コード例 #1
        public ActionResult SignOut()
            // Always end your local session first. This helps prevent any nasty race
            // conditions which might occur otherwise if, for example, the user clicks
            // a protected link before the web service call to SSO is complete.

            Guid ssoSessionId = Guid.Empty;

            if (SSOSession.HasSession)
                ssoSessionId = SSOSession.Current.SSOSessionId;


            if (ssoSessionId != Guid.Empty)
                    // SessionRemoveParticipant() removes this application from the SSO session. If there are other
                    // applications which are participants in the same SSO session, the SSO session will remain
                    // open, otherwise it will be ended.
                    // SessionRemoveParticpant() is not recommended for applications which are configured to
                    // always automatically sign-on the user if an SSO session already exists.
                    using (WebSSOServiceSoapClient client = new WebSSOServiceSoapClient("WebSSOServiceSoapClient"))

                        SessionRemoveParticipantRequest request = new SessionRemoveParticipantRequest()
                            SessionId = ssoSessionId

                        SessionRemoveParticipantResponse response = client.SessionRemoveParticipant(request);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Session["Message"] = string.Format("Exception of type {0} raised when calling WebSSOService.SessionRemoveParticipant(). {1}", ex.GetType().FullName, ex.Message);

            return SignInPageSessionEndedRedirect;