public void Execute()
            int transformFlags = 0;

            Output targetOutput  = new Output(null);
            Output updatedOutput = new Output(null);

            // TODO: handle added columns

            // to generate a localized transform, both the target and updated
            // databases need to have the same code page. the only reason to
            // set different code pages is to support localized primary key
            // columns, but that would only support deleting rows. if this
            // becomes necessary, define a PreviousCodepage property on the
            // Output class and persist this throughout transform generation.
            targetOutput.Codepage  = this.Transform.Codepage;
            updatedOutput.Codepage = this.Transform.Codepage;

            // remove certain Property rows which will be populated from summary information values
            string targetUpgradeCode  = null;
            string updatedUpgradeCode = null;

            Table propertyTable = this.Transform.Tables["Property"];

            if (null != propertyTable)
                for (int i = propertyTable.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Row row = propertyTable.Rows[i];

                    if ("ProductCode" == (string)row[0] || "ProductLanguage" == (string)row[0] || "ProductVersion" == (string)row[0] || "UpgradeCode" == (string)row[0])

                        if ("UpgradeCode" == (string)row[0])
                            updatedUpgradeCode = (string)row[1];

            Table targetSummaryInfo    = targetOutput.EnsureTable(this.TableDefinitions["_SummaryInformation"]);
            Table updatedSummaryInfo   = updatedOutput.EnsureTable(this.TableDefinitions["_SummaryInformation"]);
            Table targetPropertyTable  = targetOutput.EnsureTable(this.TableDefinitions["Property"]);
            Table updatedPropertyTable = updatedOutput.EnsureTable(this.TableDefinitions["Property"]);

            // process special summary information values
            foreach (Row row in this.Transform.Tables["_SummaryInformation"].Rows)
                if ((int)SummaryInformation.Transform.CodePage == (int)row[0])
                    // convert from a web name if provided
                    string codePage = (string)row.Fields[1].Data;
                    if (null == codePage)
                        codePage = "0";
                        codePage = Common.GetValidCodePage(codePage).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    string previousCodePage = (string)row.Fields[1].PreviousData;
                    if (null == previousCodePage)
                        previousCodePage = "0";
                        previousCodePage = Common.GetValidCodePage(previousCodePage).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    Row targetCodePageRow = targetSummaryInfo.CreateRow(null);
                    targetCodePageRow[0] = 1; // PID_CODEPAGE
                    targetCodePageRow[1] = previousCodePage;

                    Row updatedCodePageRow = updatedSummaryInfo.CreateRow(null);
                    updatedCodePageRow[0] = 1; // PID_CODEPAGE
                    updatedCodePageRow[1] = codePage;
                else if ((int)SummaryInformation.Transform.TargetPlatformAndLanguage == (int)row[0] ||
                         (int)SummaryInformation.Transform.UpdatedPlatformAndLanguage == (int)row[0])
                    // the target language
                    string[] propertyData = ((string)row[1]).Split(';');
                    string   lang         = 2 == propertyData.Length ? propertyData[1] : "0";

                    Table tempSummaryInfo   = (int)SummaryInformation.Transform.TargetPlatformAndLanguage == (int)row[0] ? targetSummaryInfo : updatedSummaryInfo;
                    Table tempPropertyTable = (int)SummaryInformation.Transform.TargetPlatformAndLanguage == (int)row[0] ? targetPropertyTable : updatedPropertyTable;

                    Row productLanguageRow = tempPropertyTable.CreateRow(null);
                    productLanguageRow[0] = "ProductLanguage";
                    productLanguageRow[1] = lang;

                    // set the platform;language on the MSI to be generated
                    Row templateRow = tempSummaryInfo.CreateRow(null);
                    templateRow[0] = 7; // PID_TEMPLATE
                    templateRow[1] = (string)row[1];
                else if ((int)SummaryInformation.Transform.ProductCodes == (int)row[0])
                    string[] propertyData = ((string)row[1]).Split(';');

                    Row targetProductCodeRow = targetPropertyTable.CreateRow(null);
                    targetProductCodeRow[0] = "ProductCode";
                    targetProductCodeRow[1] = propertyData[0].Substring(0, 38);

                    Row targetProductVersionRow = targetPropertyTable.CreateRow(null);
                    targetProductVersionRow[0] = "ProductVersion";
                    targetProductVersionRow[1] = propertyData[0].Substring(38);

                    Row updatedProductCodeRow = updatedPropertyTable.CreateRow(null);
                    updatedProductCodeRow[0] = "ProductCode";
                    updatedProductCodeRow[1] = propertyData[1].Substring(0, 38);

                    Row updatedProductVersionRow = updatedPropertyTable.CreateRow(null);
                    updatedProductVersionRow[0] = "ProductVersion";
                    updatedProductVersionRow[1] = propertyData[1].Substring(38);

                    // UpgradeCode is optional and may not exists in the target
                    // or upgraded databases, so do not include a null-valued
                    // UpgradeCode property.

                    targetUpgradeCode = propertyData[2];
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetUpgradeCode))
                        Row targetUpgradeCodeRow = targetPropertyTable.CreateRow(null);
                        targetUpgradeCodeRow[0] = "UpgradeCode";
                        targetUpgradeCodeRow[1] = targetUpgradeCode;

                        // If the target UpgradeCode is specified, an updated
                        // UpgradeCode is required.
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(updatedUpgradeCode))
                            updatedUpgradeCode = targetUpgradeCode;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updatedUpgradeCode))
                        Row updatedUpgradeCodeRow = updatedPropertyTable.CreateRow(null);
                        updatedUpgradeCodeRow[0] = "UpgradeCode";
                        updatedUpgradeCodeRow[1] = updatedUpgradeCode;
                else if ((int)SummaryInformation.Transform.ValidationFlags == (int)row[0])
                    transformFlags = Convert.ToInt32(row[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                else if ((int)SummaryInformation.Transform.Reserved11 == (int)row[0])
                    // PID_LASTPRINTED should be null for transforms
                    row.Operation = RowOperation.None;
                    // add everything else as is
                    Row targetRow = targetSummaryInfo.CreateRow(null);
                    targetRow[0] = row[0];
                    targetRow[1] = row[1];

                    Row updatedRow = updatedSummaryInfo.CreateRow(null);
                    updatedRow[0] = row[0];
                    updatedRow[1] = row[1];

            // Validate that both databases have an UpgradeCode if the
            // authoring transform will validate the UpgradeCode; otherwise,
            // MsiCreateTransformSummaryinfo() will fail with 1620.
            if (((int)TransformFlags.ValidateUpgradeCode & transformFlags) != 0 &&
                (String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetUpgradeCode) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(updatedUpgradeCode)))

            string emptyFile = null;

            foreach (Table table in this.Transform.Tables)
                // Ignore unreal tables when building transforms except the _Stream table.
                // These tables are ignored when generating the database so there is no reason
                // to process them here.
                if (table.Definition.Unreal && "_Streams" != table.Name)

                // process table operations
                switch (table.Operation)
                case TableOperation.Add:

                case TableOperation.Drop:


                // process row operations
                foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                    switch (row.Operation)
                    case RowOperation.Add:
                        Table updatedTable = updatedOutput.EnsureTable(table.Definition);

                    case RowOperation.Delete:
                        Table targetTable = targetOutput.EnsureTable(table.Definition);

                        // fill-in non-primary key values
                        foreach (Field field in row.Fields)
                            if (!field.Column.PrimaryKey)
                                if (ColumnType.Number == field.Column.Type && !field.Column.IsLocalizable)
                                    field.Data = field.Column.MinValue;
                                else if (ColumnType.Object == field.Column.Type)
                                    if (null == emptyFile)
                                        emptyFile = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, "empty");

                                    field.Data = emptyFile;
                                    field.Data = "0";

                    // Assure that the file table's sequence is populated
                    if ("File" == table.Name)
                        foreach (Row fileRow in table.Rows)
                            if (null == fileRow[7])
                                if (RowOperation.Add == fileRow.Operation)
                                    Messaging.Instance.OnMessage(WixErrors.InvalidAddedFileRowWithoutSequence(fileRow.SourceLineNumbers, (string)fileRow[0]));

                                // Set to 1 to prevent invalid IDT file from being generated
                                fileRow[7] = 1;

                    // process modified and unmodified rows
                    bool modifiedRow = false;
                    Row  targetRow   = new Row(null, table.Definition);
                    Row  updatedRow  = row;
                    for (int i = 0; i < row.Fields.Length; i++)
                        Field updatedField = row.Fields[i];

                        if (updatedField.Modified)
                            // set a different value in the target row to ensure this value will be modified during transform generation
                            if (ColumnType.Number == updatedField.Column.Type && !updatedField.Column.IsLocalizable)
                                if (null == updatedField.Data || 1 != (int)updatedField.Data)
                                    targetRow[i] = 1;
                                    targetRow[i] = 2;
                            else if (ColumnType.Object == updatedField.Column.Type)
                                if (null == emptyFile)
                                    emptyFile = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, "empty");

                                targetRow[i] = emptyFile;
                                if ("0" != (string)updatedField.Data)
                                    targetRow[i] = "0";
                                    targetRow[i] = "1";

                            modifiedRow = true;
                        else if (ColumnType.Object == updatedField.Column.Type)
                            ObjectField objectField = (ObjectField)updatedField;

                            // create an empty file for comparing against
                            if (null == objectField.PreviousData)
                                if (null == emptyFile)
                                    emptyFile = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, "empty");

                                targetRow[i] = emptyFile;
                                modifiedRow  = true;
                            else if (!this.CompareFiles(objectField.PreviousData, (string)objectField.Data))
                                targetRow[i] = objectField.PreviousData;
                                modifiedRow  = true;
                        else // unmodified
                            if (null != updatedField.Data)
                                targetRow[i] = updatedField.Data;

                    // modified rows and certain special rows go in the target and updated msi databases
                    if (modifiedRow ||
                        ("Property" == table.Name &&
                         ("ProductCode" == (string)row[0] ||
                          "ProductLanguage" == (string)row[0] ||
                          "ProductVersion" == (string)row[0] ||
                          "UpgradeCode" == (string)row[0])))
                        Table targetTable = targetOutput.EnsureTable(table.Definition);

                        Table updatedTable = updatedOutput.EnsureTable(table.Definition);

            foreach (BinderExtension extension in this.Extensions)

            // Any errors encountered up to this point can cause errors during generation.
            if (Messaging.Instance.EncounteredError)

            string transformFileName   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.OutputPath);
            string targetDatabaseFile  = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, String.Concat(transformFileName, "_target.msi"));
            string updatedDatabaseFile = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, String.Concat(transformFileName, "_updated.msi"));

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(emptyFile))
                    using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(emptyFile))

                this.GenerateDatabase(targetOutput, targetDatabaseFile, false);
                this.GenerateDatabase(updatedOutput, updatedDatabaseFile, true);

                // make sure the directory exists

                // create the transform file
                using (Database targetDatabase = new Database(targetDatabaseFile, OpenDatabase.ReadOnly))
                    using (Database updatedDatabase = new Database(updatedDatabaseFile, OpenDatabase.ReadOnly))
                        if (updatedDatabase.GenerateTransform(targetDatabase, this.OutputPath))
                            updatedDatabase.CreateTransformSummaryInfo(targetDatabase, this.OutputPath, (TransformErrorConditions)(transformFlags & 0xFFFF), (TransformValidations)((transformFlags >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(emptyFile))