static Canvas() { if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { WindowsEnvironment.Init(); } }
public CommandContext() { Streams = new StandardStreams(); Trace = new Trace(); Git = new LibGit2(Trace); if (PlatformUtils.IsWindows()) { FileSystem = new WindowsFileSystem(); Environment = new WindowsEnvironment(FileSystem); Terminal = new WindowsTerminal(Trace); CredentialStore = WindowsCredentialManager.Open(); } else if (PlatformUtils.IsPosix()) { if (PlatformUtils.IsMacOS()) { FileSystem = new MacOSFileSystem(); CredentialStore = MacOSKeychain.Open(); } else if (PlatformUtils.IsLinux()) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } Environment = new PosixEnvironment(FileSystem); Terminal = new PosixTerminal(Trace); } string repoPath = Git.GetRepositoryPath(FileSystem.GetCurrentDirectory()); Settings = new Settings(Environment, Git, repoPath); HttpClientFactory = new HttpClientFactory(Trace, Settings, Streams); }
public void WindowsEnvironment_TryLocateExecutable_NotExists_ReturnFalse() { string pathVar = @"C:\Users\john.doe\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows"; string execName = "foo.exe"; var fs = new TestFileSystem(); var envars = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["PATH"] = pathVar }; var env = new WindowsEnvironment(fs, envars); bool actualResult = env.TryLocateExecutable(execName, out string actualPath); Assert.False(actualResult); Assert.Null(actualPath); }
public void WindowsEnvironment_TryLocateExecutable_Windows_Exists_ReturnTrueAndPath() { string pathVar = @"C:\Users\john.doe\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows"; string execName = "foo.exe"; string expectedPath = @"C:\Windows\system32\foo.exe"; var fs = new TestFileSystem { Files = new Dictionary <string, byte[]> { [@"C:\Windows\system32\foo.exe"] = new byte[0], } }; var envars = new Dictionary <string, string> { ["PATH"] = pathVar }; var env = new WindowsEnvironment(fs, envars); bool actualResult = env.TryLocateExecutable(execName, out string actualPath); Assert.True(actualResult); Assert.Equal(expectedPath, actualPath); }
public CommandContext() { Streams = new StandardStreams(); Trace = new Trace(); if (PlatformUtils.IsWindows()) { FileSystem = new WindowsFileSystem(); SessionManager = new WindowsSessionManager(); SystemPrompts = new WindowsSystemPrompts(); Environment = new WindowsEnvironment(FileSystem); Terminal = new WindowsTerminal(Trace); string gitPath = GetGitPath(Environment, FileSystem); Git = new GitProcess( Trace, gitPath, FileSystem.GetCurrentDirectory() ); Settings = new Settings(Environment, Git); CredentialStore = new WindowsCredentialManager(Settings.CredentialNamespace); } else if (PlatformUtils.IsMacOS()) { FileSystem = new MacOSFileSystem(); SessionManager = new MacOSSessionManager(); SystemPrompts = new MacOSSystemPrompts(); Environment = new PosixEnvironment(FileSystem); Terminal = new PosixTerminal(Trace); string gitPath = GetGitPath(Environment, FileSystem); Git = new GitProcess( Trace, gitPath, FileSystem.GetCurrentDirectory() ); Settings = new Settings(Environment, Git); CredentialStore = new MacOSKeychain(Settings.CredentialNamespace); } else if (PlatformUtils.IsLinux()) { FileSystem = new LinuxFileSystem(); // TODO: support more than just 'Posix' or X11 SessionManager = new PosixSessionManager(); SystemPrompts = new LinuxSystemPrompts(); Environment = new PosixEnvironment(FileSystem); Terminal = new PosixTerminal(Trace); string gitPath = GetGitPath(Environment, FileSystem); Git = new GitProcess( Trace, gitPath, FileSystem.GetCurrentDirectory() ); Settings = new Settings(Environment, Git); IGpg gpg = new Gpg( Environment.LocateExecutable("gpg"), SessionManager ); CredentialStore = new LinuxCredentialStore(FileSystem, Settings, SessionManager, gpg, Environment); } else { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } HttpClientFactory = new HttpClientFactory(Trace, Settings, Streams); // Set the parent window handle/ID SystemPrompts.ParentWindowId = Settings.ParentWindowId; }
public static Optional <AbsoluteDirectoryPath> SublimeTextPath() { return(Platform.OperatingSystem == OS.Mac ? MacEnvironment.GetPathToApplicationsThatContains("com.sublimetext.3").FirstOrNone() : WindowsEnvironment.LookForPathInUninstall("Sublime Text Build").FirstOrNone()); }
public static Optional <AbsoluteDirectoryPath> AtomPath() { return(Platform.OperatingSystem == OS.Mac ? MacEnvironment.GetPathToApplicationsThatContains("com.github.atom").FirstOrNone() : WindowsEnvironment.LookForPathInApplications("atom.exe").FirstOrNone().Select(path => path.ContainingDirectory)); }
public static Optional <AbsoluteDirectoryPath> VsCodePath() { return(Platform.OperatingSystem == OS.Mac ? MacEnvironment.GetPathToApplicationsThatContains("").FirstOrNone() : WindowsEnvironment.LookForPathInUninstall("Microsoft Visual Studio Code").FirstOrNone()); }
public CommandContext(string appPath) { EnsureArgument.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(appPath, nameof(appPath)); ApplicationPath = appPath; Streams = new StandardStreams(); Trace = new Trace(); if (PlatformUtils.IsWindows()) { FileSystem = new WindowsFileSystem(); SessionManager = new WindowsSessionManager(); SystemPrompts = new WindowsSystemPrompts(); Environment = new WindowsEnvironment(FileSystem); Terminal = new WindowsTerminal(Trace); string gitPath = GetGitPath(Environment, FileSystem, Trace); Git = new GitProcess( Trace, Environment, gitPath, FileSystem.GetCurrentDirectory() ); Settings = new WindowsSettings(Environment, Git, Trace); } else if (PlatformUtils.IsMacOS()) { FileSystem = new MacOSFileSystem(); SessionManager = new MacOSSessionManager(); SystemPrompts = new MacOSSystemPrompts(); Environment = new PosixEnvironment(FileSystem); Terminal = new MacOSTerminal(Trace); string gitPath = GetGitPath(Environment, FileSystem, Trace); Git = new GitProcess( Trace, Environment, gitPath, FileSystem.GetCurrentDirectory() ); Settings = new Settings(Environment, Git); } else if (PlatformUtils.IsLinux()) { FileSystem = new LinuxFileSystem(); // TODO: support more than just 'Posix' or X11 SessionManager = new PosixSessionManager(); SystemPrompts = new LinuxSystemPrompts(); Environment = new PosixEnvironment(FileSystem); Terminal = new LinuxTerminal(Trace); string gitPath = GetGitPath(Environment, FileSystem, Trace); Git = new GitProcess( Trace, Environment, gitPath, FileSystem.GetCurrentDirectory() ); Settings = new Settings(Environment, Git); } else { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } HttpClientFactory = new HttpClientFactory(FileSystem, Trace, Settings, Streams); CredentialStore = new CredentialStore(this); // Set the parent window handle/ID SystemPrompts.ParentWindowId = Settings.ParentWindowId; }