コード例 #1
ファイル: Lexicon.cs プロジェクト: skyrocker/WordNet.Net-3.1
        private static string[] lookupSynonyms(Wnlib.Index index)
            // OVERVIEW: For each sense, grab the synset associated with our index.
            //           Then, add the lexemes in the synset to a list.

            var synonyms = new ArrayList(10);

            // for each sense...
            for (int s = 0; s < index.SynsetOffsets.Length; s++)
                // read in the word and its pointers
                var synset = new Wnlib.SynSet(index.SynsetOffsets[s], index.PartOfSpeech, index.Wd, null, s);

                // build a string out of the words
                for (int i = 0; i < synset.words.Length; i++)
                    string word = synset.words[i].word.Replace("_", " ");

                    // if the word is capitalized, that means it's a proper noun. We don't want those.
                    if (word[0] <= 'Z')

                    // add it to the list if it's a different word
                    if (string.Compare(word, index.Wd, true) != 0)

コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles a TreeNode left-click selection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 public void TreeControl1AfterSelect(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e)
     try {
         // e.node.tag can be nothing if the node is a top level POS identifier
         // if we simply let the exception occur this seems to waste a lot of CPU power for some reason
         if ((e.Node.Tag != null))
             Wnlib.SynSet ss = (Wnlib.SynSet)e.Node.Tag;
             txtOutput.Text = ss.defn;
     } catch {
         // when opening a root node
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a right-click on a TreeControl TreeNode and displays a custom popup menu for the node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="tn">TreeNode that was right-clicked</param>
        public void TreeControl1TreeRightClick(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e, System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode tn)
            Wnlib.SynSet ss = default(Wnlib.SynSet);

            ss = (Wnlib.SynSet)tn.Tag;

            //Wnlib.Lexeme wrd = default(Wnlib.Lexeme);

            // it is possible to have a word list, all with a sense of (0) which will prevent semcor from
            // working.  In that case, prevent the semcor menu.  A test search for this condition is overview of "right" -> adjective -> similarity
            foreach (Wnlib.Lexeme wrd in ss.words)
                if (wrd.wnsns > 0)
                    mnuNodeMenu.Show(treeControl1, new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                    break;                     // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Standardises the addition of a new TreeNode to the TreeView.  Lexemes are iterated and comma-separated
        /// for display purposes.  An icon is attached to the node according to the type of the sense.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ss"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TreeNode newTreeNode(Wnlib.SynSet ss)
            //Wnlib.Lexeme word = default(Wnlib.Lexeme);
            string   words     = null;
            TreeNode childnode = null;

            words = "";

            // Build the words for display in the node.
            // Words are the lexemes in a search result.
            foreach (Wnlib.Lexeme word in ss.words)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(words))
                    words += ", ";

                words += Strings.Replace(word.word, "_", " ");

                // append the sense number when the sense is not 1
                if (word.wnsns != 1)
                    words += "(" + word.wnsns + ")";

            // define a new child node
            childnode      = new TreeNode();
            childnode.Text = words;

            // assign an icon according to the ident number of the ptr
            // (see static void classinit() in util.cs)
            if ((ss.thisptr != null))
                childnode.ImageIndex  = ss.thisptr.ptp.ident;
                childnode.ToolTipText = ss.thisptr.ptp.label;

            childnode.Tag = ss;

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the semcor values for the selected node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void mnuSemCor(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            string outtxt = null;

            Wnlib.SynSet ss = default(Wnlib.SynSet);
            //Wnlib.Lexeme lex = default(Wnlib.Lexeme);

            outtxt = "SemCor" + Constants.vbCrLf + Constants.vbCrLf;

            ss = (Wnlib.SynSet)treeControl1.SelectedNode.Tag;

            // build semcor information for each lexeme
            foreach (Wnlib.Lexeme lex in ss.words)
                lex.semcor = new Wnlib.SemCor(lex, ss.hereiam);
                outtxt    += lex.word + ": " + lex.semcor.semcor + Constants.vbCrLf;

            txtOutput.Text = outtxt;
コード例 #6
		private static string[] lookupSynonyms(Wnlib.Index index)
			// OVERVIEW: For each sense, grab the synset associated with our index.
			//           Then, add the lexemes in the synset to a list.

			ArrayList synonyms = new ArrayList(10);

			// for each sense...
			for (int s = 0; s < index.offs.Length; s++)
				// read in the word and its pointers
				Wnlib.SynSet synset = new Wnlib.SynSet(index.offs[s], index.pos, index.wd, null, s);

				// build a string out of the words
				for (int i = 0; i < synset.words.Length; i++)
					string word = synset.words[i].word.Replace("_", " ");

					// if the word is capitalized, that means it's a proper noun. We don't want those.
					if (word[0] <= 'Z')

					// add it to the list if it's a different word
					if (string.Compare(word, index.wd, true) != 0)

			return (string[])synonyms.ToArray(typeof(string));
コード例 #7
ファイル: SynSetGraph.cs プロジェクト: pravin/Public-Domain
        public string GetLesserTags()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (object key in m_htMap.Keys)
                int synId = (int)key;
                int score = (int)m_htMap[synId];
                if (score > 1 && score != m_maxScore)
                    Wnlib.SynSet synset = null;
                        synset = new Wnlib.SynSet(synId, Wnlib.PartOfSpeech.of("noun"), string.Empty, null, 0);
                    if (synset == null)
                    sb.Append("<li>{ ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < synset.words.Length; i++)
                        sb.Append(synset.words[i].word + ", ");
                    sb.Append(" } [" + score + "]</li>");

            return sb.ToString();
コード例 #8
ファイル: SynSetGraph.cs プロジェクト: pravin/Public-Domain
        public int FindSynSets()
            foreach (Token t in m_tokens)
                if (t.Word.Trim().Length < 2)
                //WnLexicon.WordInfo wordinfo = WnLexicon.Lexicon.FindWordInfo(t.Word, false); // TODO: Include morphs?

                //Wnlib.SynSet synset = new Wnlib.SynSet(0, , t.Word, Wnlib.Search.ALLSENSES, 0);
                //int []i = wordinfo.senseCounts;
                //Stemmer stemmer = new Stemmer(t.Word.ToLower());
                //Wnlib.Index idx = Wnlib.Index.lookup(stemmer.StemPlural(), Wnlib.PartOfSpeech.of("noun"));
                //Wnlib.SynSet[] syns = idx.syns;
                Wnlib.PartsOfSpeech pos = Wnlib.PartsOfSpeech.Unknown;
                if (t.POS.Contains("NN"))
                    pos = Wnlib.PartsOfSpeech.Noun;
                else if (t.POS.Contains("VB"))
                    pos = Wnlib.PartsOfSpeech.Verb;
                else if (t.POS.Contains("JJ"))
                    pos = Wnlib.PartsOfSpeech.Adj;
                //string[] st = WnLexicon.Lexicon.FindSynonyms(t.Word, pos, false);
                if (pos == Wnlib.PartsOfSpeech.Unknown)

                Wnlib.Index index = Wnlib.Index.lookup(t.Word, Wnlib.PartOfSpeech.of(pos));
                // Word not found. Stem it and search again
                if (index == null)
                    string newWord = string.Empty;
                    if (t.Word.EndsWith("s"))
                        char[] trimChars = { 's' };
                        newWord = t.Word.TrimEnd(trimChars);
                    if (t.Word[0] < 'Z')
                        newWord = newWord.ToLower();
                    index = Wnlib.Index.lookup(newWord, Wnlib.PartOfSpeech.of(pos));
                if (index != null)
                    // Get synset
                    Wnlib.SynSet synset = new Wnlib.SynSet(index.offs[0], index.pos, index.wd, null, 0);

                    // Update this entry in hashmap
                    UpdateHashMap(synset.hereiam, 3);

                    // Find hypernyms to level 2 and add them to the hashmap
                    FindHypernyms(synset, 2);

            return m_htMap.Count;
コード例 #9
ファイル: SynSetGraph.cs プロジェクト: pravin/Public-Domain
        private void FindMeroHolonyms(Wnlib.SynSet synset)
            for (int i = 0; i < synset.ptrs.Length; i++)
                if (synset.ptrs[i].ptp.ident == 12 ||
                    synset.ptrs[i].ptp.ident == 13)
                    Wnlib.SynSet daSynSet = new Wnlib.SynSet(synset.ptrs[i].off, synset.pos, synset);

コード例 #10
ファイル: SynSetGraph.cs プロジェクト: pravin/Public-Domain
        private void FindHypernyms(Wnlib.SynSet synset, int depth)
            for (int i = 0; i < synset.ptrs.Length; i++)
                if (synset.ptrs[i].ptp.ident == 2) // Hyper Pointer
                    Wnlib.SynSet parentSynSet = new Wnlib.SynSet(synset.ptrs[i].off, synset.pos, synset);
                    UpdateHashMap(parentSynSet.hereiam, depth);

                    if (depth != 0)
                        FindHypernyms(parentSynSet, depth);