private void DrawThingRow(ref float y, float width, Thing thing, bool showDropButtonIfPrisoner = false) { Rect rect = new Rect(0f, y, width, _thingRowHeight); Widgets.InfoCardButton(rect.width - 24f, y, thing); rect.width -= 24f; if (CanControl || (SelPawnForGear.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && SelPawnForGear.RaceProps.packAnimal) || (showDropButtonIfPrisoner && SelPawnForGear.IsPrisonerOfColony)) { Rect dropRect = new Rect(rect.width - 24f, y, 24f, 24f); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(dropRect, "DropThing".Translate()); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(dropRect, TexButton.Drop)) { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceDrop(thing); } rect.width -= 24f; } if (this.CanControl && thing.IngestibleNow && base.SelPawn.RaceProps.CanEverEat(thing)) { Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect.width - 24f, y, 24f, 24f); string tipString = thing.def.ingestible.ingestCommandString.NullOrEmpty() ? "ConsumeThing".Translate(thing.LabelShort, thing) : string.Format(thing.def.ingestible.ingestCommandString, thing.LabelShort); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect3, tipString); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect3, TexButton.Ingest)) { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); this.InterfaceEatThis(thing); } rect.width -= 24f; } if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { GUI.color = _highlightColor; GUI.DrawTexture(rect, TexUI.HighlightTex); } if (thing.def.DrawMatSingle != null && thing.def.DrawMatSingle.mainTexture != null) { Widgets.ThingIcon(new Rect(4f, y, _thingIconSize, _thingIconSize), thing); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.color = _thingLabelColor; Rect thingLabelRect = new Rect(_thingLeftX, y, rect.width - _thingLeftX, _thingRowHeight); string thingLabel = thing.LabelCap; if ((thing is Apparel && SelPawnForGear.outfits != null && SelPawnForGear.outfits.forcedHandler.IsForced((Apparel)thing)) || (SelPawnForGear.inventory != null && SelPawnForGear.HoldTrackerIsHeld(thing))) { thingLabel = thingLabel + ", " + "ApparelForcedLower".Translate(); } Widgets.Label(thingLabelRect, thingLabel); y += _thingRowHeight; TooltipHandler.TipRegion(thingLabelRect, thing.GetWeightAndBulkTip()); // RMB menu if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(thingLabelRect) && Event.current.button == 1) { List <FloatMenuOption> floatOptionList = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("ThingInfo".Translate(), delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_InfoCard(thing)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null)); if (CanControl) { // Equip option ThingWithComps eq = thing as ThingWithComps; if (eq != null && eq.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>() != null) { CompInventory compInventory = SelPawnForGear.TryGetComp <CompInventory>(); if (compInventory != null) { FloatMenuOption equipOption; string eqLabel = GenLabel.ThingLabel(eq.def, eq.Stuff, 1); if ( && SelPawnForGear.inventory != null) { equipOption = new FloatMenuOption("CE_PutAway".Translate(eqLabel), new Action(delegate {, SelPawnForGear.inventory.innerContainer); })); } else if (! { equipOption = new FloatMenuOption("CannotEquip".Translate(eqLabel), null); } else { string equipOptionLabel = "Equip".Translate(eqLabel); if (eq.def.IsRangedWeapon && SelPawnForGear.story != null && SelPawnForGear.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Brawler)) { equipOptionLabel = equipOptionLabel + " " + "EquipWarningBrawler".Translate(); } equipOption = new FloatMenuOption( equipOptionLabel, (SelPawnForGear.story != null && SelPawnForGear.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent)) ? null : new Action(delegate { compInventory.TrySwitchToWeapon(eq); })); } floatOptionList.Add(equipOption); } } // Drop option Action dropApparel = delegate { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceDrop(thing); }; Action dropApparelHaul = delegate { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceDropHaul(thing); }; if (this.CanControl && thing.IngestibleNow && base.SelPawn.RaceProps.CanEverEat(thing)) { Action eatFood = delegate { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceEatThis(thing); }; string label = thing.def.ingestible.ingestCommandString.NullOrEmpty() ? "ConsumeThing".Translate(thing.LabelShort, thing) : string.Format(thing.def.ingestible.ingestCommandString, thing.LabelShort); floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption(label, eatFood)); } floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("DropThing".Translate(), dropApparel)); floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CE_DropThingHaul".Translate(), dropApparelHaul)); if (this.CanControl && SelPawnForGear.HoldTrackerIsHeld(thing)) { Action forgetHoldTracker = delegate { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); SelPawnForGear.HoldTrackerForget(thing); }; floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CE_HoldTrackerForget".Translate(), forgetHoldTracker)); } } FloatMenu window = new FloatMenu(floatOptionList, thing.LabelCap, false); Find.WindowStack.Add(window); } // end menu }
public override void LessonOnGUI() { Rect mainRect = this.MainRect; float alpha = 1f; if (this.doFadeIn) { alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(base.AgeSeconds / 0.4f); } if (this.Expiring) { float num = this.expiryTime - Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; if (num < 1.1f) { alpha = num / 1.1f; } } WindowStack windowStack = Find.WindowStack; int id = 134706; Rect mainRect2 = mainRect; WindowLayer layer = WindowLayer.Super; Action doWindowFunc = delegate() { Rect rect = mainRect.AtZero(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; if (!this.Expiring) { this.def.HighlightAllTags(); } if (this.doFadeIn || this.Expiring) { GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, alpha); } Widgets.DrawWindowBackgroundTutor(rect); Rect rect2 = rect.ContractedBy(10f); rect2.width = 432f; Widgets.Label(rect2, this.def.HelpTextAdjusted); Rect butRect = new Rect(rect.xMax - 32f - 8f, rect.y + 8f, 32f, 32f); Texture2D tex; if (this.Expiring) { tex = Widgets.CheckboxOnTex; } else { tex = TexButton.CloseXBig; } if (Widgets.ButtonImage(butRect, tex, new Color(0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f), new Color(0.8352941f, 0.6666667f, 0.274509817f))) { SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); this.CloseButtonClicked(); } if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > this.expiryTime) { this.CloseButtonClicked(); } GUI.color = Color.white; }; bool doBackground = false; float alpha2 = alpha; windowStack.ImmediateWindow(id, mainRect2, layer, doWindowFunc, doBackground, false, alpha2); }
public static void DrawFilters(Dialog_BillConfig __instance, Rect inRect) { var billRaw = (Bill_Production)BillGetter.GetValue(__instance); if (billRaw == null) { return; } Main.Instance.IsRootBillFilterBeingDrawn = false; var extendedBillDataStorage = Main.Instance.GetExtendedBillDataStorage(); extendedBillDataStorage.MirrorBillToLinkedBills(billRaw); var extendedBillData = extendedBillDataStorage.GetExtendedDataFor(billRaw); if (extendedBillData == null) { return; } // Bill navigation buttons DrawWorkTableNavigation(__instance, billRaw, inRect); // Linked bill handling if (extendedBillDataStorage.IsLinkedBill(billRaw)) { var unlinkRect = new Rect(inRect.xMin + 28f, inRect.yMin + 50f, 24f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(unlinkRect, Resources.BreakLink)) { extendedBillDataStorage.RemoveBillFromLinkSets(billRaw); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(unlinkRect, "IW.BreakLinkToOtherBillsTip".Translate()); } // Bill renaming { var renameRect = new Rect(inRect.xMax - 75f, inRect.yMin + 4f, 24f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(renameRect, Resources.Rename)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_RenameBill(extendedBillData, billRaw.LabelCap)); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(renameRect, "IW.RenameBillTip".Translate()); } const float columnWidth = 180f; const float middleColumn = columnWidth + 34f; // Allowed worker filter var potentialWorkers = GetAllowedWorkersWithSkillLevel(billRaw); if (potentialWorkers != null) { var anyoneText = "IW.NoColRestrictionLabel".Translate(); var workerButtonRect = new Rect(middleColumn + 3f, inRect.yMin + 18f, columnWidth, 30f); var currentWorkerLabel = extendedBillData.Worker != null ? "IW.RestrictToLabel".Translate() + " " + extendedBillData.Worker.NameStringShort.CapitalizeFirst() : anyoneText; if (Widgets.ButtonText(workerButtonRect, currentWorkerLabel)) { var potentialWorkerList = new List <FloatMenuOption> { new FloatMenuOption( anyoneText, delegate { extendedBillData.Worker = null; }) }; foreach (var allowedWorkerAndTheirSkill in potentialWorkers) { var allowedWorker = allowedWorkerAndTheirSkill.First; var skillRecord = allowedWorkerAndTheirSkill.Second; var skillPrefix = ""; if (skillRecord != null) { var level = skillRecord.Level; string passion; switch (skillRecord.passion) { case Passion.Minor: passion = "+"; break; case Passion.Major: passion = "++"; break; default: passion = ""; break; } skillPrefix = $"[{level}{passion}] "; } var nameWithSkill = $"{skillPrefix}" + "IW.RestrictToLabel".Translate() + " " + $"{allowedWorker}"; var workerMenuItem = new FloatMenuOption(nameWithSkill, delegate { extendedBillData.Worker = allowedWorker; }); potentialWorkerList.Add(workerMenuItem); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(potentialWorkerList)); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(workerButtonRect, "IW.RestrictJobToSpecificColonistTip".Translate()); } // Custom take to stockpile, overlay dummy button { var storeRect = new Rect(middleColumn + 3f, inRect.yMin + 114f, columnWidth, 30f); var label = extendedBillData.UsesTakeToStockpile() ? extendedBillData.CurrentTakeToStockpileLabel() : billRaw.storeMode.LabelCap; Widgets.ButtonText(storeRect, label); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(storeRect, "IW.CrafterWillToSpecificStockpileTip".Translate()); } // Filter copy/paste buttons if (billRaw.ingredientFilter != null) { const float filterButtonWidth = 96f; const float filterButtonHeight = 24f; var oldFont = Text.Font; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; var copyPasteHandler = Main.Instance.BillCopyPasteHandler; var copyButtonRect = new Rect(inRect.xMax - filterButtonWidth * 2 + 4f, inRect.yMax - 35f, filterButtonWidth, filterButtonHeight); var parentFilter = billRaw.recipe?.fixedIngredientFilter; if (Widgets.ButtonText(copyButtonRect, "IW.CopyFilterButton".Translate())) { copyPasteHandler.CopyFilter(billRaw.ingredientFilter, parentFilter); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(copyButtonRect, "IW.CopyFilterTip".Translate()); if (copyPasteHandler.IsMatchingFilterCopied(parentFilter)) { var pasteButtonRect = new Rect(copyButtonRect); pasteButtonRect.xMin += filterButtonWidth + 4f; pasteButtonRect.xMax += filterButtonWidth + 4f; if (Widgets.ButtonText(pasteButtonRect, "IW.PasteFilterButton".Translate())) { copyPasteHandler.PasteCopiedFilterInto(billRaw.ingredientFilter); } } Text.Font = oldFont; } if (!ExtendedBillDataStorage.CanOutputBeFiltered(billRaw)) { return; } if (billRaw.repeatMode != BillRepeatModeDefOf.TargetCount) { return; } { var keyboardRect = new Rect(middleColumn + 90f, inRect.yMin + 208f, 24f, 24f); void TargetCountSetter(int i) { billRaw.targetCount = i; if (billRaw.unpauseWhenYouHave >= billRaw.targetCount) { billRaw.unpauseWhenYouHave = billRaw.targetCount - 1; } } if (Widgets.ButtonImage(keyboardRect, Resources.Rename)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_NumericEntry( billRaw.targetCount, i => i > 0, TargetCountSetter)); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(keyboardRect, "IW.RenameTip".Translate()); } const float buttonHeight = 26f; const float smallButtonHeight = 24f; var y = inRect.height - 248f + Text.LineHeight; // "Unpause when" level adjustment buttons if (billRaw.pauseWhenSatisfied) { var buttonWidth = 42f; var minusOneRect = new Rect(middleColumn, inRect.height - 70, buttonWidth, smallButtonHeight); if (Widgets.ButtonText(minusOneRect, "-1")) { if (billRaw.unpauseWhenYouHave > 0) { billRaw.unpauseWhenYouHave--; } } var plusOneRect = new Rect(minusOneRect); plusOneRect.xMin += buttonWidth + 2f; plusOneRect.xMax += buttonWidth + 2f; if (Widgets.ButtonText(plusOneRect, "+1")) { if (billRaw.unpauseWhenYouHave < billRaw.targetCount - 1) { billRaw.unpauseWhenYouHave++; } } var keyboardRect = new Rect(plusOneRect.xMax + 2f, plusOneRect.yMin, 24f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(keyboardRect, Resources.Rename)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_NumericEntry( billRaw.unpauseWhenYouHave, i => i < billRaw.targetCount, i => billRaw.unpauseWhenYouHave = i)); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(keyboardRect, "IW.RenameTip".Translate()); } // Restrict counting to specific stockpile { y += 33; var subRect = new Rect(0f, y, columnWidth, buttonHeight); var anyStockpileText = "IW.CountOnStockpilesText".Translate(); var currentCountingStockpileLabel = extendedBillData.UsesCountingStockpile() ? "IW.CountInText".Translate() + extendedBillData.GetCountingStockpile().label : anyStockpileText; var map = Find.VisibleMap; var allStockpiles = map.zoneManager.AllZones.OfType <Zone_Stockpile>().ToList(); if (Widgets.ButtonText(subRect, currentCountingStockpileLabel)) { var potentialStockpileList = new List <FloatMenuOption> { new FloatMenuOption( anyStockpileText, delegate { extendedBillData.RemoveCountingStockpile(); }) }; foreach (var stockpile in allStockpiles) { var stockpileName = "IW.CountInText".Translate() + " " + stockpile.label; var menuOption = new FloatMenuOption( stockpileName, delegate { extendedBillData.SetCountingStockpile(stockpile); }); potentialStockpileList.Add(menuOption); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(potentialStockpileList)); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(subRect, "IW.WillCountTowardsTargetTip".Translate()); } var thingDef = billRaw.recipe.products.First().thingDef; if (!thingDef.CountAsResource) { // Counted items filter y += 33; var countedLabelRect = new Rect(0f, y, columnWidth, buttonHeight); Widgets.Label(countedLabelRect, "IW.CountedItemsFilter".Translate()); y += Text.LineHeight; var filter = extendedBillData.OutputFilter; if (filter.allowedHitPointsConfigurable) { var allowedHitPointsPercents = filter.AllowedHitPointsPercents; var rect1 = new Rect(0f, y, columnWidth, buttonHeight); Widgets.FloatRange(rect1, 10, ref allowedHitPointsPercents, 0f, 1f, "HitPoints", ToStringStyle.PercentZero); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect1, "IW.HitPointsTip".Translate()); filter.AllowedHitPointsPercents = allowedHitPointsPercents; } if (filter.allowedQualitiesConfigurable) { y += 33; var rect2 = new Rect(0f, y, columnWidth, buttonHeight); var allowedQualityLevels = filter.AllowedQualityLevels; Widgets.QualityRange(rect2, 11, ref allowedQualityLevels); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, "IW.QualityTip".Translate()); filter.AllowedQualityLevels = allowedQualityLevels; } } // Use input ingredients for counted items filter if (billRaw.ingredientFilter != null && thingDef.MadeFromStuff) { y += 33; var subRect = new Rect(0f, y, columnWidth, buttonHeight); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(subRect, "IW.MatchInputIngredientsText".Translate(), ref extendedBillData.UseInputFilter); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(subRect, "IW.IngredientsTip".Translate()); } // Deadmans clothing count filter if (thingDef.IsApparel) { var nonDeadmansApparelFilter = new SpecialThingFilterWorker_NonDeadmansApparel(); if (!nonDeadmansApparelFilter.CanEverMatch(thingDef)) { // Thing can't be worn. return; } y += 26; var rect3 = new Rect(0f, y, columnWidth, buttonHeight); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(rect3, "IW.CountCorpseClothesLabel".Translate(), ref extendedBillData.AllowDeadmansApparel); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect3, "IW.CountCorpseClothesDesc".Translate()); y += 26; var rect4 = new Rect(0f, y, columnWidth, buttonHeight); Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(rect4, "IW.CountEquippedClothesLabel".Translate(), ref extendedBillData.CountWornApparel); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect4, "IW.CountEquippedClothesDesc".Translate()); } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { Vector2 vector = new Vector2(inRect.width - 16f, 36f); Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(100f, vector.y - 2f); inRect.height -= 45f; float num = vector.y + 3f; float height = (float)this.files.Count * num; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width - 16f, height); Rect outRect = new Rect(inRect.AtZero()); outRect.height -= this.bottomAreaHeight; Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref this.scrollPosition, viewRect, true); float num2 = 0f; int num3 = 0; foreach (SaveFileInfo sfi in this.files) { if (num2 + vector.y >= this.scrollPosition.y && num2 <= this.scrollPosition.y + outRect.height) { Rect rect = new Rect(0f, num2, vector.x, vector.y); if (num3 % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(rect); } Rect position = rect.ContractedBy(1f); GUI.BeginGroup(position); string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sfi.FileInfo.Name); GUI.color = this.FileNameColor(sfi); Rect rect2 = new Rect(15f, 0f, position.width, position.height); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(rect2, fileNameWithoutExtension); GUI.color = Color.white; Rect rect3 = new Rect(270f, 0f, 200f, position.height); Dialog_FileList.DrawDateAndVersion(sfi, rect3); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; float num4 = vector.x - 2f - vector2.x - vector2.y; Rect rect4 = new Rect(num4, 0f, vector2.x, vector2.y); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect4, this.interactButLabel, true, false, true)) { this.DoFileInteraction(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sfi.FileInfo.Name)); } Rect rect5 = new Rect(num4 + vector2.x + 5f, 0f, vector2.y, vector2.y); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect5, TexButton.DeleteX, Color.white, GenUI.SubtleMouseoverColor)) { FileInfo localFile = sfi.FileInfo; Find.WindowStack.Add(Dialog_MessageBox.CreateConfirmation("ConfirmDelete".Translate(new object[] { localFile.Name }), delegate { localFile.Delete(); this.ReloadFiles(); }, true, null)); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect5, "DeleteThisSavegame".Translate()); GUI.EndGroup(); } num2 += vector.y + 3f; num3++; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); if (this.ShouldDoTypeInField) { this.DoTypeInField(inRect.AtZero()); } }
/* (ProfoundDarkness) I've intentionally left some code remarked in the following code because it's a useful guide on how to create * and maintain the transpilers that will do nearly identical changes to RimWorld's code for the other 2 PawnColumnWorkers. */ public override void DoCell(Rect rect, Pawn pawn, PawnTable table) { if (pawn.outfits == null) { return; } //changed: int num = Mathf.FloorToInt((rect.width - 4f) * 0.714285731f); int num = Mathf.FloorToInt((rect.width - 4f) - IconSize); //changed: int num2 = Mathf.FloorToInt((rect.width - 4f) * 0.2857143f); int num2 = Mathf.FloorToInt(IconSize); float num3 = rect.x; //added: float num4 = rect.y + ((rect.height - IconSize) / 2); // Reduce width if we're adding a clear forced button bool somethingIsForced = pawn.HoldTrackerAnythingHeld(); Rect loadoutButtonRect = new Rect(num3, rect.y + 2f, (float)num, rect.height - 4f); if (somethingIsForced) { loadoutButtonRect.width -= 4f + (float)num2; } // Main loadout button string label = pawn.GetLoadout().label.Truncate(loadoutButtonRect.width, null); Widgets.Dropdown <Pawn, Loadout>(loadoutButtonRect, pawn, (Pawn p) => p.GetLoadout(), new Func <Pawn, IEnumerable <Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Loadout> > >(Button_GenerateMenu), label, null, null, null, null, true); // Clear forced button num3 += loadoutButtonRect.width; num3 += 4f; //changed: Rect forcedHoldRect = new Rect(num3, rect.y + 2f, (float)num2, rect.height - 4f); Rect forcedHoldRect = new Rect(num3, num4, (float)num2, (float)num2); if (somethingIsForced) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(forcedHoldRect, ClearImage)) { pawn.HoldTrackerClear(); // yes this will also delete records that haven't been picked up and thus not shown to the player... } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(forcedHoldRect, new TipSignal(delegate { string text = "CE_ForcedHold".Translate() + ":\n"; foreach (HoldRecord rec in LoadoutManager.GetHoldRecords(pawn)) { if (!rec.pickedUp) { continue; } text = text + "\n " + rec.thingDef.LabelCap + " x" + rec.count; } return(text); }, pawn.GetHashCode() * 613)); num3 += (float)num2; num3 += 4f; } //changed: Rect assignTabRect = new Rect(num3, rect.y + 2f, (float)num2, rect.height - 4f); Rect assignTabRect = new Rect(num3, num4, (float)num2, (float)num2); //changed: if (Widgets.ButtonText(assignTabRect, "AssignTabEdit".Translate(), true, false, true)) if (Widgets.ButtonImage(assignTabRect, EditImage)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ManageLoadouts(pawn.GetLoadout())); } // Added this next line. TooltipHandler.TipRegion(assignTabRect, new TipSignal(textGetter("CE_Loadouts"), pawn.GetHashCode() * 613)); num3 += (float)num2; }
public Rect DoInterface(float x, float y, float width, int index) { Rect rect = new Rect(x, y, width, 53f); float num = 0f; if (!this.StatusString.NullOrEmpty()) { num = Mathf.Max(17f, this.StatusLineMinHeight); } rect.height += num; Color white = Color.white; if (!this.ShouldDoNow()) { white = new Color(1f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); } GUI.color = white; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; if (index % 2 == 0) { Widgets.DrawAltRect(rect); } GUI.BeginGroup(rect); Rect butRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 24f, 24f); if (this.billStack.IndexOf(this) > 0 && Widgets.ButtonImage(butRect, TexButton.ReorderUp, white)) { this.billStack.Reorder(this, -1); SoundDefOf.TickHigh.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); } if (this.billStack.IndexOf(this) < this.billStack.Count - 1) { Rect butRect2 = new Rect(0f, 24f, 24f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(butRect2, TexButton.ReorderDown, white)) { this.billStack.Reorder(this, 1); SoundDefOf.TickLow.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); } } Rect rect2 = new Rect(28f, 0f, rect.width - 48f - 20f, rect.height + 5f); Widgets.Label(rect2, this.LabelCap); this.DoConfigInterface(rect.AtZero(), white); Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect.width - 24f, 0f, 24f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect3, TexButton.DeleteX, white)) { this.billStack.Delete(this); } Rect butRect3 = new Rect(rect3); butRect3.x -= butRect3.width + 4f; if (Widgets.ButtonImage(butRect3, TexButton.Suspend, white)) { this.suspended = !this.suspended; } if (!this.StatusString.NullOrEmpty()) { Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Rect rect4 = new Rect(24f, rect.height - num, rect.width - 24f, num); Widgets.Label(rect4, this.StatusString); this.DoStatusLineInterface(rect4); } GUI.EndGroup(); if (this.suspended) { Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Rect rect5 = new Rect(rect.x + rect.width / 2f - 70f, rect.y + rect.height / 2f - 20f, 140f, 40f); GUI.DrawTexture(rect5, TexUI.GrayTextBG); Widgets.Label(rect5, "SuspendedCaps".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; GUI.color = Color.white; return(rect); }
public static void DrawWorldList(ref Rect inRect, float margin, Vector2 closeButtonSize, List <UIEntry> worldEntries, List <UIEntry> saveGameEntries, Action <string> loadWorld, Action <string> deleteWorld, Action <string> convertWorld) { const int perRow = 3; var gap = (int)margin; inRect.width += gap; UITools.DrawBoxGridView(out _, out _, ref inRect, ref _scrollPosition, perRow, gap, (i, boxRect) => { var selectedList = i >= worldEntries.Count ? saveGameEntries : worldEntries; i = i >= worldEntries.Count ? i - worldEntries.Count : i; var isWorldEntries = selectedList == worldEntries; var isSaveGameEntries = selectedList == saveGameEntries; var currentItem = selectedList[i]; Widgets.DrawAltRect(boxRect); if (isWorldEntries) { var deleteSize = boxRect.width / 8; var deleteRect = new Rect(boxRect.x + boxRect.width - deleteSize, boxRect.y, deleteSize, deleteSize); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(deleteRect, DeleteX)) { deleteWorld(currentItem.Path); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(deleteRect, "FilUnderscore.PersistentRimWorlds.Delete.World".Translate()); DrawTexture(boxRect, OpenFolder, out var textureRect, 0.3f, 0.2f); const float nameMargin = 4f; var worldNameRect = new Rect(boxRect.x + nameMargin, boxRect.y + nameMargin, boxRect.width - nameMargin - deleteSize, textureRect.y - boxRect.y); DrawLabel(worldNameRect, ((WorldUIEntry)currentItem).Name, currentItem); } else if (isSaveGameEntries) { DrawTexture(boxRect, ConvertFile, out var textureRect, 0.48f, 0.42f); const float nameMargin = 4f; var saveNameRect = new Rect(boxRect.x + nameMargin, boxRect.y + nameMargin, boxRect.width - nameMargin, textureRect.y - boxRect.y); DrawLabel(saveNameRect, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(((SaveGameUIEntry)currentItem).Path), currentItem); } Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(boxRect); if (!Widgets.ButtonInvisible(boxRect)) { return(true); } if (isWorldEntries) { loadWorld(selectedList[i].Path); } else if (isSaveGameEntries) { convertWorld(selectedList[i].Path); } return(true); }, worldEntries.Count + saveGameEntries.Count, null, closeButtonSize); }
protected override void DrawPawnRow(Rect rect, Pawn p) { // available space for row Rect rowRect = new Rect(rect.x + 175f, rect.y, rect.width - 175f, rect.height); // response button rect Vector2 responsePos = new Vector2(rowRect.xMin, rowRect.yMin + (rowRect.height - 24f) / 2f); // offset rest of row for that button, so we don't have to mess with all the other rect calculations rowRect.xMin += 24f + _margin; // label + buttons for outfit Rect outfitRect = new Rect(rowRect.xMin, rowRect.yMin, rowRect.width * (1f / 3f) + (_margin + _buttonSize) / 2f, rowRect.height); Rect labelOutfitRect = new Rect(outfitRect.xMin, outfitRect.yMin, outfitRect.width - _margin * 3 - _buttonSize * 2, outfitRect.height) .ContractedBy(_margin / 2f); Rect editOutfitRect = new Rect(labelOutfitRect.xMax + _margin, outfitRect.yMin + ((outfitRect.height - _buttonSize) / 2), _buttonSize, _buttonSize); Rect forcedOutfitRect = new Rect(labelOutfitRect.xMax + _buttonSize + _margin * 2, outfitRect.yMin + ((outfitRect.height - _buttonSize) / 2), _buttonSize, _buttonSize); // label + button for loadout Rect loadoutRect = new Rect(outfitRect.xMax, rowRect.yMin, rowRect.width * (1f / 3f) - (_margin + _buttonSize) / 2f, rowRect.height); Rect labelLoadoutRect = new Rect(loadoutRect.xMin, loadoutRect.yMin, loadoutRect.width - _margin * 2 - _buttonSize, loadoutRect.height) .ContractedBy(_margin / 2f); Rect editLoadoutRect = new Rect(labelLoadoutRect.xMax + _margin, loadoutRect.yMin + ((loadoutRect.height - _buttonSize) / 2), _buttonSize, _buttonSize); // fight or flight button HostilityResponseModeUtility.DrawResponseButton(responsePos, p); // weight + bulk indicators Rect weightRect = new Rect(loadoutRect.xMax, rowRect.yMin, rowRect.width * (1f / 6f) - _margin, rowRect.height).ContractedBy(_margin / 2f); Rect bulkRect = new Rect(weightRect.xMax, rowRect.yMin, rowRect.width * (1f / 6f) - _margin, rowRect.height).ContractedBy(_margin / 2f); // OUTFITS // main button if (Widgets.ButtonText(labelOutfitRect, p.outfits.CurrentOutfit.label, true, false)) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (Outfit current in Current.Game.outfitDatabase.AllOutfits) { // need to create a local copy for delegate Outfit localOut = current; options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(localOut.label, delegate { p.outfits.CurrentOutfit = localOut; }, MenuOptionPriority.Medium, null, null)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options, optionalTitle, false)); } // edit button TooltipHandler.TipRegion(editOutfitRect, "CR.EditX".Translate("CR.outfit".Translate() + " " + p.outfits.CurrentOutfit.label)); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(editOutfitRect, _iconEdit)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ManageOutfits(p.outfits.CurrentOutfit)); } // clear forced button if (p.outfits.forcedHandler.SomethingIsForced) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(forcedOutfitRect, "ClearForcedApparel".Translate()); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(forcedOutfitRect, _iconClearForced)) { p.outfits.forcedHandler.Reset(); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(forcedOutfitRect, new TipSignal(delegate { string text = "ForcedApparel".Translate() + ":\n"; foreach (Apparel current2 in p.outfits.forcedHandler.ForcedApparel) { text = text + "\n " + current2.LabelCap; } return(text); }, p.GetHashCode() * 612)); } // LOADOUTS // main button if (Widgets.ButtonText(labelLoadoutRect, p.GetLoadout().LabelCap, true, false)) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (Loadout loadout in LoadoutManager.Loadouts) { // need to create a local copy for delegate Loadout localLoadout = loadout; options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(localLoadout.LabelCap, delegate { p.SetLoadout(localLoadout); }, MenuOptionPriority.Medium, null, null)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options, optionalTitle, false)); } // edit button TooltipHandler.TipRegion(editLoadoutRect, "CR.EditX".Translate("CR.loadout".Translate() + " " + p.GetLoadout().LabelCap)); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(editLoadoutRect, _iconEdit)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ManageLoadouts(p.GetLoadout())); } // STATUS BARS // fetch the comp CompInventory comp = p.TryGetComp <CompInventory>(); if (comp != null) { Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(bulkRect, comp.currentBulk, comp.capacityBulk, "", p.GetBulkTip()); Utility_Loadouts.DrawBar(weightRect, comp.currentWeight, comp.capacityWeight, "", p.GetWeightTip()); } }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect canvas) { // fix weird zooming bug Text.Font = GameFont.Small; base.DoWindowContents(canvas); // available space Rect header = new Rect(175f + 24f + _margin, _topArea - _rowHeight, canvas.width - 175f - 24f - _margin - 16f, _rowHeight); // label + buttons for outfit Rect outfitRect = new Rect(header.xMin, header.yMin, header.width * (1f / 3f) + (_margin + _buttonSize) / 2f, header.height); Rect labelOutfitRect = new Rect(outfitRect.xMin, outfitRect.yMin, outfitRect.width - _margin * 3 - _buttonSize * 2, outfitRect.height) .ContractedBy(_margin / 2f); Rect editOutfitRect = new Rect(labelOutfitRect.xMax + _margin, outfitRect.yMin + ((outfitRect.height - _buttonSize) / 2), _buttonSize, _buttonSize); Rect forcedOutfitRect = new Rect(labelOutfitRect.xMax + _buttonSize + _margin * 2, outfitRect.yMin + ((outfitRect.height - _buttonSize) / 2), _buttonSize, _buttonSize); // label + button for loadout Rect loadoutRect = new Rect(outfitRect.xMax, header.yMin, header.width * (1f / 3f) - (_margin + _buttonSize) / 2f, header.height); Rect labelLoadoutRect = new Rect(loadoutRect.xMin, loadoutRect.yMin, loadoutRect.width - _margin * 2 - _buttonSize, loadoutRect.height) .ContractedBy(_margin / 2f); Rect editLoadoutRect = new Rect(labelLoadoutRect.xMax + _margin, loadoutRect.yMin + ((loadoutRect.height - _buttonSize) / 2), _buttonSize, _buttonSize); // weight + bulk indicators Rect weightRect = new Rect(loadoutRect.xMax, header.yMin, header.width * (1f / 6f) - _margin, header.height).ContractedBy(_margin / 2f); Rect bulkRect = new Rect(weightRect.xMax, header.yMin, header.width * (1f / 6f) - _margin, header.height).ContractedBy(_margin / 2f); // draw headers Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; Widgets.Label(labelOutfitRect, "CurrentOutfit".Translate()); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(editOutfitRect, "CR.EditX".Translate("CR.Outfits".Translate())); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(editOutfitRect, _iconEdit)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ManageOutfits(null)); } Widgets.Label(labelLoadoutRect, "CR.CurrentLoadout".Translate()); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(editLoadoutRect, "CR.EditX".Translate("CR.Loadouts".Translate())); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(editLoadoutRect, _iconEdit)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ManageLoadouts(null)); } Widgets.Label(weightRect, "CR.Weight".Translate()); Widgets.Label(bulkRect, "CR.Bulk".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; // draw the rows canvas.yMin += 45f; base.DrawRows(canvas); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { //grab before anchor/font GameFont fontBefore = Text.Font; TextAnchor anchorBefore = Text.Anchor; //Buildings int i = 0; foreach (BuildingFCDef building in buildingList) { newBuildingWindow = new Rect(BaseBuildingWindow.x, BaseBuildingWindow.y + (i * (rowHeight)) + scroll, BaseBuildingWindow.width, BaseBuildingWindow.height); newBuildingIcon = new Rect(BaseBuildingIcon.x, BaseBuildingIcon.y + (i * (rowHeight)) + scroll, BaseBuildingIcon.width, BaseBuildingIcon.height); newBuildingLabel = new Rect(BaseBuildingLabel.x, BaseBuildingLabel.y + (i * (rowHeight)) + scroll, BaseBuildingLabel.width, BaseBuildingLabel.height); newBuildingDesc = new Rect(BaseBuildingDesc.x, BaseBuildingDesc.y + (i * (rowHeight)) + scroll, BaseBuildingDesc.width, BaseBuildingDesc.height); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(newBuildingWindow)) { //If click on building List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); if (building == buildingDef) { //if the same building list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Destroy".Translate(), delegate { settlement.deconstructBuilding(buildingSlot); Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this); Find.WindowStack.WindowOfType <settlementWindowFC>().WindowUpdateFC(); })); } else { //if not the same building list.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Build".Translate(), delegate { if (settlement.validConstructBuilding(building, buildingSlot, settlement)) { FCEvent tmpEvt = new FCEvent(true); tmpEvt.def = FCEventDefOf.constructBuilding; tmpEvt.source = settlement.mapLocation; tmpEvt.building = building; tmpEvt.buildingSlot = buildingSlot; tmpEvt.timeTillTrigger = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + building.constructionDuration; Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().addEvent(tmpEvt); PaymentUtil.paySilver(Convert.ToInt32(building.cost)); settlement.deconstructBuilding(buildingSlot); Messages.Message(building.label + " " + "WillBeConstructedIn".Translate() + " " + GenDate.ToStringTicksToDays(tmpEvt.timeTillTrigger - Find.TickManager.TicksGame), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); settlement.buildings[buildingSlot] = BuildingFCDefOf.Construction; Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this); Find.WindowStack.WindowOfType <settlementWindowFC>().WindowUpdateFC(); } })); } FloatMenu menu = new FloatMenu(list); Find.WindowStack.Add(menu); } Widgets.DrawMenuSection(newBuildingWindow); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(newBuildingIcon); Widgets.DrawLightHighlight(newBuildingIcon); Widgets.ButtonImage(newBuildingIcon, building.icon); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(newBuildingLabel, ""); Widgets.Label(newBuildingLabel, " " + building.LabelCap + " - " + "Cost".Translate() + ": " + building.cost); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Widgets.Label(newBuildingDesc, building.desc); i++; } //Top Window Widgets.DrawMenuSection(TopWindow); Widgets.DrawHighlight(TopWindow); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(TopIcon); Widgets.DrawLightHighlight(TopIcon); Widgets.DrawBox(new Rect(0, 0, 400, 500)); Widgets.ButtonImage(TopIcon, buildingDef.icon); Widgets.ButtonTextSubtle(TopName, ""); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Widgets.Label(new Rect(TopName.x + 5, TopName.y, TopName.width, TopName.height), buildingDef.LabelCap); Widgets.DrawMenuSection(new Rect(TopDescription.x - 5, TopDescription.y - 5, TopDescription.width, TopDescription.height)); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(TopDescription, buildingDef.desc); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0, TopWindow.y + TopWindow.height, 400); //reset anchor/font Text.Font = fontBefore; Text.Anchor = anchorBefore; if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { scrollWindow(; } }
private static void DrawCrossPromotions(ref Rect canvas, IEnumerable <CrossPromotion> promotions) { var backgroundRect = new Rect( canvas.xMin, canvas.yMin, canvas.width, PromotionsHeight); var outRect = backgroundRect.ContractedBy(SmallMargin / 2); var height = (int)outRect.height; var width = promotions.Sum(p => p.NormalizedWidth(height)) + (promotions.Count() - 1) * SmallMargin; if (width > outRect.width) { height -= 16; // recalculate total width width = promotions.Sum(p => p.NormalizedWidth(height)) + (promotions.Count() - 1) * SmallMargin; } var viewRect = new Rect( canvas.xMin, canvas.yMin, width, height); var pos = viewRect.min; canvas.yMin += PromotionsHeight + SmallMargin; Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(backgroundRect, SlightlyDarkBackground); if (Mouse.IsOver(outRect) && Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { _scrollPosition.x += * Constants.ScrollSpeed; } Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref _scrollPosition, viewRect); foreach (var promotion in promotions) { var normalizedWidth = promotion.NormalizedWidth(height); var rect = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, normalizedWidth, height); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect, promotion.Preview, new Color(.9f, .9f, .9f), Color.white)) { if (!promotion.Installed) { var options = Utilities.NewOptionsList; options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(I18n.Subscribe(promotion.Name), () => Workshop.Subscribe(promotion.FileId))); options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(I18n.WorkshopPage(promotion.Name), () => SteamUtility.OpenWorkshopPage(promotion.FileId))); Utilities.FloatMenu(options); } else { var button = ModButtonManager.AllButtons.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == promotion.Name); if (button != null) { Page_BetterModConfig.Instance.Selected = button; } } } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, promotion.Name + "\n\n" + promotion.Description); pos.x += normalizedWidth + SmallMargin; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
void DrawSelectionArea(Rect rect) { Widgets.DrawMenuSection(rect); _filterUpdate(); Rect filterRect = new Rect(rect.xMin + WindowMargin, rect.yMin + WindowMargin, rect.width - 3 * WindowMargin - 30f, 30f); Rect clearRect = new Rect(filterRect.xMax + WindowMargin + 3f, rect.yMin + WindowMargin + 3f, 24f, 24f); _filterString = Widgets.TextField(filterRect, _filterString); if (_filterString != "") { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(clearRect, Widgets.CheckboxOffTex)) { _filterString = ""; Filter(); } } Rect outRect = rect; outRect.yMin += 40f; outRect.xMax -= 2f; // some spacing around the scrollbar float viewWidth = SelectionHeight > outRect.height ? outRect.width - 16f : outRect.width; var viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, viewWidth, SelectionHeight); GUI.BeginGroup(outRect); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect.AtZero(), ref SelectionScrollPos, viewRect); if (CachedHelpCategories.Count(mc => mc.ShouldDraw) < 1) { Rect messageRect = outRect.AtZero(); Widgets.Label(messageRect, "NoHelpDefs".Translate()); } else { Vector2 cur =; // This works fine for the current artificial three levels of helpdefs. // Can easily be adapted by giving each category a list of subcategories, // and migrating the responsibility for drawing them and the helpdefs to DrawCatEntry(). // Would also require some minor adaptations to the filter methods, but nothing major. // - Fluffy. foreach (ModCategory mc in CachedHelpCategories.Where(mc => mc.ShouldDraw)) { DrawModEntry(ref cur, 0, viewRect, mc); cur.x += EntryIndent; if (mc.Expanded) { foreach (HelpCategoryDef hc in mc.HelpCategories.Where(hc => hc.ShouldDraw)) { DrawCatEntry(ref cur, 1, viewRect, hc); if (hc.Expanded) { foreach (HelpDef hd in hc.HelpDefs.Where(hd => hd.ShouldDraw)) { DrawHelpEntry(ref cur, 1, viewRect, hd); } } } } } SelectionHeight = cur.y; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); }
// RimWorld.CharacterCardUtility public static void DrawVampCard(Rect rect, Pawn pawn) { AdjustForLanguage(); GUI.BeginGroup(rect); CompVampire compVampire = pawn.GetComp <CompVampire>(); if (compVampire != null && (compVampire.IsVampire || compVampire.IsGhoul)) { Rect rect7 = new Rect(CharacterCardUtility.PawnCardSize.x - 105f, 0f, 30f, 30f); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect7, new TipSignal("ROMV_CharacterSheet".Translate())); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect7, TexButton.ROMV_HumanIcon)) { HarmonyPatches.isSwitched = false; } if (compVampire.IsVampire) { Rect rectVampOptions = new Rect(CharacterCardUtility.PawnCardSize.x - 105f, 150f, 30f, 30f); switch (compVampire.CurrentSunlightPolicy) { case SunlightPolicy.Relaxed: TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rectVampOptions, new TipSignal("ROMV_SP_Relaxed".Translate())); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rectVampOptions, TexButton.ROMV_SunlightPolicyRelaxed)) { compVampire.CurrentSunlightPolicy = SunlightPolicy.Restricted; } break; case SunlightPolicy.Restricted: TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rectVampOptions, new TipSignal("ROMV_SP_Restricted".Translate())); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rectVampOptions, TexButton.ROMV_SunlightPolicyRestricted)) { compVampire.CurrentSunlightPolicy = SunlightPolicy.NoAI; } break; case SunlightPolicy.NoAI: TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rectVampOptions, new TipSignal("ROMV_SP_NoAI".Translate())); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rectVampOptions, TexButton.ROMV_SunlightPolicyNoAI)) { compVampire.CurrentSunlightPolicy = SunlightPolicy.Relaxed; } break; } } NameTriple nameTriple = pawn.Name as NameTriple; Rect rectSkillsLabel = new Rect(rect.xMin, rect.yMin - 15, rect.width, HeaderSize); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(rectSkillsLabel, pawn.Name.ToStringFull); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; string label = (compVampire.IsGhoul) ? GhoulUtility.MainDesc(pawn) : VampireUtility.MainDesc(pawn); Rect rectDesc = new Rect(0f, 45f, rect.width, 60f); Widgets.Label(rectDesc, label); // Skills //Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(rect.x - 10, rectSkillsLabel.yMax + Padding, rect.width - 15f); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Rect rectSkills = new Rect(rect.x, rectDesc.yMax - 30 + Padding, rectSkillsLabel.width, SkillsColumnHeight); Rect rectInfoPane = new Rect(rectSkills.x, rectSkills.y + Padding, SkillsColumnDivider, SkillsColumnHeight); Rect rectSkillsPane = new Rect(rectSkills.x + SkillsColumnDivider, rectSkills.y + Padding, rectSkills.width - SkillsColumnDivider, SkillsColumnHeight); LevelPane(rectInfoPane, compVampire); InfoPane(rectSkillsPane, compVampire); // LEVEL ________________ | // |||||||||||||||||||||| | // Points Available 1 | // float powersTextSize = Text.CalcSize("ROMV_Disciplines".Translate()).x; Rect rectPowersLabel = new Rect(rect.width / 2 - powersTextSize / 2, rectSkills.yMax + SectionOffset - 5, rect.width, HeaderSize); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(rectPowersLabel, "ROMV_Disciplines".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; //Powers Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(rect.x - 10, rectPowersLabel.yMax, rect.width - 15f); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- float curY = rectPowersLabel.yMax; if (compVampire.Sheet.Pawn == null) { compVampire.Sheet.Pawn = pawn; } if (compVampire.Sheet.Disciplines.NullOrEmpty()) { compVampire.Sheet.InitializeDisciplines(); } for (int i = 0; i < compVampire.Sheet.Disciplines.Count; i++) { Rect rectDisciplines = new Rect(rect.x + ButtonSize, curY, rectPowersLabel.width, ButtonSize + Padding); PowersGUIHandler(rectDisciplines, compVampire, compVampire.Sheet.Disciplines[i]); curY += ButtonSize + Padding * 2 + TextSize * 2; } } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static void PowersGUIHandler(Rect inRect, CompVampire compVampire, Discipline discipline) { float buttonXOffset = inRect.x; if (discipline?.Def?.abilities is List <VitaeAbilityDef> abilities && !abilities.NullOrEmpty()) { Rect rectLabel = new Rect(inRect.x - ButtonSize, inRect.y, inRect.width * 0.7f, TextSize); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Widgets.Label(rectLabel, discipline.Def.LabelCap); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; int count = 0; int pntCount = 0; foreach (VitaeAbilityDef ability in discipline.Def.abilities) { Rect buttonRect = new Rect(buttonXOffset, rectLabel.yMax, VampButtonSize, VampButtonSize); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(buttonRect, () => ability.LabelCap + "\n\n" + ability.description, 398452); //"\n\n" + "PJ_CheckStarsForMoreInfo".Translate() Texture2D abilityTex = ability.uiIcon; bool disabledForGhouls = compVampire.IsGhoul && (int)compVampire.GhoulHediff.ghoulPower < discipline.Level; if (disabledForGhouls) { GUI.color = Color.gray; } if (compVampire.AbilityPoints == 0 || discipline.Level >= 4) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(buttonRect, abilityTex, 1.0f); } else if (Widgets.ButtonImage(buttonRect, abilityTex) && compVampire.AbilityUser.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { if (compVampire.AbilityUser.story != null && compVampire.AbilityUser.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent) && ability.MainVerb.isViolent) { Messages.Message("IsIncapableOfViolenceLower".Translate(new object[] { compVampire.parent.LabelShort }), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return; } if (disabledForGhouls) { Messages.Message("ROMV_DomitorVitaeIsTooWeak".Translate(new object[] { compVampire.parent.LabelShort }), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return; } discipline.Notify_PointsInvested(1); //LevelUpPower(power); compVampire.Notify_UpdateAbilities(); compVampire.AbilityPoints -= 1; //powerDef.abilityPoints; } float drawXOffset = buttonXOffset - ButtonSize; float modifier = 0f; switch (count) { case 0: break; case 1: modifier = 0.75f; break; case 2: modifier = 0.72f; break; case 3: modifier = 0.60f; break; } if (count != 0) { drawXOffset -= VampButtonPointSize * count * modifier; } else { drawXOffset -= 2; } for (int j = 0; j < count + 1; j++) { ++pntCount; float drawYOffset = VampButtonSize + TextSize + Padding; Rect powerRegion = new Rect(inRect.x + drawXOffset + VampButtonPointSize * j, inRect.y + drawYOffset, VampButtonPointSize, VampButtonPointSize); if (discipline.Points >= pntCount) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(powerRegion, TexButton.ROMV_PointFull, 1.0f); } else { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(powerRegion, TexButton.ROMV_PointEmpty, 1.0f); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(powerRegion, () => ability.GetDescription() + "\n" + compVampire.PostAbilityVerbCompDesc(ability.MainVerb), 398462); } ++count; buttonXOffset += ButtonSize * 3f + Padding; if (disabledForGhouls) { GUI.color = Color.white; } } } }
//Draw Filters public void DoFilter(Rect rect) { bool changed = false; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Rect headerRect = rect.TopPartPixels(Text.LineHeight); Rect filterRect = rect.BottomPartPixels(rect.height - Text.LineHeight); //Header Rect headerButRect = headerRect.RightPartPixels(Text.LineHeight).ContractedBy(2f); Rect labelRect = new Rect(headerRect.x, headerRect.y, headerRect.width - Text.LineHeight * 2, headerRect.height); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(headerButRect, TexButton.CancelTex)) { findDesc = new FindDescription(); changed = true; } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(headerButRect, "ClearAll".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); headerButRect.x -= Text.LineHeight; if (Widgets.ButtonImage(headerButRect, findDesc.locked ? TexButton.LockOn : TexButton.LockOff)) { findDesc.locked = !findDesc.locked; } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(headerButRect, "TD.LockEditing".Translate()); //Header Title Widgets.Label(labelRect, "TD.Listing".Translate() + findDesc.baseType.TranslateEnum()); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(labelRect); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(labelRect)) { List <FloatMenuOption> types = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (BaseListType type in Prefs.DevMode ? Enum.GetValues(typeof(BaseListType)) : BaseListNormalTypes.normalTypes) { types.Add(new FloatMenuOption(type.TranslateEnum(), () => findDesc.baseType = type)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(types) { onCloseCallback = RemakeList }); } Listing_StandardIndent listing = new Listing_StandardIndent() { maxOneColumn = true }; listing.Begin(filterRect); /* maybe don't show name box * //Filter Name * Rect nameRect = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); * WidgetRow nameRow = new WidgetRow(nameRect.x, nameRect.y); * nameRow.Label("TD.Name".Translate()); * nameRect.xMin = nameRow.FinalX; * = Widgets.TextField(nameRect,; * listing.Gap(); */ listing.GapLine(); //Draw Filters!!! Rect listRect = listing.GetRect(500); Listing_StandardIndent filterListing = new Listing_StandardIndent() { maxOneColumn = true }; float viewWidth = listRect.width; if (scrollViewHeightFilt > listRect.height) { viewWidth -= 16f; } Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, viewWidth, scrollViewHeightFilt); //Lock out input to filters. if (findDesc.locked && Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint && Event.current.type != EventType.Layout && Event.current.type != EventType.Ignore && Event.current.type != EventType.Used && Mouse.IsOver(viewRect)) { Event.current.Use(); } filterListing.BeginScrollView(listRect, ref scrollPositionFilt, viewRect); //Draw Scrolling list: if (DoFilters(filterListing, findDesc.filters)) { changed = true; } if (!findDesc.locked) { DrawAddRow(filterListing, findDesc); } filterListing.EndScrollView(ref viewRect); scrollViewHeightFilt = viewRect.height; //Extra options: bool newMaps = findDesc.allMaps; listing.CheckboxLabeled( "TD.AllMaps".Translate(), ref newMaps, "TD.CertainFiltersDontWorkForAllMaps-LikeZonesAndAreasThatAreObviouslySpecificToASingleMap".Translate()); if (findDesc.allMaps != newMaps) { findDesc.allMaps = newMaps; changed = true; } listing.GapLine(); //Manage/Save/Load Buttons Rect savedRect = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); savedRect = savedRect.LeftPart(0.25f); //Saved Filters if (Widgets.ButtonText(savedRect, "SaveButton".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_Name(, name => Settings.Get().Save(name, findDesc))); } savedRect.x += savedRect.width; if (Settings.Get().SavedNames().Count() > 0 && Widgets.ButtonText(savedRect, "Load".Translate())) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (string name in Settings.Get().SavedNames()) { options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(name, () => findDesc = Settings.Get().Load(name))); } DoFloatMenu(options); } savedRect.x += savedRect.width * 2; if (Widgets.ButtonText(savedRect, "TD.ManageSaved".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ManageSavedLists()); } //Alerts Rect alertsRect = listing.GetRect(Text.LineHeight); alertsRect = alertsRect.LeftPart(0.25f); var comp = Current.Game.GetComponent <ListEverythingGameComp>(); if (Widgets.ButtonText(alertsRect, "TD.MakeAlert".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_Name(, name => comp.AddAlert(name, findDesc))); } alertsRect.x += alertsRect.width; if (comp.AlertNames().Count() > 0 && Widgets.ButtonText(alertsRect, "TD.LoadAlert".Translate())) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (string name in comp.AlertNames()) { options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(name, () => findDesc = comp.LoadAlert(name))); } DoFloatMenu(options); } alertsRect.x += alertsRect.width * 2; if (Widgets.ButtonText(alertsRect, "TD.ManageAlerts".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new AlertByFindDialog()); } //Global Options listing.CheckboxLabeled( "TD.OnlyShowFilterOptionsForAvailableThings".Translate(), ref ContentsUtility.onlyAvailable, "TD.ForExampleDontShowTheOptionMadeFromPlasteelIfNothingIsMadeFromPlasteel".Translate()); listing.End(); //Update if needed if (changed) { RemakeList(); } }
public void DoStatUpButton(Rect rect, Pawn pawn) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, Translator.Translate("LvTab_Distribute")); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect, harmony_patches.DistributeIMG, Color.white, GenUI.SubtleMouseoverColor)) { PawnLvComp pawnlvcomp = pawn.TryGetComp <PawnLvComp>(); if (pawnlvcomp != null) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift)) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (pawnlvcomp.StatPoint > 0) { pawnlvcomp.StatPoint -= 1; pawnlvcomp.INT += 1; } } } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (pawnlvcomp.StatPoint > 0) { pawnlvcomp.StatPoint -= 1; pawnlvcomp.INT += 1; } } } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt)) { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift)) { int tempv = Math.Min(pawnlvcomp.INT - FP_RSLUM_setting.Startingstat_min, 10); if (pawnlvcomp.INT > FP_RSLUM_setting.Startingstat_min) { pawnlvcomp.StatPoint += tempv; pawnlvcomp.INT -= tempv; } } else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl)) { int tempv = Math.Min(pawnlvcomp.INT - FP_RSLUM_setting.Startingstat_min, 100); if (pawnlvcomp.INT > FP_RSLUM_setting.Startingstat_min) { pawnlvcomp.StatPoint += tempv; pawnlvcomp.INT -= tempv; } } else { if (pawnlvcomp.INT > FP_RSLUM_setting.Startingstat_min) { pawnlvcomp.StatPoint += 1; pawnlvcomp.INT -= 1; } } } else { if (pawnlvcomp.StatPoint > 0) { pawnlvcomp.StatPoint -= 1; pawnlvcomp.INT += 1; } } } } }
public static void DrawStorytellerSelectionInterface(Rect rect, ref StorytellerDef chosenStoryteller, ref DifficultyDef difficulty, Listing_Standard infoListing) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect position = new Rect(390f, rect.height - Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y - 1f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeLarge.y); GUI.DrawTexture(position, chosenStoryteller.portraitLargeTex); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, rect.height, rect.width); } Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x + 16f, rect.height); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, (float)DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs.Count <StorytellerDef>() * (Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y + 10f)); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref StorytellerUI.scrollPosition, viewRect, true); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.x, Storyteller.PortraitSizeTiny.y); foreach (StorytellerDef storytellerDef in from tel in DefDatabase <StorytellerDef> .AllDefs orderby tel.listOrder select tel) { if (storytellerDef.listVisible) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect2, storytellerDef.portraitTinyTex)) { TutorSystem.Notify_Event("ChooseStoryteller"); chosenStoryteller = storytellerDef; } if (chosenStoryteller == storytellerDef) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, StorytellerUI.StorytellerHighlightTex); } rect2.y += rect2.height + 8f; } } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect3 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, 0f, 300f, 999f); Widgets.Label(rect3, "HowStorytellersWork".Translate()); if (chosenStoryteller != null && chosenStoryteller.listVisible) { Rect rect4 = new Rect(outRect.xMax + 8f, outRect.yMin + 160f, 290f, 0f); rect4.height = rect.height - rect4.y; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Rect rect5 = new Rect(rect4.x + 15f, rect4.y - 40f, 9999f, 40f); Widgets.Label(rect5, chosenStoryteller.label); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; infoListing.Begin(rect4); infoListing.Label(chosenStoryteller.description, 160f, null); infoListing.Gap(6f); foreach (DifficultyDef difficultyDef in DefDatabase <DifficultyDef> .AllDefs) { if (!difficultyDef.isExtreme || Prefs.ExtremeDifficultyUnlocked) { GUI.color = difficultyDef.drawColor; string text = difficultyDef.LabelCap; bool active = difficulty == difficultyDef; string text2 = difficultyDef.description; if (infoListing.RadioButton(text, active, 0f, text2)) { difficulty = difficultyDef; } infoListing.Gap(3f); } } GUI.color = Color.white; if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { infoListing.Gap(25f); bool flag = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && Find.GameInitData.permadeath; bool flag2 = Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen && !Find.GameInitData.permadeath; string text2 = "ReloadAnytimeMode".Translate(); bool active = flag2; string text = "ReloadAnytimeModeInfo".Translate(); if (infoListing.RadioButton(text2, active, 0f, text)) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = false; } infoListing.Gap(3f); text = "CommitmentMode".TranslateWithBackup("PermadeathMode"); active = flag; text2 = "PermadeathModeInfo".Translate(); if (infoListing.RadioButton(text, active, 0f, text2)) { Find.GameInitData.permadeathChosen = true; Find.GameInitData.permadeath = true; } } infoListing.End(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public void DrawFilterControls(Rect canvas) { GUI.BeginGroup(canvas); string oldPhrase = _filterPhrase; if (!_inputChar.NullOrEmpty()) { _filterPhrase += _inputChar; _inputChar = ""; } // check the toggle button if (Widgets.ButtonImage(RectFilterBtn, FilterIcon)) { // flip the toggle _forceShowFilter = !(_forceShowFilter || !_filterPhrase.NullOrEmpty()); if (!_forceShowFilter) { ClearInput(); } } if (FilterActive()) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(RectClearBtn, Widgets.CheckboxOffTex)) { ClearInput(); } else { // add a text widget with the current filter phrase GUI.SetNextControlName(_filterInputName); // focus the filter input field immediately if we're not already focused if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() != _filterInputName) { _settingFocus = true; GUI.FocusControl(_filterInputName); } else { // if the focus was just set, then the automatic behaviour is to select all the text // we don't want that, so immediately deselect the text, and move the cursor to the end if (_settingFocus) { TextEditor te = (TextEditor)GUIUtility.GetStateObject(typeof(TextEditor), GUIUtility.keyboardControl); te.SelectNone(); te.MoveTextEnd(); _settingFocus = false; } } _filterPhrase = Widgets.TextField(RectFilter, _filterPhrase); } } else if (GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl() == _filterInputName) { GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; } _filterDirty = (oldPhrase != _filterPhrase); if (_filterDirty) { _matchResults.Clear(); } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static void DrawWorldSaveList(ref Rect inRect, float margin, Vector2 closeButtonSize, List <UIEntry> worldEntries, Action saveWorld, Action newWorld, Action <string> deleteWorld) { const int perRow = 3; var gap = (int)margin; inRect.width += gap; UITools.DrawBoxGridView(out _, out _, ref inRect, ref _scrollPosition, perRow, gap, (i, boxRect) => { if (i >= worldEntries.Count) { return(false); } var currentItem = worldEntries[i]; var currentWorld = new DirectoryInfo(currentItem.Path).FullName.EqualsIgnoreCase( PersistentWorldManager.GetInstance().PersistentWorld.LoadSaver .GetWorldFolderPath()); if (currentWorld) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(boxRect); } else { Widgets.DrawAltRect(boxRect); } var deleteSize = 0f; if (!currentWorld) { deleteSize = boxRect.width / 8; var deleteRect = new Rect(boxRect.x + boxRect.width - deleteSize, boxRect.y, deleteSize, deleteSize); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(deleteRect, DeleteX)) { deleteWorld(currentItem.Path); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(deleteRect, "FilUnderscore.PersistentRimWorlds.Delete.World.Click".Translate()); } DrawTexture(boxRect, OpenFolder, out var textureRect, 0.3f, 0.2f); const float nameMargin = 4f; var worldNameRect = new Rect(boxRect.x + nameMargin, boxRect.y + nameMargin, boxRect.width - nameMargin - deleteSize, textureRect.y - boxRect.y); DrawLabel(worldNameRect, ((WorldUIEntry)currentItem).Name, currentItem); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(boxRect); if (!currentWorld) { return(true); } if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(boxRect)) { saveWorld(); } return(true); }, worldEntries.Count + 1, (width, height) => { var y = width * Mathf.Floor((float)worldEntries.Count / perRow) + (worldEntries.Count / perRow) * gap; var boxRect = new Rect((width * (worldEntries.Count % perRow)) + (worldEntries.Count % perRow) * gap, y, width, width); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(boxRect); Widgets.DrawAltRect(boxRect); if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(boxRect)) { newWorld(); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(boxRect, "FilUnderscore.PersistentRimWorlds.Save.NewWorld".Translate()); Widgets.DrawLine(new Vector2(boxRect.x + boxRect.width / 2, boxRect.y + boxRect.height / 3), new Vector2(boxRect.x + boxRect.width / 2, boxRect.y + boxRect.height * 0.66f), Color.white, 1f); Widgets.DrawLine(new Vector2(boxRect.x + boxRect.width / 3, boxRect.y + boxRect.height / 2), new Vector2(boxRect.x + boxRect.width * 0.66f, boxRect.y + boxRect.height / 2), Color.white, 1f); }, closeButtonSize); }
public void DrawPlot(Rect rect, int target = 0, string label = "", bool positiveOnly = false, bool negativeOnly = false) { // set sign int sign = negativeOnly ? -1 : 1; // subset chapters List <Chapter> chapters = _chaptersShown.Where(chapter => !positiveOnly || chapter.pages[periodShown].Any(i => i > 0)) .Where(chapter => !negativeOnly || chapter.pages[periodShown].Any(i => i < 0)) .ToList(); // get out early if no chapters. if (chapters.Count == 0) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect.ContractedBy(Margin), Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); Widgets_Labels.Label(rect, "FM.HistoryNoChapters".Translate(), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, color: Color.grey); return; } // stuff we need Rect plot = rect.ContractedBy(Margin); plot.xMin += _yAxisMargin; // maximum of all chapters. int max = CeilToPrecision(Math.Max(chapters.Select(c => c.Max(periodShown, !negativeOnly)).Max(), target) * 1.2f); // size, and pixels per node. float w = plot.width; float h = plot.height; float wu = w / Size; // width per section float hu = h / max; // height per count int bi = max / (Breaks + 1); // count per break float bu = hu * bi; // height per break // plot the line(s) GUI.DrawTexture(plot, Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); GUI.BeginGroup(plot); foreach (Chapter chapter in chapters) { chapter.Plot(periodShown, plot.AtZero(), wu, hu, sign); } // handle mouseover events if (Mouse.IsOver(plot.AtZero())) { // very conveniently this is the position within the current group. Vector2 pos = Event.current.mousePosition; var upos = new Vector2(pos.x / wu, (plot.height - pos.y) / hu); // get distances float[] distances = chapters.Select(c => Math.Abs(c.ValueAt(periodShown, (int)upos.x, sign) - upos.y)).ToArray(); // get the minimum index float min = int.MaxValue; var minIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < distances.Count(); i++) { if (distances[i] < min) { minIndex = i; min = distances[i]; } } // closest line Chapter closest = chapters[minIndex]; // do minimum stuff. var realpos = new Vector2(pos.x, plot.height - closest.ValueAt(periodShown, (int)upos.x, sign) * hu); var blipRect = new Rect(realpos.x - SmallIconSize / 2f, realpos.y - SmallIconSize / 2f, SmallIconSize, SmallIconSize); GUI.color = closest.lineColor; GUI.DrawTexture(blipRect, Resources.StageB); GUI.color = DefaultLineColor; // get orientation of tooltip Vector2 tippos = realpos + new Vector2(Margin, Margin); string tip = chapters[minIndex].label + ": " + FormatCount(chapters[minIndex].ValueAt(periodShown, (int)upos.x, sign)); Vector2 tipsize = Text.CalcSize(tip); bool up = false, left = false; if (tippos.x + tipsize.x > plot.width) { left = true; tippos.x -= tipsize.x + 2 * +Margin; } if (tippos.y + tipsize.y > plot.height) { up = true; tippos.y -= tipsize.y + 2 * Margin; } var anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; if (up && left) { anchor = TextAnchor.LowerRight; } if (up && !left) { anchor = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; } if (!up && left) { anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight; } var tooltipRect = new Rect(tippos.x, tippos.y, tipsize.x, tipsize.y); Widgets_Labels.Label(tooltipRect, tip, anchor: anchor, font: GameFont.Tiny); } // draw target line if (DrawTargetLine) { GUI.color = Color.gray; for (var i = 0; i < plot.width / DashLength; i += 2) { Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(i * DashLength, plot.height - target * hu, DashLength); } } // draw legend int lineCount = _chapters.Count; if (AllowTogglingLegend && lineCount > 1 && DrawInlineLegend) { var rowHeight = 20f; var lineLength = 30f; var labelWidth = 100f; Vector2 cur =; foreach (Chapter chapter in _chapters) { GUI.color = chapter.lineColor; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(cur.x, cur.y + rowHeight / 2f, lineLength); cur.x += lineLength; Widgets_Labels.Label(ref cur, labelWidth, rowHeight, chapter.label, font: GameFont.Tiny); cur.x = 0f; } GUI.color = Color.white; } GUI.EndGroup(); // plot axis GUI.BeginGroup(rect); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; // draw ticks + labels for (var i = 1; i < Breaks + 1; i++) { Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(_yAxisMargin + Margin / 2, plot.height - i * bu, Margin); var labRect = new Rect(0f, plot.height - i * bu - 4f, _yAxisMargin, 20f); Widgets.Label(labRect, FormatCount(i * bi)); } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = Color.white; rect = rect.AtZero(); // ugh, I'm tired, just work. // period / variables picker if (DrawOptions) { var switchRect = new Rect(rect.xMax - SmallIconSize - Margin, rect.yMin + Margin, SmallIconSize, SmallIconSize); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(switchRect); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(switchRect, Resources.Cog)) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = periods.Select( p => new FloatMenuOption("FM.HistoryPeriod".Translate() + ": " + p.ToString(), delegate { periodShown = p; })).ToList(); if (AllowTogglingLegend && _chapters.Count > 1) // add option to show/hide legend if appropriate. { options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("FM.HistoryShowHideLegend".Translate(), delegate { DrawInlineLegend = !DrawInlineLegend; })); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options)); } } GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static void DrawCharacterCard(Rect rect, Pawn pawn, Action randomizeCallback = null, Rect creationRect = default(Rect)) { bool flag = randomizeCallback != null; GUI.BeginGroup((!flag) ? rect : creationRect); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, 300f, 30f); NameTriple nameTriple = pawn.Name as NameTriple; if (flag && nameTriple != null) { Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect2); rect3.width *= 0.333f; Rect rect4 = new Rect(rect2); rect4.width *= 0.333f; rect4.x += rect4.width; Rect rect5 = new Rect(rect2); rect5.width *= 0.333f; rect5.x += rect4.width * 2f; string first = nameTriple.First; string nick = nameTriple.Nick; string last = nameTriple.Last; CharacterCardUtility.DoNameInputRect(rect3, ref first, 12); if (nameTriple.Nick == nameTriple.First || nameTriple.Nick == nameTriple.Last) { GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f); } CharacterCardUtility.DoNameInputRect(rect4, ref nick, 9); GUI.color = Color.white; CharacterCardUtility.DoNameInputRect(rect5, ref last, 12); if (nameTriple.First != first || nameTriple.Nick != nick || nameTriple.Last != last) { pawn.Name = new NameTriple(first, nick, last); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect3, "FirstNameDesc".Translate()); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect4, "ShortIdentifierDesc".Translate()); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect5, "LastNameDesc".Translate()); } else { rect2.width = 999f; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(rect2, pawn.Name.ToStringFull); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; } if (randomizeCallback != null) { Rect rect6 = new Rect(creationRect.width - 24f - 100f, 0f, 100f, rect2.height); if (Widgets.ButtonText(rect6, "Randomize".Translate(), true, false, true)) { SoundDefOf.TickTiny.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); randomizeCallback(); } UIHighlighter.HighlightOpportunity(rect6, "RandomizePawn"); } if (flag) { Widgets.InfoCardButton(creationRect.width - 24f, 0f, pawn); } else if (! { float num = CharacterCardUtility.PawnCardSize.x - 85f; if ((pawn.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer || pawn.IsPrisonerOfColony) && pawn.Spawned) { Rect rect7 = new Rect(num, 0f, 30f, 30f); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect7, PawnBanishUtility.GetBanishButtonTip(pawn)); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect7, TexButton.Banish)) { if (pawn.Downed) { Messages.Message("MessageCantBanishDownedPawn".Translate(new object[] { pawn.LabelShort }).AdjustedFor(pawn), pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); } else { PawnBanishUtility.ShowBanishPawnConfirmationDialog(pawn); } } num -= 40f; } if (pawn.IsColonist) { Rect rect8 = new Rect(num, 0f, 30f, 30f); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect8, "RenameColonist".Translate()); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect8, TexButton.Rename)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_ChangeNameTriple(pawn)); } num -= 40f; } } string label = pawn.MainDesc(true); Rect rect9 = new Rect(0f, 45f, rect.width, 60f); Widgets.Label(rect9, label); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect9, () => pawn.ageTracker.AgeTooltipString, 6873641); Rect position = new Rect(0f, 100f, 250f, 450f); Rect position2 = new Rect(position.xMax, 100f, 258f, 450f); GUI.BeginGroup(position); float num2 = 0f; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, 200f, 30f), "Backstory".Translate()); num2 += 30f; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; foreach (BackstorySlot backstorySlot in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BackstorySlot))) { Backstory backstory = pawn.story.GetBackstory(backstorySlot); if (backstory != null) { Rect rect10 = new Rect(0f, num2, position.width, 24f); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect10)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect10); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect10, backstory.FullDescriptionFor(pawn)); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; string str = (backstorySlot != BackstorySlot.Adulthood) ? "Childhood".Translate() : "Adulthood".Translate(); Widgets.Label(rect10, str + ":"); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Rect rect11 = new Rect(rect10); rect11.x += 90f; rect11.width -= 90f; string title = backstory.Title; Widgets.Label(rect11, title); num2 += rect10.height + 2f; } } num2 += 25f; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, num2, 200f, 30f), "IncapableOf".Translate()); num2 += 30f; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); WorkTags combinedDisabledWorkTags = pawn.story.CombinedDisabledWorkTags; if (combinedDisabledWorkTags == WorkTags.None) { stringBuilder.Append("(" + "NoneLower".Translate() + "), "); } else { List <WorkTags> list = CharacterCardUtility.WorkTagsFrom(combinedDisabledWorkTags).ToList <WorkTags>(); bool flag2 = true; foreach (WorkTags current in list) { if (flag2) { stringBuilder.Append(current.LabelTranslated().CapitalizeFirst()); } else { stringBuilder.Append(current.LabelTranslated()); } stringBuilder.Append(", "); flag2 = false; } } string text = stringBuilder.ToString(); text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 2); Rect rect12 = new Rect(0f, num2, position.width, 999f); Widgets.Label(rect12, text); num2 += 100f; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, num2, 200f, 30f), "Traits".Translate()); num2 += 30f; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; for (int i = 0; i < pawn.story.traits.allTraits.Count; i++) { Trait trait = pawn.story.traits.allTraits[i]; Rect rect13 = new Rect(0f, num2, position.width, 24f); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect13)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(rect13); } Widgets.Label(rect13, trait.LabelCap); num2 += rect13.height + 2f; Trait trLocal = trait; TipSignal tip = new TipSignal(() => trLocal.TipString(pawn), (int)num2 * 37); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect13, tip); } GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.BeginGroup(position2); Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, 200f, 30f), "Skills".Translate()); SkillUI.SkillDrawMode mode; if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { mode = SkillUI.SkillDrawMode.Gameplay; } else { mode = SkillUI.SkillDrawMode.Menu; } SkillUI.DrawSkillsOf(pawn, new Vector2(0f, 35f), mode); GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.EndGroup(); }
public static void DoMainMenuControls(Rect rect, bool anyMapFiles) { GUI.BeginGroup(rect); Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, 0f, 170f, rect.height); Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect2.xMax + 17f, 0f, 145f, rect.height); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; List <ListableOption> list = new List <ListableOption>(); if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { string label; if (!"Tutorial".CanTranslate()) { label = "LearnToPlay".Translate(); } else { label = "Tutorial".Translate(); } list.Add(new ListableOption(label, delegate { MainMenuDrawer.InitLearnToPlay(); }, null)); list.Add(new ListableOption("NewColony".Translate(), delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Page_SelectScenario()); }, null)); } if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing && !Current.Game.Info.permadeathMode) { list.Add(new ListableOption("Save".Translate(), delegate { MainMenuDrawer.CloseMainTab(); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_SaveFileList_Save()); }, null)); } ListableOption item; if (anyMapFiles && (Current.ProgramState != ProgramState.Playing || !Current.Game.Info.permadeathMode)) { item = new ListableOption("LoadGame".Translate(), delegate { MainMenuDrawer.CloseMainTab(); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_SaveFileList_Load()); }, null); list.Add(item); } if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { list.Add(new ListableOption("ReviewScenario".Translate(), delegate { WindowStack arg_29_0 = Find.WindowStack; string fullInformationText = Find.Scenario.GetFullInformationText(); string name =; arg_29_0.Add(new Dialog_MessageBox(fullInformationText, null, null, null, null, name, false, null, null)); }, null)); } item = new ListableOption("Options".Translate(), delegate { MainMenuDrawer.CloseMainTab(); Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_Options()); }, "MenuButton-Options"); list.Add(item); if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry) { item = new ListableOption("Mods".Translate(), delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Page_ModsConfig()); }, null); list.Add(item); if (Prefs.DevMode && LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage == LanguageDatabase.defaultLanguage && LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage.anyError) { item = new ListableOption("SaveTranslationReport".Translate(), delegate { LanguageReportGenerator.SaveTranslationReport(); }, null); list.Add(item); } item = new ListableOption("Credits".Translate(), delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Screen_Credits()); }, null); list.Add(item); } if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing) { if (Current.Game.Info.permadeathMode) { item = new ListableOption("SaveAndQuitToMainMenu".Translate(), delegate { LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(delegate { GameDataSaveLoader.SaveGame(Current.Game.Info.permadeathModeUniqueName); MemoryUtility.ClearAllMapsAndWorld(); }, "Entry", "SavingLongEvent", false, null); }, null); list.Add(item); item = new ListableOption("SaveAndQuitToOS".Translate(), delegate { LongEventHandler.QueueLongEvent(delegate { GameDataSaveLoader.SaveGame(Current.Game.Info.permadeathModeUniqueName); LongEventHandler.ExecuteWhenFinished(delegate { Root.Shutdown(); }); }, "SavingLongEvent", false, null); }, null); list.Add(item); } else { Action action = delegate { if (GameDataSaveLoader.CurrentGameStateIsValuable) { Find.WindowStack.Add(Dialog_MessageBox.CreateConfirmation("ConfirmQuit".Translate(), delegate { GenScene.GoToMainMenu(); }, true, null)); } else { GenScene.GoToMainMenu(); } }; item = new ListableOption("QuitToMainMenu".Translate(), action, null); list.Add(item); Action action2 = delegate { if (GameDataSaveLoader.CurrentGameStateIsValuable) { Find.WindowStack.Add(Dialog_MessageBox.CreateConfirmation("ConfirmQuit".Translate(), delegate { Root.Shutdown(); }, true, null)); } else { Root.Shutdown(); } }; item = new ListableOption("QuitToOS".Translate(), action2, null); list.Add(item); } } else { item = new ListableOption("QuitToOS".Translate(), delegate { Root.Shutdown(); }, null); list.Add(item); } OptionListingUtility.DrawOptionListing(rect2, list); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; List <ListableOption> list2 = new List <ListableOption>(); ListableOption item2 = new ListableOption_WebLink("FictionPrimer".Translate(), "", TexButton.IconBlog); list2.Add(item2); item2 = new ListableOption_WebLink("LudeonBlog".Translate(), "", TexButton.IconBlog); list2.Add(item2); item2 = new ListableOption_WebLink("Forums".Translate(), "", TexButton.IconForums); list2.Add(item2); item2 = new ListableOption_WebLink("OfficialWiki".Translate(), "", TexButton.IconBlog); list2.Add(item2); item2 = new ListableOption_WebLink("TynansTwitter".Translate(), "", TexButton.IconTwitter); list2.Add(item2); item2 = new ListableOption_WebLink("TynansDesignBook".Translate(), "", TexButton.IconBook); list2.Add(item2); item2 = new ListableOption_WebLink("HelpTranslate".Translate(), MainMenuDrawer.TranslationsContributeURL, TexButton.IconForums); list2.Add(item2); item2 = new ListableOption_WebLink("BuySoundtrack".Translate(), "!store/t04fw", TexButton.IconSoundtrack); list2.Add(item2); float num = OptionListingUtility.DrawOptionListing(rect3, list2); GUI.BeginGroup(rect3); if (Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Entry && Widgets.ButtonImage(new Rect(0f, num + 10f, 64f, 32f), LanguageDatabase.activeLanguage.icon)) { List <FloatMenuOption> list3 = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); foreach (LoadedLanguage current in LanguageDatabase.AllLoadedLanguages) { LoadedLanguage localLang = current; list3.Add(new FloatMenuOption(localLang.FriendlyNameNative, delegate { LanguageDatabase.SelectLanguage(localLang); Prefs.Save(); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null)); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(list3)); } GUI.EndGroup(); GUI.EndGroup(); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect borderRect) { float buttons_left; { var button_rects = Enumerable.Range(0, int.MaxValue).Select(delegate(int x) { float right = borderRect.width - 32f - (32f * x); return(new Rect(right - 24f, 3f, 24f, 24f)); }).GetEnumerator(); //duplicate window button button_rects.MoveNext(); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(button_rects.Current, ConsoleTexturePool.Get("Console/DuplicateConsoleWindowButton"))) { //button pressed Find.WindowStack.Add(new ConsoleWindow(; } //new window button button_rects.MoveNext(); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(button_rects.Current, ConsoleTexturePool.Get("Console/NewConsoleWindowButton"))) { MakeNewWindowMenu(); } buttons_left = button_rects.Current.xMin; } Rect consoleRect = new Rect(borderRect); consoleRect.yMin += titlebarHeight; consoleRect.yMax -= statusbarHeight; consoleRect = consoleRect.ContractedBy(consoleMargin); int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(controlIDHint, FocusType.Keyboard, consoleRect); switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.Repaint: //title Rect titleRect = new Rect(8f, 2f, buttons_left - 8f, titlebarHeight - 2f); var titleStyle = new GUIStyle(Text.fontStyles[(int)GameFont.Small]); titleStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; titleStyle.wordWrap = false; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f); GUI.Label(titleRect, console.title, titleStyle); //console DrawConsole(consoleRect); break; case EventType.MouseDown: GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id; break; case EventType.KeyDown: if (GUIUtility.keyboardControl != id) { break; } bool use = true; switch (Event.current.keyCode) { case KeyCode.Return: case KeyCode.KeypadEnter: console.ProcessInput(); break; case KeyCode.Delete: console.DeleteChar(false); break; case KeyCode.Backspace: console.DeleteChar(true); break; case KeyCode.LeftArrow: console.EditorCursor--; break; case KeyCode.RightArrow: console.EditorCursor++; break; case KeyCode.UpArrow: console.CurrentInputIndex--; break; case KeyCode.DownArrow: console.CurrentInputIndex++; break; default: char c = Event.current.character; if (ConsoleTextureCacheRenderer.UnityFont.HasCharacter(c)) { console.InputChar(c); } else if (c == '\0') { } else { Log.Message(((int)Event.current.character).ToString()); use = false; } break; } if (use) { Event.current.Use(); } break; } }
private void DrawThingRow(ref float y, float width, Thing thing, bool showDropButtonIfPrisoner = false) { Rect rect = new Rect(0f, y, width, _thingRowHeight); Widgets.InfoCardButton(rect.width - 24f, y, thing); rect.width -= 24f; if (CanControl || (SelPawnForGear.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && SelPawnForGear.RaceProps.packAnimal) || (showDropButtonIfPrisoner && SelPawnForGear.IsPrisonerOfColony)) { Rect dropRect = new Rect(rect.width - 24f, y, 24f, 24f); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(dropRect, "DropThing".Translate()); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(dropRect, TexButton.Drop)) { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceDrop(thing); } rect.width -= 24f; } if (CanControlColonist) { if ((thing.def.IsNutritionGivingIngestible || thing.def.IsNonMedicalDrug) && thing.IngestibleNow && base.SelPawn.WillEat(thing, null) && (!SelPawnForGear.IsTeetotaler() || !thing.def.IsNonMedicalDrug)) { Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect.width - 24f, y, 24f, 24f); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect3, "ConsumeThing".Translate(thing.LabelNoCount, thing)); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(rect3, TexButton.Ingest)) { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); InterfaceIngest(thing); } } rect.width -= 24f; } Rect rect4 = rect; rect4.xMin = rect4.xMax - 60f; CaravanThingsTabUtility.DrawMass(thing, rect4); rect.width -= 60f; if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { GUI.color = _highlightColor; GUI.DrawTexture(rect, TexUI.HighlightTex); } if (thing.def.DrawMatSingle != null && thing.def.DrawMatSingle.mainTexture != null) { Widgets.ThingIcon(new Rect(4f, y, _thingIconSize, _thingIconSize), thing, 1f); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.color = ThingLabelColor; Rect thingLabelRect = new Rect(_thingLeftX, y, rect.width - _thingLeftX, _thingRowHeight); string thingLabel = thing.LabelCap; if ((thing is Apparel && SelPawnForGear.outfits != null && SelPawnForGear.outfits.forcedHandler.IsForced((Apparel)thing)) || (SelPawnForGear.inventory != null && SelPawnForGear.HoldTrackerIsHeld(thing))) { thingLabel = thingLabel + ", " + "ApparelForcedLower".Translate(); } Text.WordWrap = false; Widgets.Label(thingLabelRect, thingLabel.Truncate(thingLabelRect.width, null)); Text.WordWrap = true; string text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { thing.LabelCap, "\n", thing.DescriptionDetailed, "\n", thing.GetWeightAndBulkTip() }); if (thing.def.useHitPoints) { string text3 = text2; text2 = string.Concat(new object[] { text3, "\n", "HitPointsBasic".Translate().CapitalizeFirst(), ": ", thing.HitPoints, " / ", thing.MaxHitPoints }); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(thingLabelRect, text2); y += 28f; // RMB menu if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(thingLabelRect) && Event.current.button == 1) { List <FloatMenuOption> floatOptionList = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("ThingInfo".Translate(), delegate { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_InfoCard(thing)); }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null)); if (CanControl) { // Equip option ThingWithComps eq = thing as ThingWithComps; if (eq != null && eq.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>() != null) { CompInventory compInventory = SelPawnForGear.TryGetComp <CompInventory>(); CompBiocodable compBiocoded = eq.TryGetComp <CompBiocodable>(); if (compInventory != null) { FloatMenuOption equipOption; string eqLabel = GenLabel.ThingLabel(eq.def, eq.Stuff, 1); if (compBiocoded != null && compBiocoded.Biocoded && compBiocoded.CodedPawn != SelPawnForGear) { equipOption = new FloatMenuOption("CannotEquip".Translate(eqLabel) + ": " + "BiocodedCodedForSomeoneElse".Translate(), null); } else if ( && SelPawnForGear.inventory != null) { equipOption = new FloatMenuOption("CE_PutAway".Translate(eqLabel), new Action(delegate {, SelPawnForGear.inventory.innerContainer); })); } else if (! { equipOption = new FloatMenuOption("CannotEquip".Translate(eqLabel), null); } else { string equipOptionLabel = "Equip".Translate(eqLabel); if (eq.def.IsRangedWeapon && SelPawnForGear.story != null && SelPawnForGear.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Brawler)) { equipOptionLabel = equipOptionLabel + " " + "EquipWarningBrawler".Translate(); } equipOption = new FloatMenuOption( equipOptionLabel, (SelPawnForGear.story != null && SelPawnForGear.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent)) ? null : new Action(delegate { compInventory.TrySwitchToWeapon(eq); })); } floatOptionList.Add(equipOption); } } //Reload apparel option foreach (var apparel in SelPawnForGear?.apparel?.WornApparel) { var compReloadable = apparel.TryGetComp <CompReloadable>(); if (compReloadable != null && compReloadable.AmmoDef == thing.def && compReloadable.NeedsReload(true)) { if (!SelPawnForGear.Drafted) //TODO-1.2 This should be doable for drafted pawns as well, but the job does nothing. Figure out what's wrong and remove this condition. { FloatMenuOption reloadApparelOption = new FloatMenuOption( "CE_ReloadApparel".Translate(apparel.Label, thing.Label), new Action(delegate { //var reloadJob = JobMaker.MakeJob(JobDefOf.Reload, apparel, thing); //, JobCondition.InterruptForced, null, SelPawnForGear.CurJob?.def != reloadJob.def, true);, apparel, thing)); }) ); floatOptionList.Add(reloadApparelOption); } } } // Drop and consume options Action dropApparel = delegate { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceDrop(thing); }; Action dropApparelHaul = delegate { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceDropHaul(thing); }; if (CanControl && thing.IngestibleNow && base.SelPawn.RaceProps.CanEverEat(thing)) { Action eatFood = delegate { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); InterfaceIngest(thing); }; string label = thing.def.ingestible.ingestCommandString.NullOrEmpty() ? (string)"ConsumeThing".Translate(thing.LabelShort, thing) : string.Format(thing.def.ingestible.ingestCommandString, thing.LabelShort); if (SelPawnForGear.IsTeetotaler() && thing.def.IsNonMedicalDrug) { floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption(label + ": " + TraitDefOf.DrugDesire.degreeDatas.Where(x => == -1).First()?.label, null)); } else { floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption(label, eatFood)); } } floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("DropThing".Translate(), dropApparel)); floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CE_DropThingHaul".Translate(), dropApparelHaul)); if (CanControl && SelPawnForGear.HoldTrackerIsHeld(thing)) { Action forgetHoldTracker = delegate { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); SelPawnForGear.HoldTrackerForget(thing); }; floatOptionList.Add(new FloatMenuOption("CE_HoldTrackerForget".Translate(), forgetHoldTracker)); } } FloatMenu window = new FloatMenu(floatOptionList, thing.LabelCap, false); Find.WindowStack.Add(window); } // end menu }
//Drawing public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { FactionFC faction = Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>(); faction.roadBuilder.DrawPaths(); if (Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile != -1 && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile != currentTileSelected) { currentTileSelected = Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile; //Log.Message("Current: " + currentTileSelected + ", Selected: " + Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); currentBiomeSelected = DefDatabase <BiomeResourceDef> .GetNamed( Find.WorldGrid.tiles[currentTileSelected].biome.ToString(), false); //default biome if (currentBiomeSelected == default(BiomeResourceDef)) { //Log Modded Biome currentBiomeSelected = BiomeResourceDefOf.defaultBiome; } currentHillinessSelected = DefDatabase <BiomeResourceDef> .GetNamed( Find.WorldGrid.tiles[currentTileSelected].hilliness.ToString()); if (currentBiomeSelected.canSettle && currentHillinessSelected.canSettle && currentTileSelected != 1) { timeToTravel = FactionColonies.ReturnTicksToArrive( Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().capitalLocation, currentTileSelected); } else { timeToTravel = 0; } } //grab before anchor/font GameFont fontBefore = Text.Font; TextAnchor anchorBefore = Text.Anchor; int silverToCreateSettlement = (int)(TraitUtilsFC.cycleTraits(new double(), "createSettlementMultiplier", Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().traits, "multiply") * (FactionColonies.silverToCreateSettlement + (500 * (Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().settlements.Count() + Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().settlementCaravansList.Count())) + (TraitUtilsFC.cycleTraits(new double(), "createSettlementBaseCost", Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().traits, "add")))); if (faction.hasPolicy(FCPolicyDefOf.isolationist)) { silverToCreateSettlement *= 2; } if (faction.hasPolicy(FCPolicyDefOf.expansionist)) { if (!faction.settlements.Any() && !faction.settlementCaravansList.Any()) { traitExpansionistReducedFee = false; silverToCreateSettlement = 0; } else { if (faction.traitExpansionistTickLastUsedSettlementFeeReduction == -1 || (faction.traitExpansionistBoolCanUseSettlementFeeReduction)) { traitExpansionistReducedFee = true; silverToCreateSettlement /= 2; } else { traitExpansionistReducedFee = false; } } } //Draw Label Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 0, 268, 40), "SettleANewColony".Translate()); //hori line Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0, 40, 300); //Upper menu Widgets.DrawMenuSection(new Rect(5, 45, 258, 220)); DrawLabelBox(10, 50, 100, 100, "TravelTime".Translate(), timeToTravel.ToStringTicksToDays()); DrawLabelBox(153, 50, 100, 100, "InitialCost".Translate(), silverToCreateSettlement + " " + "Silver".Translate()); //Lower Menu label Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(new Rect(0, 270, 268, 40), "BaseProductionStats".Translate()); //Lower menu Widgets.DrawMenuSection(new Rect(5, 310, 258, 220)); //Draw production Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; //Production headers Widgets.Label(new Rect(40, 310, 60, 25), "Base".Translate()); Widgets.Label(new Rect(110, 310, 60, 25), "Modifier".Translate()); Widgets.Label(new Rect(180, 310, 60, 25), "Final".Translate()); if (currentTileSelected != -1) { foreach (ResourceType titheType in ResourceUtils.resourceTypes) { int height = 15; if (Widgets.ButtonImage(new Rect(20, 335 + (int)titheType * (5 + height), height, height), faction.returnResource(titheType).getIcon())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new DescWindowFc("SettlementProductionOf".Translate() + ": " + faction.returnResource(titheType).label, char.ToUpper(faction.returnResource(titheType).label[0]) + faction.returnResource(titheType).label.Substring(1))); } Widgets.Label(new Rect(40, 335 + (int)titheType * (5 + height), 60, height + 2), (currentBiomeSelected.BaseProductionAdditive[(int)titheType] + currentHillinessSelected.BaseProductionAdditive[(int)titheType]).ToString()); Widgets.Label(new Rect(110, 335 + (int)titheType * (5 + height), 60, height + 2), (currentBiomeSelected.BaseProductionMultiplicative[(int)titheType] * currentHillinessSelected.BaseProductionMultiplicative[(int)titheType]).ToString()); Widgets.Label(new Rect(180, 335 + (int)titheType * (5 + height), 60, height + 2), ((currentBiomeSelected.BaseProductionAdditive[(int)titheType] + currentHillinessSelected.BaseProductionAdditive[(int)titheType]) * (currentBiomeSelected.BaseProductionMultiplicative[(int)titheType] * currentHillinessSelected.BaseProductionMultiplicative[(int)titheType])).ToString()); } } //Settle button Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; int buttonLength = 130; if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect((InitialSize.x - 32 - buttonLength) / 2f, 535, buttonLength, 32), "Settle".Translate() + ": (" + silverToCreateSettlement + ")")) //add inital cost { //if click button to settle if (PaymentUtil.getSilver() >= silverToCreateSettlement) //if have enough monies to make new settlement { StringBuilder reason = new StringBuilder(); if (currentTileSelected == -1 || !TileFinder.IsValidTileForNewSettlement(currentTileSelected, reason) || Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().checkSettlementCaravansList(currentTileSelected.ToString())) { //Alert Error to User Messages.Message(reason.ToString(), MessageTypeDefOf.NegativeEvent); } else { //Else if valid tile PaymentUtil.paySilver(silverToCreateSettlement); //if PROCESS MONEY HERE if (traitExpansionistReducedFee) { faction.traitExpansionistTickLastUsedSettlementFeeReduction = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; faction.traitExpansionistBoolCanUseSettlementFeeReduction = false; } //create settle event FCEvent tmp = FCEventMaker.MakeEvent(FCEventDefOf.settleNewColony); tmp.location = currentTileSelected; tmp.planetName =; tmp.timeTillTrigger = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + timeToTravel; tmp.source = Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().capitalLocation; Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().addEvent(tmp); Find.World.GetComponent <FactionFC>().settlementCaravansList.Add(tmp.location.ToString()); Messages.Message("CaravanSentToLocation".Translate() + " " + (tmp.timeTillTrigger - Find.TickManager.TicksGame).ToStringTicksToDays() + "!", MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); // when event activate FactionColonies.createPlayerColonySettlement(currentTileSelected); } } else { //if don't have enough monies to make settlement Messages.Message("NotEnoughSilverToSettle".Translate() + "!", MessageTypeDefOf.NeutralEvent); } } //reset anchor/font Text.Font = fontBefore; Text.Anchor = anchorBefore; }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { //grab before anchor/font GameFont fontBefore = Text.Font; TextAnchor anchorBefore = Text.Anchor; //Settlement Tax Collection Header Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(new Rect(3, 3, 300, 60), header); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) //for each field to customize { switch (i) { case 0: //faction name Widgets.Label(new Rect(xoffset + 3, yoffset + yspacing * i, length / 4, yspacing), "SettlementName".Translate() + ": "); name = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(xoffset + 3 + length / 4 + 5, yoffset + yspacing * i, length / 2, yspacing), name); break; case 1: //faction title Widgets.Label(new Rect(xoffset + 3, yoffset + yspacing * i, length / 4, yspacing), "## title: "); title = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(xoffset + 3 + length / 4 + 5, yoffset + yspacing * i, length / 2, yspacing), title); break; case 2: //faction icon Widgets.Label(new Rect(xoffset + 3, yoffset + yspacing * i, length / 4, yspacing), "## Icon: "); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(new Rect(xoffset + 3 + length / 4 + 5, yoffset + yspacing * i, 40, 40), texLoad.iconUnrest)) //change to faction icon { //Log.Message("Faction icon select pressed"); //Open window to select new icon } break; } } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect((InitialSize.x - 120 - 18) / 2, yoffset + InitialSize.y - 120, 120, 30), "ConfirmChanges".Translate())) { = name; Find.WorldObjects.SettlementAt(settlement.mapLocation).Name = name; } //settlement buttons Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; //0 tithe total string //1 source - -1 //2 due/delivery date //3 Silver (- || +) //4 tithe Widgets.Label(new Rect(xoffset + 2, yoffset - yspacing + 2, length - 4, height - 4 + yspacing * 2), desc); Widgets.DrawBox(new Rect(xoffset, yoffset - yspacing, length, height - yspacing * 2)); //reset anchor/font Text.Font = fontBefore; Text.Anchor = anchorBefore; }
public void LearningReadoutOnGUI() { if (!TutorSystem.TutorialMode && TutorSystem.AdaptiveTrainingEnabled && (Find.PlaySettings.showLearningHelper || activeConcepts.Count != 0) && !Find.WindowStack.IsOpen <Screen_Credits>()) { float b = (float)UI.screenHeight / 2f; float a = contentHeight + 14f; Rect outRect = new Rect((float)UI.screenWidth - 8f - 200f, 8f, 200f, Mathf.Min(a, b)); Rect rect = outRect; Find.WindowStack.ImmediateWindow(76136312, outRect, WindowLayer.Super, delegate { outRect = outRect.AtZero(); Rect rect2 = outRect.ContractedBy(7f); Rect viewRect = rect2.AtZero(); bool flag = contentHeight > rect2.height; Widgets.DrawWindowBackgroundTutor(outRect); if (flag) { viewRect.height = contentHeight + 40f; viewRect.width -= 20f; scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(rect2, scrollPosition, viewRect); } else { GUI.BeginGroup(rect2); } float num2 = 0f; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Rect rect3 = new Rect(0f, 0f, viewRect.width - 24f, 24f); Widgets.Label(rect3, "LearningHelper".Translate()); num2 = rect3.yMax; Rect butRect = new Rect(rect3.xMax, rect3.y, 24f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(butRect, showAllMode ? TexButton.Minus : TexButton.Plus)) { showAllMode = !showAllMode; if (showAllMode) { SoundDefOf.Tick_High.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } } if (showAllMode) { Rect rect4 = new Rect(0f, num2, viewRect.width - 20f - 2f, 28f); searchString = FilterSearchStringInput(Widgets.TextField(rect4, searchString)); if (searchString == string.Empty) { GUI.color = new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1f); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Rect rect5 = rect4; rect5.xMin += 7f; Widgets.Label(rect5, "Filter".Translate() + "..."); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = Color.white; } Rect butRect2 = new Rect(viewRect.width - 20f, num2 + 14f - 10f, 20f, 20f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(butRect2, TexButton.CloseXSmall)) { searchString = string.Empty; SoundDefOf.Tick_Tiny.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } num2 = rect4.yMax + 4f; } IEnumerable <ConceptDef> enumerable = showAllMode ? DefDatabase <ConceptDef> .AllDefs : activeConcepts; if (enumerable.Any()) { GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, num2, viewRect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; num2 += 4f; } if (showAllMode) { enumerable = from c in enumerable orderby DisplayPriority(c) descending, c.label select c; } foreach (ConceptDef item in enumerable) { if (!item.TriggeredDirect) { num2 = DrawConceptListRow(0f, num2, viewRect.width, item).yMax; } } contentHeight = num2; if (flag) { GUI.EndScrollView(); } else { GUI.EndGroup(); } }, doBackground: false); float num = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastConceptActivateRealTime; if (num < 1f && num > 0f) { float x = rect.x; Vector2 center =; GenUI.DrawFlash(x, center.y, (float)UI.screenWidth * 0.6f, Pulser.PulseBrightness(1f, 1f, num) * 0.85f, new Color(0.8f, 0.77f, 0.53f)); } ConceptDef conceptDef = (selectedConcept == null) ? mouseoverConcept : selectedConcept; if (conceptDef != null) { DrawInfoPane(conceptDef); conceptDef.HighlightAllTags(); } mouseoverConcept = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Create interface for changing amount being transfered in VehicleCaravan dialog /// </summary> /// <param name="rect"></param> /// <param name="trad"></param> /// <param name="pawns"></param> /// <param name="stoppingPoints"></param> /// <param name="index"></param> /// <param name="min"></param> /// <param name="max"></param> /// <param name="flash"></param> /// <param name="readOnly"></param> private static void DoCountAdjustInterfaceInternal(Rect rect, Transferable trad, List <TransferableOneWay> pawns, List <TransferableCountToTransferStoppingPoint> stoppingPoints, int index, int min, int max, bool flash, bool readOnly) { rect = rect.Rounded(); Rect rect2 = new Rect( - 45f, - 12.5f, 90f, 25f).Rounded(); if (flash) { GUI.DrawTexture(rect2, TransferableUIUtility.FlashTex); } TransferableOneWay transferableOneWay = trad as TransferableOneWay; bool flag3 = trad.CountToTransfer != 0; bool flag4 = flag3; Rect buttonRect = new Rect(rect2.x, rect2.y, 120f, rect.height); if (Widgets.ButtonText(buttonRect, "AssignSeats".Translate())) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_AssignSeats(pawns, transferableOneWay)); } Rect checkboxRect = new Rect(buttonRect.x + buttonRect.width + 5f, buttonRect.y, 24f, 24f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(checkboxRect, flag4 ? Widgets.CheckboxOnTex : Widgets.CheckboxOffTex)) { if (!flag4) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_AssignSeats(pawns, transferableOneWay)); } else { foreach (Pawn pawn in (trad.AnyThing as VehiclePawn).AllPawnsAboard) { if (CaravanHelper.assignedSeats.ContainsKey(pawn)) { CaravanHelper.assignedSeats.Remove(pawn); } } SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); flag4 = !flag4; } } if (flag4 != flag3) { if (flag4) { trad.AdjustTo(trad.GetMaximumToTransfer()); } else { trad.AdjustTo(trad.GetMinimumToTransfer()); } } if (trad.CountToTransfer != 0) { Rect position = new Rect(rect2.x + rect2.width / 2f - (VehicleTex.TradeArrow.width / 2), rect2.y + rect2.height / 2f - (VehicleTex.TradeArrow.height / 2), VehicleTex.TradeArrow.width, VehicleTex.TradeArrow.height); TransferablePositiveCountDirection positiveCountDirection2 = trad.PositiveCountDirection; if ((positiveCountDirection2 == TransferablePositiveCountDirection.Source && trad.CountToTransfer > 0) || (positiveCountDirection2 == TransferablePositiveCountDirection.Destination && trad.CountToTransfer < 0)) { position.x += position.width; position.width *= -1f; } //GUI.DrawTexture(position, TradeArrow); //REDO? } }
private void DrawHost(Rect inRect) { if (!filesRead) { ReloadFiles(); filesRead = true; } inRect.y += 8; float margin = 80; Rect outRect = new Rect(margin, inRect.yMin + 10, inRect.width - 2 * margin, inRect.height - 80); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0, 0, outRect.width - 16f, hostHeight); Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref hostScroll, viewRect, true); Rect collapseRect = new Rect(0, 4f, 18f, 18f); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(collapseRect, mpCollapsed ? TexButton.Reveal : TexButton.Collapse)) { mpCollapsed = !mpCollapsed; } float y = 0; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; float textHeight1 = Text.CalcHeight("MpMultiplayer".Translate(), inRect.width); Widgets.Label(viewRect.Right(18f), "MpMultiplayer".Translate()); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; y += textHeight1 + 10; if (!mpCollapsed) { DrawSaveList(mpReplays, viewRect.width, ref y); y += 25; } collapseRect.y += y; if (Widgets.ButtonImage(collapseRect, spCollapsed ? TexButton.Reveal : TexButton.Collapse)) { spCollapsed = !spCollapsed; } viewRect.y = y; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; float textHeight2 = Text.CalcHeight("MpSingleplayer".Translate(), inRect.width); Widgets.Label(viewRect.Right(18), "MpSingleplayer".Translate()); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; y += textHeight2 + 10; if (!spCollapsed) { DrawSaveList(spSaves, viewRect.width, ref y); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { hostHeight = y; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); if (selectedFile == null) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; bool noSaves = spSaves.Count == 0 && mpReplays.Count == 0; Widgets.Label(new Rect(outRect.x, outRect.yMax, outRect.width, 80), noSaves ? "MpNoSaves".Translate() : "MpNothingSelected".Translate()); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } else { float width = 0; GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(outRect.x + (outRect.width - fileButtonsWidth) / 2, outRect.yMax + 20, fileButtonsWidth, 40)); DrawFileButtons(selectedFile, ref width); GUI.EndGroup(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { fileButtonsWidth = width; } } }
private void DrawAvailableApparel(float x, float y, float width, float height) { #if TRACE && CUSTOM_OUTFIT_UI Log.Warning("Begin CustomOutfitUI.DrawAvailableApparel " + x + " " + y); #endif // Apparel Selection Titles /*Widgets.Label(new Rect(x, y, 150, 30), "ChangeDresser.AvailableApparel".Translate()); * searchText = Widgets.TextArea(new Rect(x + 160, y, 100, 30), searchText).ToLower(); * y += HEIGHT + Y_BUFFER;*/ Rect apparelListRect = new Rect(x, y, width - 10, height); Rect apparelScrollRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, apparelListRect.width - 16f, this.availableApparel.Count * CELL_HEIGHT); GUI.BeginGroup(apparelListRect); this.scrollPosLeft = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(GenUI.AtZero(apparelListRect)), this.scrollPosLeft, apparelScrollRect); for (int i = 0, count = 0; i < this.availableApparel.Count; ++i) { Apparel apparel = this.availableApparel[i]; //if (searchText.Trim().Length == 0 || // apparel.Label.ToLower().Contains(searchText)) if (this.apparelFilter.IncludeAppareL(apparel)) { Rect rowRect = new Rect(0, 2f + count * CELL_HEIGHT, apparelListRect.width, CELL_HEIGHT); ++count; GUI.BeginGroup(rowRect); Widgets.ThingIcon(new Rect(0f, 0f, CELL_HEIGHT, CELL_HEIGHT), apparel); if (Widgets.InfoCardButton(40, 0, apparel)) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_InfoCard(apparel)); } Widgets.Label(new Rect(30 + CELL_HEIGHT + 5f, 0f, rowRect.width - 40f - CELL_HEIGHT, CELL_HEIGHT), apparel.Label); if (this.customOutfit != null) { Rect buttonRect = new Rect(rowRect.width - 35f, 10, 20, 20); if (this.CanWear(apparel)) { if (Widgets.ButtonImage(buttonRect, WidgetUtil.nextTexture)) { this.AddApparelToOutfit(apparel); break; } } else { Widgets.ButtonImage(buttonRect, WidgetUtil.cantTexture); } } GUI.EndGroup(); } } GUI.EndScrollView(); GUI.EndGroup(); #if TRACE && CUSTOM_OUTFIT_UI Log.Warning("End CustomOutfitUI.DrawAvailableApparel " + x + " " + y); #endif }