コード例 #1
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Set exception handler. Needs to be done before we create splash screen (don't
        /// understand why, but otherwise some exceptions don't get caught).
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public FatalExceptionHandler()
            // We need to create a WinFormsExceptionHandler so that if we ever need to use the fallback
            // SIL.Reporting.ErrorReport system it has a valid ControlOnUIThread prop.
            // Creating the object is enough to solve this problem. We keep a reference so it gets collected
            // when we go away.
            // Passing false keeps the WinForms handler from responding to exceptions, so we don't get two
            // handlers vying for who gets to report an error.
            _fallbackHandler = new WinFormsExceptionHandler(false);
            UseFallback      = true;

            // We need to create a control on the UI thread so that we have a control that we
            // can use to invoke the error reporting dialog on the correct thread.
            ControlOnUIThread = new Control();

            // Using Application.ThreadException rather than
            // AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException has the advantage that the
            // program doesn't necessarily end - we can ignore the exception and continue.
            Application.ThreadException += HandleTopLevelError;

            // We also want to catch the UnhandledExceptions for all the cases that
            // ThreadException don't catch, e.g. in the startup.
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += HandleUnhandledException;