public Screenshot(IntPtr targetWindow, ScreenshotMethod method, bool withSolidGlass) { this.TargetHandle = targetWindow == IntPtr.Zero ? Windowing.GetForegroundWindow() : targetWindow; this.WindowClass = Windowing.GetWindowClass(TargetHandle); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Requested method is '{0}'", method), string.Format("Screenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); this.Method = method == ScreenshotMethod.Auto ? ScreenshotMethod.DWM : method; this.Method = FMUtils.WinApi.Helper.VisualStyle != Helper.VisualStyles.Aero ? ScreenshotMethod.GDI : this.Method; //I cannot recall why I uncommented the above and used this instead, undoing until I remember //this.Method = method; Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Actual method is '{0}'", this.Method), string.Format("Screenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); //this.TargetRect = isMaximized ? Screen.FromHandle(TargetHandle).WorkingArea : Helper.GetWindowRectangle(TargetHandle); this.TargetRect = Helper.GetWindowRectangleDPI(TargetHandle); this.isMaximized = Helper.IsWindowMazimized(TargetHandle); this.TargetScreen = Screen.FromHandle(TargetHandle); this.BaseScreenshotImage = this.Method == ScreenshotMethod.DWM ? ScreenshotWindowDWM(TargetHandle, withSolidGlass) : ScreenshotWindowGDI(TargetHandle, withSolidGlass); this.isRounded = !Helper.IsSquareWindowEdge(TargetHandle); this.WindowTitle = WinApi.Helper.GetWindowText(TargetHandle, true); this.Date = DateTime.Now; }
public NoiseVocoder( IBGCStream stream, double freqLowerBound = 20.0, double freqUpperBound = 16000.0, int bandCount = 22, int fftSize = 4096, int overlapRatio = 4, TransformRMSBehavior rmsBehavior = TransformRMSBehavior.Passthrough, Random randomizer = null) : base(stream) { if (stream.Channels != 1) { throw new StreamCompositionException( $"Noise Vocoder requires a mono input stream. Input stream has {stream.Channels} channels."); } this.fftSize = fftSize; this.overlapRatio = overlapRatio; stepSize = fftSize / overlapRatio; overlapSize = fftSize - stepSize; inputBuffer = new float[fftSize]; noiseBuffer = new double[fftSize]; outputAccumulation = new double[fftSize]; cachedSampleBuffer = new float[stepSize]; noiseFFTBuffer = new Complex64[fftSize]; signalFFTBuffer = new Complex64[fftSize]; amplitudeBuffers = new Complex64[bandCount][]; noiseBandBuffers = new Complex64[bandCount][]; for (int i = 0; i < bandCount; i++) { amplitudeBuffers[i] = new Complex64[fftSize]; noiseBandBuffers[i] = new Complex64[fftSize]; } initialized = false; noiseScalarA = Math.Sqrt(1.0 / 3.0); noiseScalarB = 2.0 * noiseScalarA; double[] windowTemplate = Windowing.GetHalfWindow64(Windowing.Function.BlackmanHarris, fftSize / 2); window = new double[fftSize]; for (int i = 0; i < fftSize / 2; i++) { window[i] = windowTemplate[i]; window[fftSize - i - 1] = windowTemplate[i]; } this.randomizer = randomizer ?? new Random(CustomRandom.Next()); this.rmsBehavior = rmsBehavior; bandFrequencies = GetExponentialDistribution(freqLowerBound, freqUpperBound, bandCount).ToArray(); outputFactor = 0.5 * Math.Sqrt(fftSize) / overlapRatio; }
public Engine(Windowing.IWindowProvider windowProvider, SharpFileSystem.IFileSystem fileSystem) { WindowProvider = windowProvider; // Initialize file system and resource manager FileSystem = new Common.IO.FileSystem(fileSystem); ResourceGroupManager = new Common.ResourceGroupManager(FileSystem); CoreResources = ResourceGroupManager.Add("core", 100); GameResources = ResourceGroupManager.Add("game", 10); // Setup graphics core GraphicsBackend = new Graphics.Backend(CoreResources, WindowProvider.Width, WindowProvider.Height, WindowProvider.WindowInfo); // Init resource loaders RegisterResourceLoaders(CoreResources); RegisterResourceLoaders(GameResources); // High level renderer (deferred + hdr) Renderer = new RendererImplementation(FileSystem, CoreResources, GraphicsBackend); // The input stuff InputManager = new Input.InputManager(WindowProvider.Bounds); // Setup game world GameWorld = new GameWorld(GameResources, GraphicsBackend); }
private static void Main() { Trace.Listeners.Add(new ReportListener()); Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; Application.ThreadException += Application_ThreadException; //todo: It's reccomended that this be set in the manifest, but I can't figure out how to do that successfully with clickonce Windowing.SetProcessDPIAware(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main UI " + System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; Update.CheckForUpdate(); History = new List <ExtendedScreenshot>(); Preview = new PeekPreview(); Selector = new RegionSelector(); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Forcing the creation of windows by accessing their handles on the Main UI thread: {0}, {1}", Preview.Handle, Selector.Handle), string.Format("Program [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); KeyboardHook = new Hook("Global Action Hook"); KeyboardHook.KeyDownEvent += KeyDown; KeyboardHook.KeyUpEvent += KeyUp; TrayIcon = new NotifyIcon() { Icon = ProSnap.Properties.Resources.camera_36x36_icon, Text = "ProSnap", Visible = true, ContextMenuStrip = new ContextMenuStrip() }; //TrayIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Take Screenshot", null, new EventHandler((o, e) => { Thread.Sleep(3000); SpawnActionChain(ActiveShortcutProfile.Shortcuts.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Actions.ActionItems.FirstOrDefault().ActionType == ActionTypes.TakeForegroundScreenshot)); })); TrayIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("History", null, (o, e) => (o as ToolStripMenuItem).ShowDropDown()) { Name = "tsmiHistory" }); TrayIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Options", null, (o, e) => Options.Options.ShowOrActivate()); TrayIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Exit", null, (o, e) => { Application.Exit(); DumpTraceReport(); }); TrayIcon.MouseDown += TrayIcon_MouseDown; IconAnimation.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; IconAnimation.DoWork += IconAnimation_DoWork; Application.Run(); KeyboardHook.isPaused = true; TrayIcon.Visible = false; }
public StreamWindower( IBGCStream stream, Windowing.Function function = Windowing.Function.Hamming, double totalDuration = double.NaN, int smoothingSamples = 1000, int sampleShift = 0, TransformRMSBehavior rmsBehavior = TransformRMSBehavior.Passthrough) : base(stream) { if (sampleShift > stream.ChannelSamples) { Debug.LogError("Requested a sampleOffset larger than clip length"); sampleShift = 0; } this.sampleShift = sampleShift; if (!double.IsNaN(totalDuration)) { ChannelSamples = Math.Min( (int)Math.Round(totalDuration * SamplingRate), stream.ChannelSamples - sampleShift); TotalSamples = Channels * ChannelSamples; } else { if (stream.ChannelSamples == int.MaxValue) { ChannelSamples = int.MaxValue; TotalSamples = int.MaxValue; } else { ChannelSamples = stream.ChannelSamples - sampleShift; TotalSamples = Channels * ChannelSamples; } } this.rmsBehavior = rmsBehavior; smoothingSamples = Math.Min(smoothingSamples, ChannelSamples / 2); openingWindow = Windowing.GetHalfWindow(function, smoothingSamples); closingWindow = openingWindow; endOpeningWindow = smoothingSamples; startClosingWindow = ChannelSamples - smoothingSamples; Reset(); }
private void LoadDesktopThumb() { Screenshot TaskBar = new Screenshot(Windowing.FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", null), ScreenshotMethod.DWM, false); string DesktopWallpaperPath = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Control Panel\Desktop").GetValue("Wallpaper") as string; Bitmap CompositedDesktop = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height); using (Graphics composite = Graphics.FromImage(CompositedDesktop)) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DesktopWallpaperPath)) { string[] BGColor = (Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Control Panel\Colors").GetValue("Background", string.Empty) as string).Split(' '); if (BGColor.Length >= 3) { int r, g, b; if (int.TryParse(BGColor[0], out r) && int.TryParse(BGColor[1], out g) && int.TryParse(BGColor[2], out b)) { composite.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)), 0, 0, CompositedDesktop.Width, CompositedDesktop.Height); } } } else { Image DesktopWallpaper = Image.FromFile(DesktopWallpaperPath); composite.DrawImage(DesktopWallpaper, new Rectangle(0, 0, CompositedDesktop.Width, CompositedDesktop.Height), new Rectangle(0, 0, DesktopWallpaper.Width, DesktopWallpaper.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } switch (FMUtils.WinApi.Helper.GetTaskbarEdge()) { case DockStyle.Top: case DockStyle.Left: composite.DrawImageUnscaled(TaskBar.BaseScreenshotImage, 0, 0); break; case DockStyle.Bottom: composite.DrawImageUnscaled(TaskBar.BaseScreenshotImage, 0, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - TaskBar.BaseScreenshotImage.Height); break; case DockStyle.Right: composite.DrawImageUnscaled(TaskBar.BaseScreenshotImage, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - TaskBar.BaseScreenshotImage.Width, 0); break; } composite.Save(); } pbDesktopPreview.Image = CompositedDesktop; pnPreviewLocationChooser.Width = (int)((float)pbDesktopPreview.Height * ((float)CompositedDesktop.Width / (float)CompositedDesktop.Height)) + 1; pnPreviewLocationChooser.Left = (int)((float)this.Width / 2.0 - (float)pnPreviewLocationChooser.Width / 2.0); }
public ExtendedScreenshot Invoke(ExtendedScreenshot LatestScreenshot) { Trace.WriteLine("Applying RunAction...", string.Format("RunAction.Invoke [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); if (LatestScreenshot == null) { Trace.WriteLine("Latest Screenshot is null, continuing...", string.Format("RunAction.Invoke [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); return(null); } if (!File.Exists(LatestScreenshot.InternalFileName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(LatestScreenshot.InternalFileName)); LatestScreenshot.ComposedScreenshotImage.Save(LatestScreenshot.InternalFileName, ImageFormat.Png); } var parameters = Helper.ExpandParameters(this.Parameters, LatestScreenshot); var working = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Helper.ExpandParameters(this.WorkingDirectory, LatestScreenshot)); switch (this.Mode) { case RunAction.Modes.ShellVerb: { Windowing.ShellExecute(IntPtr.Zero, this.ShellVerb, LatestScreenshot.InternalFileName, parameters, working, Windowing.ShowCommands.SW_NORMAL); } break; case RunAction.Modes.FilePath: { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(Helper.ExpandParameters(this.ApplicationPath, LatestScreenshot)), parameters) { UseShellExecute = false, WorkingDirectory = working, CreateNoWindow = this.HideCommandPrompt, }; Process.Start(psi); } break; } return(LatestScreenshot); }
private void OpenInEditor() { isEditing = true; if (!File.Exists(CurrentScreenshot.InternalFileName)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(CurrentScreenshot.InternalFileName)); CurrentScreenshot.ComposedScreenshotImage.Save(CurrentScreenshot.InternalFileName, ImageFormat.Png); } Windowing.ShellExecute(IntPtr.Zero, "edit", CurrentScreenshot.InternalFileName, string.Empty, string.Empty, Windowing.ShowCommands.SW_NORMAL); var fsw = new FileSystemWatcher(Path.GetDirectoryName(CurrentScreenshot.InternalFileName), "*" + Path.GetExtension(CurrentScreenshot.InternalFileName)); fsw.Changed += (s_fsw, e_args) => this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => WriteCompleteCheck.Enabled = true)); var async = new BackgroundWorker(); async.DoWork += (o, a) => fsw.WaitForChanged(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed); async.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public AnalyticStreamWindower( IAnalyticStream stream, Windowing.Function function, double totalDuration = double.NaN, int smoothingSamples = 1000, int sampleOffset = 0, TransformRMSBehavior rmsBehavior = TransformRMSBehavior.Passthrough) : base(stream) { if (sampleOffset > stream.Samples) { Debug.LogError("Requested a sampleOffset larger than clip length"); sampleOffset = 0; } this.sampleOffset = sampleOffset; if (!double.IsNaN(totalDuration)) { Samples = Math.Min( (int)(totalDuration * SamplingRate), stream.Samples - sampleOffset); } else { Samples = stream.Samples - sampleOffset; } this.rmsBehavior = rmsBehavior; smoothingSamples = Math.Min(smoothingSamples, Samples / 2); window = Windowing.GetHalfWindow64(function, smoothingSamples); endOpeningWindow = smoothingSamples; startClosingWindow = Samples - smoothingSamples; Reset(); }
public StreamWindower( IBGCStream stream, Windowing.Function function = Windowing.Function.Hamming, double totalDuration = double.NaN, int smoothingSamples = 1000, int sampleOffset = 0, bool recalculateRMS = false) : base(stream) { if (sampleOffset > stream.ChannelSamples) { Debug.LogError("Requested a sampleOffset larger than clip length"); sampleOffset = 0; } this.sampleOffset = sampleOffset; if (!double.IsNaN(totalDuration)) { ChannelSamples = Math.Min( (int)(totalDuration * SamplingRate), stream.ChannelSamples - sampleOffset); } else { ChannelSamples = stream.ChannelSamples - sampleOffset; } this.recalculateRMS = recalculateRMS; smoothingSamples = Math.Min(smoothingSamples, ChannelSamples / 2); window = Windowing.GetHalfWindow(function, smoothingSamples); endOpeningWindow = smoothingSamples; startClosingWindow = ChannelSamples - smoothingSamples; Reset(); }
public StreamWindower( IBGCStream stream, Windowing.Function openingFunction, Windowing.Function closingFunction, int openingSmoothingSamples = 1000, int closingSmoothingSamples = 1000, int sampleShift = 0, int totalChannelSamples = -1, TransformRMSBehavior rmsBehavior = TransformRMSBehavior.Passthrough) : base(stream) { if (sampleShift > stream.ChannelSamples) { Debug.LogError("Requested a sampleOffset larger than clip length"); sampleShift = 0; } this.sampleShift = sampleShift; this.rmsBehavior = rmsBehavior; if (totalChannelSamples != -1) { ChannelSamples = Math.Min( totalChannelSamples, stream.ChannelSamples - sampleShift); TotalSamples = Channels * ChannelSamples; } else { if (stream.ChannelSamples == int.MaxValue) { ChannelSamples = int.MaxValue; TotalSamples = int.MaxValue; } else { ChannelSamples = stream.ChannelSamples - sampleShift; TotalSamples = Channels * ChannelSamples; } } if (openingSmoothingSamples + closingSmoothingSamples > ChannelSamples) { //Requested smoothing samples exceeded remaining stream length int totalSmoothingSamples = openingSmoothingSamples + closingSmoothingSamples; int excessSamples = ChannelSamples - totalSmoothingSamples; //Allocate reduced smoothing samples based on requested percentage openingSmoothingSamples -= (int)Math.Round( excessSamples * (openingSmoothingSamples / (double)totalSmoothingSamples)); closingSmoothingSamples = ChannelSamples - openingSmoothingSamples; } openingWindow = Windowing.GetHalfWindow(openingFunction, openingSmoothingSamples); closingWindow = Windowing.GetHalfWindow(closingFunction, closingSmoothingSamples); endOpeningWindow = openingSmoothingSamples; startClosingWindow = ChannelSamples - closingSmoothingSamples; Reset(); }
//cf. internal static Bitmap GetCursor() { Windowing.CURSORINFO cursorInfo = new Windowing.CURSORINFO(); cursorInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(cursorInfo); if (!Windowing.GetCursorInfo(out cursorInfo)) { return(null); } if (cursorInfo.flags != Windowing.CURSOR_SHOWING) { return(null); } IntPtr hicon = Windowing.CopyIcon(cursorInfo.hCursor); if (hicon == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } Windowing.ICONINFO iconInfo; if (!Windowing.GetIconInfo(hicon, out iconInfo)) { return(null); } int x = cursorInfo.ptScreenPos.X - ((int)iconInfo.xHotspot); int y = cursorInfo.ptScreenPos.Y - ((int)iconInfo.yHotspot); using (Bitmap maskBitmap = Bitmap.FromHbitmap(iconInfo.hbmMask)) { // Is this a monochrome cursor? if (maskBitmap.Height == maskBitmap.Width * 2) { Bitmap resultBitmap = new Bitmap(maskBitmap.Width, maskBitmap.Width); Graphics desktopGraphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(Windowing.GetDesktopWindow()); IntPtr desktopHdc = desktopGraphics.GetHdc(); IntPtr maskHdc = Windowing.CreateCompatibleDC(desktopHdc); IntPtr oldPtr = Windowing.SelectObject(maskHdc, maskBitmap.GetHbitmap()); using (Graphics resultGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(resultBitmap)) { IntPtr resultHdc = resultGraphics.GetHdc(); // These two operation will result in a black cursor over a white background. // Later in the code, a call to MakeTransparent() will get rid of the white background. Windowing.BitBlt(resultHdc, 0, 0, 32, 32, maskHdc, 0, 32, Windowing.TernaryRasterOperations.SRCCOPY); Windowing.BitBlt(resultHdc, 0, 0, 32, 32, maskHdc, 0, 0, Windowing.TernaryRasterOperations.SRCINVERT); resultGraphics.ReleaseHdc(resultHdc); } IntPtr newPtr = Windowing.SelectObject(maskHdc, oldPtr); Windowing.DeleteDC(newPtr); Windowing.DeleteDC(maskHdc); desktopGraphics.ReleaseHdc(desktopHdc); // Remove the white background from the BitBlt calls, // resulting in a black cursor over a transparent background. resultBitmap.MakeTransparent(Color.White); return(resultBitmap); } } Icon icon = Icon.FromHandle(hicon); return(icon.ToBitmap()); }
public Vocoder( IBGCStream stream, IBGCStream carrierStream, double freqLowerBound = 50.0, double freqUpperBound = 16000.0, int bandCount = 22, int fftSize = 4096, int overlapRatio = 4, TransformRMSBehavior rmsBehavior = TransformRMSBehavior.Passthrough) : base(stream) { if (stream.Channels != 1) { throw new StreamCompositionException( $"Vocoder requires a mono input stream. Input stream has {stream.Channels} channels."); } if (carrierStream.Channels != 1) { throw new StreamCompositionException( $"Vocoder requires a mono carrier stream. Carrier stream has {carrierStream.Channels} channels."); } if (stream.SamplingRate != carrierStream.SamplingRate) { throw new StreamCompositionException( $"Vocoder requires the sampling rate of the stream and carrierStream to match. {stream.SamplingRate} vs {carrierStream.SamplingRate}."); } this.carrierStream = carrierStream; this.fftSize = fftSize; this.overlapRatio = overlapRatio; stepSize = fftSize / overlapRatio; overlapSize = fftSize - stepSize; inputBuffer = new float[fftSize]; carrierBuffer = new float[fftSize]; outputAccumulation = new double[fftSize]; cachedSampleBuffer = new float[stepSize]; carrierFFTBuffer = new Complex64[fftSize]; signalFFTBuffer = new Complex64[fftSize]; amplitudeBuffers = new Complex64[bandCount][]; carrierBandBuffers = new Complex64[bandCount][]; for (int i = 0; i < bandCount; i++) { amplitudeBuffers[i] = new Complex64[fftSize]; carrierBandBuffers[i] = new Complex64[fftSize]; } initialized = false; double[] windowTemplate = Windowing.GetHalfWindow64(Windowing.Function.BlackmanHarris, fftSize / 2); window = new double[fftSize]; for (int i = 0; i < fftSize / 2; i++) { window[i] = windowTemplate[i]; window[fftSize - i - 1] = windowTemplate[i]; } this.rmsBehavior = rmsBehavior; bandFrequencies = GetExponentialDistribution(freqLowerBound, freqUpperBound, bandCount).ToArray(); outputFactor = 0.5 * Math.Sqrt(fftSize) / overlapRatio; }
public ComposedScreenshot(IntPtr targetWindow, ScreenshotMethod method = ScreenshotMethod.DWM, bool withSolidGlass = true) : base(targetWindow, method, withSolidGlass) { Trace.WriteLine("Creating composed screenshot...", string.Format("ComposedScreenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); CursorLocation = Cursor.Position; CursorImage = Core.GetCursor(); //#32768 is the Windows Menu Class // || wc.StartsWith("WindowsForms10.Window.20808"); var ContextMenus = Windowing.GetChildWindows(Windowing.GetDesktopWindow()).Where(h => Windowing.GetWindowClass(h) == "#32768").ToList(); if (ContextMenus.Any(h => CaptureRect.IntersectsWith(Helper.GetWindowRectangle(h)))) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Found Win32 {0} menus...", ContextMenus.Count), string.Format("ComposedScreenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); CompositionStack.AddRange(ContextMenus.Select(h => Screenshot.FromBitmapRect(Core.ScreenshotWindow(h), Helper.GetWindowRectangle((h))))); } else { //If there are no Win32 popup context menus found, but the mouse is over something who's root is the target rect, walk that tree for composition items //Check if the thing the mouse is over is different (eg, an overhanging menu) IntPtr MouseTargetHandle = Windowing.WindowFromPoint(Cursor.Position); //We don't want to do this when we're trying to get popup context menus since they are children of the desktop window, //not the target window. However that situation is handled separately above. //What we're doing here is looking for overlapping windows, like GTK context menus if (Windowing.GetAncestor(MouseTargetHandle, Windowing.GA_ROOTOWNER) == this.TargetHandle) // && !this.TargetRect.Contains(Cursor.Position)) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Mouse over something else, handle {0}...", MouseTargetHandle), string.Format("ComposedScreenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); while (MouseTargetHandle != TargetHandle && MouseTargetHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { //var MouseTargetWindowRect = Helper.GetWindowRectangle(MouseTargetHandle); //var MouseTargetScreenshot = Core.ScreenshotArea(MouseTargetHandle, MouseTargetWindowRect); //GTK menus seem to have virtually identical parents of themselves, so I initially tried to circumvent this //with a check to prevent any two same rects from being added //though, it's obsolete with the more robust removal below //if (!CompositionStack.Any(ss => ss.TargetRect == MouseTargetWindowRect)) //var layer = Screenshot.FromBitmapRect(MouseTargetScreenshot, MouseTargetWindowRect); var layer = new Screenshot(MouseTargetHandle, ScreenshotMethod.GDI, false); CompositionStack.Add(layer); Trace.WriteLine("Added " + layer.TargetHandle.ToString() + "; Class: " + layer.WindowClass, "ComposedScreenshot.ctor"); MouseTargetHandle = Windowing.GetParent(MouseTargetHandle); } Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Added {0} items...", CompositionStack.Count), string.Format("ComposedScreenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); //Remove any rect which is completely inside of another. This is mainly an effort to avoid extra layers, //such as those generated by GTK menus, where some elements appear to be duplicated. var toRemove = CompositionStack.Where(cs => CompositionStack.Any(a => cs != a && a.TargetRect.Contains(cs.TargetRect))).ToList(); Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Removing {0} items...", toRemove.Count), string.Format("ComposedScreenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); //In a case where there's one menu and two identical rects, don't remove both of them, or we'll have nothing to compose if (toRemove.Count == CompositionStack.Count && toRemove.Count > 0) { toRemove.RemoveAt(toRemove.Count - 1); } CompositionStack.RemoveAll(r => toRemove.Contains(r)); //If they're all fully inside the window bounds, remove them- probably just regular window elements if (CompositionStack.All(cs => this.TargetRect.Contains(cs.TargetRect))) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Clearing {0} items...", toRemove.Count), string.Format("ComposedScreenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); //CompositionStack.RemoveAll(cs => !cs.WindowClass.StartsWith("WindowsForms10.Window.20808")); CompositionStack.Clear(); } } } //Since we compose where first is bottom and last is top, we'll need to reverse what we have so far since we enumerate the other direction CompositionStack.Reverse(); //Base window is always the bottom layer of the composition stack CompositionStack.Insert(0, this); Trace.WriteLine("Done.", string.Format("ComposedScreenshot.ctor [{0}]", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name)); }
public static Hashtable Startup(string[] args, string defaultCommandLineSwitch) { WindowSize windowSize = new WindowSize(1012, 693); string str = null; bool flag1 = false; bool flag2 = false; Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); bool flag3 = false; if (args != null) { foreach (CommandLineArgument commandLineArgument in CommandLineArgument.ParseArgs(args, defaultCommandLineSwitch)) { switch (commandLineArgument.Name) { case "gdi": Application.RenderingType = RenderingType.GDI; flag3 = true; break; case "switchtogdi": ClientConfiguration.GeneralSettings.RenderingType = 0; break; case "dx9": Application.RenderingType = RenderingType.DX9; flag3 = true; break; case "size": try { windowSize = ParseSize(commandLineArgument.Value); break; } catch (FormatException ex) { break; } catch (ArgumentException ex) { break; } case "minimized": flag2 = true; break; case "nativeframe": flag1 = true; break; case "animations": try { Application.AnimationsEnabled = bool.Parse(commandLineArgument.Value); break; } catch (FormatException ex) { break; } default: hashtable[commandLineArgument.Name] = commandLineArgument.Value; break; } } } if (ClientConfiguration.GeneralSettings.UseGDI) { ClientConfiguration.GeneralSettings.RenderingType = 0; ClientConfiguration.GeneralSettings.UseGDI = false; } if (!flag3) { Application.RenderingType = (RenderingType)ClientConfiguration.GeneralSettings.RenderingType; Application.RenderingQuality = (RenderingQuality)ClientConfiguration.GeneralSettings.RenderingQuality; } if (str != null) { if (str == "ltr") { Application.IsRTL = false; } else if (str == "rtl") { Application.IsRTL = true; } } Application.AnimationsEnabled = ClientConfiguration.GeneralSettings.AnimationsEnabled; Application.Initialize(); Application.Window.InitialClientSize = windowSize; object obj = Registry.GetValue(ZuneUI.Shell.SettingsRegistryPath, "WindowPosition", null); if (obj != null) { if (obj is string) { try { if (!flag2) { Application.Window.SetSavedInitialPosition((string)obj); } else { Application.Window.SetSavedInitialPosition((string)obj, WindowState.Minimized); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { } } } Application.Window.RespectsStartupSettings = true; Application.Window.InitialPositionPolicy = WindowPositionPolicy.CenterOnWorkArea | WindowPositionPolicy.ConstrainToWorkArea; Application.Window.ShowWindowFrame = flag1; Application.Window.SetBackgroundColor(ZuneUI.Shell.WindowColorFromRGB(ClientConfiguration.Shell.BackgroundColor)); if (!flag2) { Application.DeferredInvoke(delegate { Windowing.ForceSetForegroundWindow(Application.Window.Handle); }, DeferredInvokePriority.Low); } return(hashtable); }
protected override void OnDispose() => windowing = null;
public SPW() { graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager( this ); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; this.IsMouseVisible = true; #region creating and adding the game component objects Controller, ScreenWriter, Logger, and Windowing // instantiate the Controller c = new Controller( this ); // add it as a component so ITS Update() // function will AUTOMATICALLY be called // everytime this class's does. this.Components.Add( c ); // OK Hoooooold on. Did that "component" // stuff make any sense? // Looking at the definition of // the Controller class, notice how it says: // public class Controller : GameComponent // This reads "public class Controller is-a GameComponent" // So what does that mean? // Well, it just means that the Controller promises // to have an 'Update()' method within it. // Remember how our XNA game rapidly does the following: /* while( true ) { Update() ; Draw() ; } */ // When you add a GameComponent object to the Components // collection however, this is kind of (very roughly) what happens: /* while( true ) { Update() ; foreach( GameComponent component in this.Components ) component.Update() ; Draw() ; } */ // The Update() and Draw() functions that will get called // by the XNA framework, will normally only be the Update() // and Draw() functions of THIS class (the main game class). // Ok so what's this? // Add a few more components. sw = new ScreenWriter( this ); this.Components.Add( sw ); // Here's one that's a bit different! // Notice that the ScreenWriter IS-A "DRAWABLEGAMECOMPONENT" // public class ScreenWriter : DrawableGameComponent // So this is KIND OF what happens then: /* while( true ) { Update() ; foreach( GameComponent component in this.Components ) component.Update() ; Draw() ; foreach( DrawableGameComponent drawable in this.Components ) { drawable.Draw() ; } } */ // This obviously isn't exactly what happens but I think it // communicates the idea. // Using GameComponents and DrawableGameComponents // are great because they tie up ALL the code // to do with one "COMPONENT" of the game into one file. logger = new Logger( this, true ); this.Components.Add( logger ); // Create the Windowing object. // The source code for this system // by 'Aaron MacDougall', is on codeplex // windowing = new Windowing( this ); #endregion // Initialize the game state gameState = GameState.TitleScreen; // let game start @ title screen netState = NetState.Disconnected; // // create the world object world = new World(); // set width and height of the backbuffer = world.ScreenHeight; = world.ScreenWidth; // Tell player about how to toggle debug Color tBlueViolet = Color.BlueViolet; tBlueViolet.A = 0; sw[ "more" ] = new StringItem( "Press '8' to toggle debug messages", 40, world.ScreenHeight - 40, 5.0f, Color.Red, tBlueViolet ); // Start with debug messages not being displayed on screen // (press '8' to toggle) //ToggleDebug(); }