コード例 #1
ファイル: GameFieldController.cs プロジェクト: KLessing/TTT3D
    // Sets a Token on a Field from the given Move on the GameField
    // (The Validation is handled via button enabling.
    //  There the placement is allowed!)
    // Return the winner or null
    public Player?SetTokenOnField(Move move)
        Player?winner = null;

        // Only do something when token is not covered
        if (!TokenIsCovered(move.Token))
            // Remove the Token if it's on an upper Field

            // Check if the Field is empty
            if (GameField.ContainsKey(move.Field))
                // Compare with the upper Token on the Field
                if (System.Convert.ToInt32(move.Token.tag) > System.Convert.ToInt32(GameField[move.Field].Peek().tag))
                    // Place the Token on the highest position of the Field
                Stack <GameObject> tokenStack = new Stack <GameObject>();
                // Place the Token on the Field
                GameField.Add(move.Field, tokenStack);

            // Check if game is won with the converted state of string tokens
            winner = WinDetection.CheckWinner(TypeConverter.ConvertState(GameField));

コード例 #2
ファイル: WinItem.cs プロジェクト: Edacth/seven-eight-nine
 private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     if (other.transform.CompareTag("Player"))
         WinDetection wd = other.gameObject.GetComponent <WinDetection>();
         wd.numCollected += 1;
コード例 #3
    public void Start()
        GameObject goal = GameObject.Find("Goal");

        winDetectScript           = goal.GetComponent <WinDetection>();
        winDetectScript.allTrucks = nextTrucks.ToArray();
コード例 #4
ファイル: placement.cs プロジェクト: iyzana/viargewinnt
    void PlaceAt(int x)
        if (!isLocal)
            HttpService.HttPost("turn/" + HttpService.gameId + "/" + HttpService.player + "/" + x);
            for (int y = 5; y >= 0; y--)
                if (field[x, y].Equals(""))
                    field[x, y] = nextColor ? "Spieler1" : "Spieler2";
                    if (WinDetection.isWon(field))
                        GameInformation.WINNINGTEXT = field[x, y] + " hat gewonnen!!";
                        SceneManager.LoadScene("viargewinnt-winning-scene", LoadSceneMode.Single);
                    else if (WinDetection.isTie(field))
                        GameInformation.WINNINGTEXT = "Unentschieden!!";
                        SceneManager.LoadScene("viargewinnt-winning-scene", LoadSceneMode.Single);

                    Transform material = nextColor ? tokenLightPrefab : tokenDarkPrefab;
                    Instantiate(material, new Vector3((x - 3) * 0.1f, (5 - y) * 0.1f + 0.05f, 0f), Quaternion.identity);
                    nextColor = !nextColor;
                    Transform placeMaterial = nextColor ? tokenPlaceLightPrefab : tokenPlaceDarkPrefab;
                    text.text = nextColor ? "Spieler1 ist am Zug!" : "Spieler2 ist am Zug!";
                    token     = Instantiate(placeMaterial, new Vector3(0f, 0.65f, 0f), Quaternion.identity);
コード例 #5
ファイル: AIController.cs プロジェクト: KLessing/TTT3D
        // The recursive alpha beta function
        // Checks every possible move for every recursion step (depth)
        // Stops the search by the alpha and beta cap value
        // Optimization: Checks for win or loose when depth is not reached yet
        // Returns the value for the root move, calculated by the evaluation function
        private static int AlphaBeta(int depth, StringState state, Player player, int alpha, int beta)
            // Optimization: Checks for win or loose when depth is not reached yet
            // It is not necessary to look any further if win or loose
            // The earlier the detection the higher the value
            if (depth > 0)
                // Check for the winner (may be empty)
                Player?winner = WinDetection.CheckWinner(state);

                // Has the ai won the game?
                if (winner == Constants.AI_PLAYER)
                    // Return high value (like 1000)
                    // The higher the left recursion count the better the value
                    return(1000 * Constants.AI_DEPTH);

                // Has the ai lost the game?
                if (winner == TypeConverter.GetOpponent(Constants.AI_PLAYER))
                    // Return low value (like -1000)
                    // The higher the left recursion count the lower the value
                    return(-1000 * Constants.AI_DEPTH);
            // Otherwise the depth is reached (last recursion step)
                // Evaluate the leaf
                return(EvaluateState(state, player));

            // Switch player after win detection
            // After evaluation this won't be necessary anymore
            // But eval has to be calculated for the player for which the current recursion call was made
            player = TypeConverter.GetOpponent(player);

            // Get all possible moves for the current state and player
            List <MoveString> possibleMoves = GetPossibleMoves(state, player);

            // If the Player is the ai the vale will be maxed
            if (player == Constants.AI_PLAYER)
                // Start with lowest possible value
                int bestValue = int.MinValue;

                // Iterate through each possible move
                foreach (MoveString move in possibleMoves)
                    // Generate a new reference state with the move on the previous state
                    StringState moveState = GetStateWithMove(state, move);

                    // Check for the highest value in the recursion
                    bestValue = Math.Max(bestValue, AlphaBeta(depth - 1, moveState, player, alpha, beta));

                    // Alpha beta Pruning
                    alpha = Math.Max(alpha, bestValue);
                    if (beta <= alpha)

            // Otherwise the value will be minned for the opponent
                // Start with highest possible value
                int bestValue = int.MaxValue;

                // Iterate through each possible move
                foreach (MoveString move in possibleMoves)
                    // Generate a new reference state with the move on the previous state
                    StringState moveState = GetStateWithMove(state, move);

                    // Check for the lowest value in the recursion
                    bestValue = Math.Min(bestValue, AlphaBeta(depth - 1, moveState, player, alpha, beta));

                    // Alpha beta Pruning
                    beta = Math.Min(beta, bestValue);
                    if (beta <= alpha)
