コード例 #1
        private void VisualizeWeightCenter(WeightCenter w, int rows, int cols, byte[, ,] destination)
            int wx, wy;

            // Visualize weight centres
            if ((w.x > 0) && (w.y > 0))
                wx = w.x;
                wy = w.y;

                //Draw white pixels on X and Y axis
                for (int i = -20; i < 20; i++)
                    //Checks if a white cross is drawn outside the picture
                    if (((wx + i) > (cols - 1)) || ((wy + i) > (rows - 1)))
                    if (((wx + i) <= 0) || ((wy + i) <= 0))
                    //pixels are indexed as row -> col, therefore wy and wx are in this order, row = wy, col = wx
                    destination[wy + i, wx, 2] = destination[wy + i, wx, 1] = destination[wy + i, wx, 0] = 255;
                    destination[wy, wx + i, 2] = destination[wy, wx + i, 1] = destination[wy, wx + i, 0] = 255;
コード例 #2
        } // End FindSpots

        private WeightCenter CalculateWeightCenter(byte[, ,] source, int x, int y, int width,
                                                   int height, FilterColors color)
            int sum_x = 0, sum_y = 0, n = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    if (source[i + y, j + x, (byte)color] == 255)
                        sum_x += j;
                        sum_y += i;

            WeightCenter w;

            if (n > 0)
                w = new WeightCenter(
                    x + (int)sum_x / n,
                    y + (int)sum_y / n, y);
                w = WeightCenter.Empty;
コード例 #3
        private void FindBinaryCode(byte[, ,] original, Point3D[] sourceBinPars, Point3D[] destBinPars)
            List <Point3D> binarPlacesHomography = Geometry.homography_calc(
                new List <Point3D>(dataMouse.binarPlacesBase), sourceBinPars, destBinPars);
            WeightCenter binFound = FindBinaryPlace(binarPlacesHomography, original);

            List <Point3D> binar8Codes = new List <Point3D>(Geometry.CloneList(dataMouse.binarSpotsSide01));

            // Rotate the 8 binary codes according the founded position
            Geometry.p_rotZ(binar8Codes, dataMouse.SinCosDescriptor[binFound.rowStart], 1);
            binar8Codes = Geometry.homography_calc(binar8Codes, sourceBinPars, destBinPars);

            if (checkBoxVizDetectedSpots.Checked)
                DrawPoints(original, binar8Codes, FrameRows, FrameCols);
コード例 #4
        public static Color GetColor(byte[, ,] imgSource, WeightCenter p, int borderPixels)
            int RSum = 0, GSum = 0, BSum = 0;
            int pixelCounter = 0;

            for (int i = p.y - borderPixels; i <= p.y + borderPixels; i++)
                for (int j = p.x - borderPixels; j <= p.x + borderPixels; j++)
                    RSum += imgSource[i, j, 2];
                    GSum += imgSource[i, j, 1];
                    BSum += imgSource[i, j, 0];
            byte resultR = (byte)(RSum / pixelCounter);
            byte resultG = (byte)(GSum / pixelCounter);
            byte resultB = (byte)(BSum / pixelCounter);

            return(Color.FromArgb(resultR, resultG, resultB));
コード例 #5
        // Returns the correct order of weight centers if exactly five spots are detected
        private List <Point3D> DetectFace(byte[, ,] data, byte[, ,] original, List <WeightCenter> weights, int rows, int cols, FilterColors color)
            // Five points from the sides descriptor - destination for homography
            Point3D[] destP = new Point3D[5];
            // Side 6
            //destP[0] = new Point3D(-11.8513, -16.3120, -31.4164);
            //destP[1] = new Point3D(-19.1759, 6.2306, -31.4164);
            //destP[2] = new Point3D(0.0000, 20.1627, -31.4164);
            //destP[3] = new Point3D(19.1759, 6.2306, -31.4164);
            //destP[4] = new Point3D(11.8514, -16.3120, -31.4164);

            // Side 1
            destP[4] = new Point3D(11.8514, 16.3119, 31.4164);
            destP[3] = new Point3D(19.1759, -6.2307, 31.4164);
            destP[2] = new Point3D(0.0000, -20.1627, 31.4164);
            destP[1] = new Point3D(-19.1759, -6.2306, 31.4164);
            destP[0] = new Point3D(-11.8513, 16.3120, 31.4164);

            int[,] indexWeightsDetect =
                { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                { 0, 1, 2, 4, 3 },
                { 0, 1, 3, 2, 4 },
                { 0, 1, 3, 4, 2 },
                { 0, 2, 1, 3, 4 },
                { 0, 2, 1, 4, 3 },
                { 0, 2, 3, 1, 4 },
                { 0, 2, 3, 4, 1 },
                { 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 },
                { 0, 3, 1, 4, 2 },
                { 0, 3, 2, 1, 4 },
                { 0, 3, 2, 4, 1 }
            int[] indexCamera    = { 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3 };
            int[] indexDescrPars = { 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4 };

            //Point3D[] destPars_fourthP = Geometry.homography_calc_pars(
            //    new Point3D[] { destP[0], destP[1], destP[2], destP[4] });
            //Point3D[] destPars_fifthP = Geometry.homography_calc_pars(
            //    new Point3D[] { destP[0], destP[1], destP[2], destP[3] });
            //Point3D[][] destPars = new Point3D[][] { destPars_fourthP, destPars_fifthP };

            double distance;
            double distanceMin = 10000;
            int    jMin        = 0;

            int[]          weightIndexes = new int[5];
            List <Point3D> homographyRes;//, weightListCurrent;
            List <Point3D> homographyMin = null, weightListMin = null;

            Point3D[] hmMinSourcePars = null, hmMinDestPars = null;

            List <Point3D> weightsList = new List <Point3D>(15);

            foreach (WeightCenter item in weights)
                weightsList.Add(new Point3D(item.x, item.y, 0));

            //if ((weights[0].rowStart == weights[1].rowStart) &&
            //    (weights[1].rowStart != weights[2].rowStart) ||
            //    (weights[3].rowStart != weights[4].rowStart))
            //    weightsList.Reverse();

            //ConvertXY(weightsList, rows);

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                Point3D[] sourcePars = Geometry.homography_calc_pars(new Point3D[] {
                    weightsList[indexWeightsDetect[i, 0]],
                    weightsList[indexWeightsDetect[i, 1]],
                    weightsList[indexWeightsDetect[i, 2]],

                Point3D[] destPars = Geometry.homography_calc_pars(
                    new Point3D[] { destP[0], destP[1], destP[2], destP[indexDescrPars[i]] });

                List <Point3D> currList = new List <Point3D>(1);
                homographyRes = Geometry.homography_calc(currList, sourcePars, destPars);
                distance      = Geometry.Distance(homographyRes[0], destP[indexCamera[i]]);

                if (distance < distanceMin)
                    distanceMin      = distance;
                    homographyMin    = homographyRes;
                    hmMinSourcePars  = sourcePars;
                    hmMinDestPars    = destPars;
                    weightIndexes[0] = indexWeightsDetect[i, 0];
                    weightIndexes[1] = indexWeightsDetect[i, 1];
                    weightIndexes[2] = indexWeightsDetect[i, 2];
                    weightIndexes[3] = indexWeightsDetect[i, 3];
                    weightIndexes[4] = indexWeightsDetect[i, 4];

                    //// For correct order of points
                    //if (j == 0) // This should be fixed in future
                    //    Point3D pTemp = homographyMin[3];
                    //    homographyMin[3] = homographyMin[4];
                    //    homographyMin[4] = pTemp;

                    //    pTemp = weightListMin[3];
                    //    weightListMin[3] = weightListMin[4];
                    //    weightListMin[4] = pTemp;

            MessageBox.Show("DistMin = " + distanceMin.ToString());

            if (distanceMin < 1)
                List <Point3D> binarPlaces      = new List <Point3D>(5);
                List <Point3D> weightsReordered = new List <Point3D>(5);
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                // If true is returned, recalc parameters
                if (CheckOrder(weightsReordered, rows))
                    // Mirrored binary places coordinates
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(3.7171, 16.8942, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(-14.9187, 8.7557, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(-12.9373, -11.4829, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(6.9230, -15.8525, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(17.2160, 1.6855, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(-3.6793, 16.9995, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(-17.3045, 1.7539, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(-7.0154, -15.9155, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(12.9687, -11.5903, 0.0000));
                    binarPlaces.Add(new Point3D(15.0305, 8.7524, 0.0000));
                List <Point3D> binarPlacesHomography = Geometry.homography_calc(binarPlaces, hmMinDestPars, hmMinSourcePars);
                WeightCenter   binFound = FindBinaryPlace(binarPlacesHomography, original);

                if (checkBoxWriteDetected.Checked)
                    using (StreamWriter str = new StreamWriter("homography.txt", true))
                        //List<Point3D> weightListConverted = Geometry.CloneList(weightsList);
                        //ConvertXY(weightListConverted, rows);
                        //foreach (Point3D pt in weightListConverted)
                        //    str.WriteLine(pt.X.ToString() + "," + pt.Y.ToString() + "," + pt.Z.ToString());

                        //foreach (Point3D pt in homographyMin)
                        //    str.WriteLine(pt.X.ToString() + "," + pt.Y.ToString() + "," + pt.Z.ToString());

                        List <Point3D> weightListConverted = Geometry.CloneList(weightListMin);
                        ConvertXY(weightListConverted, rows);
                        foreach (Point3D pt in weightListConverted)
                            str.WriteLine(pt.X.ToString() + "," + pt.Y.ToString() + "," + pt.Z.ToString());

                if (checkBoxVizDetectedSpots.Checked)
                    //DrawPoints(data, weightListMin, rows, cols);
                    //ConvertYX(binarPlacesHomography, rows);
                    //DrawPoints(original, binarPlacesHomography, rows, cols);
                    VisualizeWeightCenter(binFound, rows, cols, original);
                //List<List<Point3D>> result = new List<List<Point3D>>(3);