private void Start() { windows = new WindowLaunchers(); windows.isWindow = false; windows.Add("Part1", typeof(PrefsGUIExample_Part1)); windows.Add("Part2", typeof(PrefsGUIExample_Part2)); windows.Add("Part3", typeof(PrefsGUIExample_Part3)); windows.Add("PrefsSearch", PrefsSearch.DoGUI).SetWidth(600f).SetHeight(800f); }
void InitFolds() { launchers = new WindowLaunchers() { isWindow = false }; // Add() returns Fold. so you can method chains. // SetWidth() can set window width. launchers.Add("Simple Add()", () => GUILayout.Label("This is WindowLaunchers.")) .SetTitleAction(() => GUILayout.Label("Title Action")) .SetWidth(500f); // if name used already, it will margined. launchers.Add("Simple Add()", () => GUILayout.Label("added by same name")); launchers.Add("With checkEnableFunc.", () => isEnable, () => GUILayout.Label("Displayed only when checkEnableFunc return true.") ); launchers.Add("finds the type of IDoGUI in the scene.", typeof(FieldExample)); }
public void Start() { // if WindowLaunchers.isWindow == true(default) // WindowLaunchers will be wrapped in window. // child windows automaticaly aligned. launchers = new WindowLaunchers { name = "WindowLaunchers" }; launchers.Add("RGUI.Field()", typeof(FieldExample)); launchers.Add("RGUI.Field() with class", typeof(FieldWithClassExample)); launchers.Add("RGUI.Slider()", typeof(SliderExample)); launchers.Add("RGUI.MinMaxSlider()", typeof(MinMaxSliderExample)); launchers.Add("Scope", typeof(ScopeExample)); launchers.Add("Fold / Folds", typeof(FoldExample)); launchers.Add("WindowLauncher / WindowLaunchers", typeof(WindowLauncherExample)); launchers.Add("Misc", typeof(MiscExample)).SetWidth(600f); }