コード例 #1
        public void PossibleWordsFromUncertainties_1x0()
            _entry["Phonetic"] = "(1/2)n";
            _results           = _entry.GetAllPossibleUncertainWords(false);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, _results.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual("1", _results[0][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("n", _results[0][1]);

            Assert.AreEqual("2", _results[1][0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("n", _results[1][1]);
コード例 #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public bool MatchesSearchPattern(WordCacheEntry entry)
            if (m_searchQuery == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_pattern))

            string[][] eticWords = new string[1][];

            if (m_searchQuery.IncludeAllUncertainPossibilities && entry.ContiansUncertainties)
                // Get a list of all the words (each word being in the form of
                // an array of phones) that can be derived from all the primary
                // and non primary uncertainties.
                eticWords = entry.GetAllPossibleUncertainWords(false);
                if (eticWords == null)
                // Not all uncertain possibilities should be included in the search, so
                // just load up the phones that only include the primary uncertain Phone(s).
                eticWords[0] = entry.Phones;
                if (eticWords[0] == null)

            // If eticWords.Length = 1 then either the word we're searching doesn't contain
            // uncertain phones or it does but they are only primary uncertain phones. When
            // eticWords.Length > 1, we know the uncertain phones in the first word are only
            // primary uncertainities while at least one phone in the remaining words is a
            // non primary uncertainy.
            for (int i = 0; i < eticWords.Length; i++)
                // If the search pattern contains the word breaking character, then add a
                // space at the beginning and end of the array of phones so the word breaking
                // character has something to match at the extremes of the phonetic values.
                if (m_patternContainsWordBoundaries)
                    List <string> tmpChars = new List <string>(eticWords[i]);
                    tmpChars.Insert(0, " ");
                    tmpChars.Add(" ");
                    eticWords[i] = tmpChars.ToArray();

                int[] result;
                if (SearchEngine.SearchWord(eticWords[i], out result))
