string SslRequest(string url, WebProxy proxy) { AppDomain _domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); WebAsyncReq.WebAsyncReq boundary = (WebAsyncReq.WebAsyncReq) _domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap( typeof(WebAsyncReq.WebAsyncReq).Assembly.FullName, typeof(WebAsyncReq.WebAsyncReq).FullName); boundary.SetSSL = true; boundary.SetTimeOut = DefaultTimeout; object obj = boundary.Request(url, proxy); string str = null; if (obj != null) { str = obj.ToString(); } AppDomain.Unload(_domain); return(str); }
internal void AsyncScrape(object obj) { try { try { if (aborted) { throw new Exception(); } object[] context = obj as object[]; string url = context[0] as string; Identifier = (int)context[1]; check = (bool)context[2]; Index = (int)context[3]; WebProxy proxy = null; if (check) { try { string ip = Regex.Split(context[0].ToString(), ":")[0]; string port = Regex.Split(context[0].ToString(), ":")[1]; urlproxy = ip; proxy = new WebProxy(ip, Int32.Parse(port)); url = ""; } catch (Exception) { // proxy = null; Parent.SetDone(); Parent.WorkingThreads = 0; Parent.DoneThreads = 1; Parent.SetBar(false); return; } } else { urlproxy = url; } if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) { Parent.SetDone(); Parent.WorkingThreads = 0; Parent.DoneThreads = 1; Parent.SetBar(false); return; } string result = null; Stopwatch speed = new Stopwatch(); speed.Start(); req = new WebAsyncReq.WebAsyncReq(); req.SetSSL = false; req.SetTimeOut = DefaultTimeout; object objc = req.Request(url, proxy); if (objc != null) { result = objc.ToString(); } speed.Stop(); if (result != null && !result.Trim().Equals(string.Empty)) { if (!check) { Parent.SetGoodList(); HashSet <string> list = new HashSet <string>(); Helper.ExtractIpPort(result, ref list); if (list != null) { if (list.Count > 0) { System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem[] _item = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem[list.Count]; var i = 0; foreach (var str in list) { _item[i] = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem(str.ToString()); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); i++; } Parent.addrangetolistview(_item);//lists); Parent.ProxyCount(_item.Length); //Thread.Sleep(100); } //list = null; } } //if test proxy and result !=null else { int type = 0; if (result.StartsWith("ok")) { try { type = int.Parse(Regex.Split(result, ":")[1]); } catch (Exception) { result = null; Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, null }); Parent.SetBadProxy(); } } else { result = null; Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, null }); Parent.SetBadProxy(); } if (result != null) { Hashtable lvobj = new Hashtable(); lvobj.Add(3, speed.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); lvobj.Add(4, type.ToString()); result = SslRequest("", proxy); if (result != null && !result.Trim().Equals(string.Empty)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(result, "googlecaptcha_files/image.jpg")) { lvobj.Add(2, "False"); lvobj.Add(1, "True"); } else { lvobj.Add(2, "True"); lvobj.Add(1, "True"); } } else { lvobj.Add(2, "False"); lvobj.Add(1, "False"); } Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, lvobj }); Parent.SetGoodProxy(); } else { Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, null }); Parent.SetBadProxy(); } } } else { if (aborted) { throw new Exception(); } if (check) { Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, null }); Parent.SetBadProxy(); } else { Parent.SetBadList(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); Debug.WriteLine("Thread Aborted"); } Parent.SetDone(); Parent.WorkingThreads = 0;//.Remove(Identifier); Parent.DoneThreads = 1; Parent.SetBar(false); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException) { } }
internal void AsyncScrape(object obj) { try { try { if (aborted) throw new Exception(); object[] context = obj as object[]; string url = context[0] as string; Identifier = (int)context[1]; check = (bool)context[2]; Index = (int)context[3]; WebProxy proxy = null; if (check) { try { string ip = Regex.Split(context[0].ToString(), ":")[0]; string port = Regex.Split(context[0].ToString(), ":")[1]; urlproxy = ip; proxy = new WebProxy(ip, Int32.Parse(port)); url = ""; } catch (Exception) { // proxy = null; Parent.SetDone(); Parent.WorkingThreads=0; Parent.DoneThreads = 1; Parent.SetBar(false); return; } } else { urlproxy = url; } if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) { Parent.SetDone(); Parent.WorkingThreads = 0; Parent.DoneThreads = 1; Parent.SetBar(false); return; } string result = null; Stopwatch speed = new Stopwatch(); speed.Start(); req = new WebAsyncReq.WebAsyncReq(); req.SetSSL = false; req.SetTimeOut = DefaultTimeout; object objc = req.Request(url,proxy); if (objc != null) { result = objc.ToString(); } speed.Stop(); if (result != null && !result.Trim().Equals(string.Empty)) { if (!check) { Parent.SetGoodList(); HashSet<string> list = new HashSet<string>(); Helper.ExtractIpPort(result,ref list); if (list != null) { if (list.Count > 0) { System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem[] _item = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem[list.Count]; var i = 0; foreach (var str in list) { _item[i] = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem(str.ToString()); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); _item[i].SubItems.Add(""); i++; } Parent.addrangetolistview(_item);//lists); Parent.ProxyCount(_item.Length); //Thread.Sleep(100); } //list = null; } } //if test proxy and result !=null else { int type = 0; if (result.StartsWith("ok")) { try { type = int.Parse(Regex.Split(result, ":")[1]); } catch (Exception) { result = null; Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, null }); Parent.SetBadProxy(); } } else { result = null; Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, null }); Parent.SetBadProxy(); } if (result != null) { Hashtable lvobj = new Hashtable(); lvobj.Add(3, speed.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); lvobj.Add(4, type.ToString()); result = SslRequest("", proxy); if (result != null && !result.Trim().Equals(string.Empty)) { if (Regex.IsMatch(result, "googlecaptcha_files/image.jpg")) { lvobj.Add(2, "False"); lvobj.Add(1, "True"); } else { lvobj.Add(2, "True"); lvobj.Add(1, "True"); } } else { lvobj.Add(2, "False"); lvobj.Add(1, "False"); } Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, lvobj }); Parent.SetGoodProxy(); } else { Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, null }); Parent.SetBadProxy(); } } } else { if (aborted) throw new Exception(); if (check) { Parent.changeListViewTexts(new object[] { Index, null }); Parent.SetBadProxy(); } else { Parent.SetBadList(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); Debug.WriteLine("Thread Aborted"); } Parent.SetDone(); Parent.WorkingThreads=0;//.Remove(Identifier); Parent.DoneThreads = 1; Parent.SetBar(false); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException) { } }