public Spell addPosition(WiimoteInfo.Point pointF, DateTime dateTime) { if ((spellNames == null || spellNames.Count == 0)) { //cloudBitWarningShown = true; MessageBox.Show( "You need to choose the spells and set the cloudBit or IFTTT configurations before casting spells", "Configuration required", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(null); } if (spell == null) { addPosition(new Position(pointF, dateTime)); if (positions.Count > 10) { if (wandIsPaused(positions)) { Spell chosen = brain.chooseSpell(positions); if (chosen != null && authorization != null && device != null && spellNames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < spellNames.Count; i++) { if (spellNames[i].Equals(chosen.GetType().Name)) { spell = chosen; ((CloudBitSpell)spell).setConfigurations(device, authorization, iftttUserKey, spellIftttEvents[i]); spell.castSpell(); startSpell = DateTime.Now; } } } } } } else if (!spell.casting()) { spell = null; positions.Clear(); if (strokes != null) { strokes.Clear(); } } return(spell); }
public Position(WiimoteInfo.Point point, DateTime time) { this.point = point; this.time = time; }