public async Task StartAsync(Action <IChannel> configureProcess, string host = null, int?port = null) { Action <IChannel> _configureProcess = async channel => { configureProcess.Invoke(channel); var handler = channel.Pipeline.Last(); if (handler.IsNotNull()) { var webSocketHandler = handler.CastTo <IChannelHandler, WebSocketClientHandler>(nameof(handler)); await webSocketHandler.HandshakeCompletion.ConfigureAwait(); Logger.LogInformation("WebSocket handshake completed.\n"); Logger.LogInformation($"\t[{_clientOptions.ExitCommand}]:Quit \n\t [ping]:Send ping frame\n\t Enter any text and Enter: Send text frame"); } }; await StartAsync(webSocketUrl => { // Connect with V13 (RFC 6455 aka HyBi-17). You can change it to V08 or V00. // If you change it to V00, ping is not supported and remember to change // HttpResponseDecoder to WebSocketHttpResponseDecoder in the pipeline. var handshaker = WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker(webSocketUrl, WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders()); return(new WebSocketClientHandler(this, handshaker)); }, _configureProcess, host, port).ConfigureAwait(); }
async void Connect() { var workerGroup = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); // Connect with V13 (RFC 6455 aka HyBi-17). You can change it to V08 or V00. // If you change it to V00, ping is not supported and remember to change // HttpResponseDecoder to WebSocketHttpResponseDecoder in the pipeline. var handler = new BilibiliLiveHandler( WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker( new Uri("ws://"), WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders()), this); var bootstrap = new Bootstrap() .Group(workerGroup) .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true) .Channel <TcpSocketChannel>() .Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer <IChannel>(channel => { var pipeline = channel.Pipeline; pipeline.AddLast(new HttpClientCodec(), new HttpObjectAggregator(8192), WebSocketClientCompressionHandler.Instance, handler); })); await bootstrap.ConnectAsync(new DnsEndPoint("", 2244)); }
public WebSocketClient(string ip, int port, string path, TcpSocketCientEvent <IWebSocketClient, string> clientEvent) : base(ip, port, clientEvent) { string uri = $"ws://{ip}:{port}{path}"; handshaker = WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker( new Uri(uri), WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders()); completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource(); }
public async Task ConnectAsync() { try { if (group == null) { if (_useLibuv) { group = new EventLoopGroup(); } else { group = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); } } if (bootstrap == null) { bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap .Group(group) .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true) .Option(ChannelOption.ConnectTimeout, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_timeout)); if (_useLibuv) { bootstrap.Channel <TcpChannel>(); } else { bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); } bootstrap.Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer <IChannel>(ch => { IChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.Pipeline; _event.OnPipelineAction?.Invoke(pipeline); pipeline.AddLast(new HttpClientCodec()); pipeline.AddLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(8192)); pipeline.AddLast(WebSocketClientCompressionHandler.Instance); pipeline.AddLast(new WebSocketClientHandler(this, WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker(builder.Uri, WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders()))); })); } await Close(); channelWork = await bootstrap.ConnectAsync(IPAddress.Parse(builder.Host), builder.Port); } catch (Exception ex) { _event.OnCloseAction?.Invoke(ex); } }
public async Task StartAsync <T>() where T : IWebSocketClientHandler { if (!(Config is DotNettyClientConfig webSocketClientConfig)) { throw new MateralWebSocketClientException("Config类型必须派生于DotNettyClientConfig"); } WebSocketClientHandshaker webSocketClientHandshaker = WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker(webSocketClientConfig.UriBuilder.Uri, WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders()); var handler = ConvertManager.GetDefaultObject <T>(webSocketClientHandshaker); if (!(handler is DotNettyClientHandler clientHandler)) { throw new MateralWebSocketClientException("Handler类型必须派生于DotNettyClientHandler"); } _clientHandler = clientHandler; _clientHandler.SetClient(this); await StartAsync(); }
public void ClientHandshakerForceClose() { WebSocketClientHandshaker handshaker = WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker( new Uri("ws://localhost:1234/test"), WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, EmptyHttpHeaders.Default, int.MaxValue, true, false, 20); EmbeddedChannel serverChannel = CreateServerChannel( new CloseNoOpServerProtocolHandler(this, "/test"), new ServerHandshakeForceCloseHander(this)); EmbeddedChannel clientChannel = CreateClientChannel(handshaker, new ClientHandshakeForceCloseHander(this, handshaker)); // Transfer the handshake from the client to the server TransferAllDataWithMerge(clientChannel, serverChannel); // Transfer the handshake from the server to client TransferAllDataWithMerge(serverChannel, clientChannel); // Transfer closing handshake TransferAllDataWithMerge(clientChannel, serverChannel); Assert.True(_serverReceivedCloseHandshake); // Should not be closed yet as we disabled closing the connection on the server Assert.False(_clientForceClosed); while (!_clientForceClosed) { Thread.Sleep(10); // We need to run all pending tasks as the force close timeout is scheduled on the EventLoop. clientChannel.RunPendingTasks(); } // clientForceClosed would be set to TRUE after any close, // so check here that force close timeout was actually fired Assert.True(handshaker.IsForceCloseComplete); // Both should be empty Assert.False(serverChannel.FinishAndReleaseAll()); Assert.False(clientChannel.FinishAndReleaseAll()); }
public async Task RunAsync() { OnSubMessage?.Invoke("连接服务中......", "重要"); //第一步:创建ServerBootstrap实例 var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); //第二步:绑定事件组 workGroup = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); bootstrap.Group(workGroup); //第三部:绑定通道 bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); //第四步:配置处理器 bootstrap.Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true); var builder = new UriBuilder { Scheme = _clientConfig.IsWss ? "wss" : "ws", Host = _clientConfig.Host, Port = _clientConfig.Port, Path = _clientConfig.Path }; WebSocketClientHandshaker clientHandshaker = WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker(builder.Uri, WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders()); var handler = new ClientChannelHandler(clientHandshaker); bootstrap.Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer <IChannel>(channel => { IChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.Pipeline; pipeline.AddLast("tls", new TlsHandler(stream => new SslStream(stream, true, (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true), new ClientTlsSettings(null))); pipeline.AddLast( new HttpClientCodec(), new HttpObjectAggregator(8192), WebSocketClientCompressionHandler.Instance, handler); })); Channel = await bootstrap.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(_clientConfig.Host), _clientConfig.Port)); await handler.HandshakeCompletion; }
static async Task RunClientAsync() { var builder = new UriBuilder { Scheme = "ws", Host = "", Port = 18089 }; string path = "websocket"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { builder.Path = path; } Uri uri = builder.Uri; //ExampleHelper.SetConsoleLogger(); IEventLoopGroup group = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); try { var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap .Group(group) .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true); bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); // Connect with V13 (RFC 6455 aka HyBi-17). You can change it to V08 or V00. // If you change it to V00, ping is not supported and remember to change // HttpResponseDecoder to WebSocketHttpResponseDecoder in the pipeline. var handShaker = WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker( uri, WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders()); var channelGroup = new DefaultChannelGroup(null); bootstrap.Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer <IChannel>(channel => { IChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.Pipeline; pipeline.AddLast( new HttpClientCodec(), new HttpObjectAggregator(8192), //WebSocketClientCompressionHandler.Instance, new WebSocketClientProtocolHandler(handShaker, true), new BinaryWebSocketFrameHandler(), new ProtocolDecoder(), new ProtocolEncoder(), new MessageHandler(channelGroup)); pipeline.AddLast(new ProtocolEncoder()); })); IChannel ch = await bootstrap.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 18089)); Console.WriteLine("WebSocket handshake completed.\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t[bye]:Quit \n\t [ping]:Send ping frame\n\t Enter any text and Enter: Send text frame"); while (true) { string msg = Console.ReadLine(); if (msg == null) { break; } else if ("bye".Equals(msg.ToLower())) { await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(new CloseWebSocketFrame()); break; } else if ("ping".Equals(msg.ToLower())) { var frame = new PingWebSocketFrame(Unpooled.WrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 8, 1, 8, 1 })); await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(frame); } else { //WebSocketFrame frame = new TextWebSocketFrame(msg); //await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(frame); var req = new LoginValidateRequest { Account = "sp001", Passwd = "111", ZoneId = 4 }; await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(req); } } await ch.CloseAsync(); } finally { await group.ShutdownGracefullyAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var builder = new UriBuilder { Scheme = ClientSettings.IsSsl ? "wss" : "ws", Host = ClientSettings.Host.ToString(), Port = ClientSettings.Port, }; string path = ExampleHelper.Configuration["path"]; builder.Path = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) ? path : WEBSOCKET_PATH; Uri uri = builder.Uri; ExampleHelper.SetConsoleLogger(); bool useLibuv = ClientSettings.UseLibuv; Console.WriteLine("Transport type : " + (useLibuv ? "Libuv" : "Socket")); IEventLoopGroup group; if (useLibuv) { group = new EventLoopGroup(); } else { group = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); } X509Certificate2 cert = null; string targetHost = null; if (ClientSettings.IsSsl) { cert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(ExampleHelper.ProcessDirectory, ""), "password"); targetHost = cert.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.DnsName, false); } try { var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap .Group(group) .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true); if (useLibuv) { bootstrap.Channel <TcpChannel>(); } else { bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); } // Connect with V13 (RFC 6455 aka HyBi-17). You can change it to V08 or V00. // If you change it to V00, ping is not supported and remember to change // HttpResponseDecoder to WebSocketHttpResponseDecoder in the pipeline. WebSocketClientHandler handler = new WebSocketClientHandler( WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker( uri, WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders())); bootstrap.Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer <IChannel>(channel => { IChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.Pipeline; if (cert != null) { pipeline.AddLast("tls", new TlsHandler(stream => new SslStream(stream, true, (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true), new ClientTlsSettings(targetHost))); } pipeline.AddLast("idleStateHandler", new IdleStateHandler(0, 0, 60)); pipeline.AddLast(new LoggingHandler("CONN")); pipeline.AddLast( new HttpClientCodec(), new HttpObjectAggregator(8192), WebSocketClientCompressionHandler.Instance, //new WebSocketClientProtocolHandler( // webSocketUrl: uri, // version: WebSocketVersion.V13, // subprotocol: null, // allowExtensions: true, // customHeaders: new DefaultHttpHeaders(), // maxFramePayloadLength: 65536, // handleCloseFrames: true, // performMasking: false, // allowMaskMismatch: true, // enableUtf8Validator: false), new WebSocketFrameAggregator(65536), handler); })); try { IChannel ch = await bootstrap.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(ClientSettings.Host, ClientSettings.Port)); await handler.HandshakeCompletion; Console.WriteLine("WebSocket handshake completed.\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t[bye]:Quit \n\t [ping]:Send ping frame\n\t Enter any text and Enter: Send text frame"); while (true) { string msg = Console.ReadLine(); if (msg == null) { break; } msg = msg.ToLowerInvariant(); switch (msg) { case "bye": await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(new CloseWebSocketFrame()); goto CloseLable; case "ping": var ping = new PingWebSocketFrame(Unpooled.WrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 8, 1, 8, 1 })); await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(ping); break; case "this is a test": await ch.WriteAndFlushManyAsync( new TextWebSocketFrame(false, "this "), new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(false, "is "), new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(false, "a "), new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(true, "test") ); break; case "this is a error": await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(new TextWebSocketFrame(false, "this ")); await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(false, "is ")); await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(new ContinuationWebSocketFrame(false, "a ")); await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(new TextWebSocketFrame(true, "error")); break; default: await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(new TextWebSocketFrame(msg)); break; } } CloseLable: await ch.CloseAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("按任意键退出"); Console.ReadKey(); } } finally { await group.ShutdownGracefullyAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } }
static async Task RunClientAsync() { var builder = new UriBuilder { Scheme = ClientSettings.IsSsl ? "wss" : "ws", Host = ClientSettings.Host.ToString(), Port = ClientSettings.Port }; string path = ExampleHelper.Configuration["path"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { builder.Path = path; } Uri uri = builder.Uri; ExampleHelper.SetConsoleLogger(); bool useLibuv = ClientSettings.UseLibuv; Console.WriteLine("Transport type : " + (useLibuv ? "Libuv" : "Socket")); IEventLoopGroup group; if (useLibuv) { group = new EventLoopGroup(); } else { group = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); } X509Certificate2 cert = null; string targetHost = null; if (ClientSettings.IsSsl) { cert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(ExampleHelper.ProcessDirectory, ""), "password"); targetHost = cert.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.DnsName, false); } try { var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap .Group(group) .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true); if (useLibuv) { bootstrap.Channel <TcpChannel>(); } else { bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); } // Connect with V13 (RFC 6455 aka HyBi-17). You can change it to V08 or V00. // If you change it to V00, ping is not supported and remember to change // HttpResponseDecoder to WebSocketHttpResponseDecoder in the pipeline. var handler = new WebSocketClientHandler( WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker( uri, WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders())); bootstrap.Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer <IChannel>(channel => { IChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.Pipeline; if (cert != null) { pipeline.AddLast("tls", new TlsHandler(stream => new SslStream(stream, true, (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true), new ClientTlsSettings(targetHost))); } pipeline.AddLast( new HttpClientCodec(), new HttpObjectAggregator(8192), WebSocketClientCompressionHandler.Instance, handler); })); IChannel ch = await bootstrap.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(ClientSettings.Host, ClientSettings.Port)); await handler.HandshakeCompletion; Console.WriteLine("WebSocket handshake completed.\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t[bye]:Quit \n\t [ping]:Send ping frame\n\t Enter any text and Enter: Send text frame"); while (true) { string msg = Console.ReadLine(); if (msg == null) { break; } else if ("bye".Equals(msg.ToLower())) { await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(new CloseWebSocketFrame()); break; } else if ("ping".Equals(msg.ToLower())) { var frame = new PingWebSocketFrame(Unpooled.WrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 8, 1, 8, 1 })); await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(frame); } else { WebSocketFrame frame = new TextWebSocketFrame(msg); await ch.WriteAndFlushAsync(frame); } } await ch.CloseAsync(); } finally { await group.ShutdownGracefullyAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } }
public Boolean Init(ConnectionListener <MQMessage> listener) { if (channel == null) { bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); loopGroup = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(workerThreads); bootstrap.Group(loopGroup); bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); bootstrap.Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true); bootstrap.Option(ChannelOption.SoKeepalive, true); X509Certificate2 cert = null; if (certificate != null && certificate.Length > 0) { cert = CertificatesHelper.load(certificate, certificatePassword); } WebSocketClientHandshaker handshaker = WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker(this.getUri(), WebSocketVersion.V13, null, false, EmptyHttpHeaders.Default, 1280000); WebSocketClientHandler handler = new WebSocketClientHandler(this, handshaker, listener); bootstrap.Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer <ISocketChannel>(channel => { IChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.Pipeline; if (isSecured) { if (cert != null) { pipeline.AddLast("ssl", new TlsHandler(stream => new SslStream(stream, true, (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true, (sender, targetHost, localCertificates, remoteCertificate, acceptableIssuers) => cert), new ClientTlsSettings(address.Host, new List <X509Certificate>() { cert }))); } else { pipeline.AddLast("ssl", TlsHandler.Client(address.Host)); } } pipeline.AddLast("http - codec", new HttpClientCodec()); pipeline.AddLast("aggregator", new HttpObjectAggregator(65536)); pipeline.AddLast("handler", handler); pipeline.AddLast(new ExceptionHandler()); })); bootstrap.RemoteAddress(address); try { Task <IChannel> task = bootstrap.ConnectAsync(); task.GetAwaiter().OnCompleted(() => { try { channel = task.Result; } catch (Exception) { listener.ConnectFailed(); return; } if (channel != null) { listener.Connected(); } else { listener.ConnectFailed(); } }); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } return(true); }
void Start() { var builder = new UriBuilder { Scheme = "ws", Host = host, Port = port }; string path = "websocket"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { builder.Path = path; } Uri uri = builder.Uri; IEventLoopGroup group; group = new MultithreadEventLoopGroup(); X509Certificate2 cert = null; string targetHost = null; //if (ClientSettings.IsSsl) //{ // cert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(ExampleHelper.ProcessDirectory, ""), "password"); // targetHost = cert.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.DnsName, false); //} var bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); bootstrap .Group(group) .Option(ChannelOption.TcpNodelay, true); bootstrap.Channel <TcpSocketChannel>(); // Connect with V13 (RFC 6455 aka HyBi-17). You can change it to V08 or V00. // If you change it to V00, ping is not supported and remember to change // HttpResponseDecoder to WebSocketHttpResponseDecoder in the pipeline. var handler = new WebSocketClientHandler( WebSocketClientHandshakerFactory.NewHandshaker( uri, WebSocketVersion.V13, null, true, new DefaultHttpHeaders()), allWaits, this); bootstrap.Handler(new ActionChannelInitializer <IChannel>(channel => { IChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.Pipeline; //if (cert != null) //{ // pipeline.AddLast("tls", new TlsHandler(stream => new SslStream(stream, true, (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true), new ClientTlsSettings(targetHost))); //} pipeline.AddLast( new HttpClientCodec(), new HttpObjectAggregator(8192), WebSocketClientCompressionHandler.Instance, handler); })); channel = bootstrap.ConnectAsync(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host), port)).Result; handler.HandshakeCompletion.Wait(); Console.WriteLine("WebSocket handshake completed."); pingWork = new CRL.Core.ThreadWork(); }