コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Compare the list of users on the Server Site with the provision list of users and make the necessary updates
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="existingSiteUsers"></param>
    private WorkingListSiteUsers Execute_ProvisionUsers(TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn)
        //If there are no provisioning instructions, then there is nothing we need to do here
        if (_provisionInstructions.UsersToProvision == null)
            _statusLogs.AddStatus("Skipping users/roles provisioning, because there are no instructions for this...");

        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Provision users/roles in site");
        //Load the set of users for the site...
        var existingUsers = DownloadUsersList.CreateAndExecute(siteSignIn);

        //Keep a list of the remaining users
        var workingListUnexaminedUsers = new WorkingListSiteUsers(existingUsers.Users);
        var workingList_allKnownUsers  = new WorkingListSiteUsers(existingUsers.Users);

        //Go through each user in our "to provision" list and see if we need to
        //   1. Add them as a new user
        //   2. Update an exisitng user
        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Process explicit users list");
        foreach (var userToProvision in _provisionInstructions.UsersToProvision)
                Execute_ProvisionUsers_SingleUser(userToProvision, siteSignIn, workingListUnexaminedUsers, workingList_allKnownUsers);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _statusLogs.AddError("Error provisioning user (913-1158)" + userToProvision.UserName + ", " + ex.Message);
                CSVRecord_ErrorUpdatingUser(userToProvision.UserName, userToProvision.UserRole, userToProvision.UserAuthentication, "Error provisioning user " + userToProvision.UserName + ", " + ex.Message);

            //If the user was in the working list of users on the site, then remove them (since we have looked at them)

        //Examine all the remaining users and decide if we need to unlicense or delete them
        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Process unexpected users list");
        foreach (var unexpectedUser in workingListUnexaminedUsers.GetUsers())
                Execute_UpdateUnexpectedUsersProvisioning_SingleUser(unexpectedUser, siteSignIn, workingList_allKnownUsers);
            catch (Exception exUnxpectedUsers)
                _statusLogs.AddError("Error processing unexpected user " + unexpectedUser.ToString() + ", " + exUnxpectedUsers.Message);
                CSVRecord_ErrorUpdatingUser(unexpectedUser.Name, unexpectedUser.SiteRole, unexpectedUser.SiteAuthentication, "Error processing unexpected user " + unexpectedUser.ToString() + ", " + exUnxpectedUsers.Message);

コード例 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Provisioning for a single group
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="siteSignIn"></param>
    /// <param name="thisProvisionGroup"></param>
    /// <param name="existingGroups"></param>
    private void Execute_ProvisionGroups_SingleGroup(
        TableauServerSignIn siteSignIn,
        ProvisioningGroup thisProvisionGroup,
        DownloadGroupsList existingGroups,
        DownloadUsersList siteUsersList)
        _statusLogs.AddStatusHeader("Provision the group: " + thisProvisionGroup.GroupName);

        var thisExistingGroup = existingGroups.FindGroupWithName(thisProvisionGroup.GroupName);
        ICollection <SiteUser> existingUsersInGroup = new List <SiteUser>();

        //If the Group does not exist on server then create it
        if (thisExistingGroup == null)
            var createGroup = new SendCreateGroup(siteSignIn, thisProvisionGroup.GroupName);
            thisExistingGroup = createGroup.ExecuteRequest();

            CSVRecord_GroupModified(thisExistingGroup.Name, "created group", "");
            _statusLogs.AddStatus("Created group: " + thisExistingGroup.Name);
            //Download the members of the group
            var downloadGroupMembers = new DownloadUsersListInGroup(siteSignIn, thisExistingGroup.Id);
            existingUsersInGroup = downloadGroupMembers.Users;

        //Keep a list of the remaining users in the Server Site's group
        var workingListUnexaminedUsers = new WorkingListSiteUsers(existingUsersInGroup);

        //Go through each of the users we need to provision, and see if they are in the group
        foreach (var provisionThisUser in thisProvisionGroup.Members)
            var userInGroup = workingListUnexaminedUsers.FindUser(provisionThisUser);
            if (userInGroup != null)
                //The user is already in the group, no need to add them
                //Add the user to the group
                    Execute_ProvisionGroups_SingleGroup_AddUser(siteSignIn, provisionThisUser, thisExistingGroup, siteUsersList);
                catch (Exception exAddUserToGroup) //Unexpected error case
                    IwsDiagnostics.Assert(false, "811-700: Internal error adding user to group: " + exAddUserToGroup.Message);
                    _statusLogs.AddError("811-700: Internal error adding user to group: " + exAddUserToGroup.Message);

        //Remove any remaining users that are in the Server Site's Group but not in
        //our provisioning list
        foreach (var unexpectedUser in workingListUnexaminedUsers.GetUsers())
                Execute_ProvisionGroups_RemoveSingleUser(siteSignIn, unexpectedUser, thisExistingGroup);
            catch (Exception exUnxpectedUsers)
                _statusLogs.AddError("Error removing unexpected user in GROUP " + unexpectedUser.ToString() + ", " + exUnxpectedUsers.Message);
                CSVRecord_Error(unexpectedUser.Name, unexpectedUser.SiteRole, unexpectedUser.SiteAuthentication, "Error removing unexpected user in GROUP" + unexpectedUser.ToString() + ", " + exUnxpectedUsers.Message);