// When the form is shown... private void Main_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Select the "What happened" text WhatHappened.Focus(); WhatHappened.SelectionStart = 0; WhatHappened.SelectionLength = WhatHappened.Text.Length; }
public string Search(int report, int dateGroup, string staffId, int status, string keyword, string listPlayerIdIncidents) { Keyword = keyword; string reportStatus = ""; switch (status) // set status for writing the select query { case 2: reportStatus = "%Completion%"; break; case 3: reportStatus = "%Manager%"; break; case 4: reportStatus = "%Further%"; break; case 5: reportStatus = "%Completed%"; break; } DateTime date1 = DateTime.Now.Date, date2 = DateTime.Now.Date; // used to hold Date Group values switch (dateGroup) // set the date being filtered { case 2: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1); // reports from yesterday break; case 3: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-7); // reports from last seven days break; case 4: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-14); // reports from last 14 days break; case 5: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-30); // reports from last month break; case 6: date2 = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-365); // reports from last year break; case 7: date2 = DateTime.Parse(StartDate); date1 = DateTime.Parse(EndDate); break; } string reportType = ""; switch (report) // set the report type being filtered (take note that any changes from the group will create an error - MRReportsDutyManager) { case 2: reportType = "MR Incident Report"; break; case 3: reportType = "MR Duty Managers"; break; case 4: reportType = "MR Supervisors"; break; case 5: reportType = "MR Function Supervisor"; break; case 6: reportType = "MR Reception Supervisor"; break; case 7: reportType = "MR Reception"; break; case 8: reportType = "CU Duty Managers"; break; case 9: reportType = "CU Reception"; break; case 10: reportType = "CU Incident Report"; break; } // check if user has entered a keyword to be filtered bool hasKeyword = true; if (keyword.Equals("0") || keyword.Equals("")) // check whether the keyword filter is empty { hasKeyword = false; // keyword filter is empty } // check if staff has filter bool hasStaffFilter = true; if (ArchivedStaff) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staffId)) { staffId = "SELECT StaffId FROM Staff WHERE Active=0"; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(staffId)) // if there is no staff filter selected, populate staff list { staffId = "SELECT StaffId FROM Staff"; hasStaffFilter = false; } // check if selected staff filter is the user logged in bool isAuthor = true; if (!staffId.Equals(UserCredentials.StaffId)) { isAuthor = false; } string selectQuery = "", startQuery = "SELECT [ReportId], [ReportName], [StaffId], [StaffName], [ShiftName], [ShiftDate], [ShiftDOW], [Report_Table], [Report_Version], [ReportStat], [AuditVersion], [RowNum]" + " FROM [View_Reports] WHERE [ReportName] ", startQuery1 = "SELECT [ReportId], [ReportName], [StaffId], [StaffName], [ShiftName], [ShiftDate], [ShiftDOW], [Report_Table], [Report_Version], [ReportStat], [AuditVersion], ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ShiftDate DESC, ShiftId DESC) RowNum" + " FROM [View_Reports] WHERE ReportName ", reportIdQuery = "", dateQuery = "", statusQuery = "", unreadQuery = "", reportQuery = "", authorQuery = "", cuQuery = "", mrQuery = "", endQuery = "ORDER BY ShiftDate DESC, ShiftId DESC, RowNum"; if (report == 1) // no report type filter { reportQuery = "IN ('" + UserCredentials.GroupsQuery + "') AND "; } else // has report type filter { reportQuery = "= '" + reportType + "' AND "; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ReportId)) { reportIdQuery = " "; } else { reportIdQuery = "ReportId =" + ReportId + " AND "; } if (dateGroup != 1) // has date filter { dateQuery = "ShiftDate BETWEEN '" + date2.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND '" + date1.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND "; } else // no date filter { dateQuery = " "; } if (MROnly) { mrQuery = "[ReportName] LIKE '%MR%' AND "; } else { mrQuery = ""; } if (CUOnly) { cuQuery = "[ReportName] LIKE '%CU%' AND "; } else { cuQuery = ""; } if (status != 1) // has status filter { statusQuery = "[ReportStat] LIKE '" + reportStatus + "' AND "; } else // no status filter { statusQuery = " "; } if (!hasStaffFilter) // if staff filter is empty { authorQuery = "([ReportStat] = 'Report Completed' OR [ReportStat] = 'Further Action Required' OR [ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Manager Sign-off' OR ([ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Completion' AND [StaffId] = '" + UserCredentials.StaffId + "')) "; } else // has a staff filter { if (isAuthor) // The user selected his ownself { authorQuery = "([ReportStat] = 'Report Completed' OR [ReportStat] = 'Further Action Required' OR [ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Manager Sign-off' OR ([ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Completion' AND [StaffId] = '" + UserCredentials.StaffId + "')) AND StaffId IN (" + staffId + ") "; } else // // staff other than the user { authorQuery = "([ReportStat] = 'Report Completed' OR [ReportStat] = 'Further Action Required' OR [ReportStat] = 'Awaiting Manager Sign-off') AND StaffId IN (" + staffId + ") "; } } if (UnreadList && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ListPlayerIdIncidents)) // unread tickbox has been checked { unreadQuery = "AND ([ReadByList] NOT LIKE '%," + UserCredentials.StaffId + ",%' OR [ReadByList] IS NULL) AND ([ManagerSignId] NOT LIKE '%" + UserCredentials.StaffId + ",%' OR [ManagerSignId] IS NULL) "; } else // no unread list filter { unreadQuery = " "; } if (!hasKeyword && (WhatHappened.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(WhatHappened)) && (Location.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Location)) && (ActionTaken.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionTaken)) && (MemberNo.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(MemberNo)) && (FirstName.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstName)) && (LastName.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(LastName)) && (Alias.Equals("0") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Alias))) // if Keyword and advanced filters are empty { selectQuery = startQuery + reportQuery + reportIdQuery + dateQuery + mrQuery + cuQuery + statusQuery + authorQuery + unreadQuery + endQuery; } else // keyword filter and advanced filter has been entered { // run stored procedures SqlQuery sqlQuery = new SqlQuery(); //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listPlayerIdIncidents)) // run all the list of incidents for the selected player id //{ // sqlQuery.RetrieveData("Proc_ListPriorIncidents", "SearchKeyword"); //} //else // no player id is selected, filter via keyword and report filters //{ // // set appropriate stored procedure (either Proc_KeywordSearchAllReports - any report other than Incidents ; Proc_KeywordSearchIncidentReports - Incidents ONLY) // if (reportType.Contains("Incident")) // { // sqlQuery.RetrieveData("Proc_KeywordSearchIncidentReports", "SearchKeyword"); // } // else // { // sqlQuery.RetrieveData("Proc_KeywordSearchAllReports", "SearchKeyword"); // } //} if (GlobalSearchId.Equals("")) // if no data retrieved, display an error message { return(selectQuery); } // take off the extra ', ' in Global Search Ids Variable int strLength = GlobalSearchId.Length; GlobalSearchId = GlobalSearchId.Remove(strLength - 2, 2); string keywordQuery = "AND [ReportId] IN (" + GlobalSearchId + ") "; GlobalSearchId = ""; // to avoid this variable from getting appended ListPlayerIdIncidents = ""; // reset this variable to be reused again in searching incident reports related to player id selected selectQuery = startQuery1 + reportQuery + reportIdQuery + dateQuery + mrQuery + cuQuery + statusQuery + authorQuery + keywordQuery + unreadQuery + endQuery; } return(selectQuery); }
public FileEventArgs(string filename, WhatHappened whatHappened) { Filename = filename; WhatHappened = whatHappened; }