public /* will not be part of web service itself */ void Handler(WebServiceHandler h) { // Content-Length:0 //Content-Type:text/html //Date:Sat, 29 Dec 2012 12:42:05 GMT //Server:Google Frontend // //Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ScriptCoreLibJava.BCLImplementation.System.Web.__HttpRequest.get_Headers()LScriptCoreLib/Shared/BCLImplementation/System/Collections/Specialized/__NameValueCollection; // at PromotionWebApplication1.ApplicationWebService___c__DisplayClass3._Handler_b__0( // ... 37 more // } if (h.Context.Request.Path == "/jsc") { h.Diagnostics(); return; } if (h.Context.Request.Path == "/xxx") { h.Context.Response.Write("go away!"); h.CompleteRequest(); return; } try { Action foo = delegate { var Referer = h.Context.Request.GetHeader("Referer"); if (Referer == null) { Referer = "any"; } var HostUri = new { Host = h.Context.Request.GetHeader("Host").TakeUntilIfAny(":"), Port = h.Context.Request.GetHeader("Host").SkipUntilIfAny(":") }; var app = new { domain = "", local = "", referer = "", client = h.Applications.FirstOrDefault(k => k.TypeName == "Application") }; h.Context.Response.AddHeader("X-Trace", new { Referer, HostUri, app.domain } +""); //var app = apps.FirstOrDefault( // k => // { // // // if (k.referer == Referer) // return true; // // GAE has a different value for referer and port // var r = ("http://" + k.referer + "/"); // if (r == Referer) // return true; // if (k.domain == HostUri.Host) // return true; // if (k.local == HostUri.Host) // return true; // if (h.Context.Request.Path == "/" + k.domain) // return true; // if (Referer.EndsWith("/" + k.domain)) // return true; // // default // if (k.local == "") // return true; // return false; // } //); //#region /view-source // var IsViewSource = h.Context.Request.Path == "/view-source"; // var __explicit = "/" + app.domain + "/view-source"; // if (h.Context.Request.Path == __explicit) // IsViewSource = true; // if (IsViewSource) // { // h.Context.Response.ContentType = "text/javascript"; // // // // this will break if decision was based on referal. should use redirect instead? // h.Context.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=2592000"); // // Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch // foreach (var item in app.client.References) // { // h.Context.Response.WriteFile("" + item.AssemblyFile + ".js"); // } // h.CompleteRequest(); // return; // } // #endregion // if (h.IsDefaultPath) // { // h.Context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; // var xml = XElement.Parse(app.client.PageSource); // var src = __explicit; // if (HostUri.Host == app.domain) // src = "/view-source"; // xml.Add( // new XElement("script", // new XAttribute("src", src), // // android otherwise closes the tag? // " " // ) // ); // h.Context.Response.Write(xml.ToString()); // h.CompleteRequest(); // } }; // woraround return support inside try block foo(); } catch (Exception ex) { h.Context.Response.Write("yikes! i did something stupid. " + new { ex.Message, ex.StackTrace }); h.CompleteRequest(); } }
public void Handler(WebServiceHandler h) { // SSL certifactes seem way more likely useful. var HostUri = new { Host = h.Context.Request.Headers["Host"].TakeUntilIfAny(":"), Port = h.Context.Request.Headers["Host"].SkipUntilIfAny(":") }; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine(h.Context.Request.HttpMethod + " " + h.Context.Request.Path); h.Context.Request.Headers.AllKeys.WithEach( k => Console.WriteLine(k + ": " + h.Context.Request.Headers[k]) ); #endif // var Authorization = h.Context.Request.Headers["Authorization"]; var AuthorizationLiteralEncoded = Authorization.SkipUntilOrEmpty("Basic "); var AuthorizationLiteral = Encoding.ASCII.GetString( Convert.FromBase64String(AuthorizationLiteralEncoded) ); var AuthorizationLiteralCredentials = new { user = AuthorizationLiteral.TakeUntilOrEmpty(":"), password = AuthorizationLiteral.SkipUntilOrEmpty(":"), }; Console.WriteLine(new { AuthorizationLiteralCredentials }.ToString()); Action AlternativeCredentials = delegate { h.Context.Response.Write( new XElement("body", new XElement("pre", new { AuthorizationLiteralCredentials } ), new XElement("hr"), new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", "/login"), "/login" ), new XElement("hr"), new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", "/secure"), "/secure" ), new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", "/secure-foo"), "/secure-foo" ), new XElement("hr"), new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", "//xoo:zar@" + HostUri.Host + ":" + HostUri.Port + "/secure"), "//xoo:zar@" + HostUri.Host + ":" + HostUri.Port + "/secure" ), new XElement("hr"), new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", "//yoo:yar@" + HostUri.Host + ":" + HostUri.Port + "/secure"), "//yoo:yar@" + HostUri.Host + ":" + HostUri.Port + "/secure" ), new XElement("hr"), new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", "//zoo:@" + HostUri.Host + ":" + HostUri.Port + "/secure"), "//zoo:@" + HostUri.Host + ":" + HostUri.Port + "/secure" ), new XElement("hr"), new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", "/logout"), "/logout" ) ) ); }; if (h.IsDefaultPath) { AlternativeCredentials(); h.CompleteRequest(); return; } if (h.Context.Request.Path == "/login") { h.Context.Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "1;url=/secure"); h.Context.Response.Write( new XElement("body", new XElement("h1", "Hey!") ) ); h.CompleteRequest(); return; } if (h.Context.Request.Path == "/logout") { h.Context.Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "1;url=//logout:@" + HostUri.Host + ":" + HostUri.Port + "/godspeed"); h.Context.Response.Write( new XElement("body", new XElement("h1", "Bye!") ) ); h.CompleteRequest(); return; } if (h.Context.Request.Path == "/godspeed") { h.Context.Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "4;url=/"); AlternativeCredentials(); h.Context.Response.Write( new XElement("body", new XElement("h1", "Godspeed!") ) ); h.CompleteRequest(); return; } if (h.Context.Request.Path == "/jsc") { h.Diagnostics(); h.CompleteRequest(); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AuthorizationLiteralCredentials.user)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AuthorizationLiteralCredentials.password)) { var xml = XElement.Parse(global::AuthenticationExperiment.HTML.Pages.DefaultPageSource.Text); #if DEBUG // linq for andoid? when can we have it? xml.Descendants("data-user").ReplaceContentWith(AuthorizationLiteralCredentials.user); xml.Descendants("data-password").ReplaceContentWith(AuthorizationLiteralCredentials.password); #endif // what are the defalts on different platforms? h.Context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"; h.Context.Response.Write(xml.ToString()); AlternativeCredentials(); h.CompleteRequest(); return; } } h.Context.Response.StatusCode = 401; h.Context.Response.AddHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"[email protected]\"" ); h.Context.Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "4;url=/"); //AlternativeCredentials(); // android flush headers? //h.Context.Response.Write(""); h.Context.Response.Write( new XElement("body", new XElement("h1", "Have we met?"), new XElement("hr"), new XElement("a", new XAttribute("href", "/login"), "/login") ) ); //h.Context.Response.Write(""); h.CompleteRequest(); }