コード例 #1
ファイル: AppoinmentService.cs プロジェクト: crowster/barcbot
        /// <summary>
        /// This method get an appoinment by id
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static AppointmentGetResults GetAppointmentById(int appointmentId)
            AppointmentGetResults appoinment = new AppointmentGetResults();

                WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Appoinments _appoinmentLibray = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Appoinments();
                appoinment = _appoinmentLibray.GetAppoinment(appointmentId).AppointmentInformation;
            catch (Exception)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method create an Iform (form flow) for reschedule an appointement
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IForm <ReservationReschedule> BuildForm()
            //Instance of library for manage appoinments
            WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Appoinments appointmentLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Appoinments();
            #region On complete, process Order
            OnCompletionAsyncDelegate <ReservationReschedule> processOrder = async(context, state) =>
                    Char     delimiter        = '.';
                    string[] arrayInformation = state.processIdServiceId.Split(delimiter);
                    int      processId        = Convert.ToInt32(arrayInformation[0]);
                    int      serviceId        = Convert.ToInt32(arrayInformation[1]);

                    string[] dateInformation = state.Date.Split(delimiter);
                    string   stringDate      = dateInformation[1];
                    //stringDate = stringDate.Replace("-", " ");
                    stringDate = Utilities.Util.GetDateWithOutTime(stringDate);
                    //Here I create the new date
                    string newDate = stringDate + " " + state.Hour;
                    string newDat2 = Utilities.Util.GetDateWithCorrectPositionOfTheMonth(newDate);
                    int    result  = 0;
                        result = AppoinmentService.RescheduleAppoinment(processId, newDat2, serviceId);
                    catch (Exception)
                        result = AppoinmentService.RescheduleAppoinment(processId, newDate, serviceId);
                    AppointmentGetResults _appointment = AppoinmentService.GetAppointmentById(result);
                    await context.PostAsync($"The appointment was rescheduled, Ticket: " + _appointment.QCode + _appointment.QNumber);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await context.PostAsync(ex.Message.ToString());
            #region set language and create a container for form builder
            CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en");
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = ci;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
            var culture  = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
            var form     = new FormBuilder <ReservationReschedule>();
            var yesTerms = form.Configuration.Yes.ToList();
            var noTerms  = form.Configuration.No.ToList();
            form.Configuration.Yes = yesTerms.ToArray();
                   #region process and service ids
                   .Field(new FieldReflector <ReservationReschedule>(nameof(ReservationReschedule.processIdServiceId))
                          .SetDefine(async(state, field) =>
                //Get the actual user state of the customer
                ACFCustomer customerState = new ACFCustomer();
                int customerIdState = 0;
                customerIdState = state._customerId;
                string personalIdState = string.Empty;
                //Instance of library for manage customers
                WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Customers customerLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Customers();
                //Instance of library for manage cases
                WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Cases caseLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Cases();
                //Here we will to find the customer by customer id or personal id
                Customer customer = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerIdState.ToString()))
                    //Get the object ObjectCustomer and inside of this the object Customer
                        customer = customerLibrary.GetCustomer(customerIdState).Customer;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // throw; here we not send the exception beacuse we need to do the next method below
                //If not found by customer id , we will try to find by personal id
                    int idType = 0;
                    //Get the object ObjectCustomer and inside of this the object Customer
                        customer = customerLibrary.GetCustomerByPersonalId(personalIdState, idType).Customer;
                    catch (Exception)
                if (customer == null)
                    throw new Exception("No records found");
                    //Declaration of Calendar Get Slots Results object
                    CalendarGetSlotsResults slotToShowInformation = new CalendarGetSlotsResults();
                    //Set the parameters for get the expected appoinments
                    int customerTypeId = 0;
                    string customerTypeName = "";
                    int customerId = customer.Id;
                    DateTime startDate = DateTime.Today;
                    //here we add ten days to the startdate
                    DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(10);
                    string fromDate = startDate.ToString();
                    string toDate = endDate.ToString();
                    string typeSeriaizer = "XML";
                    //Declaration of the ocject to save the result of the GetExpectedAppoinment
                    ObjectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults = new ObjectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults();
                    objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults = customerLibrary.GetExpectedAppoinment(customerTypeId, customerTypeName, customerId, startDate, endDate, typeSeriaizer);
                    if (objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.ListCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.Count > 0)
                        foreach (CustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults listCustomer in objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.ListCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults)
                            //At first I need to find the appoinment by appoiment id, for saw the actual status
                            Appointment appointment = appointmentLibrary.GetAppoinment(listCustomer.AppointmentId).AppointmentInformation;
                            string data = appointment.AppointmentDate.ToString();
                            string processIdAndServiceId = appointment.ProcessId + "." + appointment.ServiceId + "." + Utilities.Util.GetDateWithOutTime(data);
                            .AddDescription(processIdAndServiceId, data + " | " + listCustomer.ServiceName)              //here we put the process id and the date of the appointment of this process
                            .AddTerms(processIdAndServiceId, data + " | " + listCustomer.ServiceName);
                        return await Task.FromResult(true);
                        throw new Exception("No records found");
                   #region Date
                   .Field(new FieldReflector <ReservationReschedule>(nameof(ReservationReschedule.Date))
                          .SetDefine(async(state, field) =>
                List <OTempus.Library.Class.Calendar> listCalendars;
                StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
                List <CalendarGetSlotsResults> listGetAvailablesSlots = new List <CalendarGetSlotsResults>();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(state.processIdServiceId))
                    Char delimiter = '.';
                    string[] arrayInformation = state.processIdServiceId.Split(delimiter);
                    int processId = Convert.ToInt32(arrayInformation[0]);
                    int serviceId = Convert.ToInt32(arrayInformation[1]);
                    string currentAppoinmentDate = arrayInformation[2];
                    DateTime dateFromString = DateTime.Parse(currentAppoinmentDate, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                        listCalendars = new List <OTempus.Library.Class.Calendar>();

                        listCalendars = GetCalendar(serviceId.ToString(), dateFromString);

                        if (listCalendars.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("No records found");
                            foreach (var calendar in listCalendars)
                                string data = calendar.Id + "." + calendar.CalendarDate.ToString();
                                string data1 = Utilities.Util.GetDateWithOutTime(calendar.CalendarDate.ToString());//we see this in form flow
                                .AddDescription(data, data1)
                                .AddTerms(data, data1);
                            return await Task.FromResult(true);
                        } //End else
                    }     //End try
                    catch (Exception e) { }
                return await Task.FromResult(true);
                   #region Period day
                   #region hour
                   .Field(new FieldReflector <ReservationReschedule>(nameof(ReservationReschedule.Hour))
                          .SetDefine(async(state, value) =>
                string date;
                List <OTempus.Library.Class.Calendar> listCalendars;
                List <CalendarSlot> listGetAvailablesSlots;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(state.Date) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(state.dayPeriod.ToString()) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(state.processIdServiceId))
                    Char delimiter = '.';
                    string[] arrayInformation = state.processIdServiceId.Split(delimiter);
                    int processId = Convert.ToInt32(arrayInformation[0]);
                    int serviceId = Convert.ToInt32(arrayInformation[1]);
                    string currentAppoinmentDate = arrayInformation[2];
                    DateTime dateFromString = DateTime.Parse(currentAppoinmentDate, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                    int periodDay = Convert.ToInt32(Utilities.Util.GetIntPeriodDay(state.dayPeriod.ToString()));
                    string calendarId = Utilities.Util.GetCalendarIdFromBotOption(state.Date);
                        listCalendars = new List <OTempus.Library.Class.Calendar>();
                        date = state.Date;
                        listCalendars = GetCalendar(serviceId.ToString(), dateFromString);
                        listGetAvailablesSlots = new List <CalendarSlot>();

                        StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();
                        response.Append("Not exists slots").ToString();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("Here are the error: " + ex.Message);
                    date = state.Date.ToString();
                    if (listCalendars.Count > 0)
                        listGetAvailablesSlots = AppoinmentService.GetSlotsByPeriod(Convert.ToInt32(calendarId), periodDay.ToString(), 0.ToString());
                        if (listGetAvailablesSlots.Count > 0)
                            int cont = 0;
                            foreach (OTempus.Library.Class.CalendarSlot calendarSlots in listGetAvailablesSlots)
                                if (calendarSlots.Status.ToString() == "Vacant")
                                    string data = calendarSlots.StartTime.ToString();
                                    DateTime date1 = DateTime.Today;
                                    date1 = date1.AddMinutes(calendarSlots.StartTime);
                                    string data1 = date1.ToShortTimeString();
                                    //string data1 = string.Format("{0:hh:mm-tt}", date1);
                                    //assign the calendar id
                                    .AddDescription(data1, data1)
                                    .AddTerms(data1, data1);
                            return await Task.FromResult(true);
                            throw new Exception("No records found");
                        throw new Exception("No records found");
                return await Task.FromResult(false);
                   .Field(new FieldReflector <ReservationReschedule>(nameof(ReservationReschedule._customerId)).SetActive(InactiveField))

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creation of the IForm(Form flow for cancel an appointment)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IForm <CancelForm> BuildForm()
            OnCompletionAsyncDelegate <CancelForm> processOrder = async(context, state) =>
                //Get the actual user state of the customer
                ACFCustomer customerState = new ACFCustomer();
                    if (!context.UserData.TryGetValue <ACFCustomer>("customerState", out customerState))
                        customerState = new ACFCustomer();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Not exists a user session");
                int customerIdState = 0;
                customerIdState = customerState.CustomerId;
                string personalIdState = string.Empty;
                personalIdState = customerState.PersonaId;

                //Instance of library for manage customers
                WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Customers customerLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Customers();
                //Instance of library for manage appoinments
                WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Appoinments appointmentLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Appoinments();
                //Instance of library for manage cases
                WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Cases caseLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Cases();
                //Here we will to find the customer by customer id or personal id
                Customer customer = null;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customerIdState.ToString()))
                    //Get the object ObjectCustomer and inside of this the object Customer
                        customer = customerLibrary.GetCustomer(customerIdState).Customer;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // throw; here we not send the exception beacuse we need to do the next method below
                //If not found by customer id , we will try to find by personal id
                    int idType = 0;
                    //GEt the object ObjectCustomer and inside of this the object Customer
                        customer = customerLibrary.GetCustomerByPersonalId(personalIdState, idType).Customer;
                    catch (Exception)

                if (customer == null)
                    await context.PostAsync($"The user is not valid");
                    //Declaration of Calendar Get Slots Results oobject
                    CalendarGetSlotsResults slotToShowInformation = new CalendarGetSlotsResults();
                    //Set the parameters for get the expected appoinments
                    int    customerTypeId   = 0;
                    string customerTypeName = "";
                    int    customerId       = customer.Id;
                    //This variables are in hard code because...
                    string fromDate = "09/21/2017 ";
                    string toDate   = "10/21/2018 ";

                    //DateTime fromDate = DateTime.Today;
                    //DateTime toDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(5);
                    string typeSeriaizer = "XML";
                    //get the appoinment id fore filter in the below results
                    int appoinmentId = state.appoinmentId;

                    //At first I need to find the appoinment by appoiment id, for saw the actual status
                    Appointment appoinment = appointmentLibrary.GetAppoinment(appoinmentId).AppointmentInformation;

                    //Get the case for get the status of the appoinment (check for more information QFlow documentation)
                    // Case cases= caseLibrary.GetCase(customerId).CaseList;
                    //Declare the object for keept the value of the appoinment find it
                    CustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults customerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults = new CustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults();
                    //Declaration of the ocject to save the result of the GetExpectedAppoinment
                    ObjectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults = new ObjectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults();
                    objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults = customerLibrary.GetExpectedAppoinment(customerTypeId, customerTypeName, customerId, fromDate, toDate, typeSeriaizer);
                    foreach (CustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults listCustomer in objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.ListCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults)
                        if (listCustomer.AppointmentId.Equals(appoinmentId))
                            customerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.CaseId              = listCustomer.CaseId;
                            customerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.ProcessId           = listCustomer.ProcessId;
                            customerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.ServiceId           = listCustomer.ServiceId;
                            customerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.AppointmentTypeId   = listCustomer.AppointmentTypeId;
                            customerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.AppointmentTypeName = listCustomer.AppointmentTypeName;
                        //Maybe we not found the appoiment that we want, because when pass a short time, a job of sql is in charge to change the status of the appoinments
                        //it means , by default the state is in expected but when pass determinate time, it can change to absent for example
                        //So the recomendation is find the appointment by id and administrate the error

                    //Then when we have our object , we can cancel the appoinment because we have his process id

                    if (customerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.ProcessId > 0)
                                                            0, 0, 0, "notes", false, 0, 0
                    // in other hand we can't find the record, so we will send the appropiate message
                        await context.PostAsync($"I don't found a record with appoinment Id: \n*" + state.appoinmentId);
            CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en");

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = ci;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
            var culture  = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
            var form     = new FormBuilder <CancelForm>();
            var yesTerms = form.Configuration.Yes.ToList();
            var noTerms  = form.Configuration.No.ToList();

            form.Configuration.Yes = yesTerms.ToArray();

            return(form.Message("Fill the information for cancel the appoinment, please")
                   .Confirm("Are you selected:  " +
                            "\n* appoinmentId: {appoinmentId}: ? \n" +
                   .Message("The process for cancel the appoinment has been started!")
コード例 #4
        public static IForm <ReservationStatus> BuildForm()
            //Instance of library for manage appoinments
            WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Appoinments       appointmentLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Appoinments();
            OnCompletionAsyncDelegate <ReservationStatus> processOrder       = async(context, state) =>
                //Get the appoinment by appoinment id
                AppointmentGetResults _appointment = AppoinmentService.GetAppointmentById(Convert.ToInt32(state.appointmentId));

                if (_appointment != null)
                    await context.PostAsync($"Appointment Details:" +
                                            " \n* Ticket: " + _appointment.QCode + _appointment.QNumber +
                                            " \n* Service name: " + _appointment.ServiceName +
                                            " \n* Appointment date: " + _appointment.AppointmentDate

                // in other hand we can't find the record, so we will send the appropiate message
                    await context.PostAsync($"I don't found record with the appointment id: \n* " + state.appointmentId);
            CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en");

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture   = ci;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
            var culture  = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
            var form     = new FormBuilder <ReservationStatus>();
            var yesTerms = form.Configuration.Yes.ToList();
            var noTerms  = form.Configuration.No.ToList();

            form.Configuration.Yes = yesTerms.ToArray();
                   .Field(new FieldReflector <ReservationStatus>(nameof(ReservationStatus.appointmentId))
                          .SetDefine(async(state, field) =>
                //Get the actual user state of the customer
                ACFCustomer customerState = new ACFCustomer();

                int customerIdState = 0;
                //customerIdState = customerState.CustomerId;
                customerIdState = state._customerId;

                string personalIdState = string.Empty;
                //Instance of library for manage customers
                WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Customers customerLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Customers();

                //Instance of library for manage cases
                WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Cases caseLibrary = new WebAppoinmentsClientLibrary.Cases();
                //Here we will to find the customer by customer id or personal id
                Customer customer = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerIdState.ToString()))
                    //Get the object ObjectCustomer and inside of this the object Customer
                        customer = customerLibrary.GetCustomer(customerIdState).Customer;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // throw; here we not send the exception beacuse we need to do the next method below
                //If not found by customer id , we will try to find by personal id
                    int idType = 0;
                    //Get the object ObjectCustomer and inside of this the object Customer
                        customer = customerLibrary.GetCustomerByPersonalId(personalIdState, idType).Customer;
                    catch (Exception)

                if (customer == null)
                    throw new Exception("No records found");
                    //Declaration of Calendar Get Slots Results object
                    CalendarGetSlotsResults slotToShowInformation = new CalendarGetSlotsResults();
                    //Set the parameters for get the expected appoinments
                    int customerTypeId = 0;
                    string customerTypeName = "";
                    int customerId = customer.Id;
                    DateTime startDate = DateTime.Today;
                    //here we add ten days to the startdate
                    DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(10);
                    string fromDate = startDate.ToString();
                    string toDate = endDate.ToString();
                    string typeSeriaizer = "XML";

                    //Declaration of the ocject to save the result of the GetExpectedAppoinment
                    ObjectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults = new ObjectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults();
                    objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults = customerLibrary.GetExpectedAppoinment(customerTypeId, customerTypeName, customerId, startDate, endDate, typeSeriaizer);
                    if (objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.ListCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.Count > 0)
                        foreach (CustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults listCustomer in objectCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults.ListCustomerGetExpectedAppointmentsResults)
                            //At first I need to find the appoinment by appoiment id, for saw the actual status
                            Appointment appointment = appointmentLibrary.GetAppoinment(listCustomer.AppointmentId).AppointmentInformation;
                            //string data = appointment.AppointmentDate.ToString();
                            string data = string.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy-hh:mmtt}", appointment.AppointmentDate);

                            .AddDescription(listCustomer.AppointmentId.ToString(), data + "|" + listCustomer.ServiceName)                  //here we put the process id and the date of the appointment of this process
                            .AddTerms(listCustomer.AppointmentId.ToString(), data + "|" + listCustomer.ServiceName);
                        return await Task.FromResult(true);
                        await ReservationCancel.context.PostAsync($"No records found");
                        throw new Exception("No records found");
                   .Field(new FieldReflector <ReservationStatus>(nameof(ReservationStatus._customerId)).SetActive(InactiveField))