private void reserveMediaToUser(int userId)
            //check if user exists

            User curUser = dtFunc.getOneUserFromDt(ws.getUserById(userId));

            //User curUser = userLogic.getUserById(userId); //sets user id to -1 if error
            if (curUser.Id == -1)
                //ERROR couldent get user by their id
                MessageBox.Show("unable to find current user in list");

            //checker bool
            bool result = false;

            if (activeMediaViewRow == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select the selector row on the left of the data view");

            //get selected media data
            string mIdAsStr = activeMediaViewRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString();

            //if mediaId parse worked correctly
            result = int.TryParse(mIdAsStr, out int mediaId);  //try parse idAsStr to int id
            if (!result)
                MessageBox.Show("checkOut Error: could not parse mediaIdStr to mediaIdInt ");

            //get selected dateMonthDayString
            string dateMonthDayYear = TextBoxReserveDate.Text;

            //check to see if reservation is available
            //result = borrowLogic.getIsMediaAvailable(mediaId);
            result = true;  //TODO    @@@@@@@ Media always available @@@@@@@@@

            //if media is already reserved
            if (result)
                result = dtFunc.getBool(ws.insertNewReservation(userId, mediaId, dateMonthDayYear));
                //result = reservedLogic.insertNewReservation(userId, mediaId, dateMonthDayYear); //monthDayYear format == "04-20-2020" == mm-dd-yyyy

                //if checkOut went smoothly
                if (result)
                    MessageBox.Show("successfully reserved media.");
                    MessageBox.Show("error creating reservation.");
                MessageBox.Show("Reserve Item is not currently available");