public static void QueryDevices(IMessageNotifier messageNotifier) { // check NVIDIA nvml.dll and copy over scope { var nvmlPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) + "\\NVIDIA Corporation\\NVSMI\\nvml.dll"; if (nvmlPath.Contains(" (x86)")) { nvmlPath = nvmlPath.Replace(" (x86)", ""); } if (File.Exists(nvmlPath)) { var copyToPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\nvml.dll"; try { File.Copy(nvmlPath, copyToPath, true); Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, $"Copy from {nvmlPath} to {copyToPath} done"); } catch (Exception e) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "Copy nvml.dll failed: " + e.Message); } } } MessageNotifier = messageNotifier; // #0 get video controllers, used for cross checking WindowsDisplayAdapters.QueryVideoControllers(); // Order important CPU Query must be first // #1 CPU Cpu.QueryCpus(); // #2 CUDA if (Nvidia.IsSkipNvidia()) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "Skipping NVIDIA device detection, settings are set to disabled"); } else { ShowMessageAndStep(International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_CUDA_Query")); Nvidia.QueryCudaDevices(); } // OpenCL and AMD if (ConfigManager.GeneralConfig.DeviceDetection.DisableDetectionAMD) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "Skipping AMD device detection, settings set to disabled"); ShowMessageAndStep(International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_AMD_Query_Skip")); } else { // #3 OpenCL ShowMessageAndStep(International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_OpenCL_Query")); OpenCL.QueryOpenCLDevices(); // #4 AMD query AMD from OpenCL devices, get serial and add devices ShowMessageAndStep(International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_AMD_Query")); var amd = new AmdQuery(AvaliableVideoControllers); AmdDevices = amd.QueryAmd(_isOpenCLQuerySuccess, _openCLJsonData); } // #5 uncheck CPU if GPUs present, call it after we Query all devices Group.UncheckedCpu(); // TODO update this to report undetected hardware // #6 check NVIDIA, AMD devices count var nvidiaCount = 0; { var amdCount = 0; foreach (var vidCtrl in AvaliableVideoControllers) { if (vidCtrl.Name.ToLower().Contains("nvidia") && CudaUnsupported.IsSupported(vidCtrl.Name)) { nvidiaCount += 1; } else if (vidCtrl.Name.ToLower().Contains("nvidia")) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "Device not supported NVIDIA/CUDA device not supported " + vidCtrl.Name); } amdCount += (vidCtrl.Name.ToLower().Contains("amd")) ? 1 : 0; } Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, nvidiaCount == _cudaDevices.Count ? "Cuda NVIDIA/CUDA device count GOOD" : "Cuda NVIDIA/CUDA device count BAD!!!"); Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, amdCount == AmdDevices.Count ? "AMD GPU device count GOOD" : "AMD GPU device count BAD!!!"); } // allerts _currentNvidiaSmiDriver = GetNvidiaSmiDriver(); // if we have nvidia cards but no CUDA devices tell the user to upgrade driver var isNvidiaErrorShown = false; // to prevent showing twice var showWarning = ConfigManager.GeneralConfig.ShowDriverVersionWarning && WindowsDisplayAdapters.HasNvidiaVideoController(); if (showWarning && _cudaDevices.Count != nvidiaCount && _currentNvidiaSmiDriver.IsLesserVersionThan(NvidiaMinDetectionDriver)) { isNvidiaErrorShown = true; var minDriver = NvidiaMinDetectionDriver.ToString(); var recomendDrvier = NvidiaRecomendedDriver.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(string.Format( International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_NVIDIA_Driver_Detection"), minDriver, recomendDrvier), International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_NVIDIA_RecomendedDriver_Title"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } // recomended driver if (showWarning && _currentNvidiaSmiDriver.IsLesserVersionThan(NvidiaRecomendedDriver) && !isNvidiaErrorShown && _currentNvidiaSmiDriver.LeftPart > -1) { var recomendDrvier = NvidiaRecomendedDriver.ToString(); var nvdriverString = _currentNvidiaSmiDriver.LeftPart > -1 ? string.Format( International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_NVIDIA_Driver_Recomended_PART"), _currentNvidiaSmiDriver) : ""; MessageBox.Show(string.Format( International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_NVIDIA_Driver_Recomended"), recomendDrvier, nvdriverString, recomendDrvier), International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_NVIDIA_RecomendedDriver_Title"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } // no devices found if (Available.Devices.Count <= 0) { var result = MessageBox.Show(International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_No_Devices"), International.GetText("Compute_Device_Query_Manager_No_Devices_Title"), MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { Process.Start(Links.NhmNoDevHelp); } } // create AMD bus ordering for Claymore var amdDevices = Available.Devices.FindAll((a) => a.DeviceType == DeviceType.AMD); amdDevices.Sort((a, b) => a.BusID.CompareTo(b.BusID)); for (var i = 0; i < amdDevices.Count; i++) { amdDevices[i].IDByBus = i; } //create NV bus ordering for Claymore var nvDevices = Available.Devices.FindAll((a) => a.DeviceType == DeviceType.NVIDIA); nvDevices.Sort((a, b) => a.BusID.CompareTo(b.BusID)); for (var i = 0; i < nvDevices.Count; i++) { nvDevices[i].IDByBus = i; } // get GPUs RAM sum // bytes Available.NvidiaRamSum = 0; Available.AmdRamSum = 0; foreach (var dev in Available.Devices) { if (dev.DeviceType == DeviceType.NVIDIA) { Available.NvidiaRamSum += dev.GpuRam; } else if (dev.DeviceType == DeviceType.AMD) { Available.AmdRamSum += dev.GpuRam; } } // Make gpu ram needed not larger than 4GB per GPU var totalGpuRam = Math.Min((Available.NvidiaRamSum + Available.AmdRamSum) * 0.6 / 1024, (double)Available.AvailGpUs * 4 * 1024 * 1024); double totalSysRam = SystemSpecs.FreePhysicalMemory + SystemSpecs.FreeVirtualMemory; // check if (ConfigManager.GeneralConfig.ShowDriverVersionWarning && totalSysRam < totalGpuRam) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "virtual memory size BAD"); MessageBox.Show(International.GetText("VirtualMemorySize_BAD"), International.GetText("Warning_with_Exclamation"), MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "virtual memory size GOOD"); } // #x remove reference MessageNotifier = null; }
private static NvidiaSmiDriver GetNvidiaSmiDriver() { if (WindowsDisplayAdapters.HasNvidiaVideoController()) { string stdErr; string args; var stdOut = stdErr = args = string.Empty; var smiPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) + "\\NVIDIA Corporation\\NVSMI\\nvidia-smi.exe"; if (smiPath.Contains(" (x86)")) { smiPath = smiPath.Replace(" (x86)", ""); } try { var P = new Process { StartInfo = { FileName = smiPath, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, CreateNoWindow = true } }; P.Start(); P.WaitForExit(15 * 1000); stdOut = P.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); stdErr = P.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); const string findString = "Driver Version: "; using (var reader = new StringReader(stdOut)) { var line = string.Empty; do { line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line != null && line.Contains(findString)) { var start = line.IndexOf(findString); var driverVer = line.Substring(start, start + 7); driverVer = driverVer.Replace(findString, "").Substring(0, 7).Trim(); var drVerDouble = double.Parse(driverVer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var dot = driverVer.IndexOf("."); var leftPart = int.Parse(driverVer.Substring(0, 3)); var rightPart = int.Parse(driverVer.Substring(4, 2)); return(new NvidiaSmiDriver(leftPart, rightPart)); } } while (line != null); } } catch (Exception ex) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "GetNvidiaSMIDriver Exception: " + ex.Message); return(InvalidSmiDriver); } } return(InvalidSmiDriver); }
public static void QueryDevices(IMessageNotifier messageNotifier) { MessageNotifier = messageNotifier; // #0 get video controllers, used for cross checking WindowsDisplayAdapters.QueryVideoControllers(); // Order important CPU Query must be first // #1 CPU Cpu.QueryCpus(); // #2 CUDA if (Nvidia.IsSkipNvidia()) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "Skipping NVIDIA device detection, settings are set to disabled"); } else { ShowMessageAndStep(Tr("Querying CUDA devices")); Nvidia.QueryCudaDevices(); } // OpenCL and AMD if (ConfigManager.GeneralConfig.DeviceDetection.DisableDetectionAMD) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "Skipping AMD device detection, settings set to disabled"); ShowMessageAndStep(Tr("Skip check for AMD OpenCL GPUs")); } else { // #3 OpenCL ShowMessageAndStep(Tr("Querying OpenCL devices")); OpenCL.QueryOpenCLDevices(); // #4 AMD query AMD from OpenCL devices, get serial and add devices ShowMessageAndStep(Tr("Checking AMD OpenCL GPUs")); var amd = new AmdQuery(AvaliableVideoControllers); AmdDevices = amd.QueryAmd(_isOpenCLQuerySuccess, _openCLJsonData); } // #5 uncheck CPU if GPUs present, call it after we Query all devices Group.UncheckedCpu(); // TODO update this to report undetected hardware // #6 check NVIDIA, AMD devices count var nvidiaCount = 0; { var amdCount = 0; foreach (var vidCtrl in AvaliableVideoControllers) { if (vidCtrl.Name.ToLower().Contains("nvidia") && CudaUnsupported.IsSupported(vidCtrl.Name)) { nvidiaCount += 1; } else if (vidCtrl.Name.ToLower().Contains("nvidia")) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "Device not supported NVIDIA/CUDA device not supported " + vidCtrl.Name); } amdCount += (vidCtrl.Name.ToLower().Contains("amd")) ? 1 : 0; } Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, nvidiaCount == _cudaDevices.Count ? "Cuda NVIDIA/CUDA device count GOOD" : "Cuda NVIDIA/CUDA device count BAD!!!"); Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, amdCount == AmdDevices.Count ? "AMD GPU device count GOOD" : "AMD GPU device count BAD!!!"); } // allerts _currentNvidiaSmiDriver = GetNvidiaSmiDriver(); // if we have nvidia cards but no CUDA devices tell the user to upgrade driver var isNvidiaErrorShown = false; // to prevent showing twice var showWarning = ConfigManager.GeneralConfig.ShowDriverVersionWarning && WindowsDisplayAdapters.HasNvidiaVideoController(); if (showWarning && _cudaDevices.Count != nvidiaCount && _currentNvidiaSmiDriver.IsLesserVersionThan(NvidiaMinDetectionDriver)) { isNvidiaErrorShown = true; var minDriver = NvidiaMinDetectionDriver.ToString(); var recomendDriver = NvidiaRecomendedDriver.ToString(); MessageBox.Show(string.Format( Tr("We have detected that your system has Nvidia GPUs, but your driver is older than {0}. In order for NiceHash Miner Legacy to work correctly you should upgrade your drivers to recommended {1} or newer. If you still see this warning after updating the driver please uninstall all your Nvidia drivers and make a clean install of the latest official driver from"), minDriver, recomendDriver), Tr("Nvidia Recomended driver"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } // recomended driver if (showWarning && _currentNvidiaSmiDriver.IsLesserVersionThan(NvidiaRecomendedDriver) && !isNvidiaErrorShown && _currentNvidiaSmiDriver.LeftPart > -1) { var recomendDrvier = NvidiaRecomendedDriver.ToString(); var nvdriverString = _currentNvidiaSmiDriver.LeftPart > -1 ? string.Format( Tr(" (current {0})"), _currentNvidiaSmiDriver) : ""; MessageBox.Show(string.Format( Tr("We have detected that your Nvidia Driver is older than {0}{1}. We recommend you to update to {2} or newer."), recomendDrvier, nvdriverString, recomendDrvier), Tr("Nvidia Recomended driver"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } // no devices found if (Available.Devices.Count <= 0) { var result = MessageBox.Show(Tr("No supported devices are found. Select the OK button for help or cancel to continue."), Tr("No Supported Devices"), MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { Process.Start(Links.NhmNoDevHelp); } } // create AMD bus ordering for Claymore var amdDevices = Available.Devices.FindAll((a) => a.DeviceType == DeviceType.AMD); amdDevices.Sort((a, b) => a.BusID.CompareTo(b.BusID)); for (var i = 0; i < amdDevices.Count; i++) { amdDevices[i].IDByBus = i; } //create NV bus ordering for Claymore var nvDevices = Available.Devices.FindAll((a) => a.DeviceType == DeviceType.NVIDIA); nvDevices.Sort((a, b) => a.BusID.CompareTo(b.BusID)); for (var i = 0; i < nvDevices.Count; i++) { nvDevices[i].IDByBus = i; } // get GPUs RAM sum // bytes Available.NvidiaRamSum = 0; Available.AmdRamSum = 0; foreach (var dev in Available.Devices) { if (dev.DeviceType == DeviceType.NVIDIA) { Available.NvidiaRamSum += dev.GpuRam; } else if (dev.DeviceType == DeviceType.AMD) { Available.AmdRamSum += dev.GpuRam; } } // Make gpu ram needed not larger than 4GB per GPU var totalGpuRam = Math.Min((Available.NvidiaRamSum + Available.AmdRamSum) * 0.6 / 1024, (double)Available.AvailGpUs * 4 * 1024 * 1024); double totalSysRam = SystemSpecs.FreePhysicalMemory + SystemSpecs.FreeVirtualMemory; // check if (ConfigManager.GeneralConfig.ShowDriverVersionWarning && totalSysRam < totalGpuRam) { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "virtual memory size BAD"); MessageBox.Show(Tr("NiceHash Miner Legacy recommends increasing virtual memory size so that all algorithms would work fine."), Tr("Warning!"), MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { Helpers.ConsolePrint(Tag, "virtual memory size GOOD"); } // #x remove reference MessageNotifier = null; }