vector3 b1 = end.bisectorHat;
        float   t1 = (r1.x * b1.z - r1.z * b1.x) / (l1.x * b1.z - l1.z * b1.x);

        float t = t0 / (t0 + t1);

        // if the player is beyond the last node, project their position onto segmentHat
        if (t0 < 0 && start.prevNode == null)
            t = Vector3.Dot(loc - start.transform.position, start.segmentHat);
        if (t1 < 0 && end.nextNode == null)
            t = Vector3.Dot(loc - end.transform.position, end.segmentHat) + 1; // so it doesn't drop back to 0
コード例 #3
    //* this misbehaves very badly when startLoc is beyond the extent of the world nodes!!
    // returns a position (y=0) which lies on the line segments defined by the world nodes
    // this position is a given distance, traveling along the world node segments,
    // from startLoc's projection onto its current line segment (defined by "start")
    // moveForward == true will traverse forward/rightward along the world nodes; false traverses in reverse
    protected static Vector3 PositionAlongSegments(float distance, Vector3 startLoc, WorldNodeScript start, bool moveForward)
        float           dist     = distance;
        WorldNodeScript node     = moveForward ? start.nextNode : start;
        WorldNodeScript destNode = moveForward ? node.nextNode: node.prevNode;

        float   t             = WorldtoLine(startLoc, start);
        Vector3 playerT       = LinetoWorld(t, start);
        Vector3 playerTtoNode = node.transform.position - playerT;

        // traverse down player nodes until sufficiently far from players
        while (playerTtoNode.sqrMagnitude < dist * dist)
            dist    -= playerTtoNode.magnitude;
            playerT  = node.transform.position;
            destNode = moveForward ? node.nextNode : node.prevNode;
            if (destNode == null) // can't traverse any further
            node          = destNode;
            playerTtoNode = node.transform.position - playerT;

        // update position
        Vector3 wallDir = moveForward ? node.prevNode.segmentHat : -node.nextNode.prevSegmentHat;

        return(playerT + dist * wallDir);
コード例 #4
    void Awake()
        UnpauseGame(); // this allows new scenes to start fresh even when loaded from the pause menu
        rightOfWay = null;
        victor     = null;
        playerNode = startingNode;

        cam      = FindObjectOfType <CameraController> ();
        endZones = FindObjectsOfType <EndZone> ();

        leftWall  = ((GameObject)Instantiate(wallPrefab)).GetComponent <RightOfWayWall> ();
        rightWall = ((GameObject)Instantiate(wallPrefab)).GetComponent <RightOfWayWall> ();
        leftWall.Initialize(PlayerID.One, startingNode);
        rightWall.Initialize(PlayerID.Two, startingNode);

        sceneControl = FindObjectOfType <SceneController> ();

        ROWp1 = HUD.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
        ROWp2 = HUD.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;

        // wake up the menus, so that Start is called and they load the preferences
        // disable them again in the first Update
        for (int i = 0; i < otherPanels.Length; i++)
            otherPanels [i].SetActive(true);
コード例 #5
    // make sure the WorldNode bisectors are all pointing in the same "half-space" defined by the line segments
    // ie on a spiral section all of them will be pointing "inward" or all of them will pointing "outward"
    // this ensures that the ROW walls don't over-rotate when interpolating between adjacent nodes
    void SetUpNodeBisectors()
        // walk to the beginning of the list; its bisector is the following segment's normal vector
        WorldNodeScript tmp = startingNode;

        while (tmp.prevNode != null)
            tmp = tmp.prevNode;
        Vector3 nhat = tmp.bisectorHat;

        tmp = tmp.nextNode;

        // make sure each bisector is facing the right direction, based upon the previous segment's normal vector
        while (tmp != null)
            if (Vector3.Dot(tmp.bisectorHat, nhat) < 0)
                tmp.bisectorHat = -tmp.bisectorHat;

            nhat = WorldNodeScript.PerpendicularVector(tmp.segmentHat);
            if (Vector3.Dot(tmp.bisectorHat, nhat) < 0)
                nhat = -nhat;

            tmp = tmp.nextNode;
コード例 #6
ファイル: RightOfWayWall.cs プロジェクト: lfdelta/Nid3D
    void Update()
        leftNode = CheckNodeTransition(transform.position, leftNode);

        if (!standStill)
コード例 #7
    void GetAvgPlayerPositionAndNode()
        if (livePlayers.Length > 0)
            avgPlayerPos = Vector3.zero;
            for (int i = 0; i < livePlayers.Length; i++)
                avgPlayerPos += livePlayers [i].position;
            avgPlayerPos /= livePlayers.Length;

        playerNode = CheckNodeTransition(avgPlayerPos, playerNode);
コード例 #8
    // returns the leftmost node associated with the given position, based upon its projection onto the current segment
    protected static WorldNodeScript CheckNodeTransition(Vector3 loc, WorldNodeScript start)
        float t = WorldtoLine(loc, start);

        if (t >= 1 && start.nextNode.nextNode != null)
        if (t < 0 && start.prevNode != null)

コード例 #9
ファイル: RightOfWayWall.cs プロジェクト: lfdelta/Nid3D
 // to be called by the GameController
 public void UpdatePlayerInfo(Vector3 loc, WorldNodeScript node)
     avgPlayerPos   = loc;
     playerLeftNode = node;
コード例 #10
ファイル: NodeDebug.cs プロジェクト: lfdelta/Nid3D
 void Start()
     node = GetComponent <WorldNodeScript> ();
コード例 #11
    // converts a t value to the linear interpolation between start and end node positions
    protected static Vector3 LinetoWorld(float t, WorldNodeScript start)
        WorldNodeScript end = start.nextNode;

        return(start.transform.position + t * (end.transform.position - start.transform.position));