コード例 #1
        private static void PatchDuplicateComponentId(XNamespace ns, XElement component, string directoryName)
            var idAttribute = component.Attribute("Id");

            if (idAttribute == null)

            var id = idAttribute.Value;


            // include directory name in Component Id
            var newId          = Regex.Replace(id, @"Component\.(.+)\.\d+", $"{directoryName}.$1").Replace("-", "_");
            var newComponentId = $"Component.{newId}";

            component.Add(new XAttribute("Id", newComponentId));

            // generate a new guid based on the new Component Id
            component.Attribute("Guid").Value = WixGuid.NewGuid(newComponentId).ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

            PatchDuplicateComponentFileId(ns, component, newId);
            PatchComponentRef(ns, component, id, newComponentId);
コード例 #2
        private static void PatchDuplicateComponentId(XNamespace ns, XElement component, string directoryName)
            var idAttribute = component.Attribute("Id");

            if (idAttribute == null)

            var dir = directoryName.Replace(".", "_");
            var id  = idAttribute.Value;

            var newId = id;

            if (WixAbbreviationRegex.IsMatch(id))
                var componentFile = component.Element(ns + "File")?.Attribute("Source")?.Value ?? throw new Exception($"Component {id} missing file source!");
                var file          = Path.GetFileName(componentFile);
                newId = $"{dir}.{file}";
            else if (WixDuplicateRegex.IsMatch(id))
                newId = Regex.Replace(id, @"Component\.(.+)\.\d+", $"{dir}.$1");
            newId = newId.Replace("-", "_");

            // include directory name in Component Id
            var newComponentId = $"Component.{newId}";

            component.Add(new XAttribute("Id", newComponentId));

            // generate a new guid based on the new Component Id
            component.Attribute("Guid").Value = WixGuid.NewGuid(newComponentId).ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

            PatchDuplicateComponentFileId(ns, component, newId);
            PatchComponentRef(ns, component, id, newComponentId);
コード例 #3
        public override void PatchWixSource(XDocument document)
            var documentRoot = document.Root;
            var ns           = documentRoot.Name.Namespace;

            var directories = documentRoot.Descendants(ns + "Directory")
                              .Where(c =>
                var childComponents = c.Elements(ns + "Component");
                return(childComponents.Any() && childComponents.Any(cc => cc.Descendants(ns + "File").Any()));

            var product = documentRoot.Descendants(ns + "Product").Single();
            var feature = documentRoot.Descendants(ns + "Feature").First(f => f.Attribute("Id").Value == "Complete");

            var duplicateOrAbbreviatedRegex = new Regex(@"\.\d+$|\._\.\.\.(.+)$");

            foreach (var directory in directories)
                var directoryId = directory.Attribute("Id").Value;
                var componentId = "Component." + directoryId;

                // WixSharp appends a .{DIGIT} to duplicate file names in different directories in installer e.g. plugin_descriptor.properties
                // for Elasticsearch plugins. Problem is duplicated file names may not represent the same file path across versions so
                // fix this by including the directory name in the file name.
                var renameComponents = directory.Elements(ns + "Component")
                                       .Where(c => duplicateOrAbbreviatedRegex.IsMatch(c.Attribute("Id").Value));

                foreach (var component in renameComponents)
                    PatchDuplicateComponentId(ns, component, directoryId);

                directory.AddFirst(new XElement(ns + "Component",
                                                new XAttribute("Id", componentId),
                                                new XAttribute("Guid", WixGuid.NewGuid(componentId)),
                                                new XAttribute("Win64", "yes"),
                                                new XElement(ns + "RemoveFile",
                                                             new XAttribute("Id", directoryId + ".all"),
                                                             new XAttribute("Name", "*"), // remove all files in dir
                                                             new XAttribute("On", "both")
                                                new XElement(ns + "RemoveFolder",
                                                             new XAttribute("Id", directoryId + ".dir"), // remove (now empty) dir
                                                             new XAttribute("On", "both")

                // Add a Directory entry to remove all files in bin/x-pack, if present
                if (directoryId == "INSTALLDIR.bin")
                    var installdirBinXpack          = "INSTALLDIR.bin.xpack";
                    var componentInstalldirBinXpack = $"Component.{installdirBinXpack}";
                    directory.AddFirst(new XElement(ns + "Directory",
                                                    new XAttribute("Id", installdirBinXpack),
                                                    new XAttribute("Name", "x-pack"),
                                                    new XElement(ns + "Component",
                                                                 new XAttribute("Id", componentInstalldirBinXpack),
                                                                 new XAttribute("Guid", WixGuid.NewGuid(componentInstalldirBinXpack)),
                                                                 new XAttribute("Win64", "yes"),
                                                                 new XElement(ns + "RemoveFile",
                                                                              new XAttribute("Id", installdirBinXpack),
                                                                              new XAttribute("Name", "*"), // remove all files in x-pack dir
                                                                              new XAttribute("On", "both")
                                                                 new XElement(ns + "RemoveFolder",
                                                                              new XAttribute("Id", installdirBinXpack + ".dir"), // remove (now empty) x-pack dir
                                                                              new XAttribute("On", "both")

                    feature.Add(new XElement(ns + "ComponentRef", new XAttribute("Id", componentInstalldirBinXpack)));
                // Add an empty plugins directory
                else if (directoryId == InstallDirProperty)
                    var installdirPlugins          = "INSTALLDIR.plugins";
                    var componentInstalldirPlugins = $"Component.{installdirPlugins}";

                    // Add elements to remove the plugins folder
                    directory.AddFirst(new XElement(ns + "Directory",
                                                    new XAttribute("Id", installdirPlugins),
                                                    new XAttribute("Name", "plugins"),
                                                    new XElement(ns + "Component",
                                                                 new XAttribute("Id", componentInstalldirPlugins),
                                                                 new XAttribute("Guid", WixGuid.NewGuid(componentInstalldirPlugins)),
                                                                 new XAttribute("Win64", "yes"),
                                                                 new XElement(ns + "RemoveFile",
                                                                              new XAttribute("Id", installdirPlugins),
                                                                              new XAttribute("Name", "*"), // remove all top level files in plugins dir
                                                                              new XAttribute("On", "both")
                                                                 new XElement(ns + "RemoveFolder",
                                                                              new XAttribute("Id", installdirPlugins + ".dir"), // remove (now empty) plugins dir
                                                                              new XAttribute("On", "both")

                    feature.Add(new XElement(ns + "ComponentRef", new XAttribute("Id", componentInstalldirPlugins)));

                    var componentEmptyInstalldirPlugins = $"Component.{installdirPlugins}.empty";

                    // Add element to create empty plugins folder
                    product.Add(new XElement(ns + "DirectoryRef",
                                             new XAttribute("Id", installdirPlugins),
                                             new XElement(ns + "Component",
                                                          new XAttribute("Id", componentEmptyInstalldirPlugins),
                                                          new XAttribute("Guid", WixGuid.NewGuid(componentEmptyInstalldirPlugins)),
                                                          new XAttribute("Win64", "yes"),
                                                          new XAttribute("KeyPath", "yes"),
                                                          new XElement(ns + "CreateFolder")

                    feature.Add(new XElement(ns + "ComponentRef", new XAttribute("Id", componentEmptyInstalldirPlugins)));

                feature.Add(new XElement(ns + "ComponentRef", new XAttribute("Id", componentId)));

            // include WixFailWhenDeferred Custom Action
            // see http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/customactions/wixfailwhendeferred.html
            product.Add(new XElement(ns + "CustomActionRef", new XAttribute("Id", "WixFailWhenDeferred")));

            var installExecuteSequence = documentRoot.Descendants(ns + "InstallExecuteSequence").Single();

            // Add condition to InstallServices
            installExecuteSequence.Add(new XElement(ns + "InstallServices",
                                                    // Sequence number pinned from inspecting MSI with Orca
                                                    new XAttribute("Sequence", "5800"),
                                                    new XCData($"VersionNT AND (NOT Installed) " +
                                                               $"AND ({InstallAsServiceProperty}~=\"true\" OR {InstallAsServiceProperty}=1)")

            // Add condition to StartServices
            installExecuteSequence.Add(new XElement(ns + "StartServices",
                                                    // Sequence number pinned from inspecting MSI with Orca
                                                    new XAttribute("Sequence", "5900"),
                                                    new XCData($"VersionNT AND (NOT Installed) " +
                                                               $"AND ({InstallAsServiceProperty}~=\"true\" OR {InstallAsServiceProperty}=1) " +
                                                               $"AND ({StartAfterInstallProperty}~=\"true\" OR {StartAfterInstallProperty}=1)")

            // Add condition to StopServices to run when
            // 1. installing
            // 2. uninstalling everything and not part of an upgrade. In this scenario, we assume that the
            //    installation of the new version will have stopped the service as part of the install.
            installExecuteSequence.Add(new XElement(ns + "StopServices",
                                                    // Sequence number pinned from inspecting MSI with Orca
                                                    new XAttribute("Sequence", "1900"),
                                                    new XCData("VersionNT AND ((NOT Installed) OR ((NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE) AND REMOVE~=\"ALL\"))")

            // Update in-built progress templates
            // See http://web.mit.edu/ops/services/afs/openafs-1.4.1/src/src/WINNT/install/wix/lang/en_US/ActionText.wxi
            var ui = documentRoot.Descendants(ns + "UI").Single();

            ui.Add(new XElement(ns + "ProgressText",
                                new XAttribute("Action", "InstallFiles"),
                                new XAttribute("Template", "Copying new files: [9][1]"),
                                new XText("Copying new files")
                                ), new XElement(ns + "ProgressText",
                                                new XAttribute("Action", "StopServices"),
                                                new XAttribute("Template", "Stopping Elasticsearch service"),
                                                new XText("Stopping Elasticsearch service")
                                                ), new XElement(ns + "ProgressText",
                                                                new XAttribute("Action", "StartServices"),
                                                                new XAttribute("Template", "Starting Elasticsearch service"),
                                                                new XText("Starting Elasticsearch service")
                                                                ), new XElement(ns + "ProgressText",
                                                                                new XAttribute("Action", "InstallServices"),
                                                                                new XAttribute("Template", "Installing Elasticsearch service"),
                                                                                new XText("Installing Elasticsearch service")
                                                                                ), new XElement(ns + "ProgressText",
                                                                                                new XAttribute("Action", "DeleteServices"),
                                                                                                new XAttribute("Template", "Removing Elasticsearch service"),
                                                                                                new XText("Removing Elasticsearch service")
コード例 #4
        private static void PatchWixSource(XDocument document)
            var ns = document.Root.Name.Namespace;

            var directories = document.Root.Descendants(ns + "Directory")
                              .Where(c =>
                var childComponents = c.Elements(ns + "Component");
                return(childComponents.Any() && childComponents.Any(cc => cc.Descendants(ns + "File").Any()));

            var feature = document.Root.Descendants(ns + "Feature").Single();

            foreach (var directory in directories)
                var directoryId = directory.Attribute("Id").Value;
                var componentId = "Component." + directoryId;
                directory.AddFirst(new XElement(ns + "Component",
                                                new XAttribute("Id", componentId),
                                                new XAttribute("Guid", WixGuid.NewGuid()),
                                                new XAttribute("Win64", "yes"),
                                                new XElement(ns + "RemoveFile",
                                                             new XAttribute("Id", directoryId),
                                                             new XAttribute("Name", "*"), // remove all files in dir
                                                             new XAttribute("On", "both")
                                                new XElement(ns + "RemoveFolder",
                                                             new XAttribute("Id", directoryId + ".dir"), // remove (now empty) dir
                                                             new XAttribute("On", "both")

                // Add a Directory entry to remove all files in bin/x-pack, if present
                if (directoryId == "INSTALLDIR.bin")
                    var installdirBinXpack          = "INSTALLDIR.bin.xpack";
                    var componentInstalldirBinXpack = $"Component.{installdirBinXpack}";
                    directory.AddFirst(new XElement(ns + "Directory",
                                                    new XAttribute("Id", installdirBinXpack),
                                                    new XAttribute("Name", "x-pack"),
                                                    new XElement(ns + "Component",
                                                                 new XAttribute("Id", componentInstalldirBinXpack),
                                                                 new XAttribute("Guid", WixGuid.NewGuid()),
                                                                 new XAttribute("Win64", "yes"),
                                                                 new XElement(ns + "RemoveFile",
                                                                              new XAttribute("Id", installdirBinXpack),
                                                                              new XAttribute("Name", "*"), // remove all files in x-pack dir
                                                                              new XAttribute("On", "both")
                                                                 new XElement(ns + "RemoveFolder",
                                                                              new XAttribute("Id", installdirBinXpack + ".dir"), // remove (now empty) x-pack dir
                                                                              new XAttribute("On", "both")

                    feature.Add(new XElement(ns + "ComponentRef", new XAttribute("Id", componentInstalldirBinXpack)));

                feature.Add(new XElement(ns + "ComponentRef", new XAttribute("Id", componentId)));

            var exeName      = $"{_productName}.exe";
            var exeComponent = document.Root.Descendants(ns + "Component")
                               .Where(c => c.Descendants(ns + "File").Any(f => f.Attribute("Id").Value == exeName))
                               .Select(c => new { Component = c, File = c.Descendants(ns + "File").First() })

            if (exeComponent == null)
                throw new Exception($"No File element found with Id '{exeName}'");

            var fileId = exeComponent.File.Attribute("Id").Value;

            exeComponent.Component.Add(new XElement(ns + "ServiceControl",
                                                    new XAttribute("Id", fileId),
                                                    new XAttribute("Name", _productTitle), // MUST match the name of the service
                                                    new XAttribute("Stop", "both"),
                                                    new XAttribute("Wait", "yes")

            // include WixFailWhenDeferred Custom Action when not building a release
            // see http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/customactions/wixfailwhendeferred.html
            if (!_releaseMode)
                var product = document.Root.Descendants(ns + "Product").First();
                product.Add(new XElement(ns + "CustomActionRef",
                                         new XAttribute("Id", "WixFailWhenDeferred")

            // Update in-built progress templates
            // See http://web.mit.edu/ops/services/afs/openafs-1.4.1/src/src/WINNT/install/wix/lang/en_US/ActionText.wxi
            var ui = document.Root.Descendants(ns + "UI").Single();

            ui.Add(new XElement(ns + "ProgressText",
                                new XAttribute("Action", "InstallFiles"),
                                new XAttribute("Template", "Copying new files: [9][1]"),
                                new XText("Copying new files")
                                ), new XElement(ns + "ProgressText",
                                                new XAttribute("Action", "StopServices"),
                                                new XAttribute("Template", $"Stopping {_productTitle} service"),
                                                new XText($"Stopping {_productTitle} service") // TODO: default template doesn't receive service name. Might be because it's not installed with ServiceInstall table?