コード例 #1
        public void AddBodyRow(string id, params WebComponent[] cells)
            WebRow row = new WebRow(cells.Select(o => new WebCell(o)).ToArray());

            row.ID = id;
            if (null == this._tbody)
                this._tbody = new WebTableBody();
コード例 #2
        /* public void SetHeaders( params WebComponent[] cells ) {
         *  WebRow row = new WebRow();
         *  row.Children.AddRange( cells );
         *  this._headers = row;
         * } */

        public void SetHeadRow(string id, params WebComponent[] cells)
            WebRow row = new WebRow(cells.Select(o => new WebTableHeadCell(o)).ToArray());

            row.ID = id;
            if (null == this._thead)
                this._thead = new WebTableHead(row);
                this._thead.Children.Add(new WebTableHead(row));
コード例 #3
        internal static WebControl GetWebControlFromIContol(IControl aControl, Browser aBrowser, Locator aLocator, ControlType aConrolType)
            WebControl aWebControl = null;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Button)
                WebButton aWebButton = new WebButton(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebButton.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl        = aWebButton;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.EditBox)
                WebEditBox aWebEditBox = new WebEditBox(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebEditBox.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl         = aWebEditBox;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Custom)
                aWebControl         = new WebControl(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebControl.Control = aControl;
                //aWebControl = aWebEditBox;
            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Calender)
                WebCalender aWebCalender = new WebCalender(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebCalender.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl          = aWebCalender;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.ComboBox)
                WebComboBox aWebComboBox = new WebComboBox(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebComboBox.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl          = aWebComboBox;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.CheckBox)
                WebCheckBox aWebCheckBox = new WebCheckBox(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebCheckBox.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl          = aWebCheckBox;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Dialog)
                WebDialog aWebDialog = new WebDialog(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebDialog.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl        = aWebDialog;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Frame)
                WebFrame aWebFrame = new WebFrame(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebFrame.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl       = aWebFrame;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Image)
                WebImage aWebImage = new WebImage(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebImage.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl       = aWebImage;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Label)
                WebLabel aWebLabel = new WebLabel(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebLabel.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl       = aWebLabel;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Link)
                WebLink aWebLink = new WebLink(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebLink.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl      = aWebLink;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.ListBox)
                WebListBox aWebListBox = new WebListBox(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebListBox.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl         = aWebListBox;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.Page)
                WebPage aWebPage = new WebPage(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebPage.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl      = aWebPage;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.RadioButton)
                WebRadioButton aWebRadioButton = new WebRadioButton(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebRadioButton.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl             = aWebRadioButton;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.SpanArea)
                WebSpanArea aWebSpanArea = new WebSpanArea(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebSpanArea.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl          = aWebSpanArea;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.WebTable)
                WebTable aWebTable = new WebTable(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebTable.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl       = aWebTable;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.WebRow)
                WebRow aWebRow = new WebRow(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebRow.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl     = aWebRow;

            if (aConrolType == ControlType.WebCell)
                WebCell aWebCell = new WebCell(aBrowser, aLocator);
                aWebCell.Control = aControl;
                aWebControl      = aWebCell;

コード例 #4
 public WebTableHead(WebRow r)
     this._tagname = "thead";
コード例 #5
        public void Load_From_eStore()
            DateTime FStartTime = DateTime.Now;
            Cursor   OldCursor  = Cursor.Current;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SslStatus.Text = "Loading Tokens from Shop.Alta.COM";
            DateTime LastRecord = AM.GetLogTimestamp("EStoreTokenSync");
            string   Query      = "SELECT P.id AS AssociatedTokenID, P.authnet_id AS CustomerPaymentProfileID, T.nprojno, T.nposno, T.nserialno, T.nunicodeno, " +
                                  "C.authnet_id AS AuthnetCustID, T.njournalno, I.axess_wtp AS WebID, I.person_firstname, I.person_lastname, T.created_at " +
                                  "FROM altashop.order_items AS I " +
                                  "INNER JOIN altashop.orders AS O ON O.id = I.order_id " +
                                  "INNER JOIN altashop.customers AS C ON O.customer_id = C.id " +
                                  "INNER JOIN altashop.customer_profiles AS P ON P.customer_id = C.id " +
                                  "INNER JOIN altashop.axess_transactions AS T ON I.id = T.order_item_id " +
                                  $"WHERE I.resort_card = 1 AND (C.deleted_at IS NULL OR P.deleted_at IS NULL) AND T.created_at >= '{LastRecord.ToString(Mirror.AxessDateTimeFormat)}' ORDER BY T.created_at";

            using (DataTable WebSales2 = CF.LoadTable(SH.Shop_Alta_ComConn, Query, "WebSales2"))
                pbLoadFromWeb.Maximum = WebSales2.Rows.Count;
                pbLoadFromWeb.Value   = 0;
                foreach (DataRow WebRow in WebSales2.Rows)
                    pbLoadFromWeb.Value = WebSales2.Rows.IndexOf(WebRow) + 1;
                    SslStatus.Text      = $"Loading Token {pbLoadFromWeb.Value.ToString()} of {pbLoadFromWeb.Maximum.ToString()} from Shop.Alta.COM.";
                    if (WebRow.Field <DateTime>("created_at") > LastRecord)
                        LastRecord = WebRow.Field <DateTime>("created_at");
                    DataRow TokenXRow = CF.LoadDataRow(BUY.Buy_Alta_ComConn, $"SELECT * FROM axessutility.tokenxref WHERE projnr={WebRow["nprojno"].ToString()} AND posnr={WebRow["nposno"].ToString()} AND serialnr={WebRow["nserialno"].ToString()} AND nunicodenr={WebRow["nunicodeno"].ToString()}");
                    if (TokenXRow["serialnr"].ToString() == string.Empty) //empty record returned, no match found.
                    {                                                     //insert new TokenXRef record
                        DateTime CurTime = DateTime.Now;
                        string   TTime   = CurTime.ToString(Mirror.AxessDateTimeFormat);
                        Query = $"INSERT INTO axessutility.tokenxref (associatedTokenId, customerPaymentProfileId, orderId, projNr, posNr, serialNr, nunicodenr, " +
                                $"authnet_custid, activeflag, journalNr, workPos, lastUpdated, firstname, lastname, dateInserted, webId, mediaID, WTP64) " +
                                $"VALUES ({WebRow["associatedtokenid"].ToString()}, '{WebRow["customerpaymentprofileid"].ToString()}', " +
                                $"'', {WebRow["nprojno"].ToString()}, {WebRow["nposno"].ToString()}, {WebRow["nserialno"].ToString()}, " +
                                $"{WebRow["nunicodeno"].ToString()}, {WebRow["authnetcustid"].ToString()}, 1, {WebRow["njournalno"].ToString()}, 20, " +
                                $"'{TTime}', '{CF.EscapeChar(WebRow["person_firstname"].ToString())}', '{CF.EscapeChar(WebRow["person_lastname"].ToString())}', '{TTime}', '{WebRow["webid"].ToString()}', '', '')";
                        CF.ExecuteSQL(BUY.Buy_Alta_ComConn, Query);
                    {   //Update salesdata record new token data
                        string SerialKey = $"{WebRow["nposno"].ToString()}-{WebRow["nserialno"].ToString()}-{WebRow["nunicodeno"].ToString()}";
                        if (CF.RowExists(DW.dwConn, $"{DW.ActiveDatabase}.salesdata", $"serialkey='{SerialKey}' AND (tokenkey=0 OR pmtprofile=0 OR authnet_custid=0)"))
                            Query = $"UPDATE applications.salesdata SET tokenkey={TokenXRow["associatedtokenid"].ToString()}, pmtprofile = {TokenXRow["customerpaymentprofileid"].ToString()}, authnet_custid={TokenXRow["authnet_custid"].ToString()} WHERE serialkey = '{SerialKey}'";
                            CF.ExecuteSQL(DW.dwConn, Query);
            CF.ExecuteSQL(AM.MirrorConn, $"UPDATE {AM.ActiveDatabase}.tabLog SET LogNo='0',lastUpdate='{LastRecord.ToString(Mirror.AxessDateTimeFormat)}' WHERE TableName = 'EStoreTokenSync'");
            TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks - FStartTime.Ticks);

            lblLoadFromWeb.Text    = string.Format($"{ts.Hours.ToString("0#")}:{ts.Minutes.ToString("0#")}:{ts.Seconds.ToString("0#")}");
            lblLoadFromWeb.Visible = true;