public static void StartFileDeletion(List <string> imageIDs) { Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(" _ __ "); Console.WriteLine(" ____ | |_ _____ _ | |"); Console.WriteLine("| \\ ___ ___|_| |_ | _ |___ ___|_|___| |"); Console.WriteLine("| | | . | | | _| | __| .'| | | _|__|"); Console.WriteLine("|____/|___|_|_| |_| |__| |__,|_|_|_|___|__|"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Open source Hacked Core Restorative Automatic Program (OH CRAP) v2"); Console.WriteLine("------------"); Console.WriteLine("Deleting uploaded images..."); foreach (string iD in imageIDs) { var result = WordPressConnector.Delete(Convert.ToInt32(iD)); if (result) { Console.WriteLine("Deleted file with id " + iD); } else { ColoredConsole.WriteLineWithColor("Failed to delete file with id " + iD, ConsoleColor.Red); } } Console.WriteLine("Cleanup complete! Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void btnVerify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WordPressConnector.InitializeWordPress(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text); lblStatus.Text = "Verifying..."; SetLoginControlsEnabledState(false); GetProfileResponse user = WordPressConnector.GetUserProfile(); if (user != null) { MessageBox.Show("Thanks " + user.FirstName + "!" + "\nYou're ready to upload."); btnUpload.Enabled = true; } else { MessageBox.Show("Connection failed", "Can't connect to RW Wordpress!"); SetLoginControlsEnabledState(true); lblStatus.Text = "Can't connect to RW WordPress, please try again."; return; } if (chkSaveCredentials.Checked) { // Save credentials Settings.Default.CredentialsSaved = true; Settings.Default.Username = txtUsername.Text; Settings.Default.Password = txtPassword.Text; Settings.Default.Save(); } }
private void TryToDeleteImages() { lblStatus.Text = "Rolling back..."; WordPressConfig config = new WordPressConfig("", txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text); try { // Something went wrong, delete all uploaded images for (var i = 0; i < _imageIdList.Count; i++) { int id = _imageIdList[i]; bool deleted = WordPressConnector.Delete(id); progressUpload.Value--; if (!deleted) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't delete image: " + ImageUploadData.ImageUrls[i]); } } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); MessageBox.Show("Image rollback failed. Please delete the remaining images manually."); return; } MessageBox.Show("Rollback succesfull!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { WordPressConnector wordpress = new WordPressConnector("http://localhost/wordpress"); var task = wordpress.GetAuthorAsync(1); task.Wait(); var result = task.Result; }
private static GetProfileResponse AskForCredentials(GetProfileResponse user) { Console.WriteLine("Username:"******"Pasword:"); string password = Console.ReadLine(); WordPressConnector.InitializeWordPress(username, password); user = WordPressConnector.GetUserProfile(); if (user == null) { ColoredConsole.WriteLineWithColor("Incorrect credentials / can't connect to RW WordPress.", ConsoleColor.Red); Console.WriteLine("Please try again."); } return(user); }
private bool UploadImages(string markdownPath, string htmlPath, bool onlyUpdateHtml, string username, string password) { Console.WriteLine("Logging into RW WordPress.."); WordPressConnector.InitializeWordPress(username, password); GetProfileResponse user = WordPressConnector.GetUserProfile(); if (user == null) { ColoredConsole.WriteLineWithColor("Login failed. Please check your credentials and internet connection.", ConsoleColor.Red); } Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Login succesful! Thanks for using the app, " + user.FirstName + "!"); Console.WriteLine("Gathering files..."); // Get image paths List <string> fullImagePaths = new List <string>(); List <string> localImagePaths = new List <string>(); string markdownText = ""; string htmlText = ""; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(markdownPath)) { markdownText = sr.ReadToEnd(); } using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(htmlPath)) { htmlText = sr.ReadToEnd(); } var links = Converter.FindAllImageLinksInHtml(htmlText, Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlPath)); if (links.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No images found. Aborting upload"); return(false); } foreach (ImageLinkData link in links) { fullImagePaths.Add(link.FullImagePath); localImagePaths.Add(link.LocalImagePath); } Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(fullImagePaths.Count + " image paths found:"); foreach (string path in fullImagePaths) { Console.WriteLine(path + " (" + new FileInfo(path).Length / 1024 + " kb)"); } List <string> imageUrls = new List <string>(); List <string> imageIDs = new List <string>(); // Upload images for (var i = 0; i < fullImagePaths.Count; i++) { string path = fullImagePaths[i]; Console.WriteLine("Uploading: " + " (" + (i + 1) + "/" + fullImagePaths.Count + ")" + path + "..."); var result = WordPressConnector.UploadFile(path); if (result != null) { imageUrls.Add(result.FileResponseStruct.Url); imageIDs.Add(result.FileResponseStruct.Id.ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Image upload failed! Aborting upload and going into file cleanup mode..."); CoreConsoleShared.StartFileDeletion(imageIDs); return(false); } } // Update markdown & html Console.WriteLine("Starting link replacer..."); Converter.ReplaceLocalImageLinksWithUrls(markdownPath, markdownText, htmlPath, htmlText, onlyUpdateHtml, localImagePaths, imageUrls); return(true); }
public HomeController() { wpc = new WordPressConnector(); }
private void UploadImages() { lblStatus.Text = "Starting Upload..."; _imageIdList.Clear(); progressUpload.Maximum = ImageUploadData.FullImagePaths.Count; try { foreach (string path in ImageUploadData.FullImagePaths) { lblStatus.Text = "Uploading " + path + "..."; lblStatus.Refresh(); UploadFileResponse result = null; if (chkOptimizeImages.Checked && path.ToLower().EndsWith("png")) { var quantisizer = new WuQuantizer(); var bitmap = new Bitmap(path); using (var quantized = quantisizer.QuantizeImage(bitmap)) { quantized.Save(Application.StartupPath + "/" + Path.GetFileName(path)); } result = WordPressConnector.UploadFile(Application.StartupPath + "/" + Path.GetFileName(path)); } else { result = WordPressConnector.UploadFile(path); } if (result != null) { ImageUploadData.ImageUrls.Add(result.FileResponseStruct.Url); _imageIdList.Add(result.FileResponseStruct.Id); } else { _errorInUpload = true; MessageBox.Show( "Something went wrong while uploading. Press OK to attempt rollback, make sure you're connected to the internet and can access the RW WordPress before continuing.", "Error while uploading"); TryToDeleteImages(); } progressUpload.Value++; } if (chkOptimizeImages.Checked) { //Remove optimized images foreach (string path in ImageUploadData.FullImagePaths) { if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "/" + Path.GetFileName(path))) { File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "/" + Path.GetFileName(path)); } } } lblStatus.Text = "Uploading complete!"; } catch (Exception e) { _errorInUpload = true; Console.WriteLine(e); TryToDeleteImages(); } }
private void CheckConnectionToRW() { WordPressConnector.CanConnectToRW(); }