public void MiddleTier_GetFamily() { Family result = WebServiceTests.GetFamily(); List <string> strErrors = new List <string>(); if (result == null || result.ListPats == null || result.ListPats.Length < 2) { strErrors.Add("The Family" + result == null?" object is null.":result.ListPats == null?".ListPats is null.": ".ListPats contains an insufficient number of patients."); } else { for (int i = 0; i < result.ListPats.Length; i++) { Patient p = result.ListPats[i]; if (p.FName != (i == 0?"John":"Jennifer")) { strErrors.Add(string.Format("The patient.FName should be {0} but returned {1}.", i == 0?"John":"Jennifer", p.FName ?? "null")); } if (p.LName != null) { strErrors.Add("The patient.LName should be null but returned " + p.LName + "."); } if (i == 0 && p.AddrNote != WebServiceTests.DirtyString) { strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The patient.AddrNote should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DirtyString, WebServiceTests.GetObjectPat().AddrNote ?? "null")); } if (p.ApptModNote != WebServiceTests.NewLineString) { strErrors.Add(string.Format(@"The patient.ApptModNote should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.NewLineString, p.ApptModNote ?? "null")); } if (p.Email != "*****@*****.**") { strErrors.Add("The patient.Email should be [email protected] but returned " + (p.Email ?? "null") + "."); } if (p.PatStatus != PatientStatus.NonPatient) { strErrors.Add("The patient.PatStatus should be " + PatientStatus.NonPatient + " but returned " + p.PatStatus + "."); } if (p.AdmitDate == null || p.AdmitDate.Date != WebServiceTests.DateTodayTest.Date) { strErrors.Add(string.Format("The patient.AdmitDate should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DateTodayTest.ToShortDateString(), p.AdmitDate == null?"null":p.AdmitDate.ToShortDateString())); } if (p.DateTStamp != WebServiceTests.DateTEntryTest) { strErrors.Add(string.Format("The patient.DateTStamp should be {0} but returned {1}.", WebServiceTests.DateTEntryTest.ToString(), p.DateTStamp == null?"null":p.DateTStamp.ToString())); } } } Assert.IsTrue(strErrors.Count == 0); }