//add reset button private void Reset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1.Clear(); WeightBox.Clear(); HeightBox.Clear(); TextResult.Clear(); }
private void WeightDataMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { enterDatatoBox = WeightBox; WeightBox.Clear(); outputString = ""; }
private void ClearButton() { WeightBox.Clear(); HeightBox.Clear(); ResultBox.Clear(); outputString = "0"; heightValue = 0.0f; weightValue = 0.0f; decimalExists = false; }
private void DeleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ItemsList.RemoveAt(ItemsListBox.SelectedIndex); ListBind.DataSource = null; ListBind.DataSource = ItemsList; NameBox.Clear(); TypeBox.Clear(); DescriptionBox.Clear(); MightBox.Clear(); DefenceBox.Clear(); WeightBox.Clear(); ItemWeightBox.Clear(); PropertiesBox.Clear(); foreach (int i in RequirementsCheckedListBox.CheckedIndices) { RequirementsCheckedListBox.SetItemChecked(i, false); } }
private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { user1.UserSex = SexBox.Text; user1.UserAge = Int32.Parse(AgeBox.Text); user1.UserWeight = float.Parse(WeightBox.Text); user1.UserHeight = float.Parse(HeightBox.Text); user1.UserType = TypeBox.Text; user1.UserdailyActivity = AcitvityBox.Text; user1.UserTSWeekly = Int32.Parse(SDays.Text); user1.UserTSDaily = Int32.Parse(SMinutes.Text); user1.UserTSIntensivity = SIntensivity.Text; user1.UserTAWeekly = Int32.Parse(ADays.Text); user1.UserTADaily = Int32.Parse(AMinutes.Text); user1.UserTAIntensivity = AIntensivity.Text; user1.UserFoodRestrictions = Diary.IsChecked.ToString() + "," + Gluten.IsChecked.ToString() + "," + Meat.IsChecked.ToString(); user1.UserMealNumber = Int32.Parse(MealNumber.Text); DataBaseSolution.UpdateUserData(user1); SexBox.ClearValue(NameProperty); AgeBox.Clear(); WeightBox.Clear(); HeightBox.Clear(); TypeBox.ClearValue(NameProperty); AActivityBox.ClearValue(NameProperty); AcitvityBox.ClearValue(NameProperty); SDays.Clear(); SMinutes.Clear(); SIntensivity.ClearValue(NameProperty); ADays.Clear(); AMinutes.Clear(); AIntensivity.ClearValue(NameProperty); Diary.IsChecked = false; Gluten.IsChecked = false; Meat.IsChecked = false; MealNumber.ClearValue(NameProperty); MessageBox.Show("Dane użytkownika zostały zaktualizowane"); }
/// <summary> /// This is event handler to reset the form /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Resetbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HeightBox.Clear(); WeightBox.Clear(); ResulttextBox.Text = ""; }
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name, type, description; int weight, might, defence, carryweight; List <string> requirements = new List <string>(); List <string> properties; List <Tuple <string, int> > bonus = new List <Tuple <string, int> >(); if (NameBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Puste pole na imię!"); return; } else { name = NameBox.Text; } if (TypeBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Puste pole określające typ przedmiotu!"); return; } else { type = TypeBox.Text; } if (DescriptionBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Puste pole opisu!"); return; } else { description = DescriptionBox.Text; } int.TryParse(ItemWeightBox.Text, out weight); if (weight == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Błąd w polu określającym wagę przedmiotu!"); return; } bool might_result = int.TryParse(MightBox.Text, out might); bool defence_result = int.TryParse(DefenceBox.Text, out defence); bool carryweight_result = int.TryParse(WeightBox.Text, out carryweight); if (!might_result || !defence_result || !carryweight_result) { MessageBox.Show("Błąd w polach określających bonusy!"); return; } else { Tuple <string, int> MightTuple = new Tuple <string, int>("Might", might); Tuple <string, int> DefenceTuple = new Tuple <string, int>("Defence", defence); Tuple <string, int> CarryWeightTuple = new Tuple <string, int>("CarryWeight", carryweight); bonus.Add(MightTuple); bonus.Add(DefenceTuple); bonus.Add(CarryWeightTuple); } if (RequirementsCheckedListBox.CheckedItems.Count == 0) { requirements.Add("Any"); } else { foreach (object item in RequirementsCheckedListBox.CheckedItems) { requirements.Add(item.ToString()); } } properties = new List <string>(PropertiesBox.Lines); Item New_Item = new Item(name, type, description, requirements, bonus, properties, weight); ItemsList.Add(New_Item); ListBind.DataSource = null; ListBind.DataSource = ItemsList; NameBox.Clear(); TypeBox.Clear(); DescriptionBox.Clear(); MightBox.Clear(); DefenceBox.Clear(); WeightBox.Clear(); ItemWeightBox.Clear(); PropertiesBox.Clear(); foreach (int i in RequirementsCheckedListBox.CheckedIndices) { RequirementsCheckedListBox.SetItemChecked(i, false); } }