コード例 #1
    void OnGUI()
        WorldChunkSettings setting = MapEngine.instance.worldChunkSetting;
        Coord viewer = new Coord(Viewer.instance.bound.center, setting);

        GUI.color = Color.black;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(10f, 30f, 250f, 30f), viewer + " - " + Viewer.instance.scale + ": " + GetChunkLevel(Viewer.instance.scale));
        float y = 50f;

        if (/* Display all zones ? */ false)
            for (int i = 0; i < this.worldZones.Count; i++)
                y = this.OnGUIZone(this.worldZones [i], y);
            Bounds     viewerBound      = Viewer.instance.bound;
            Coord      viewerChunkCoord = new Coord(viewerBound.center, setting);
            WorldChunk chunk            = this.worldChunks [viewerChunkCoord];
            for (int i = 0; i < chunk.worldZonesRefs.Count; i++)
                y = this.OnGUIZone(chunk.worldZonesRefs[i], y);
コード例 #2
    public void TestMerged(WorldChunkSettings setting)
        if (this.state >= ChunkStates.Merged)
            return;             //done

        bool allZonesMerged           = true;
        bool onlySmallGroundRemaining = true;

        for (int idx = 0; idx < this.worldZonesRefs.Count; idx++)
            WorldZone zone = this.worldZonesRefs [idx];
            if (zone.state < WorldZoneStates.Merged)
                allZonesMerged = false;

                if (zone.type != WorldZoneTypes.Ground)
                    //	onlySmallGroundRemaining = false;

        if (allZonesMerged)
コード例 #3
    public void UpdateMapShader()
        WorldChunkSettings setting = MapEngine.instance.worldChunkSetting;

コード例 #4
    // setting already retrieved when new Chunk are created
    public WorldChunkData(WorldChunk chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        DevNoiseType devNoiseType = MapEndless.instance.devNoiseType;

        // Get Height Map
        FastNoise fastNoiseGround = setting.fastNoiseGround.fastNoise;
        FastNoise fastNoiseRegion = setting.fastNoiseRegion.fastNoise;
        int       length          = setting.scaledSize * setting.scaledSize;
        int       chunkOffsetX    = chunk.coord.x * setting.scaledSize - (setting.scaledSize / 2);
        int       chunkOffsetY    = chunk.coord.y * setting.scaledSize - (setting.scaledSize / 2);

        this.heightMap = new float[length];
        this.regionMap = new float[length];
        for (int y = 0; y < setting.scaledSize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < setting.scaledSize; x++)
                // Test and return only a mountain on [1;1] to [9;1]
                Coord c = new Coord(x, y, setting);

                if (devNoiseType != DevNoiseType.NoDev)
                    // Use dev noise
                    this.heightMap [c.idx] = this.getZonesHeightTest(new Coord(c.x + chunkOffsetX, c.y + chunkOffsetY), devNoiseType);
                    // Use fastNoiseGround
                    this.heightMap [c.idx] = (fastNoiseGround.GetNoise(c.x + chunkOffsetX, c.y + chunkOffsetY) + 1f) / 2f;
                this.regionMap [c.idx] = (fastNoiseRegion.GetNoise(c.x + chunkOffsetX, c.y + chunkOffsetY) + 1f) / 2f;
コード例 #5
    public WorldChunk(Coord _coord, GameObject _chunkObject, WorldChunkSettings setting, DisplayModes _displayMode, ChunkStates _requireState)
        this.coord        = _coord;
        this.state        = ChunkStates.Created;
        this.displayMode  = _displayMode;
        this.isVisible    = false;
        this.isLoading    = false;
        this.isComputing  = false;
        this.isMeshing    = false;
        this.requireState = _requireState;

        this.chunkObject = _chunkObject;
        this.chunkObject.transform.parent        = setting.parent;
        this.chunkObject.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(setting.size, .01f, setting.size);
        this.chunkObject.transform.localPosition = this.coord.ToWorldPosition(setting);
        MapDisplay.instance.UpdateChunkName(this, setting);

        // Request Data
        if (this.requireState >= ChunkStates.Loaded)
コード例 #6
    static void UpdateVertexesOnRange(WorldChunk chunk,
                                      int min_x, int max_x, int min_y, int max_y,
                                      int[,] vertexIndicesMap, int meshSize, int borderedSize, float offset,
                                      WorldChunkSettings setting)
        for (int y = min_y; y < max_y; y++)
            for (int x = min_x; x < max_x; x++)
                Coord chunkCoord = new Coord(x - 1, y - 1, setting);                  // It's start with [-1;-1]

                int vertexIndex = vertexIndicesMap [x, y];

                // @TODO We already know the concerned sideChunk (it's `keyValue.Value` on `UpdateChunkMesh` loop
                // (can be pass throw GetHeightValue to avoid search it on the list)
                float height = chunk.GetHeightValue(chunkCoord, setting);

                Vector2 uv             = new Vector2((x - 1) / (float)(borderedSize - 2), (y - 1) / (float)(borderedSize - 2));
                Vector3 vertexPosition = new Vector3(
                    offset + uv.x * meshSize,
                    offset + uv.y * meshSize
                chunk.meshData.AddOrUpdateVertex(vertexPosition, uv, vertexIndex);
コード例 #7
 public void requestComputed(WorldChunkSettings setting)
     // Request Data
     this.isComputing   = true;
     this.computingTime = Time.time;
     MapThreading.instance.RequestWorldChunkComputed(this, setting, OnWorldChunkComputedReceived);
コード例 #8
    public float GetRegionScaledValue(Coord coord, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        Coord scaledCoord = new Coord(
            coord.x / setting.scaledSize,
            coord.y / setting.scaledSize,

コード例 #9
 public Vector3 ToWorldPosition(WorldChunkSettings setting)
     // Reverse if required (from Coord X/Y to Unity X/Y 3D World)
     return(new Vector3(
                this.x * setting.size * Coord.Right.x,   // * Coord.Right.x to reverse world X and chunk X (if required)
                this.y * setting.size * Coord.Top.y      // * Coord.Top.y to reverse world Y and chunk Y (if required)
コード例 #10
ファイル: WorldManager.cs プロジェクト: blastsilver/AIE-CPD
 public void CreateWorldChunks(WorldChunkSettings settings)
     // iterate through generation amount
     for (int i = 0; i < settings.amount; i++)
         // create new chunk
コード例 #11
    // Merge all zone from this chunk and all sideChunk
    // Will be called one time and another time reversed (to found fakezone and ground zone who need to be merged with MainGround)
    void MergeSideChunk(Direction direction, WorldChunk sideChunk, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        Direction inverseDirection = Coord.GetDirectionInverse(direction);

        for (int chunkZone_idx = this.chunkComputed.zones.Count - 1; chunkZone_idx >= 0; chunkZone_idx--)
            WorldChunkComputed.WorldChunkZone chunkZone = this.chunkComputed.zones [chunkZone_idx];

            if (chunkZone.worldZoneRef.isMainGround)
                continue;                 // Don't merge MainGround into another

            // Found a zone who need to be merged on direction (and it's not already done ? we repass here when reverse)
            if (chunkZone.isDirectionChunkBorder [direction] && chunkZone.missingChunks.Contains(sideChunk.coord))
                bool machingFound = false;

                for (int sideChunkZone_idx = sideChunk.chunkComputed.zones.Count - 1; sideChunkZone_idx >= 0; sideChunkZone_idx--)
                    WorldChunkComputed.WorldChunkZone sideChunkZone = sideChunk.chunkComputed.zones [sideChunkZone_idx];

                    if (!sideChunkZone.isDirectionChunkBorder [inverseDirection])
                    if (!sideChunkZone.missingChunks.Contains(this.coord))
                    if (sideChunkZone.type != chunkZone.type)

                    if (this.MergeIfMatchingCoords(chunkZone, direction, sideChunk, sideChunkZone, setting))
                        machingFound = true;

                // IT's a fake bordered zone ! Some coord are on the limit of the chunk but no one on the next
                if (!machingFound && !chunkZone.worldZoneRef.isMainGround)
                    chunkZone.isDirectionChunkBorder [direction] = false;
                    chunkZone.directionChunkBorderCoords [direction].Clear();

                    /* done by sideChunk.SeeMore()
                     * if (chunkZone.worldZoneRef.GetMissingChunks ().Count == 0) {
                     *      chunkZone.worldZoneRef.OnMergeCompleted ();
                     * }*/
コード例 #12
    // Get Scaled data (real in game coord)
    // Size: 50x50  - Scale: 10 -> coord from [0;0] to [50;50]
    public float GetHeightScaledValue(Coord coord, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        //int sizeScaled = setting.size / setting.scale;
        Coord scaledCoord = new Coord(
            coord.x / setting.scaledSize,
            coord.y / setting.scaledSize,

コード例 #13
 public void Unload(WorldChunkSettings setting)
     this.isVisible = false;
     if (MapDisplay.instance.displayFogOfWar == true)
         Renderer renderer = this.chunkObject.GetComponent <Renderer> ();
         renderer.material.color = Color.gray;
     MapDisplay.instance.UpdateChunkName(this, setting);
コード例 #14
ファイル: WorldManager.cs プロジェクト: blastsilver/AIE-CPD
 public void DeleteWorldChunks(WorldChunkSettings settings)
     // while not empty
     while (settings.chunks.Count != 0)
         // destroy gameobject
         Destroy(settings.chunks [0]);
         // delete node
コード例 #15
ファイル: WorldManager.cs プロジェクト: blastsilver/AIE-CPD
 public void DeleteWorldChunk(WorldChunkSettings settings, int index)
     // check index range
     if (index > -1)
         // destroy gameobject
         Destroy(settings.chunks [index]);
         // remove node
コード例 #16
ファイル: WorldManager.cs プロジェクト: blastsilver/AIE-CPD
 public void DeleteWorldChunk(WorldChunkSettings settings, GameObject obj)
     // check if null
     if (obj != null)
         // destroy gameobject
         // remove node
コード例 #17
    void CreateMeshAndUpdateSideMeshs(WorldChunk chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        //GameObject meshObjectContainer = new GameObject();
        chunk.meshObject = new GameObject();
        MeshRenderer renderer = chunk.meshObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> ();
        MeshFilter   filter   = chunk.meshObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter> ();

        filter.mesh                   = chunk.meshData.CreateMesh();
        renderer.material             = MapDisplay.instance.chunkMeshMaterial;
        renderer.material.mainTexture = TextureGenerator.WorldMergingTexture(chunk, setting);
        // @TODO: Why do I have to do that ? Texture are 1coord too big for mesh, but are good for chunk (on dev cube)
        float textureScale = 1f + (1f / setting.scaledSize);

        renderer.material.mainTextureScale = new Vector2(textureScale, textureScale);

        /*	DisplayMeshFilterNormals displayMeshFilterNormals = chunk.meshObject.AddComponent<DisplayMeshFilterNormals> ();
         *      displayMeshFilterNormals.normalLength = setting.size / 10f;
         *      displayMeshFilterNormals.normalColor = Color.black;*/
         * meshObjectContainer.transform.name = chunk.coord.ToString();
         * meshObjectContainer.transform.parent = setting.meshParent;
         * meshObjectContainer.transform.localPosition = chunk.coord.ToWorldPosition (setting);
        //	chunk.meshObject.transform.parent = meshObjectContainer.transform;
        chunk.meshObject.transform.parent = setting.meshParent;
        chunk.meshObject.transform.name   = chunk.coord.ToString();

        chunk.meshObject.transform.localPosition = chunk.coord.ToWorldPosition(setting);         //Vector3.zero;
        // Why ? setting.scaledSize
        chunk.meshObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(setting.size / setting.scaledSize, setting.size, setting.size / setting.scaledSize);

        // If any sides chunks are loaded, update it
        for (int y = chunk.coord.y - 1; y <= chunk.coord.y + 1; y++)
            for (int x = chunk.coord.x - 1; x <= chunk.coord.x + 1; x++)
                if (x == chunk.coord.x && y == chunk.coord.y)
                Coord sideCoord = new Coord(x, y);
                if (chunk.chunkBorders.sidesChunks.ContainsKey(sideCoord))
                    WorldChunk sideChunk = chunk.chunkBorders.sidesChunks [sideCoord];
                    if (sideChunk.state >= ChunkStates.Meshed)
                        MeshGenerator.UpdateChunkMesh(sideChunk, setting);
コード例 #18
    void UpdateCursor(WorldChunk _chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting, WorldChunkZone zone, Coord coord, Coord lastCoordDirection)
        if (coord.x < 0 || coord.y < 0 || coord.x >= setting.scaledSize || coord.y >= setting.scaledSize)
            // Is out of chunk!
        // First already contains on the current zone (ex: [0;0] -> [0;1] -> [0;0] will append offen)
        if (zone.coords.Contains(coord))
        // Test zone type (get the type based on heightMap)
        WorldZoneTypes coordType = _chunk.chunkData.GetZoneType(coord, setting);

        if (coordType != zone.type)
            // It's not the same region (add it only one time)
            if (!this.HasZone(coord) && !this.availableCoords.Contains(coord))

        // It's a new on the same zone, add
        zone.AddCoord(coord, setting);
        // If the coord is on the free coord list (for future next list)
        if (this.availableCoords.Contains(coord))

        // Test all sides (but avoid returning on same than previous)
        if (lastCoordDirection != Coord.Top)
            UpdateCursor(_chunk, setting, zone, coord.GetDirection(Direction.Top), Coord.Bottom);
        if (lastCoordDirection != Coord.Bottom)
            UpdateCursor(_chunk, setting, zone, coord.GetDirection(Direction.Bottom), Coord.Top);
        if (lastCoordDirection != Coord.Left)
            UpdateCursor(_chunk, setting, zone, coord.GetDirection(Direction.Left), Coord.Right);
        if (lastCoordDirection != Coord.Right)
            UpdateCursor(_chunk, setting, zone, coord.GetDirection(Direction.Right), Coord.Left);
コード例 #19
    public static Texture2D WorldChunkStatesTexture(WorldChunk chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        Color loaded   = new Color(.2f, .2f, 1f);
        Color computed = new Color(.2f, 1f, .2f);
        Color merging  = new Color(1f, .2f, .2f);
        Color merged   = new Color(1f, .9f, .2f);

        Color groundMin = new Color(.25f, .25f, .25f);
        Color groundMax = new Color(.75f, .75f, .75f);

        Color[] colourMap = new Color[setting.scaledSize * setting.scaledSize];
        for (int y = 0; y < setting.scaledSize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < setting.scaledSize; x++)
                Coord c      = new Coord(x, y, setting);
                float height = chunk.chunkData.GetHeightValue(c);
                if (chunk.state == ChunkStates.Loaded)
                    colourMap [y * setting.scaledSize + x] = Color.Lerp(Color.black, Color.white, height) * loaded;
                else if (chunk.state >= ChunkStates.Computed)
                    // idx: y * size + x
                    Color state = computed;
                    if (chunk.state == ChunkStates.Computed && chunk.requireState > ChunkStates.Computed)
                        state = merging;
                    else if (chunk.state >= ChunkStates.Merged)
                        state = merged;

                    if (height < setting.water)
                        colourMap [y * setting.scaledSize + x] = Color.white * state;
                    else if (height > setting.mountain)
                        colourMap [y * setting.scaledSize + x] = Color.black * state;
                        float delta = (height - setting.water) * (1 / (setting.mountain - setting.water));
                        colourMap [y * setting.scaledSize + x] = Color.Lerp(groundMax, groundMin, delta) * state;
        return(TextureGenerator.TextureFromColorMap(colourMap, setting.scaledSize));
コード例 #20
    public void RequestWorldChunkComputed(WorldChunk chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting, Action <WorldChunkComputed> callback)
        ThreadStart threadStart = delegate {
            // Loading
            WorldChunkComputed chunkComputed = new WorldChunkComputed(chunk, setting);
            lock (chunkComputedThreadInQueue) {
                chunkComputedThreadInQueue.Enqueue(new MapComputingThreadInfo <WorldChunkComputed>(callback, chunkComputed));
            // End Loading..

        new Thread(threadStart).Start();
コード例 #21
ファイル: WorldManager.cs プロジェクト: blastsilver/AIE-CPD
    public void CreateWorldChunk(WorldChunkSettings settings)
        // initialize variables
        int     index    = settings.chunks.Count;
        Vector3 position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        if (settings.chunks.Count > 0)
            position = settings.chunks [settings.chunks.Count - 1].transform.position;
        // instantiate new object
        settings.chunks.Add(Instantiate(settings.prefabs[0], position + Vector3.up * settings.offset, new Quaternion(), settings.container));
コード例 #22
    public void RequestWorldChunkData(WorldChunk chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting, Action <WorldChunkData> callback)
        ThreadStart threadStart = delegate {
            // Loading
            WorldChunkData chunkData = new WorldChunkData(chunk, setting);

            lock (chunkDataThreadInQueue) {
                chunkDataThreadInQueue.Enqueue(new MapThreadInfo <WorldChunkData>(callback, chunkData));
            // End Loading..

        new Thread(threadStart).Start();
コード例 #23
    // This function have to be here because return is based on HeightMap ! And have NO considaration on computed zones
    // Will be called to create a new zone from this coord
    public WorldZoneTypes GetZoneType(Coord coord, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        float heightValue = this.GetHeightValue(coord, setting);

        if (heightValue < setting.water)
        else if (heightValue > setting.mountain)
コード例 #24
    public WorldChunkComputed(WorldChunk _chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        // Init attribute
        this.isCompleted = false;
        this.zones       = new List <WorldChunkZone>();

        // List all coord found next to found zones, an easy way to know here to start a new zone
        this.availableCoords.Add(new Coord(0, 0));        // Init first zone at [0;0] (all chunk have a 00)

        // Loop to find all zones on the chunk
        this.FindNewZone(_chunk, setting);
        this.isCompleted = true;         // Before Clean zone (ex: Ground -> MainGround)
        this.CleanZones(_chunk, setting);
コード例 #25
        public void AddCoord(Coord coord, WorldChunkSettings setting)

            // Test chunks sides for each directions
            for (int e = 0; e < Coord.directions.Length; e++)
                if (coord.IsOnChunkBorder(Coord.directions[e], setting))
                    isDirectionChunkBorder [Coord.directions [e]] = true;
                    directionChunkBorderCoords [Coord.directions [e]].Add(coord.GetBorderValue(Coord.directions [e]));                       // Every coord who are not really bordered will be removed on future
コード例 #26
 void FindNewZone(WorldChunk _chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting)
     // Coord found
     if (availableCoords.Count > 0)
         Coord firstNotInZone = availableCoords [0];
         // Create a new zone based on this coord
         WorldChunkZone zone = new WorldChunkZone(_chunk.chunkData.GetZoneType(firstNotInZone, setting));
         this.UpdateCursor(_chunk, setting, zone, firstNotInZone, new Coord(0, 0));
         // Zone computed, check for next
         this.FindNewZone(_chunk, setting);
コード例 #27
    public void UpdateSideBorders(WorldChunk chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        for (int y = chunk.coord.y - 1; y <= chunk.coord.y + 1; y++)
            for (int x = chunk.coord.x - 1; x <= chunk.coord.x + 1; x++)
                if (x == chunk.coord.x && y == chunk.coord.y)
                Coord c = new Coord(x, y, setting);
                // Already found, dont copy again an again
                if (!this.sidesChunks.ContainsKey(c))
                    if (MapEndless.instance.worldChunks.ContainsKey(c))
                        WorldChunk sideChunk = MapEndless.instance.worldChunks [c];
                        if (sideChunk.state >= ChunkStates.Merged)
                            this.sidesChunks [c] = sideChunk;

        // DEV
        if (chunk.meshObject != null)
            // Do it after all
            string dev = "";
            for (int y = chunk.coord.y - 1; y <= chunk.coord.y + 1; y++)
                for (int x = chunk.coord.x - 1; x <= chunk.coord.x + 1; x++)
                    if (x == chunk.coord.x && y == chunk.coord.y)
                    Coord c = new Coord(x, y, setting);
                    if (this.sidesChunks.ContainsKey(c))
                        dev += " " + c;
            chunk.meshObject.transform.name = chunk.coord + ((dev != "") ? (" is normalized with " + dev) : "");
コード例 #28
    // When data are received from chunk
    public void OnWorldChunkThreadReceived(WorldChunk _chunk)
        // Get the info that a chunk is Loaded. (in case it's not on bound)
        WorldChunkSettings setting = MapEngine.instance.worldChunkSetting;

        if (_chunk.state == ChunkStates.Computed)
            this.CreateWorldZones(_chunk, setting);
            // Will be updated after TryMergeZone
        if (_chunk.state == ChunkStates.Meshed)
            this.CreateMeshAndUpdateSideMeshs(_chunk, setting);
コード例 #29
    public void OnChunkMerged()
        WorldChunkSettings setting = MapEngine.instance.worldChunkSetting;

        this.state = ChunkStates.Merged;
        if (this.requireState < ChunkStates.Merged)           // If all the chunk is merged but wasn't required for (ex: side chunk with not border)
            this.requireState = ChunkStates.Merged;
        this.isMeshing = true;
        // Create the first time the chunk borders values
        this.chunkBorders = new WorldChunkSideBorders(this, setting);
        // Request Mesh data
        MapThreading.instance.RequestWorldChunkMeshData(this, this.chunkBorders, setting, OnWorldChunkMeshReceived);
コード例 #30
    public static Texture2D WorldZonesMergingTexture(WorldChunk chunk, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        Color groundMin = new Color(.25f, .25f, .25f);
        Color groundMax = new Color(.75f, .75f, .75f);

        Color[] colourMap = new Color[setting.scaledSize * setting.scaledSize];
        bool[]  isOnZone  = new bool[setting.scaledSize * setting.scaledSize];

        for (int idx = 0; idx < chunk.worldZonesRefs.Count; idx++)
            // Only display Completed
            //if (chunk.worldZonesRefs [idx].isCompleted) {
            // Be sure this Wolrd zone contain this chunk
            if (chunk.worldZonesRefs [idx].chunkZones.ContainsKey(chunk.coord))
                for (int chunk_zone_idx = 0; chunk_zone_idx < chunk.worldZonesRefs [idx].chunkZones[chunk.coord].Count; chunk_zone_idx++)
                    WorldChunkComputed.WorldChunkZone zone = chunk.worldZonesRefs [idx].chunkZones[chunk.coord] [chunk_zone_idx];
                    foreach (Coord c in zone.coords)
                        if (zone.type == WorldZoneTypes.Water || zone.type == WorldZoneTypes.Mountain)
                            isOnZone [c.y * setting.scaledSize + c.x]  = true;
                            colourMap [c.y * setting.scaledSize + c.x] = zone.worldZoneRef.randomColor;
        for (int y = 0; y < setting.scaledSize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < setting.scaledSize; x++)
                if (!isOnZone [y * setting.scaledSize + x])
                    Coord c      = new Coord(x, y);
                    float height = chunk.chunkData.GetHeightValue(c, setting);
                    float delta  = (height - setting.water) * (1 / (setting.mountain - setting.water));
                    colourMap [y * setting.scaledSize + x] = Color.Lerp(groundMax, groundMin, delta);
        return(TextureGenerator.TextureFromColorMap(colourMap, setting.scaledSize));