コード例 #1
        //Method for mapping from DO to PO
        public static WinsPO WinsDOtoPO(WinsDO from)
            //Declaring a new PO object using the WinsPO model
            WinsPO to = new WinsPO();

            //Mapping all relevant information. from is the pass in, to is the result.
            to.Winner = from.Winner;
            to.Wins   = from.Wins;
            //sends the data back to the method that called it
コード例 #2
        //Method for assigning data from database values to c# values
        public static WinsDO RowToItem(DataRow iSource)
            //Establishing a object using model WinsDO
            WinsDO to = new WinsDO();

            //Checking if SQL value is null or not, and if not, proceeds into the if
            if (iSource["Winner"] != DBNull.Value)
                //pulling "Value" from SQL, casting it or converting it as necessary, and assigning it to it's c# equivalent
                to.Winner = iSource["Winner"].ToString();
            //Checking if SQL value is null or not, and if not, proceeds into the if
            if (iSource["NumberOfWins"] != DBNull.Value)
                //pulling "Value" from SQL, casting it or converting it as necessary, and assigning it to it's c# equivalent
                to.Wins = (int)iSource["NumberOfWins"];
            //Return all data to previous method