protected void btnAddListValidation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ExStart:AddListValidation // Accessing the cells collection of the worksheet that is currently active WebWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex]; // Accessing "B1" cell WebCell cell = sheet.Cells[0, 1]; // Putting value to "B1" cell cell.PutValue("Select Course:"); // Accessing "C1" cell cell = sheet.Cells[0, 2]; // Creating List validation for the "C1" cell cell.CreateValidation(ValidationType.List, true); // Adding values to List validation cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("Fortran"); cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("Pascal"); cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("C++"); cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("Visual Basic"); cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("Java"); cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("C#"); // ExEnd:AddListValidation }
protected void btnAddCustomValidation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ExStart:AddCustomValidation // Accessing the cells collection of the worksheet that is currently active WebWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex]; // Accessing "B1" cell WebCell cell = sheet.Cells[0, 1]; // Putting value to "B1" cell cell.PutValue("Date (yyyy-mm-dd):"); // Accessing "C1" cell cell = sheet.Cells[0, 2]; // Creating a custom expression validation for the "C1" cell cell.CreateValidation(ValidationType.CustomExpression, true); // Setting regular expression for the validation to accept dates in yyyy-mm-dd format cell.Validation.RegEx = @"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"; // ExEnd:AddCustomValidation sheet.Cells.SetColumnWidth(1, new Unit(100, UnitType.Point)); // Assigning the name of JavaScript function to OnValidationErrorClientFunction property of GridWeb GridWeb1.OnValidationErrorClientFunction = "ValidationErrorFunction"; }
private void InitGridWeb() { // ExStart:WriteClientSideScript // Assigning the name of JavaScript function to OnSubmitClientFunction property of GridWeb GridWeb1.OnSubmitClientFunction = "ConfirmFunction"; // Assigning the name of JavaScript function to OnValidationErrorClientFunction property of GridWeb GridWeb1.OnValidationErrorClientFunction = "ValidationErrorFunction"; // Accessing the cells collection of the worksheet that is currently active WebWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex]; // Accessing "B1" cell WebCell cell = sheet.Cells[0, 1]; // Putting value to "B1" cell cell.PutValue("Date (yyyy-mm-dd):"); // Accessing "C1" cell cell = sheet.Cells[0, 2]; // Creating a custom expression validation for the "C1" cell cell.CreateValidation(ValidationType.CustomExpression, true); // Setting regular expression for the validation to accept dates in yyyy-mm-dd format cell.Validation.RegEx = @"\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}"; // ExEnd:WriteClientSideScript }
protected void btnAddDropDownListValidation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ExStart:AddDropDownListValidation // Accessing the cells collection of the worksheet that is currently active WebWorksheet sheet = GridWeb1.WebWorksheets[GridWeb1.ActiveSheetIndex]; // Accessing "B1" cell WebCell cell = sheet.Cells[0, 1]; // Putting value to "B1" cell cell.PutValue("Select Degree:"); // Accessing "C1" cell cell = sheet.Cells[0, 2]; // Creating DropDownList validation for the "C1" cell cell.CreateValidation(ValidationType.DropDownList, true); // Adding values to DropDownList validation cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("Bachelor"); cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("Master"); cell.Validation.ValueList.Add("Doctor"); // ExEnd:AddDropDownListValidation }