public void GetInfoForAttachDocument() { // Show path to client order attach and open them word = new WordService(GetPathWithOrderAttach(), false); // Find table with technic specification var tCount = word.GetTablesCount(); for (var iCount = 1; iCount <= tCount; iCount++) { if (word.GetCell(iCount, 1, 1).Contains("Техническая") || word.GetCell(iCount, 2, 1).Contains("Техническая")) { // Delete first two rows word.DeleteTableRows(iCount, new int[2] { 1, 1 }); // Copy left table word.CopyTable(iCount); break; } } // Close order attach word.CloseDocument(false); word.CloseWord(false); }
private void CloseTemplate() { word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); RenameFile(); }
public static void CreateReport(string template, Report report, int type) { archiveManager = new ArchiveManager(dataManager); var service = new WordService(template, false); service = type == 2 ? InsertIntoSupplierReport(report, service) : InsertIntoClientReport(report, service); var fileListId = DataBaseClient.GetFileListAuctionByLot(report.Code); if (fileListId != null) { DocumentRequisite docReq = new DocumentRequisite() { date =, fileName = template.Substring(template.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1), market = AltaBO.specifics.MarketPlaceEnum.ETS, number = fileListId.number, section = AltaBO.specifics.DocumentSectionEnum.Auction, type = type == 2 ? AltaBO.specifics.DocumentTypeEnum.SupplierReport : AltaBO.specifics.DocumentTypeEnum.CustomerReport }; archiveManager.SaveFile(docReq, (int)fileListId.fileslistid); docReq.fileName = docReq.fileName.Replace(".docx", ".pdf"); archiveManager.SaveFile(docReq, (int)fileListId.fileslistid); } service.SaveAsPDF(template); service.CloseDocument(true); service.CloseWord(true); }
private void PasteInfoToCommissionDoc() { // Open commission template to fill word = new WordService(path + "\\" + FILE_NAME_COMMISSION, false); // Fill commisiion word.SetCell(1, 2, 2, stockDealInfo.ComDateOut.ToShortDateString()); word.SetCell(1, 4, 2, auctionDate); word.SetCell(1, 5, 2, "Заявка № " + auctionNumber); word.SetCell(1, 6, 2, stockDealInfo.MemberName); word.SetCell(1, 7, 2, stockDealInfo.MemberCode); word.SetCell(1, 8, 2, stockDealInfo.SupplierName); word.SetCell(1, 9, 2, stockDealInfo.SupplierCode); word.SetCell(1, 12, 1, stockDealInfo.LotCode); word.SetCell(1, 25, 1, stockDealInfo.ComDateIn.ToShortDateString()); word.SetCell(1, 25, 2, stockDealInfo.ComDateIn.ToLongTimeString()); word.SetCell(1, 25, 3, stockDealInfo.Employe); // Paste table word.PasteBookmark("table"); // Fit tables in document word.AutoFitTables(); // Fill lefted info word.FindReplace("[startPrice]", word.GetCell(2, word.FindTextInRow(2, "ИТОГО", 2), 6)); // Close and save commission word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); System.IO.File.Move(path + "\\" + FILE_NAME_COMMISSION, path + "\\" + "Поручение на сделку по лоту - " + stockDealInfo.LotCode + " - у клиента - " + stockDealInfo.SupplierName + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace(":", "_") + ".docx"); }
private static void FillTemplateFile() { word = new WordService(orderFileName, false); try { word.FindReplace("[orderNumber]", orderInfo.Title); word.FindReplace("[auctionDate]", orderInfo.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString()); word.SetCell(1, 2, 1, "1"); word.SetCell(1, 2, 2, lotInfo.description); word.SetCell(1, 2, 3, lotInfo.amount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, 2, 4, DataBaseClient.ReadUnitInfo(lotInfo.unitid).name); word.SetCell(1, 2, 5, lotInfo.price.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, 2, 6, lotInfo.sum.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, 2, 7, lotInfo.step.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, 2, 8, lotInfo.deliveryplace); word.SetCell(1, 2, 9, lotInfo.paymentterm); word.SetCell(1, 2, 10, lotInfo.warranty.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, 2, 11, lotInfo.localcontent.ToString()); word.SetCell(1, 3, 6, lotInfo.sum.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } catch (Exception) { // ignored } word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
public override void Close() { excel.CloseWorkbook(false); excel.CloseExcel(); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
private static void FillTemplate() { word = new WordService(protocolsFileName, false); var winApplicant = order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name.ToUpper().Contains("АЛТЫН") ? 1 : 0; decimal minimalPrice = order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice < order.Auction.Procuratories[1].MinimalPrice ? order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice : order.Auction.Procuratories[1].MinimalPrice; word.FindReplace("[auctionDate]", order.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[amount]", Math.Round(order.Auction.Lots[0].Sum, 2).ToString()); word.FindReplace("[supplier1]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name); word.FindReplace("[supplier2]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[1].Name); word.FindReplace("[winningPrice]", Math.Round(minimalPrice, 2).ToString()); word.SetCell(1, 17, 1, "1"); word.SetCell(1, 17, 2, order.Auction.Lots[0].Number); word.SetCell(1, 17, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].Name); word.SetCell(1, 17, 4, order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit); word.SetCell(1, 17, 5, Math.Round(order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity, 2).ToString()); word.SetCell(1, 17, 6, Math.Round(minimalPrice / order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity, 2).ToString()); word.SetCell(1, 17, 7, Math.Round(minimalPrice, 2).ToString()); word.SetCell(1, 17, 8, order.Auction.Lots[0].PaymentTerm); word.SetCell(1, 17, 9, order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryTime + ", " + order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryPlace.Replace("|", ", ")); word.SetCell(1, 18, 7, Math.Round(minimalPrice, 2).ToString()); word.FindReplace("[supplier]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[winApplicant].Name); word.FindReplace("[supplierBroker]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[winApplicant].BrokerName); word.FindReplace("[broker]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[winApplicant].BrokerName.Replace("Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью", "ТОО")); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
public static List <LotsExtended> ParseOrderWithTS(string fileName, int lotId) { WordService word = new WordService(fileName, false); if (word.GetTablesCount() == 0) { return(null); } List <LotsExtended> lotsExtended = new List <LotsExtended>(); int tablesCount = word.GetTablesCount(); for (var tCount = 1; tCount <= tablesCount; tCount++) { int rowCount = word.GetTableRowsCount(tCount); string valueLeft = "", valueRight = ""; for (var rCount = tCount == 1 ? 2 : 1; rCount < rowCount + 1; rCount++) { bool getValue = true; try { valueLeft = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 1); valueRight = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 12); } catch { getValue = false; } if (getValue && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueLeft.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", "")) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueRight.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", "")))) { getValue = false; } if (getValue) { lotsExtended.Add(new LotsExtended() { serialnumber = Convert.ToInt32(word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 1).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", "")), name = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 2).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", ""), unit = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 3).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", ""), quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 4).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", "").Replace(" ", "")), price = Convert.ToDecimal(word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 5).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", "").Replace(" ", "")), sum = Convert.ToDecimal(word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 6).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", "").Replace(" ", "")), country = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 7).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", ""), techspec = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 8).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", ""), terms = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 9).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", ""), paymentterm = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 10).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", ""), dks = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 11).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", "").Replace("%", "")), 0)), contractnumber = word.GetCell(tCount, rCount, 12).Replace("\r", "").Replace("\a", ""), lotId = lotId }); } } } word.CloseDocument(false); word.CloseWord(false); return(lotsExtended); }
public static bool FillKaspiProcuratory(string templateFileName, Order order, string direction) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFileName) || order == null || order.Auction == null || order.Auction.Lots == null || order.Auction.Lots.Count < 1 || order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended == null || order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended.Count < 1) { return(false); } var word = new WordService(templateFileName, false); if (word == null) { return(false); } try { word.FindReplace("[brokerCompany]", ""); word.FindReplace("[brokerDirector]", ""); word.SetCell(1, 6, 3, direction != null ? direction : "Продажа/покупка"); word.SetCell(1, 7, 3, order.Organizer != null ? order.Organizer : ""); word.SetCell(1, 8, 3, order.Initiator != null ? order.Initiator : ""); word.SetCell(1, 9, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].Name != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].Name : ""); word.SetCell(1, 10, 3, order.Auction.Type != null ? order.Auction.Type : ""); word.SetCell(1, 11, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].marka != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].marka : ""); word.SetCell(1, 12, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].gost != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].gost : ""); word.SetCell(1, 13, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].CodeTRFEA != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].CodeTRFEA : ""); word.SetCell(1, 14, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].country != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].country : ""); word.SetCell(1, 15, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].factory != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].factory : ""); word.SetCell(1, 16, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended.Count > 1 ? "Согласно спецификации" : (order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity : 0).ToString()); word.SetCell(1, 17, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended.Count > 1 ? "Согласно спецификации" : (order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit : "")); word.SetCell(1, 18, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended.Count > 1 ? "Согласно спецификации" : (order.Auction.Lots[0].Price != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].Price : 0).ToString()); word.SetCell(1, 19, 3, order.Auction.Comments != null ? order.Auction.Comments : ""); // currency word.SetCell(1, 20, 3, (order.Auction.Lots[0].Step != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].Step : 0) + " " + word.GetCell(1, 19, 3)); word.SetCell(1, 21, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryPlace != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryPlace : ""); word.SetCell(1, 22, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].terms != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].terms : ""); word.SetCell(1, 23, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].PaymentTerm != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].PaymentTerm : ""); word.SetCell(1, 24, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryTime != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryTime : ""); word.SetCell(1, 25, 3, order.Auction.Date != null ? order.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString() : ""); word.SetCell(1, 26, 3, "Техническая спецификация"); word.SetCell(1, 27, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended[0].sum != null ? order.Auction.Lots[0].LotsExtended.Sum(l => l.sum).ToString() : ""); } catch { return(false); } finally { if (word.IsOpenDocument()) { word.CloseDocument(true); } if (word.IsOpenWord()) { word.CloseWord(true); } } return(true); }
private static string FillTemplateFile() { word = new WordService(orderFileName, false); try { // Header word.FindReplace("[orderNumber]", orderInfo.Auction.Number); word.FindReplace("[customer]", orderInfo.Auction.Customer); word.FindReplace("[broker]", (orderInfo.Auction.Broker.Code == "ALTK" ? "Альта и К" : orderInfo.Auction.Broker.Code == "ALTA" ? "Альтаир-Нур" : "Корунд-777")); word.FindReplace("[type]", orderInfo.Auction.Type); word.FindReplace("[auctionDate]", orderInfo.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString()); // Table int rowCount = 2; decimal fullSum = 0; foreach (var item in orderInfo.Auction.Lots) { if (rowCount > 2) { word.AddTableRow(1); } word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 1, "1"); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 2, item.Name); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 3, Math.Round(item.Quantity, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 4, item.Unit); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 5, Math.Round(item.Price, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 6, Math.Round((item.Quantity * item.Price), 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 7, Math.Round(item.Step, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 8, item.DeliveryPlace); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 9, item.PaymentTerm); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 10, Math.Round(item.Warranty, 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 11, Math.Round(item.LocalContent, 0).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); fullSum += Math.Round((item.Quantity * item.Price), 2); rowCount++; } word.SetCell(1, rowCount + 1, 6, fullSum.ToString()); // Footer (requisites) word.FindReplace("[executorName]", orderInfo.Initiator); word.SaveAsPDF(orderFileName); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); Service.DeleteFile(orderFileName); return(orderFileName.Replace(".docx", ".pdf")); } catch (Exception) { return(null); } }
private void FillAct() { word = new WordService(fName, false); word.FindReplace("[sourceNumber]", failedAct.sourceNumber); word.FindReplace("[fromDate]", failedAct.fromDate); word.FindReplace("[auctionDate]", failedAct.auctionDate); word.FindReplace("[orderNumber]", failedAct.orderNumber); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
private static void GetTechSpec(int tableNumber, string orderApplicant) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orderApplicant) && File.Exists(orderApplicant)) { WordService techSpecWord = new WordService(orderApplicant, false); techSpecWord.CopyTable(tableNumber); Thread.Sleep(4000); techSpecWord.CloseDocument(false); techSpecWord.CloseWord(false); } }
public static bool FillApplicants(string templateFileName, List <SupplierOrder> applicants, DateTime auctionDate, string orderNumber, string customerCompany) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFileName) || applicants == null || applicants.Count < 1) { return(false); } var word = new WordService(templateFileName, false); if (word == null) { return(false); } try { word.FindReplace("[auctionDate]", auctionDate != null ? auctionDate.ToShortDateString() : ""); word.FindReplace("[orderNumber]", orderNumber != null ? orderNumber : ""); word.FindReplace("[customerCompany]", customerCompany != null ? customerCompany : ""); FillApplicantsTable(word, applicants, 1); var accessPlayers = applicants.Where(a => a.status != null && a.status.Id != null && a.status.Id != 16); if (accessPlayers != null && accessPlayers.ToList().Count > 0) { FillApplicantsTable(word, accessPlayers.ToList(), 2); } var deniedPlayers = applicants.Where(a => a.status != null && a.status.Id != null && a.status.Id == 16); if (deniedPlayers != null && deniedPlayers.ToList().Count > 0) { FillApplicantsTable(word, deniedPlayers.ToList(), 3); } } catch { return(false); } finally { if (word.IsOpenDocument()) { word.CloseDocument(true); } if (word.IsOpenWord()) { word.CloseWord(true); } } return(true); }
private static void FillDocument() { var word = new WordService(fileName, false); word.SetCell(1, 1, 2,; word.SetCell(1, 2, 2,; word.SetCell(2, 2, 1, formc01.code); word.SetCell(2, 2, 2, formc01.bin); word.SetCell(2, 2, 3,; word.SetCell(2, 2, 5, formc01.codeG + " " + formc01.codeS); word.SetCell(2, 2, 6, formc01.codeP); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
public static List <SupplierOrder> ParseApplicants(string fileName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return(null); } var word = new WordService(fileName, false); if (word == null) { return(null); } List <SupplierOrder> supplierOrders = new List <SupplierOrder>(); try { int rowQuantity = word.GetTableRowsCount(1); SupplierOrder applicant = new SupplierOrder(); for (var rowCount = 2; rowCount <= rowQuantity + 1; rowCount++) { var supplierName = word.GetCell(1, rowCount, 2); applicant.Name = supplierName != null ? supplierName : ""; var brokerName = word.GetCell(1, rowCount, 3); applicant.BrokerName = brokerName != null ? brokerName : ""; supplierOrders.Add(applicant); } } catch { return(null); } finally { if (word.IsOpenDocument()) { word.CloseDocument(); } if (word.IsOpenWord()) { word.CloseWord(false); } } return(supplierOrders); }
public void FillFileAndSave() { // TODO : Fill base //DataBaseTransport.AddSupplierOrder(entryOrder); GetInfoFromDB(); var word = new WordService(wherePath + "\\" + FILE_NAME, false); word.FindReplace("[fromDate]", entryOrder.fromDate); //word.FindReplace("[brokerClient]", entryOrder.brokerClient); //word.FindReplace("[brokerClient]", entryOrder.brokerClient); word.FindReplace("[lotNumber]", entryOrder.lotNumber); word.FindReplace("[memberCode]", entryOrder.memberCode); word.FindReplace("[fullMemberName]", entryOrder.fullMemberName); word.FindReplace("[clientCode]", entryOrder.clientCode); word.FindReplace("[clientFullName]", entryOrder.clientFullName); word.FindReplace("[clientAddress]", entryOrder.clientAddress); word.FindReplace("[clientBIN]", entryOrder.clientBIN); word.FindReplace("[clientPhones]", entryOrder.clientPhones); word.FindReplace("[clientBankIIK]", entryOrder.clientBankIIK); word.FindReplace("[clientBankBIK]", entryOrder.clientBankBIK); word.FindReplace("[clientBankName]", entryOrder.clientBankName); var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append("Список запрашиваемых документов").Append("\n"); stringBuilder.Append("1. Заявка на участие").Append("\n"); var iCount = 2; foreach (var rDoc in entryOrder.requestedDocs) { stringBuilder.Append(iCount + ". " +"\n"); iCount++; } word.SetCell(2, 3, 2, stringBuilder.ToString()); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); ChangeFileName(); }
public void CreateTemplate(FormC01 form, string saveTo) { var FILE_NAME = "formC01.docx"; System.IO.File.Copy(FileArchiveTransport.GetFormC01TemplateFileName(), saveTo + "\\" + FILE_NAME, true); var word = new WordService(saveTo + "\\" + FILE_NAME, false); word.SetCell(1, 1, 2,; word.SetCell(1, 2, 2,; word.SetCell(2, 2, 1, form.code); word.SetCell(2, 2, 2, form.bin); word.SetCell(2, 2, 3,; word.SetCell(2, 2, 5, form.codeG + " " + form.codeS); word.SetCell(2, 2, 6, form.codeP); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
public static bool FillMembers(string templateFileName, List <SupplierOrder> members) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFileName) || members == null || members.Count < 1) { return(false); } var word = new WordService(templateFileName, false); if (word == null) { return(false); } try { int rowCount = 2; foreach (var item in members) { if (rowCount > 2) { word.AddTableRow(1); } word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 1, (rowCount - 1).ToString()); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 2, item.Name != null ? item.Name : ""); word.SetCell(1, rowCount, 3, item.BrokerName != null ? item.BrokerName : ""); } } catch { return(false); } finally { if (word.IsOpenDocument()) { word.CloseDocument(); } if (word.IsOpenWord()) { word.CloseWord(false); } } return(true); }
private static void FillTemplate(int mode) { // Open template file for filling word = new WordService(fileName, false); switch (mode) { case 1: // Single // Fill file with data word.FindReplace("[brokerName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName); word.SetCell(1, 2, 1, order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerCode); word.SetCell(1, 2, 2, order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Code); word.SetCell(1, 2, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].Number); word.SetCell(1, 2, 4, (Math.Round(sum, 2)).ToString()); word.FindReplace("[curDate]", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); break; case 2: // Multi word.FindReplace("[brokerName]", broker); int iRow = 2; foreach (var item in moneyTransferList) { word.SetCell(1, iRow, 1, item.fromCompany); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 2, item.toCompany); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 3, item.lotNumber); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 4, (Math.Round(sum, 2)).ToString()); word.AddTableRow(1); iRow++; } word.FindReplace("[curDate]", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); break; } // Close file & save word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
private static void FillSpecification() { // Fill specification word = new WordService(orderFiles[2], false); word.FindReplace("[auctionNumber]", order.Auction.Number); // Auction number word.SetCell(1, 2, 1, "1"); // Number word.SetCell(1, 2, 2, order.Auction.Lots[0].Name); // Name word.SetCell(1, 2, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit); // Unit of size word.SetCell(1, 2, 4, order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity.ToString()); // Quantity word.SetCell(1, 2, 5, order.Auction.Lots[0].Price.ToString()); // Price word.SetCell(1, 2, 6, order.Auction.Lots[0].Sum.ToString()); // Sum word.SetCell(1, 2, 7, order.Auction.Lots[0].Step.ToString()); // Step word.SetCell(1, 2, 8, order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryPlace + " | " + order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryTime); // Terms word.SetCell(1, 2, 9, order.Auction.Lots[0].PaymentTerm); // Payment word.SetCell(1, 2, 10, order.Auction.Lots[0].Warranty.ToString()); // Warranty word.SetCell(1, 2, 11, order.Auction.Lots[0].LocalContent.ToString()); // Local // Close specification word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
public void ChangeMoneyDirection() { // Choose file that need correct fPath = Service.GetFile("Выберите файл заявления об изменении учета денег (до торгов)", "Заявление об изменении учета денег (*.docx)|*.docx").FullName; // Choose path to save var wherePath = Service.GetDirectory(); if (wherePath != null) { // Copy this file var tmpName = wherePath.FullName + "\\Заявление об изменении учета денег (после торгов) " + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace(":", "_") + ".docx"; System.IO.File.Copy(fPath, tmpName, true); // Change data in copied file word = new WordService(tmpName, false); var rCount = word.GetTableRowsCount(1); string lSide, rSide; for (var iRow = 2; iRow <= rCount; iRow++) { lSide = word.GetCell(1, iRow, 1); rSide = word.GetCell(1, iRow, 2); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 1, rSide); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 2, lSide); } // Close word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); // Open prepared dir Process.Start("explorer", wherePath.FullName); } }
private static void FillInvoice(bool isWarranty, InvoicePrint invoicePrint, string invoiceNumber, InvoiceEx invoiceEx = null) { string[] currencyType = new string[2]; word = new WordService(fileName, false); try { word.FindReplace("[brokerName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName); word.FindReplace("[brokerKbe]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerKbe); word.FindReplace("[brokerBIN]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerBIN); word.FindReplace("[brokerBankName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerBankName); word.FindReplace("[brokerBIK]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerBIK); word.FindReplace("[payCode]", isWarranty ? "171" : "859"); word.FindReplace("[invoiceNumber]", invoiceNumber); word.FindReplace("[invoiceDate]", isWarranty ? DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() : order.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[supplierName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName); word.FindReplace("[supplierBIN]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerBIN); word.FindReplace("[supplierAddress]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerAddress); word.FindReplace("[buyerName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name); word.FindReplace("[buyerBIN]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BIN); word.FindReplace("[buyerAddress]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Address); word.FindReplace("[contractNum]", "№" + order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].ContractNum); word.FindReplace("[contractDate]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].ContractDate.ToShortDateString()); word.SetCell(3, 2, 1, "1"); if (isWarranty) { word.SetCell(3, 2, 3, "Гарантийное обеспечение за участие в аукционе №" + order.Auction.Number + " от " + order.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString()); } else { word.SetCell(3, 2, 3, "Брокерские услуги за участие в аукционе №" + order.Auction.Number + " от " + order.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString()); } if (order.Auction.SiteId == 4) { word.AddTableRow(3); word.SetCell(3, 3, 1, "2"); word.SetCell(3, 3, 3, "Открытие и ведение счета на товарной бирже"); word.SetCell(3, 3, 4, "1"); word.SetCell(3, 3, 5, "шт."); word.SetCell(3, 3, 6, invoiceEx.Services[1].Price.ToString()); word.SetCell(3, 3, 7, invoiceEx.Services[1].Аmount.ToString()); } word.SetCell(3, 2, 6, invoicePrint.Price); word.SetCell(3, 2, 7, invoicePrint.Аmount); word.FindReplace("[count]", order.Auction.SiteId == 4 ? "2" : "1"); if (order.Auction.SiteId == 4) { if (order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BIN == "141040012412") { invoicePrint.Total = (invoiceEx.Services[0].Аmount + invoiceEx.Services[1].Аmount).ToString(); } else { invoicePrint.Total = (invoiceEx.Services[0].Аmount + invoiceEx.Services[1].Аmount).ToString() + ",00"; } if (order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName.ToUpper().Contains("АЛТЫН")) { invoicePrint.TotalTax = ""; } else { invoicePrint.TotalTax = ((invoiceEx.Services[0].Аmount + invoiceEx.Services[1].Аmount) * 12 / 112).ToString(); } } word.FindReplace("[invoiceSum]", invoicePrint.Total); word.FindReplace("[ndsSum]", invoicePrint.TotalTax); word.FindReplace("[invoiceSum]", invoicePrint.Total); if (invoicePrint.АmountInWords.Contains("тиын")) { word.FindReplace("[currency]", "KZT"); currencyType[0] = " тенге"; currencyType[1] = " тиын"; if (order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName.ToUpper().Contains("КОРУНД")) { word.FindReplace("[brokerIIK]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerIIK); } else { word.FindReplace("[brokerIIK]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerIIK); } } else if (invoicePrint.АmountInWords.Contains("копеек")) { word.FindReplace("[currency]", "RUB"); currencyType[0] = " рублей"; currencyType[1] = " копеек"; if (order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName.ToUpper().Contains("КОРУНД")) { word.FindReplace("[brokerIIK]", "KZ739261802171874002"); } else { word.FindReplace("[brokerIIK]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerIIK); } } else if (invoicePrint.АmountInWords.Contains("центов")) { word.FindReplace("[currency]", "USD"); currencyType[0] = " долларов"; currencyType[1] = " центов"; if (order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName.ToUpper().Contains("КОРУНД")) { word.FindReplace("[brokerIIK]", "KZ039261802171874001"); } else { word.FindReplace("[brokerIIK]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerIIK); } } if (order.Auction.SiteId == 4) { invoicePrint.АmountInWords = "Всего к оплате: " + ConvertNumberToWord(Convert.ToInt32(invoiceEx.Services[0].Аmount + invoiceEx.Services[1].Аmount)) + currencyType[0] + ",00" + currencyType[1]; } word.FindReplace("[amountInWords]", invoicePrint.АmountInWords); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Err:" + ex); } word.SaveAsPDF(fileName); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
private static void FillDocument() { // Variables decimal fullDebet = reconcilationReport.Sum(r => r.debit); decimal fullCredit = reconcilationReport.Sum(r =>; // Open office word = new WordService(fileName, false); // Fill document word.FindReplace("[startDate]", startDate.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[endDate]", endDate.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[broker]", broker.Name); word.FindReplace("[client]", supplier.Name); word.FindReplace("[broker]", broker.Name); word.FindReplace("[client]", supplier.Name); word.FindReplace("[broker]", broker.Name); word.FindReplace("[client]", supplier.Name); word.FindReplace("[startDate]", startDate.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[startDate]", startDate.ToShortDateString()); int iRow = 4; string debit = "", credit = "", fDebit = "", fCredit = ""; foreach (var item in reconcilationReport) { word.AddTableRow(1, iRow); debit = $"{item.debit:C}"; credit = $"{}"; word.SetCell(1, iRow, 1, item.docDate); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 2, item.docName); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 3, debit.Substring(0, debit.Length - 2)); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 4, credit.Substring(0, credit.Length - 2)); iRow++; } iRow += 3; if (fullDebet > fullCredit) { string fullSum = $"{(fullDebet - fullCredit):C}"; fullSum = fullSum.Substring(0, fullSum.Length - 2); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 2, fullSum); word.FindReplace("[status]", "в пользу " + broker.Name + " " + fullSum); } else { string fullSum = $"{(fullCredit - fullDebet):C}"; fullSum = fullSum.Substring(0, fullSum.Length - 2); word.SetCell(1, iRow, 3, fullSum); word.FindReplace("[status]", "в пользу " + supplier.Name + " " + fullSum); } fDebit = $"{fullDebet:C}"; fCredit = $"{fullCredit:C}"; word.FindReplace("[fullDebet]", fDebit.Substring(0, fDebit.Length - 2)); word.FindReplace("[fullCredit]", fCredit.Substring(0, fCredit.Length - 2)); word.FindReplace("[endDate]", endDate.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[endDate]", endDate.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[broker]", broker.Name); word.FindReplace("[endDate]", endDate.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[broker]", broker.Name); word.FindReplace("[client]", supplier.Name); word.FindReplace("[brokerBin]", broker.Requisites); word.FindReplace("[clientBin]", supplier.BIN); // Close office word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
// Save and close word private void SaveAndClose() { word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
public static Order ParseKaspiProcuratory(string fileName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return(null); } var word = new WordService(fileName, false); if (word == null) { return(null); } Order order = new Order(); order.Auction = new Auction(); order.Auction.Lots = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <Lot>(); order.Auction.Lots.Add(new Lot() { LotsExtended = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <LotsExtended>() }); bool result; DateTime dateTime; decimal decimalNumber; double doubleNumber; int intNumber; try { order.Organizer = word.GetCell(1, 6, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); order.Initiator = word.GetCell(1, 7, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); order.Auction.Lots[0].Name = word.GetCell(1, 8, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); order.Auction.Type = word.GetCell(1, 9, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); result = decimal.TryParse(word.GetCell(1, 15, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(), out decimalNumber); order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity = result ? decimalNumber : 0; order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit = word.GetCell(1, 16, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); result = decimal.TryParse(word.GetCell(1, 17, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(), out decimalNumber); order.Auction.Lots[0].Price = result ? decimalNumber : 0; order.Auction.Comments = word.GetCell(1, 18, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); // currency result = decimal.TryParse(word.GetCell(1, 19, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(), out decimalNumber); order.Auction.Lots[0].Step = result ? decimalNumber : 0; order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryPlace = word.GetCell(1, 20, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); order.Auction.Lots[0].PaymentTerm = word.GetCell(1, 21, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryTime = word.GetCell(1, 22, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(); result = DateTime.TryParse(word.GetCell(1, 24, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(), out dateTime); order.Auction.Date = result ? dateTime : DateTime.Now; result = decimal.TryParse(word.GetCell(1, 26, 3).Replace("\r\a", "").Trim(), out decimalNumber); order.Auction.Lots[0].Sum = result ? decimalNumber : 0; } catch { return(null); } finally { if (word.IsOpenDocument()) { word.CloseDocument(false); } if (word.IsOpenWord()) { word.CloseWord(false); } } return(order); }
private static void FillTemplateForKazETS(Order order, string fileName, string coverLetterFileName, string techSpecFile, bool withPDF = false) { // Fill order //excel = new ExcelService(fileName); IExcelService excel = new ExcelService(fileName); string supplierData = order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name + "\n" + order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Address + "\nБИН " + order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BIN + "\nИИК " + order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].IIK + "\n" + order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BankName + "\nБИК " + order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BIK; excel.SetCells(4, "B", "Заявка №" + order.Auction.Number); // Auction number excel.SetCells(7, "C", supplierData); // Supplier data excel.SetCells(8, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].Name); // Lot name excel.SetCells(9, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].CodeTRFEA); // TR FEA excel.SetCells(10, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].Name); // Lot description excel.SetCells(11, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].UnitId != 11 ? Math.Round(order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice / order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity, 2).ToString() : order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit); // Start price excel.SetCells(12, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].UnitId != 11 ? order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity.ToString() : order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit); // Quantity excel.SetCells(13, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit); // Unit of size excel.SetCells(14, "C", order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice); // Amount sum excel.SetCells(15, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].Step); // Step excel.SetCells(16, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].PaymentTerm); // Payment term excel.SetCells(17, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryPlace); // Delivery terms excel.SetCells(18, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryTime); // Delivery time excel.SetCells(20, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].LocalContent); // Local content excel.SetCells(21, "C", order.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString()); // Auction date excel.SetCells(23, "C", order.Auction.Lots[0].Warranty); // Warranty excel.SetCells(25, "C", CountWorkDays(order.Auction.Date, 10)); // Order ellapse date // If supplier is alternative then need make one day later than private supplier DateTime tmpDate = order.Date; if (order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name == order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName) { tmpDate = order.Deadline; } else { tmpDate = order.Deadline.AddDays(-1); } if (tmpDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) { tmpDate = tmpDate.AddDays(-2); } else if (tmpDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) { tmpDate = tmpDate.AddDays(-1); } //excel.SetCells(28, "B", "Дата \"" + tmpDate.Day + "\" " + GetMonthName(tmpDate.Month) + " " + tmpDate.Year + " г."); // Supplier order date excel.CloseWorkbook(true); excel.CloseExcel(); // Fill cover letter //excel = new ExcelService(coverLetterFileName); excel = new ExcelService(coverLetterFileName); excel.SetCells(3, "A", "ЗАЯВКА №" + order.Auction.Number); // Order number excel.SetCells(7, "E", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name); // Supplier name excel.SetCells(11, "B", order.Auction.Lots[0].Name); // Lot name excel.SetCells(11, "D", order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit); // Unit of size excel.SetCells(11, "E", order.Auction.Lots[0].UnitId != 11 ? order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity.ToString() : order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit); // Quantity excel.SetCells(11, "F", (order.Auction.Lots[0].UnitId == 11 ? "По приложению" : (order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice / order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity).ToString())); // Price excel.SetCells(11, "H", order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice); // Sum excel.SetCells(12, "H", order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice); // Amount sum excel.SetCells(18, "A", "\"" + tmpDate.Day + "\" " + GetMonthName(tmpDate.Month) + " " + tmpDate.Year + " г."); // Order date // Convert cover letter to pdf if (withPDF) { excel.SaveAsPDF(coverLetterFileName, false); } // Close cover letter excel.CloseWorkbook(true); excel.CloseExcel(); // Fill tech spec WordService word = new WordService(techSpecFile, false); word.FindReplace("[auctionNumber]", order.Auction.Number); // Auction number word.SetCell(1, 2, 1, "1"); // Number word.SetCell(1, 2, 2, order.Auction.Lots[0].Name); // Name word.SetCell(1, 2, 3, order.Auction.Lots[0].Unit); // Unit of size word.SetCell(1, 2, 4, order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity.ToString()); // Quantity word.SetCell(1, 2, 5, (order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice / order.Auction.Lots[0].Quantity).ToString()); // Price word.SetCell(1, 2, 6, order.Auction.Procuratories[0].MinimalPrice.ToString()); // Sum word.SetCell(1, 2, 7, order.Auction.Lots[0].Step.ToString()); // Step word.SetCell(1, 2, 8, order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryPlace + " | " + order.Auction.Lots[0].DeliveryTime); // Terms word.SetCell(1, 2, 9, order.Auction.Lots[0].PaymentTerm); // Payment word.SetCell(1, 2, 10, order.Auction.Lots[0].Warranty.ToString()); // Warranty word.SetCell(1, 2, 11, order.Auction.Lots[0].LocalContent.ToString()); // Local // Close specification word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
private static void FillTemplate(string procuratoryFileName, Order order, List <Lot> prices = null, int[] tableNumbers = null, string orderApplicant = null) { WordService word = new WordService(procuratoryFileName, false); try { word.SetCell(1, 2, 2, DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); word.SetCell(1, 4, 2, order.Auction.Date.ToShortDateString()); word.SetCell(1, 5, 2, "Заявка № " + order.Auction.Number); word.SetCell(1, 6, 2, order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName.Replace("Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью", "ТОО")); word.SetCell(1, 7, 2, order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerCode); word.SetCell(1, 8, 2, order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name); word.SetCell(1, 9, 2, order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Code); int rCount = 0, iCount = 1; foreach (var item in order.Auction.Lots) { word.SetCell(1, 11 + rCount, 3, "Цена лота (стартовая - " + Math.Round(item.Sum, 2).ToString() + ")"); word.SetCell(1, 12 + rCount, 1, item.Number); word.SetCell(1, 12 + rCount, 2, "Лот №" + iCount); if (prices != null && prices.Any(p => p.Id == item.Id)) { word.SetCell(1, 12 + rCount, 3, prices.First(p => p.Id == item.Id).Sum.ToString()); word.SetItalicInCell(1, 12 + rCount, 3, 0); word.SetTextColorInCell(1, 12 + rCount, 3); } else { word.SetItalicInCell(1, 12 + rCount, 3, 1); word.SetCell(1, 12 + rCount, 3, "Введите пожалуйста сумму с учетом понижения"); } iCount++; rCount += 2; if (rCount > 16) { word.AddTableRow(1, rCount - 1); word.AddTableRow(1, rCount - 1); } } } catch (Exception) { } try { word.FindReplace("[commissionDateIn]", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); word.FindReplace("[commissionTimeIn]", "11:00"); word.FindReplace("[brokerPerson]", order.Auction.Trader); } catch (Exception) { } // Paste tech spec table if (tableNumbers != null) { foreach (var item in tableNumbers) { try { GetTechSpec(item, orderApplicant); } catch (Exception) { } Thread.Sleep(4000); try { word.PasteInTheBookmark("table"); } catch (Exception) { } } } word.AutoFitTables(); word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
private static void FillTemplateForUTB(Order order, string fileName, bool withPDF = false) { WordService word = new WordService(fileName, false); word.FindReplace("[orderNumber]", order.Auction.Number + " от " + order.Date.ToShortDateString()); word.SetCell(1, 1, 2, order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name); word.SetCell(1, 3, 2, order.Auction.Date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")); word.SetCell(1, 4, 2, order.Auction.Customer); word.FindReplace("[clientName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name); word.FindReplace("[clientName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name); word.FindReplace("[companyDirector]", string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].CompanyDirector) ? "[Впишите ФИО Директора компании]" : order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].CompanyDirector); word.FindReplace("[brokerName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].BrokerName); word.FindReplace("[clientName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Name); word.FindReplace("[traderName]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Trader); int iCount = 2; decimal sum = 0; decimal minimalPrice = 0; // Early getted from inside foreach (var item in order.Auction.Lots) { if (iCount > 2) { word.AddTableRow(2); } word.SetCell(2, iCount, 1, (iCount - 1).ToString()); word.SetCell(2, iCount, 2, item.Number); word.SetCell(2, iCount, 3, item.Name); word.SetCell(2, iCount, 4, item.Unit); word.SetCell(2, iCount, 5, item.Quantity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (order.Auction.SiteId != 4 && order.Auction.Customer.ToLower().Contains("караж")) { word.SetCell(2, iCount, 6, Math.Round(minimalPrice / item.Quantity, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(2, iCount, 7, Math.Round(minimalPrice, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sum += minimalPrice; } else { word.SetCell(2, iCount, 6, Math.Round(item.Sum / item.Quantity, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.SetCell(2, iCount, 7, Math.Round(item.Sum * item.Quantity, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sum += item.Sum; } word.SetCell(2, iCount, 8, item.PaymentTerm); word.SetCell(2, iCount, 9, item.DeliveryPlace.Replace("|", ", ") + ", " + item.DeliveryTime); iCount++; } word.FindReplace("[sum]", Math.Round(sum, 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); word.FindReplace("[brokerDirector]", order.Auction.SupplierOrders[0].Trader); if (withPDF) { word.SaveAsPDF(fileName); } word.CloseDocument(true); word.CloseWord(true); }
public void Close() { service.CloseWord(false); }
public void Close() { service.CloseWord(true); }