コード例 #1
 public FileData(string dir)
     m_find_data = new Win32.WIN32_FIND_DATA();
     using (var handle = FindFirstFile(dir, ref m_find_data))
         if (handle.IsInvalid)
             throw new FileNotFoundException($"Failed to get WIN32_FIND_Data for {dir}");
     FullPath = dir;
コード例 #2
        private bool MoveToNextFile(out Win32.WIN32_FIND_DATA findData)
            if (Win32.FindNextFile(FindHandle, out findData))

            var errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

            if (errorCode == Win32.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)

            throw new FileSystemException(SearchPath, Resources.Error_Failed_to_find_the_next_file + errorCode.GetExceptionMessageForCulture(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture));
コード例 #3
        private bool MoveToFirstFile(out Win32.WIN32_FIND_DATA findData)
            FindHandle = Win32.FindFirstFile(GetPathAdaptedForSearch(SearchPath), out findData);
            if (FindHandle.IsValidHandle())

            var errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

            if (errorCode == Win32.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)

            throw new FileSystemException(SearchPath, errorCode.GetExceptionMessageForCulture(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture));
コード例 #4
 private static extern bool FindNextFile(SafeFindHandle hndFindFile, ref Win32.WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData);
コード例 #5
 private static extern SafeFindHandle FindFirstFile(string fileName, ref Win32.WIN32_FIND_DATA data);
コード例 #6
 public FileData(FileData rhs)
     m_find_data = rhs.m_find_data;
     FullPath    = rhs.FullPath;
コード例 #7
 public FileData(string dir, ref Win32.WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data, Match?regex_match = null)
     m_find_data = find_data;
     FullPath    = Path.Combine(dir, FileName);
     RegexMatch  = regex_match;
コード例 #8
        public static IEnumerable <FileData> EnumFileSystem(string path, SearchOption search_flags = SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, string?regex_filter = null, RegexOptions regex_options = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, FileAttributes exclude = FileAttributes.Hidden, Func <string, bool>?progress = null)
            /// <remarks>
            /// A fast enumerator of files in a directory.
            /// Use this if you need to get attributes for all files in a directory.
            /// This enumerator is substantially faster than using <see cref="Directory.GetFiles(string)"/>
            /// and then creating a new FileInfo object for each path.  Use this version when you
            /// will need to look at the attributes of each file returned (for example, you need
            /// to check each file in a directory to see if it was modified after a specific date).
            /// </remarks>

            Debug.Assert(Path_.DirExists(path), "Attempting to enumerate an invalid directory path");

            // Default progress callback
            if (progress == null)
                progress = s => true;

            // File/Directory name filter
            var filter = regex_filter != null ? new Regex(regex_filter, regex_options) : null;

            // For drive letters, add a \, 'FileIOPermission' needs it
            if (path.EndsWith(":"))
                path += "\\";

            // Local stack for recursion
            var stack = new Stack <string>(20);

            for (stack.Push(path); stack.Count != 0;)
                // Report progress
                var dir = stack.Pop();
                if (!progress(dir))

                // Skip paths we don't have access to
                try { new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery, dir).Demand(); }
                catch { continue; }

                // Use the win32 find files
                var pattern   = Path.Combine(dir, "*");
                var find_data = new Win32.WIN32_FIND_DATA();
                using (var handle = FindFirstFile(pattern, ref find_data))
                    for (var more = !handle.IsInvalid; more; more = FindNextFile(handle, ref find_data))
                        // Exclude files with any of the exclude attributes
                        if ((find_data.Attributes & exclude) != 0)

                        // Filter if provided
                        if (find_data.FileName != "." && find_data.FileName != "..")
                            Match m;
                            if (filter == null)
                                yield return(new FileData(dir, ref find_data));
                            else if ((m = filter.Match(find_data.FileName)).Success)
                                yield return(new FileData(dir, ref find_data, m));

                        // If the found object is a directory, see if we should be recursing
                        if (search_flags == SearchOption.AllDirectories && (find_data.Attributes & FileAttributes.Directory) == FileAttributes.Directory)
                            if (find_data.FileName == "." || find_data.FileName == "..")

                            stack.Push(Path.Combine(dir, find_data.FileName));